Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Gang's (Almost) All Here!

Friday, January 25, 2013

The brand-new Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures officially released on Wednesday of this week, and reactions from those lucky enough to have received them already have been very positive!

Speaking personally for a moment, I always love that tipping point where all of the hard work we've put into a Pathfinder Battles set finally gets shared for real with you guys, so that you can see exactly what we've been so excited about week after week here at Paizo, as we work with WizKids to make Pathfinder Battles the coolest line of prepainted plastic gaming figures available. Hearing your comments (and your criticisms, too!) makes us feel like all that hard work was really worth it, and the back-and-forth definitely makes each Pathfinder Battles release even stronger than its predecessors. I can't thank you enough for the interest and support you've shown our line since the very first day we announced it.

You guys are awesome!

Here at Paizo HQ, we've been crazy busy finishing up Ultimate Campaign so it can go to the printer in a couple of weeks, launching the Reign of Winter Adventure Path, finalizing Visions of WAR: The Art of Wayne Reynolds, designing and finalizing the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, and hatching schemes for 2014 and beyond.

All of that effort has put a huge burden on our art department, who are trying like mad to stay on top of all of our projects as we catch up from the holiday break and ramp up to make sure all of our big summer releases come out on schedule.

That means that while I'd intended to celebrate the release of the hattered Star set with a complete reveal of high-quality photos of every figure that previously had to settle for iPhone shots taken at my desk, in fact it's taking the art team longer than anticipated to clean up all of the images, and I won't be able to show off all of them just yet.

I think we'll simply plug the photos missing after this blog into each figure's individual product page, rather than making a big to-do out of it here in the Friday preview. This space is better used for revealing cool, exciting figures you don't already own, after all, so I only want to stretch this out as long as necessary.

(At this point I should also add that the art team is ALSO cleaning up and finalizing photos of some brand new figures from an upcoming release we have not yet announced, so next week we're ready for some awesome new reveals anyway.)

But before that happens, let's take a final look at some of the Shattered Star figures you've probably only seen sitting on my desk, in early computer render form, or under some other less-than-optimal condition. (Assuming you're not currently holding them in your hand, of course.)

Here we have Koriah Azmeren, complete with a cool glowing sword just like in the Wayne Reynolds image that inspired her. Koriah has been around Pathfinder for a long time, first appearing as an author of the Pathfinder Chronicles in Into the Darklands, an early Pathfinder product written by our own James Jacobs. She's an amazing figure, from the sculpt to the paint details, and we absolutely love her. Koriah is rare figure.

Next up is Xin, the legendary founder of Thassilon, precursor to the dreaded Runelords! This guy has been lurking around Varisia for more than 10,000 years, and when the PCs finally catch up with him I think it's fair to say he probably looks rather different than this, his "original" appearance (for how he looks today, see another figure in this set, though spoilers prevent me from saying which one!). This is one of those figures that works great as a specific NPC as well as a stand-in for just about any kind of diabolical high-level wizard you need to throw at your player characters. Xin is a rare figure.

Speaking of the insidious Runelords, up next we have Runelord Sorshen, who makes a surprising appearance in the Shattered Star Adventure Path. When combined with Runelord Karzoug, we've now released two of the seven Runelords, covering the sins of greed and lust. Perhaps future Pathfinder Battles releases will allow you to complete the set! Runelord Sorshen is a rare figure.

Most of you likely recognize our next figure, the lovable Lem, Halfling Bard! Lem is our "iconic" bard, and has appeared in Pathfinder products ever since he graced the covers of Curse of the Crimson Throne, our second-ever Pathfinder Adventure Path! (As a bit of trivia, Lem gets his name from Lemmy, the lead singer of the heavy metal band Motörhead, on account of their similar sideburns.) Lem is a rare figure.

Here's another figure with roots that go back to Curse of the Crimson Throne. That campaign introduced the Gray Maidens, an all-female order of knights from the city of Korvosa. Eva Widerman's original armor concept for these warriors was so cool we put it on the back cover of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. When it came time to revisit certain Varisian themes in the Shattered Star Adventure Path, we knew we wanted to revisit this iconic group. Here we have Oriana, a Gray Maiden Commander, with Eva's original costume design filtered through Wayne Reynolds. We think this rare figure looks awesome!

Let's move on to some monsters, shall we? Here we have the Medium Air Elemental, a common figure cast in clear plastic and touched up with some white highlights. Getting the colors right on this guy took several rounds of approvals, but I'm pleased with how he finally turned out. It's always been a major goal of mine to produce elementals at all the sizes in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, and the Shattered Star set covers us for Medium and Large versions of the core four elemental types.

