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Rob McCreary wrote:The fixed version gives +4 to Init?wolflord wrote:Yes! It's fixed now. :)These sound awesome!
One question: Is the Dodo supposed to be a +2 initiative or is he meant to be a +4 like the greensting scorpion (recently errated from a +2 to a +4) and the compsognathus?
Yes, the blog has been updated to reflect the change.

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If I were in a game with someone playing a arcane caster with a toucan familiar, I'd feel obliged to play a druid with a tiger animal companion so that we could embark on some breakfast cereal themed adventures together; preferably vs a leprechaun BBEG. It'd be GRRRRREAT!!!
I'll play Diggum the Boggard barbarian!

Golden-Esque |

The toucan should, of course, grant you the scent ability. :)
That might be too overpowered, Erik. After all, Scent is a little TOO good for something like a familiar to just up and grant to a spellcaster. But I think if you lowered it down to only allowing the toucan's spellcaster to detect the presence or absence of fruit or fruity products, it'd be pretty balanced.

Golden-Esque |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ambrus wrote:If I were in a game with someone playing a arcane caster with a toucan familiar, I'd feel obliged to play a druid with a tiger animal companion so that we could embark on some breakfast cereal themed adventures together; preferably vs a leprechaun BBEG. It'd be GRRRRREAT!!!I'll play Diggum the Boggard barbarian!
Play a Grippli instead. They're actually a 0-Hit Die player race.

j b 200 |

Aren't Dodos extinct because they just sat still while cats hunted them? Doesn't really seem like the sort of behaviour that suggests a bonus to initiative to me.
Dodos had no natural fear of man, so they wouldn't run away like other animals. So they were really easy for people to hunt. I would say instead of Init, I would give them a bonus v fear effects.

Ambrus |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Dodos had no natural fear of man, so they wouldn't run away like other animals. So they were really easy for people to hunt.
I don't know if killing dodos can really be considered "hunting". If it qualified, I'd propose that buying shrink-wrapped chicken breasts at the supermarket is likewise "hunting".

j b 200 |

j b 200 wrote:Dodos had no natural fear of man, so they wouldn't run away like other animals. So they were really easy for people to hunt.I don't know if killing dodos can really be considered "hunting". If it qualified, I'd propose that buying shrink-wrapped chicken breasts at the supermarket is likewise "hunting".
By hunting I meant "killing a wild animal," as opposed to "killing a domesticated animal that I breed and keep on a farm," but point taken.

Ambrus |

By hunting I meant "killing a wild animal," as opposed to "killing a domesticated animal that I breed and keep on a farm," but point taken.
In my mind hunting means "killing a wild animal who has some sense of self preservation". Domestication is an arbitrary concept when applied to a tame animal like the dodo.
Don't disparage the proud hunting traditions of my people, Ambrus!
I hold my fellow grocery store aficionados in the highest regard.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ambrus wrote:If I were in a game with someone playing a arcane caster with a toucan familiar, I'd feel obliged to play a druid with a tiger animal companion so that we could embark on some breakfast cereal themed adventures together; preferably vs a leprechaun BBEG. It'd be GRRRRREAT!!!I'll play Diggum the Boggard barbarian!
How 'bout Sonny the Tengu, a Drunken Brute Barbarian? He maintains his rage by swilling a fermented chocolatey beverage.

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

If I were in a game with someone playing a arcane caster with a toucan familiar, I'd feel obliged to play a druid with a tiger animal companion so that we could embark on some breakfast cereal themed adventures together; preferably vs a leprechaun BBEG. It'd be GRRRRREAT!!!
Just wait until you run across Cap'n Crunch ...

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KoboldQuarterly blog had stats for chicken familiars. A pirate witch or oracle might find those useful.
The Fearsome Power of Chickens cannot be denied. Nor their relative availability on seafaring vessels for the wizard, witch, or druid on a budget. Cheers!

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Shisumo wrote:The seasinger bard archetype already has the option of getting a parrot familiar - should we assume these rules (which change the skill bonus for having a parrot) apply to that archetype as well?No. The seasinger bard gets a special type of parrot familiar.
Yes, a very special type of parrot familiar. It's called a monkey! =D

Cheapy |

Hello power creep...
When you make exotic better than standard for the same cost, you might as well just make the exotic the standard.
Since you're probably referring to the +4 initiative, UM has a "standard" familiar that also gives that bonus.
Interestingly, I just realized that almost every familiar gives what's essentially a bonus feat that doesn't scale. Most give Skill Focus, some give Iron Will / Great Fort / Lightning Reflexes. And I guess some give Improved Init.

Varthanna |
ciretose wrote:Hello power creep...
When you make exotic better than standard for the same cost, you might as well just make the exotic the standard.
Since you're probably referring to the +4 initiative, UM has a "standard" familiar that also gives that bonus.
Interestingly, I just realized that almost every familiar gives what's essentially a bonus feat that doesn't scale. Most give Skill Focus, some give Iron Will / Great Fort / Lightning Reflexes. And I guess some give Improved Init.
the +4 init familiar existed back in the 3.5 days, too. It was a hummingbird option presented in Dragon (paizo-published).

Rite Publishing |

I am glad people enjoyed these, I was a little leary of them when Wes put them on the assignment list, but I am glad people are enjoying them.
As to the Dodo there is a great deal of contreversy about thier extiction, they were in an isolated area of the island and were domesticated by some sailors (though the idea of a fat dodo is due to overfeeding not thier natural state).
The only record about their diet described them as "Jaunty and audacious of gait" which is why I made them a bonus to initiative.
There is just so little anyone knows about the dodo.
Steven D. Russell

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I am hurt and crushed at the exclusion of the beloved albatross.
If you really want an albatross familiar, you could use the stats for an eagle. Keep in mind that an eagle (or an albatross) is a Small animal, rather than the normal Tiny size of most familiars. That's the main reason albatross wasn't included - we don't yet have a Small flying familiar in the game.