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One thing that I would like to throw out there is that we an only do multi-figure booster packs if the set size is close to 60 than to 40. For some reason, the collation breaks down when you go to 40 figures in the set, and then you have to do the single figure packs like we did for Heroes and Monsters. We heard the cry for multi-figure boosters and the result is a larger set. Of course, that also means a higher price if you want to collect them by the case.

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Still a good looking set. My 2c worth;
Commando; common, so yay, can get a few easilly and they look good. Different weapons to heroes and monsters and true to the description in RotRL. Great face! Can't ask for more in a common.
Goblin on goblin dog: Excellent mini. Dog looks ratty and mean. Big thumbs up, goblin has a very cool, evil grin. Pose looks pretty good, I imagine in hand it looks even better. So again huge thumbs up - umcommon so could be hard to get several of them (?). My only question - why such a large plastic nub under the dog? Looks almost like a second base?
Now with this many gobliny things (two yet to go, 2 from last set) I can hopefully see a goblin pack coming. So getting plenty of goblins may not be too hard afterall.
Ripnugget: Not really sold here. Was looking forward to this, especially since the art was so cool in the runelords adventure. Stickfoot doesn't really look very gecko like and that rock is so offputting, the rocks added to the giants here it clumsy. The bridle also looks a little strange, nothing to secure it to the head perhaps(?). This is the first mini in the line I have looked at and gone meh. Ripnugget looks cool though. As alwaysI reserve final judgement until I have it in hand. He is rare so I should only get 1-2.
Harridan. Thank you. So glad to see this huge in the set. Great pose, very aloof. The front right hand foot is oddly proportioned - is that just the angles in the picture? Also she does look a little underdone, I know this is a paint master, so my question is will there be more shading/detail on the final? The skin and gold mainly - just seem to need a wash. Now do you not also need 6 or 7 of these encounters in the book?
And Erik, please do a special one off huge release of the two missing huges! Huge minis are such a gap in the mini world.
Now I just have to wait impatiently for the next preview, can't wait to see the goblin dog (different sculpt to the ridden one?) and warchanter, but I really want to see those last 2 huge - dragon and ????. Really want to see the Dragon - could be a set winner.

Berk the Black |

I love the goblins, the army is shaping up nicely.
I'm a little disappointed the Goblin on Goblin Dog is Uncommon, I'm going to want a ton of them. Ihave a feeling these are going to go fast on the singles market.
The Commando is a great addition to the foot soldiers.
Ripnugget is a bit odd, but I agree he will leave a memorable impression in a large scale Goblin battle. With the crown, one of him is enough.
I'm thrilled about the other two Goblin related minis coming. BUt we still need a Goblin Pyro! Hopefully he can be worked in to the next set. And some sort of missile toting Goblin would be the perfect finishing touch.
As for the set, The Case formats seems fine to me. And after receiving Heroes & Monsters, I'm willing to fork out the dough for a complete set of Rise of the Runelords. Especially since a great majority of the reveals so far have been excellent.

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Packaging question - For people buying cases and bricks, there's no way to just toss all those minis into one big box, is there? With Heroes and Monsters it was a) a pain, and b) a terrible waste of paper and plastic to have to open all those little boxes. With RotRL it's not going to be as bad - 4 minis to a box rather than 1 or 2 - but still, I hate the waste and all that packaging has to add a fraction to the cost.
Would there ever be a way to sell "Complete Set" boxes for like $350 or $400? Seems like a lot, but it'd be cheaper than $500 for a lot of duplicates.

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I was thinking June. August means a few more months to see where I am budget-wise. I don't think it will make that much a difference ($400 is still a lot to lay out in one pop) but at least I can plan.
~$550 / 20 weeks = ~$27.50 you need to put back each week between now and August to have enough cash on hand to buy this set.

Swiftbrook |

AS for pricing here's some additional information. Popular Collections has released their pricing for these sets:
Pathfinder Battles "Rise of the Runelords" Standard + Huge Case Combo (With Huge Rune Giant Promo) - Ships August $429.99
plus shipping.
Compared to Paizo's price of $559.97 (about 23% off)
For Heroes & Monsters, PC sells a case and promo for $199.99 plus shipping (about $20). Compared to Paizo of $279.98 plus shipping. I saved about $80 and waited an additional two weeks to get my H&M from PC. It was a torturous two weeks, but looking back, it was worth the wait (both the minis and the savings).
A quick check shows most of the online shops sell H&B cases for about $190 without the promo. The promo runs $20 and up.
Food for thought.

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The case premium, in this case the rune giant, always confuses me. I think its the wording on the various product pages.
...have the option to purchase
...have the right to buy
...part of the subscription
As a case subscriber will it automatically be added to my preorder, which is a few months away from being put in as Ross mentioned above??
Im confused because it seems if your not a subscriber you can preorder the case and the rune giant. I doubt it, but would be possible to run out of rune giants before the subscribers orders are put in??

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I will say this, Back during the WotC Mini days, if I bought by the case, I would spend more money then this and still not have a full set, though I would have a lot more minis..