Speaking of which, the set also includes this Large Air Elemental, who frankly pushes the boundaries of a Large figure and starts hedging into quasi-Huge territory. An actual Huge will have to wait for a future set (as will the Smalls), but as I said above, Shattered Star certainly sets us off on a great start.

Last up this week we've got the enormous Troll Champion, which is one of my favorite figures in the entire set. This guy REALLY pushes the limit of a Large figure, and he absolutely is as large as we envision trolls ever getting. Yes, he towers over even some giants we've already released, but this guy is a CHAMPION. An upcoming set will feature another type of troll that's more in line with what we consider a "regular" troll to be, size-wise. Our original Troll, in Heroes & Monsters, was a bit too small. This guy is a bit too large (on purpose, because he's so awesome). More trolls soon!

And that's it! By my count that leaves four figures remaining for high-quality photos (the Grub Swarm, Glass Golem, Natalya Vancaskerkin, and Sheila Heidmarch). We'll sneak them onto their respective singles pages later this week, clearing the docket for something genuinely new next week.

Until then, I hope you enjoy opening and admiring your new Shattered Star figures as much as we've enjoyed creating them for you!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star
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Mine arrived all secure and snug in their packaging.

There's clearly been an issue, it just seems strange to me - its like you guys are talking about a completely different product.

I'm in the St. Louis area, and the only problems I had before this were a Yeti and Tsuto popping off their bases. This time the damage was all broken plastic. Maybe I got a case that fell off the top of the palette this time? Who knows? I have received all my cases from the same re-seller using the same shipping method. Anyways, I don't want this to become an excercise in forcing minis to all look like little bricks so that they transport well. I like the intricate detail of the spiders and exotic weaponry. And I like the big honking elementals too. Wizkids just needs to put a little more effort into packaging these things. Paizo and Wizkids have a winning product here, they just need to prevent delivery from destroying the line. And, for marketing's sake, keep words like fractured, broken and destroyed out of the next set's name! :)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Berk the Black wrote:
... and lastly a Warrior Troll had his blade broken.

Holy cow. That must have taken a lot of abuse. That blade is heavy and bendy. What the heck could have caused it to break?

Good question. The case came sealed in the original Wizkids packaging, and didn't have any signs of abuse. But it must have had a pretty sharp shock. I was wondering how there were so many loose minis, after the amount of effort it took me to get the rest out of the packaging.

This is the first set we've had that had damaged minis in it. Our H&M and RotRL sets were fine. In SS we had 1 of 2 spiders with a broken front leg (it was not loose in its box), and 1 of 2 mite on spiders with a broken front leg. We also had 1 of the 2 night hags who had a really bad time. She was broken off her base (pegs still intact on her feet) and a broken arm. On the other hand, what a beautiful set of miniatures!

As to the loose dragon, the glue set up good and she's set to go.

Loose minis: We did have a lot of loose miniatures as well in the package. There were also a fair number of the minis I had trouble removing out of the plastic.

Yeah, I had broken minis in both of my cases (luckily no Blues were broken though). I think that Paizo needs to use twist ties on ALL the large miniatures, not just some. All my broken minis came from larges that weren't twist-tied into place.
And yes, I know those aren't foolproof. I had one or two Large elementals wedge themselves out of the twist ties. But I think it's a better alternative to what we've got now.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

We will be forwarding everyone's suggestions to WizKids with an eye toward reducing breakage in future sets. Thanks again for the field reports, and for your support for the line!

The Exchange

Erik, I just wanted to report to you that I finally got my case, and I was scared for my life because it seemed everyone was getting broken figs and I knew I was going to suffer the same fate. I live in Texas and my case went from Washington, to Oregon, then to Colorado and finally made it into Texas. Not a single figure was broken, but over half the case figures were on top of each other in their trays. I considered myself as one of the lucky ones.

I must say in person, words can't describe how awesome this set looks.
I am very impressed and will buy each and every set.

Thanks again for an awesome product.


I was lucky as well. Not a single broken figure.

However all three hill giants as well as two Iron Golems were loose and rattling around. In some of those cases the smaller minis had also broken loose. I guess I was blessed they did not break anything.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

I have now discussed this issue with WizKids and I'm confident that several steps will be taken to improve packaging for future Pathfinder Battles releases. Thanks for the feedback.

I’m really, really glad WizKids is going to go down the better packaging route, than changing the chemical make-up of the minis, Erik.

With the miniatures being more brittle does play a role in them breaking, I like how they are designed, especially with the actual flat bases. You never had issues with miniatures popping off with DDM, but then with the larger sized minis the bases would actually warp, which was annoying. I love that the miniatures actually sit flat with Pathfinder Battles.

And never mind the fact the sculpts and paint jobs on PB are far superior, as well. :)

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
I have now discussed this issue with WizKids and I'm confident that several steps will be taken to improve packaging for future Pathfinder Battles releases. Thanks for the feedback.

