Cayden Cailean

Ash_Gazn's page

Organized Play Member. 157 posts (161 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.


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The Exchange

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Why is it bad: wooden 80's acting and martial arts dialogue.

Why is it good: Once you start watching it, you have to watch till the end. I know someone who was late to his own wedding. Excuse? "Bloodsport was on."

The Exchange

This is great. If one were to do a Pathfinder version of the Wizard of Oz, this is the Cloak the Scarecrow would have after becoming King of Munchkinland, like in the Dark Oz comics.

The Exchange

Of course not. I'm Chaotic Neutral.

The Exchange

So, My friends and I decided to start doing PFS for our weekly game nights instead of running our own stuff.

I requested a sheet of new PFS numbers via the website, and they say go to and register with the special code provided.

Any time anyone goes to that page and click on the button to "Join the Pathfinder Society and create your character now!" it just redirects to the front page of At first we figured it was a website bug, but it's been going on for a week.

Are we missing something?

The Exchange

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Evil Lincoln wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Ash_Gazn wrote:
Whatever homebrew beer is coming out of the keg in my fridge
Huzzah! Another homebrewer!! When civilization collapses, my friend, our brewing skills will be the envy of all!!!
Only if you can grow hops and malt.

Which I do. In my suburban yard. Hops, Malt, sorghum, boil down maple tree sap for syrup, and raise bees for honey.

The Exchange

So... for those who are complaining about Kickstarter in general, I'd like to know, what exactly do you feel is the difference between what Kickstarter does, and what Open Design/Kobold Press does?

Both are Patronage. Both change what you "get" according to what you pay in.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

The Exchange

I'd totally buy audio books of Pathfinder Tales narrated by Wil Wheaton or vin diesel!

The Exchange

Have we a drawing or example of what a lamplighter badge looks like?

The Exchange

As they said: congratulations!

May you have a fabulously long and loving life together!

The Exchange

If you didn't smurfing mention the blue buggers, it wouldn't smurfing happen!

The Exchange

Ravingdork wrote:
Another issue I just recalled, is Paizo products showcasing alchemist NPCs with the ability to make constructs--something which is not explicitly possible in the rules (as alchemists, according to Paizo, are not spellcasters).

Wait a sec... where does it say alchemists are NOT spell casters? I thought James said they were...

The Exchange

Not a cohort by the rules, but the party befriended an ink devil (from kobold quarterly issue 1 or 2) who lived in the extraplanar spaces connected to their first bag of holding and served as the librarian of the bag, keeping track of what was put in and out of it. He was agoraphobic and disliked leaving the bag (such as when the barbarian turned it inside out).

The Exchange

For Me it's NPC Codex, and the Cities expansion to 7 Wonders.

Thouse are some AWESOME Dice! I'd never seen that company before.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dalsine Affair.

The halfling gunslinger is surrounded by Dawnflower Network girls.

"So... Want to see my powder horn?"

The Exchange

#1 Thea Peters
#2 Neesea Dearavean (her collection of minis for monsters is hilarious and awesome)
#3 Dennis Wheelock

The Exchange

Check out Green Ronin's "Book of the Righteous" for 3.0 and the updated Holy Warrior for 3.5

They took the Paladin apart, and created what is functionally a Domain system that slots in the different powers. The 3.5 Paladin is recreated precisely with the Champion and Guardian holy warrior domains.

I've tossed around the idea of trying to update the holy warrior to match the Pathfinder Paladin, but haven't gotten around to doing so. Maybe I'll do that when sitting in my deer blind this week.

The Exchange

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The Exchange

Daniel Luckett wrote:
True...she botched offing someone in the Dalsine affair.

That was totally my fault. My halfling distracted her with his powderhorn.

The Exchange

Awesome! I haven't played ANY of those!

The Exchange

Seraphimpunk wrote:
now please create stats that mimic the number Pi please , or match the golden ratio

I totally read that as "goblin ratio" which made me think of mathematician goblins.

The Exchange

The halfling gunslinger standing in the middle of a group of Dawnflower network girls: "so... want to see my powder horn?"

The Exchange

Hmm... I just might be able to come to this.

The Exchange

Torture does not equal BDSM.
A whip is a device of pain, and of control, which is far more what the deities you mention are about.
A good DM, especially when there are younger or less mature players at the table, can call on and direct attention to those aspects, bypassing the veil of BDSM entirely.

The Exchange

Mergy wrote:
Ash_Gazn wrote:
Improved familiar requires a familiar. Alchemists don't have those, but can get a tumor familiar, which is not a familiar, just as a pseudodragon is not a tumor.
James Jacobs, the guy who wrote the class, disagrees with this. Take that as you will.

