Brian E. Harris Goblin Squad Member |
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
DeciusBrutus Goblinworks Executive Founder |
Alan_Beven Goblin Squad Member |
kryvnus Goblinworks Executive Founder |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
They're trying to raise $50k to create a demo so that they can get hundreds of thousands to a couple million to make the full game. This is america, you have to spend money to make money.
The kickstarter will do more than just fund the demo project though. It proves to the investors and talent that Paizo, Goblinworks and the community are prepared to pour their resources into ensuring this endeavor is successful and lucrative.
Wyldwabyt Goblin Squad Member |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Fully intend to back this project once I discuss it with the wife...
Because I have not yet backed this project I cannot comment at kickstarter but will instead do it here. It would be nice to see some of the rewards directed more toward the game. If say an individual were to donate 250-500 bucks they would have a lifetime subscription. Or at the very least a free copy of the game when released or 1-2 years as a subscriber.
Just food for thought...
lastblacknight Goblinworks Founder |
Brian E. Harris Goblin Squad Member |
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Fully intend to back this project once I discuss it with the wife...
Because I have not yet backed this project I cannot comment at kickstarter but will instead do it here. It would be nice to see some of the rewards directed more toward the game. If say an individual were to donate 250-500 bucks they would have a lifetime subscription. Or at the very least a free copy of the game when released or 1-2 years as a subscriber.
Just food for thought...
We don't want to promise in-game rewards for the Technology Demo kickstarter, but we will certainly consider those sorts of things if we come back to the community for the full game!
Buzzo Goblin Squad Member |
Lisa Stevens CEO |
damnitall22 Goblin Squad Member |
Mbando Goblin Squad Member |
Ryan Dancey Goblin Squad Member |
Deane Beman Goblin Squad Member |
Marou_ |
I'll be honest. This is a bit of a let down. I was hoping for a single player game (like NWN) but instead we get a game like D&D: Online.
Actually, this is sort of as far as you can get from DDO while still being an MMO. DDO is a lobby based theme park, and this is a huge open world sandbox.
Marc Vanderbrink |
I'm surprised at the growth on this project - it goes to show that the community at large that makes up the base of Paizo's pathfinder franchise is more than willing to put its money where its collective mouth is. Not that spending money on books, accessories, and attending paizo con and the like isn't proof enough of that, but honestly - it's nice to see the community come together over something like this. As of this posting just about 16k in funding has been accrued.
Narl Goblin Squad Member |
Zahariel Goblin Squad Member |
I have a simple question. I live in Brazil, but I want to be part of the Goblin Squad and naturally play Pathfinder Online. My distance will be a problem?
I was worried about this too, but I asked in the Kickstarter page and they said it's not an issue for them. As for Kickstarter itself, I have backed projects before and they accept non-US credit cards.
And since Paizo ships my subscriptions every month, I know shipping isn't a problem either.
Ryan. Costello Goblin Squad Member |
Ryan Dancey Goblin Squad Member |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
I really want to do a Mac version. I'm all Mac, all the time at home. I'm a total Apple fanboi.
The critical path runs through the middleware. There are no good cross-platform options that do Mac well yet. The software we're planning to use does not yet have a Mac client.
On the other hand, it's more likely that one will be available by the time the game is ready to ship than it has been in the past. Apple's successes make it easier to justify spending money on Mac development.
There's also always the option of doing something like the EVE port using WINE, CIDER, and support from a company like Transgaming.
So it's not a question of will, or a question of interest. It's just a technical question of "if it's possible, we'll do it".
Ryan Dancey Goblin Squad Member |
GentleGiant Goblin Squad Member |
Zahariel Goblin Squad Member |
What happens if the, admittedly, unlikely situation arises and the project doesn't get funded?
1, if you made a pledge, your card is not debited. Kickstarter is all or nothing.
2, as for the project itself, from the Goblinworks blog entry:
Alternately, we could simply hold the project in reserve and work the investor community longer, hoping to find someone interested in getting in on the very ground floor—but the longer we wait, the more likely someone else is to come in to the fantasy sandbox market and create a competitive game with first-mover advantage.
Ryan Dancey Goblin Squad Member |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
@GentleGiant - then we go to plan B. And C, and D, and however many other plans it takes to get this thing across the finish line. Doing startups is never easy, often tortuous but all it takes is an irrational stubbornness and an ability to ignore the reasoned advice you get about why your idea can't work.