Can I request that the solution goes beyond packaging, but also includes the actual design of the minis? Right now, it seems that design trumps practicality when it comes to miniature function and durability.

While I’m blown away by the beauty of Pathfinder minis, I don’t have the same confidence in them. With my D&D minis, I know that I can grab the minis I want for a game, throw them into the compartments of my mobile storage box, and know that they’ll come back from the game in perfect condition.

However, with many Pathfinder minis, I don’t even trust to store them here at home. In two instances, I’ve had parts of the minis disintegrate as I tenderly removed them from the packaging: the tongue off the Skinsaw Man, and the leg off Shriezyx. This tells me the issue isn’t just packaging. I’ve now had broken minis in every case I’ve purchased (7 broken minis total, including the Gargantuan Blue) – and my experience makes me very nervous to actually use them.

I’d also be very curious to hear what practical storage solutions others have with these fragile minis (I don’t consider foamed compartment boxes to be practical – I’ve got several thousand minis when I combine my PF and D&D collection, so economy of storage space is important!)

Dark Archive

Yeah I agree with Rokeca 100%. We game at game stores and so we use tackle boxes and such for our miniatures, know one buddy who keeps em in ziplock bags and in box. At least in my gaming crew the guy who is possibly interested in the miniatures is worried about how to carry them too.

Silver Crusade

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Don't let the haters sway you, Erik! Bring on the Lovecraft! I can't wait to get my hands on that shiny gug, and I have a small army of denizens of Leng in my collection already. >: )

I not that i dislike Lovecraft, its just the opposite, I love love them but poor figures are not much better than none... Also I know that this set is not a continuation of the woc sets. Would it be so bad to look into what was done prior art? They have made better figure in the hero click line...

I'm not a hater, but anyone who dislikes anything is so labelled. I like many of the figures, but given the vast number made by many companies a complete look at what is out there might help...

You can start the hate again...

Erik Mona wrote:

What did you pay for your Colossal red?

I want to get a permanent record, here. ;)

I payed 89.99. I'd easily pay 180$ for a gargantuan green if there was no other way to get one. Heck, I thought of commissioning an artist to craft one for me, and that's an order of magnitude more than 200$. I love my collection, but that Large-size green dragon mini among the Gargantuan-sized minis, just sitting there and starting at me for 7-8 years is driving me a little batty. I took a picture of him once, enlarged it, and made a cardboard cutout, but it just wasn't the same. This will eventually lead to some sort of insanity where I do commission one myself and sell copies of it online for a mint to other people driven to near as great a madness as myself by cruel miniature game designers. (Most of this is tongue and cheek, btw! I would love to see one though! Keep up the excellent work.)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

My subscription case just came. Field report is as follows.

Several breaks including (all easily fixed with super glue):

Gargantuan Blue Dragon: One foot detached from pedestal.
Caedimus: Feet detached from pedestal. Missing entire right forearm.
Runelord Sorshen: Right foot detached from pedestal.

I'm also missing 5 miniatures out of the set: Lem, Gray Maiden Commander, Mesmalatu, Dullahani, and the Large Earth Elemental.

It's pretty disappointing as some of these were some of the cooler ones in the set. I was looking forward to having a headless horseman type miniature as well as a set of large elementals.

I don't know if I'd rather order another case in the hopes that I can't be THAT unlucky or unsubscribe out of bitterness. Yes, I know it's only an effective guarantee that you get a complete set. But still...

This is the first time I've ever been disappointed by a Paizo product. I'm not sure how to deal with that.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Missing out on that many rares, it sounds like one of the bricks in your case was swapped for another (either during original packaging, or along the line somewhere).

Did you at least get duplicates of 4-5 other rares?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Rares are #'s 38-54 right?

Here's my rare breakdown:

38. Lem 0
39. Amiri 2
40. Ardathanatus 2
41. Koriah Azmeren 1
42. Natalya Vancaskerkin 1
43. Xin 1
44. Gray Maiden Commander 0
45. Runelord Sorshen 1
46. Sheila Heidmarch 1
47. Mesmalatu 0
48. Alchemical Golem 1
49. Clockwork Reliquary 1
50. Dullahni 0
51. Large Air Elemental 2
52. Large Earth Elemental 0
53. Large Fire Elemental 1
54. Large Water Elemetal 1

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Yeah, that's them. I saw your case count in the other thread. Your counts are way wonky. 7 mites, 7 of one med elemental and 1 of another.

Something got shuffled around at the factory it seems.

I got pretty standard numbers in both my cases. So many rares missing in yours!
Oh well, you did get a few doubles of some cool ones. At least that's a bonus.

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