I stand corrected. Where did he say that? Can you provide a link?

The Exchange

Duskblade wrote:

I don't see why you couldn't take improved familiar (the alchemist does have 'caster levels'...but strangely he just doesn't 'cast' anything)

It's just another sad fact really, as I was personally hoping that an alchemist would qualify for the arcane strike feat, but sadly he doesn't meet the pre-reqs for it.

Now wait a second... Why can't you take it? I would think that alchemist formulae DO count as "arcane spells" when it comes to qualifying for feats. You can take item creation feats, and alchemists are described as imbuing their extracts and bombs with arcane power. Why couldn't I take arcane strike and apply it to my bombs? Or to my gun, in the case of the alchemist/gunslinger.

The Exchange

Improved familiar requires a familiar. Alchemists don't have those, but can get a tumor familiar, which is not a familiar, just as a pseudodragon is not a tumor.

The Exchange

The most complete religious system I've seen for any RPG was published by Green Ronin: The Book of the Righteous, for 3.0 (They updated the new class, The Holy Warrior, for 3.5)

It's not just a pantheon, it details the religious work of all the different churches, including a Great Church that worships the divinity of all the deities. Worth checking out at least.

Available in non-mint hardcover from Paizo!

(PDF available form Green Ronin directly)

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
Ash_Gazn wrote:
On the topic of the Muleback cords... could these be fitted to a riding dog to allow her to carry more?
If your GM wants. I'm not sure what a Muleback cord is though.

Muleback Cords from Ultimate Equipment:

These thick leather cords wrap around the wearer’s biceps and
shoulders. When worn, they make the wearer’s muscles appear
larger than normal. The wearer treats his Strength score as 8
higher than normal when determining his carrying capacity.
This bonus does not apply to combat, breaking items, or any
other Strength-related rolls, it only contributes to the amount of
equipment or material the wearer can carry.

The Exchange

On the topic of the Muleback cords... could these be fitted to a riding dog to allow her to carry more?

The Exchange

Cheapy wrote:

To add to Jim, well to add hearsay to Jim's post, one of the reasons they've shied away from using archetyped NPCs in the past was that it would use up extra words that could be used elsewhere. For much of RPG freelancing, wordcount is king.

I can certainly see a fan-system for 'pre-prepping' all the NPCs and monsters in a document. There could even be a bounty system for it, based on Paizo credit.

I wonder if the NPC hardcover coming out might help w/ this by providing fully statted NPCs that writers can refer to w/ short stat blocks ala the monsters.

The Exchange

The only time reincarnate has come up in my games...

EARLY in the game (everyone was 2nd level I think), the human alchemist confirmed their critical fumble (using the critical miss deck). Random draw: Treat this a critical hit against yourself... Which resulted in a draw from the Critical hit deck... which turned out to be "Decapitate".

Human was reincarnated as a halfling. The campaign now includes a quest to acquire the resources or favour to pay for the Wish or Miracle to restore alchemist to human form.

The Exchange

Whatever homebrew beer is coming out of the keg in my fridge

The Exchange

Patches or buttons would be great. I don't leave the house without a collared shirt, so buying a t-shirt isn't going to happen, re-roll or not.

And I LOVE the idea of wearing a sash at a PFS game w/ a faction patch, PFS patch, deity patch, etc

The Exchange

ALL maple trees can be tapped for sap to make syrup. I tap silver maples in my yard every February. Sugar maples have the most sugar, hence the name, but old silvers can have almost as much.
In Europe, they had other sources of sugar, so maple syrup wasn't cultivated.

Hickory bark and birch trees are also are sources for sugar via the same methods.

The Exchange

Why are people suggesting that bombs are good versus Damage Reduction?

The Exchange

My issue w/ the kits is this:

In my home game, we play quite a bit looser w/ the encumbrance rules, and kit vs not kit isn't just not a big deal, it's not a discussion at all.

PFS play has been different for me, where it seems people really ARE nickle and diming the encumbrance. I dealt w/ it by buying a riding dog as pack animal, but it seems the kits intent (which is a GOOD intent and helpful in the home game!) conflicts w/ PFS expectations.

The Exchange

Ah Crap... I forgot about the pre-req of PointBlank... I might have to take that instead.

Though Rapid Reload might help. Especially since then I don't have to use as many alchemical cartriges.

The Exchange

I'm leveling up my PFS Halfling (He's lvl 1 Alchemist and Lvl 1 Gunslinger, about to take his 2nd level of Alchemist) and I'm trying to figure out what Alchemist discovery to take.

