Ultimate Campaign Art Preview!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The release of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign is getting ever closer. Whether it's kingdom-building or leading an army, starting a business or crafting magic items, Ultimate Campaign is for all of the adventures that take place outside of the dungeon. The pages of the newest Pathfinder Roleplaying Game hardcover provide all kinds of useful information for your campaign, but many fantastic illustrations are contained within! Check some of them out!

Being a ruler has many responsibilities, but also many rewards.

Eidolons and other companion creatures are more fun when treated as a separate character rather than an obedient stat block.

Retraining rules allow you to replace a feat, change an ability score increase, or improve your hit points.

The quest to find a missing family member is a driving force for many heroes.

The section on marriage talks about how a spouse (or any relationship) can be an ally or an adversary.
Illustrations by Sam Burley, Eric Belisle, Lydia Schuchmann, and Maichol Quinto

Kingdom-building rules allow PCs to control their own country—or be the power behind the throne.

Followers, apprentices, and similar companions can be positive or negative plot hooks for a PC.

A character's lineage is a chain of characters linking a PC to the history of the campaign setting.
Illustrations by Denman Rooke, Jim Nelson, and Grafit Studio

Ultimate Campaign releases this May, preorder your copy today!

Sarah Robinson
Senior Art Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Amiri Barbarians Denman Rooke Eidolons Eric Belisle Ezren Fighters Grafit Studio Jim Nelson Lydia Schuchmann Maichol Quinto Monks Paladins Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Sam Burley Seelah Seoni Sorcerers Valeros Wizards
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Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

I guess it got removed when some of the text ran long. :/

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

And the quest to find a missing family member continues...

Silver Crusade

Maybe we'll see her make it into another book?*

Hey, at least she made it to the blog! We might not have gotten to finally see Sajan's sister if not for that chance art selection. :)

It does make one wonder though. How much awesome art never gets seen because of space concerns, hidden away until a future blog post liberates them? ;)

*Like Azure_Zero said, it does seem fitting for Quests and Campaigns. And if not that book, that proposed art book of Alain getting kicked in the crotch by various Iconics and NPCs** sounds like a good place to make her debut.

**Just handing these ideas out!

TheAntiElite wrote:
Why is this not in convenient document format waiting for me to read?

I'll probably have to try and make this happen eventually.

Paizo Employee Developer

Mikaze wrote:
It does make one wonder though. How much awesome art never gets seen because of space concerns, hidden away until a future blog post liberates them? ;)

We lose more words to art than art to words.

Also, art is more expensive so we don't have the habit of wasting resources like that by letting them sit around too long. In the last few months I lost a monster due to space, but I'm sitting on it waiting to find the best place to plug it back in. Soon.


Silver Crusade

Yikes. I don't envy you folks having to make the decisions on what has to be cut. It sounds like picking your favorite children sometimes.

hope we see that monster soon as well!

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