Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Small Update

Friday, May 11, 2012

We're getting to deep into the previews for the Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles set that I've almost run out of pictures to show you! A handful of minis remain yet to be revealed, but I'm pleased to report that some of them are among the coolest in the set!

Today I'd like to show off two Small miniatures from the set that leave a very big impression.

Up first is the dreaded Kobold Champion! This lizard-like warrior woman might look a bit like a rank-and-file kobold, but she's in fact encountered late in the campaign, and boy does she ever pack a surprising punch! Although the Rise of the Runelords campaign contains only one Kobold Champion, we decided to slot this figure in the common rarity, reasoning that game masters can always use more well-sculpted kobolds to swarm over their players at any level!

It's probably a bit difficult to tell from the small photos here, but this figure has a remarkable number of paint steps for both a common miniature and a Small miniature, making her really stand out despite her diminutive size. From the paint gradient on her legs and tail to the bright blue tongue, this is one of several minis in the set where I think to myself "I can't believe this awesome mini is a common!"

Up next is the Redcap, a fey menace from real-world mythology with a long history in fantasy gaming. To my knowledge, no Redcap has previously appeared as a prepainted plastic miniature, which makes it a great addition to the Rise of the Runelords set. This little guy comes with the appropriate metal boots, oversized scythe, and the eponymous red cap. As fitting the Redcaps' role in the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path Anniversary Edition campaign, we've slotted the Redcap in as a common, so you can easily collect a bunch of them.

That's it for this week's preview. The set contains at least two more size-Small figures, as well as a few more exciting surprises.

There's lots of great stuff yet to come! Enjoy the weekend, and don't forget to get in some gaming!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

Awesome Kobold and redcap!!!!!

Both are winners! I especially like the size of the scythe the redcap is hauling around! That's a small man with big aspirations!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That is by far the best-looking Kobold-miniature I've ever seen. Can't wait to get my hands on it. :-)

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Wow... nice to see more good small minis. I love the kobold!

This set looks to be a bit better quality than the first set!

There was a redcap in the Dreamblade Miniatures game (Bloodthirsty Redcap, Base Set #78) as well and with re-basing it's pretty close to scale with the pathfinder redcap. (Actually it is a little large, but not too much so, however its axe is waaaaaay oversized for Pathfinder.)

That said, I cannot wait to get a fist full of both of these.

Damn it. And i'm running the parts for CoT with redcaps in like 2 weeks. Would have been handy. Now I'll have to get some to set on my shelf and wonder what could have been...

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Huh. Interesting. The Dreamblade redcap also has bare feet, which is a bit weird.

Leo_Negri wrote:
There was a redcap in the Dreamblade Miniatures game (Bloodthirsty Redcap, Base Set #78) as well and with re-basing it's pretty close to scale with the pathfinder redcap. (Actually it is a little large, but not too much so, however its axe is waaaaaay oversized for Pathfinder.).

It was also difficult and expensive to get a hold of. I'll be very happy to get a bunch of the Pathfinder Redcaps.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Redcaps = awesome!

Erik Mona wrote:

Huh. Interesting. The Dreamblade redcap also has bare feet, which is a bit weird.

Not really, the iron boots are primarily found in the stories from the Cornish region (same home as the Jack-in-Irons legend), you don't find mention of them in too many other redcap tales.

Grand Lodge

Very sweet little preview. Both are truly winners.



Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Fan-bloody-tastic! These two minis are magnificent, and they are small! Hard to judge scale in these previews, but both look slightly smaller than the goblins; at that size the details are remarkable.

Kobold: Alround goodeness - love the blue tongue, love the pose, love the colour. A real winner. I really hope we get more in later sets - especially if they maintain this standard, of course a common champion may make the hordes look a little martial.

Redcap: All I can say is thank you wizkids/paizo. I have a couple of the (very expensive) dreamblade redcaps but could never get enough of what are my favourite evil fey. And, as noted, the dreamblade one has not boots - a fact that dissapointed me all these years since I've trained my players fear the the little iron boots, and the head kick of certain D-O-O-O-O-O-M! Once again the pose is great, the colours are great, just need to see him in hand to get a better look at the face and scale.

I've been collecting minis since harbinger and this set just continues to shape up as the best I've seen, Well done to you guys.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cat-thulhu wrote:

Kobold: Alround goodeness - love the blue tongue, love the pose, love the colour. A real winner. I really hope we get more in later sets - especially if they maintain this standard, of course a common champion may make the hordes look a little martial.

I agree. In my opinion, this would be a good candidate for an encounter pack repaint too.

Liberty's Edge

Awesome! too bad we have to wait till August!!


Grand Lodge

These are both very nice minis. I especially like the way the kobold looks like it is using it's tail for balance, similar to the velociraptors in Jurassic Park.

I'm also intrigued by the redcap; it has a very menacing pose.

It looks like these minis both have smaller bases that are glued to the actual small sized base. If it's easy to separate the two bases, the redcap could easily fill in for any number of tiny fey baddies, especially if you modified the weapon a bit.

I can't wait for this set!


Fortress of the Stone Giants:
Might this be a representation of the dreaded Kobold Barbarian that lurks near the Redcap tunnels? I nearly killed a Dwarven Ranger with that little bugger (since we were playing APG Beta, and some of the earlier Rage powers were a bit nastier than they are now) I hope he remains nasty in the revised edition

I love the overall paint job on him, especially his face. Great mini!
Redcap- Yeah! A much needed miniature niche! Not just for RotR, but also for Kingmaker as a wandering ecounter and for
Council of Thieves
. I remember how terrified my players were fighting the little murderers on their own turf in RotRL. These guys make for a much better proxy than what I've had to do to represent them(taking Llothbound Goblins and painting their hats red).

Paizo, you friggin' rule! Way to see the niche for kick-ass miniatures and make a whole line that now only compliments the AP but brings forth a host of new critters that have been lacking. I am getting more excited about this set with each preview...

Sovereign Court

Redcap looks awesome!
That's the stuff that gets me jazzed about Pathfinder Battles sets - the creatures that haven't been realized in miniature form yet. I can't wait to get the collection.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Great minis. Too bad the kobold is missing his necklace though (or am I just not seeing it in the pic?)

I agree. Very good minis. Especially the kobold is one of the better ones I saw. Keep on making those fine minis. I bought over 200 from your last set which quality is also great. (only the troll and the chimera are a little bit too small - maybe I use them as teen monsters or so)

Among your greatest minis are the goblins. OTOH I had already those from Games Workshop which look quite different. So I had to create 2 different races of gobbos in my rpg world. The Bignoses (the warhammer gobbo) and the Roundnoses (the paizo gobbo). :)

Keep the Kobolds comIng, even if it is only one per set. You typically need like a ka-jillion of them for decent encounters.

Rakshaka wrote:
Might this be a representation of the dreaded Kobold Barbarian that lurks near the Redcap tunnels? I nearly killed a Dwarven Ranger with that little bugger (since we were playing APG Beta, and some of the earlier Rage powers were a bit nastier than they are now) I hope he remains nasty in the revised edition

Don't let her hear that - or she'll go after you.

But yeah: more Kobolds (screw the Goblins!) and Redcap madness!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

For me, this preview is all about that kobold! That thing is crazy detailed.

Dhampir984 wrote:
For me, this preview is all about that kobold! That thing is crazy detailed.

Strangely, for me the preview is all about the redcap! I love the kobold, but I do have a bunch which in a crunch I could use. However, besides my 1 Dreamblade Redcap which goes for $25+ I could have never run a gang of these little buggers at my pc's!

Very nice.

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