Feats thus far are Splash Weapon Mastery and Precise Shot.

Part of me thinks Vestigial Arm a good choice, for both reloading firearms and throwing bombs same round.
Precise Bombs might also be a good one, to allow better bombing into melee.

Anyone have insight or other suggestions? Anything from APG, UC, UM, and ARG is fine.

The Exchange

I'm just waiting for a bayonet that isn't a plug type. I go deer hunting with a brown Bess with it's bayonet attached (in case I come across a feral swine) so it's sad my halfling alchemist /gunslinger can go into battle the same way

The Exchange

The following is NOT a complaint of any kind.

I was just struck when checking out the Artifacts and Legends book coming out this week (which I WILL be buying as a PDF) that the PDFs in the Players Companion line cost more than the PDFs of the core books.

If you can, would you touch on how that works financially? Is it all to do with the PC line being one off prints, where the core books are expected to go through multiple printings?

The Exchange

I wonder what will be legal for PFS play

The Exchange

I like the idea of the Oozes/Molds, etc book.

What about a literary monsters REVISED along the same line as the misfit monsters?

That's already been started I think with the Tane/Jabberwock, but it might let Paizo avoid the problems w/ a certain litigious estate and giant trees.


The Exchange

and how about the assertion that drugs can't be used by Pathfinders? Is this legit?

The Exchange

I was reading through the Additional resources list for PFS, and saw that heathensnuff from Cities of Golarion is available.

While checking about the status of other drugs, I saw someone say on the boards that according to Seekers of Secrets, Pathfinders are forbidden from taking drugs, but I'm not seeing that in the book anywhere (fresh download).

The other drugs are in the GMG, which is part of the core assumption for a GM. SO... are these things available to my Alchemist? can I make them? can I use them?


The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
And to a certain extent I would have rather not published those rules in Ultimate Combat at all, but rather would have preferred to save them for something like a big book of optional rules where we would, in theory, be able to spend more time making sure the rules work right and MORE IMPORTANTLY making sure that those rules were edited so that they make sense.

I would buy that book, if you printed it, even if a significant minority of it was cleared up, updated, and expanded optional rules such as the Armor as DR, and Words of Power. Would this be where Psionics appear? I'd buy it, though I have never liked psionics, and likely still wouldn't allow them in my home games.

I have The Collected Book of Experimental Might from Monte Cook, and I've never used a thing in it. I haven't used the Armor as DR system, nor Words of Power from UC and UM. I likely won't. But I have READ these systems, and I believe studying and understanding them has made Me a better DM.

The Exchange

In terms of New World monsters... The Nain Rouge of detroit: a small, red furred fae gnome-ish thing that acts as a harbinger of doom.

Also: A cheshire cat. I love the Tane in the previous beastiaries, and while I wouldn't think the Cheshire Cat would be one of them (not nearly powerful enough), I think Paizo could make it awesome.

The Exchange

6 people marked this as a favorite.

In the 3.5 days I was DMIng a campaign and we had a fighter/sorcerer who was building himself much the way a magus now is. He also spent skill points in performance: singing and profession:blacksmith. The party fAced a were-rat with pipes of the sewers and won, and said fighter decided to burn the pipes in a forge while he was working on his sword and singing. This was my first "you do what?" moment

I decided to play with the idea a bit as he was burning the musical magic item while working on his hereditary blade and introducing his own music, so when he learned to throw his sword to take out opponents, I said the whistling of the blade attracted rats and mice to the area. This was his "wait... What?!" moment.

He decided to burn this foul magic from the blade. Being a specialist in fire and lightning he prepped his spells, and then said "to burn the magic from the sword, I channel all my spells for the day thru it and plunge it into the ground."

I say "wait... What? Now? You know youre in the wild magic zone where arcane magic is unstable ,yes?"

Him "yup. I do it now."

So I let him burn the magic out. And then all the mice and rats in the forest became sentient and thought he was their creator god.

The Exchange

KoboldQuarterly blog had stats for chicken familiars. A pirate witch or oracle might find those useful.

The Exchange

Class has nothing to do with it.

A fighter with Int and Wis as dump stats and a high Cha wouldn't make an eFFeCTIVe leader, but could bully an entire community into following them handily.

Similarly, a cleric w/ low Cha but high Int and Wis can find people to help w/ the Face aspects of leadership, while being a kind and benevolent leader.

The Exchange

Is there an archetype you've thought about but just haven't managed to get published in anything yet?

I have to say, I really do like the Harbinger bard variant that once appeared in Dragon magazine, and have had fun playing it after adjusting it to Pathfinder.

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