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Gauss wrote:
I was aware of the relationship. What I would like to know is if on an attack of opportunity would I get a second shot? That would be with or without combat reflexes. A clearer example is: I have a bow using character that can make a ranged attack of opportunity against an enemy. Would he get 1 or 2 shots on that ranged attack with rapid shot. ![]()
Ok here's my 2 cents on the acting after "dead" thing. In reality (sorry catgirl)it should not happen, sure there is no rule against acting after you are dead, but dead is dead. If aplayer gets all rules lawyer on you, do the following. Allow them to try and act. They must make a fortitude save to try and do anything that requires physical activity. The Fortitude save is of course at (- whatever the GM feels appropriate)because the dead guy's Constitution is 0 (ZERO)because he is dead. Since there is no modifier for a Zero stat the GM can make one up (that is a rule). If the GM is feeling generous go with -5 (same as having 1 in stat). Oh and penalties stack, so good luck if you are a spell caster with somatic or verbal components -5 for each to try and act. The reality is (there goes another catgirl)you require the ability to exhale to speak. Exhaing is physical. I hope you GMs get my point, if you get someone trying to cheese the rules hammer them for it. On the Immortality issue. Gods in mythology can die and are called immortal. Their deaths are rare and cosmic in scope. The other immortals can die if you chop off their heads. In game terms (yay a catgirl lives)a PC cannot kill a god unless the GM lets them. In 1st Edition AD&D it was possible to kill gods (Yes I'm that old), but it required a PC going to the god's plane and fighting them. This was stupid and the game designers changed that in all the following editions of the game. A PC could fight and destroy a God's avatar but not the god themself. Unless the GM allowed it and those mortals in stories who did manage to kill a god, usually had to replace him or her. I don't remeber seeing stats for the gods in pathfinder and if I did it would be stats for the avatar in my game. ![]()
Blood of Fiends and The Wormwood Mutiny rules for PFS are listed. Still no approval for Goblins of Golarion though. :( You couldn't run a standard eating goblin in PFS anyways. No Evil alignments. The PFS rules for 'We Be Goblins" are that the experiance and items transfer to your PFS legal character or one of if you have more than one. There a lot of fun things you can do with a non-evil goblin blackbloodtroll. ![]()
Actually I like the misread solution. It requires a little bit more bookkeeping but that really wont be an issue. Basically you are not required to be a bard to get the PrC, it just increases your effective bard level if you have levels in that class. This is similar to PrCs that grant effective spellcaster level increases. In effect any Bard performance abilities that were replaced by a template would be regained at an effective level equal to the PrC - 2 + any other class levels that grant the same performance. The number of rounds the ability can be used would reflect that effective level. A 5th levle Bard / 3rd Level Pathfinder Chronicler would have a total of 14 + Charisma modifier rounds of Bardic Performance (see math above), but could only use 4 + Charisma modifier rounds on "Inspire Courage". Thank you for your help. ![]()
I would say no. Knowledges are still intelligence based. Lore Keeper allows you to substtute you charisma mod for your intelligence mod, but you are not required to change it. If you used Focused Trance in a game I was running my rule would be the +20 bonus would apply to the check with your Intelligence mod and not your Charisma mod. Note that tales, songs and poems are all auditory and you are blocking those out in Focused Trance. ![]()
For examplle if I have a Bard with the template "Archivist", which replaces several of the bardic perfomances with other abilities, and I take the prestige class Pathfinder Chronicler, that grants the bardic performance ability at 3rd level, do I get the replaced abilities back? If run as described I would say yes, because the Chronicler grants you the ability as a lowr level bard. That is a 3rd level Chronicler acts as if he was a 1st level bard. This is how it is written in the book... "Bardic Music (Su): At 3rd level, a Pathfinder chronicler
Does this mean that I get the "Inspire Courage" performance of a 1st level Bard, even though as an "Archivist" Bard replaces that performance with "Naturalist"? |