DeciusBrutus Goblinworks Executive Founder |
What happens if the, admittedly, unlikely situation arises and the project doesn't get funded?
In that case, the holds are released, no money changes hands, and the Tech Demo project gets rethought and/or scrapped. The Pathfinder Online project (related but separate, as I understand it) would not be directly impacted- but the purpose of the Tech Demo was to positively impact the PFO project, and might have additional problems finding investors after what might be perceived as a failed attempt.
Nihimon Goblin Squad Member |
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
You have to admire Paizo for their consistency and attention to detail. In keeping with the Pathfinder brand identity of re-publishing content that WotC had to pay for, the photo of Rich Baker on that Kickstarter page is hosted on
Lisa grabbed the wrong URL from a google image search. We've fixed it!
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
If I had 5k I would have considered dropping it as it is I hope there is still space when I get paid Friday. Really want to be able to contribute enough for the book minimum.
Kickstarter—or, more accurately, Amazon Payments—doesn't actually charge anyone until the Kickstarter closes.
hmarcbower |
hmarcbower wrote:Sorry, you completely lost me with Rich Baker in the mix.Not sure if serious, or meta in-joke...
If it's a joke, I get it, and it's funny :)
Not a joke. I, personally, won't be interested if Baker is involved. I'm not speaking for anyone else, just me. :)
Great to see the amount continually rising, though!
Wyldwabyt Goblin Squad Member |
What happens if the, admittedly, unlikely situation arises and the project doesn't get funded?
Don't think we really have to worry about this being a factor. A better question is they have posted 50k as the amount needed to make a demo, what is the reason to go past that? 100% on board for polishing up a demo and seeing it done with all the bells and whistles. At the rate we are seeing this thing grow I think we will will blow even a polished demo out of the water. So what is the plan than, and I hope you guys have already considered stretch goals :)
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
Seems to me one of the first things I have seen from Paizo that feels very contrived to part me from my money. Not loving this idea.
This isn't some gimmick where they are trying to sell you something so they can cut a profit. This is about showing investors we believe in this project enough to put our money where our mouth is.
Either you believe enough in this project to give it monetary support or you don't. If you don't that is fine but don't pretend like they are running a fly by night scheme. This is an upfront fundraiser and a lot of us are really happy to be a part of it.
On a happier note... almost up to 20k and the first day isn't over yet. Already generating responses from my facebook post. :D
Well hit that 50k EASY.
Mark Moreland Director of Brand Strategy |
Wyldwabyt Goblin Squad Member |
Seems to me one of the first things I have seen from Paizo that feels very contrived to part me from my money. Not loving this idea.
I think you are looking at this wrong. What I think they have said or at least how I have taken this reaching out to the fans as a way to prove to the investors that this is the type of game people want. We so to speak are putting our money where our mouth is.
Just to further this point look at Bioware, once this company was king of RPG's and most games they made were awesome to say the least. In comes EA how controls the cash flow and we see products decline. EA from my point of view has never understood what its gamers wanted outside Madden games...
Paizo has a solid concept and fan base behind it. I hope this effort shows it investors that they are in tune with their gamers and will let them develope the product we all want to see.
Lukas Klausner Goblin Squad Member |
jkmorrisx1 |
I really want to do a Mac version. I'm all Mac, all the time at home. I'm a total Apple fanboi.
The critical path runs through the middleware. There are no good cross-platform options that do Mac well yet. The software we're planning to use does not yet have a Mac client.
On the other hand, it's more likely that one will be available by the time the game is ready to ship than it has been in the past. Apple's successes make it easier to justify spending money on Mac development.
There's also always the option of doing something like the EVE port using WINE, CIDER, and support from a company like Transgaming.
So it's not a question of will, or a question of interest. It's just a technical question of "if it's possible, we'll do it".
well i will stay tuned, but won't be interested in PFO until MAC is supported. until then i will be playing diablo or wow.
Zombieneighbours Goblin Squad Member |
I'll be honest. This is a bit of a let down. I was hoping for a single player game (like NWN) but instead we get a game like D&D: Online.
I'd suggest you check out the blods. Pathfinder online will have very little in common with DnD online, save being massively multiplayer
It is a closer relative to starwars gallaxies or Eve
Steve Geddes Goblin Squad Member |