Hobbun |

I will say this, Back during the WotC Mini days, if I bought by the case, I would spend more money then this and still not have a full set, though I would have a lot more minis..
I can't agree the cases were more expensive with DDM, in general they were cheaper. However, what I bolded is key. The mini distribution for each case was pretty lousy, so you would 'always' be short of a full set (and most times short a lot) if you bought a case. There was even a chance you could not have a full set after two cases worth.
With Pathfinder Battles, where the cases are more money (better quality and inflation), if you don't get a complete set in one case, you definitely will have it with that second case. And really, if you are short after that one case, it's only by a couple of minis.
PFB may be more money, but I feel you are getting more for your money in quality and selection (if you buy a case).

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I should have been more clear, I would normally buy 3-5 cases, and still Not get a full set, which ended up being the same price as the pathfinder ones or more, because I would buy that many cases to try to get a full set.
I also would have a Lot more Mini, and with some of those sets that was good for the ones that had good commons.

Hobbun |

Ok, I see what you are saying and completely agree with you. The more I thought about it, when I was in my DDM case buying days I would buy 2-3 when a new set came out and would still never get the full set.
But because of it, I have a TON of common and uncommon DDM minis. And don't get me wrong, I love my minis, but I like it that WizKids/Paizo have a much better distribution for their sets.

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AS for pricing here's some additional information. Popular Collections has released their pricing for these sets:
PopularCollections.com wrote:Pathfinder Battles "Rise of the Runelords" Standard + Huge Case Combo (With Huge Rune Giant Promo) - Ships August $429.99plus shipping.
Compared to Paizo's price of $559.97 (about 23% off)
For Heroes & Monsters, PC sells a case and promo for $199.99 plus shipping (about $20). Compared to Paizo of $279.98 plus shipping. I saved about $80 and waited an additional two weeks to get my H&M from PC. It was a torturous two weeks, but looking back, it was worth the wait (both the minis and the savings).
A quick check shows most of the online shops sell H&B cases for about $190 without the promo. The promo runs $20 and up.
Food for thought.
That is a massive difference in price.

Steve Geddes |

The case premium, in this case the rune giant, always confuses me. I think its the wording on the various product pages.
...have the option to purchase
...have the right to buy
...part of the subscription
As a case subscriber will it automatically be added to my preorder, which is a few months away from being put in as Ross mentioned above??Im confused because it seems if your not a subscriber you can preorder the case and the rune giant. I doubt it, but would be possible to run out of rune giants before the subscribers orders are put in??
It will be automatically added if that's how you've set your preferences on your "my subscriptions" page. If you go down to your pathfinder battles subscription you can see that you have the choice of how many premiums they will send you (at a 75% discount). The only restriction being you can't subscribe to more premiums than cases.
As I understand things with the preorders, you can get a rune giant if you preorder a standard case (getting no huge figures) but then you won't get the discount on the premium. There's no chance of them running out of premiums before subscribers get their cases, provided you're subscribed by some (not yet announced) date. Once paizo have placed their order though, you run the risk of missing out the longer you delay your subscription.

Hobbun |

Swiftbrook wrote:That is a massive difference in price.AS for pricing here's some additional information. Popular Collections has released their pricing for these sets:
PopularCollections.com wrote:Pathfinder Battles "Rise of the Runelords" Standard + Huge Case Combo (With Huge Rune Giant Promo) - Ships August $429.99plus shipping.
Compared to Paizo's price of $559.97 (about 23% off)
For Heroes & Monsters, PC sells a case and promo for $199.99 plus shipping (about $20). Compared to Paizo of $279.98 plus shipping. I saved about $80 and waited an additional two weeks to get my H&M from PC. It was a torturous two weeks, but looking back, it was worth the wait (both the minis and the savings).
A quick check shows most of the online shops sell H&B cases for about $190 without the promo. The promo runs $20 and up.
Food for thought.
Another thing to keep in mind, if you are buying the premium Rune Giant, is you would be paying $30 more as Popular Collections wouldn't be offering the 75% off.
But you are right, it is still a good savings. It would be about $70 difference, and whatever the difference in shipping would be.
Edit: Nevermind, I missed that the $429 included the Rune Giant miniature.

Steve Geddes |

AS for pricing here's some additional information. Popular Collections has released their pricing for these sets:
PopularCollections.com wrote:Pathfinder Battles "Rise of the Runelords" Standard + Huge Case Combo (With Huge Rune Giant Promo) - Ships August $429.99plus shipping.
Compared to Paizo's price of $559.97 (about 23% off)
For Heroes & Monsters, PC sells a case and promo for $199.99 plus shipping (about $20). Compared to Paizo of $279.98 plus shipping. I saved about $80 and waited an additional two weeks to get my H&M from PC. It was a torturous two weeks, but looking back, it was worth the wait (both the minis and the savings).
A quick check shows most of the online shops sell H&B cases for about $190 without the promo. The promo runs $20 and up.
Food for thought.
It'll be $529 I think (not $559) since subscribers get 75% off their premium.

Hobbun |

Swiftbrook wrote:It'll be $529 I think (not $559) since subscribers get 75% off their premium.AS for pricing here's some additional information. Popular Collections has released their pricing for these sets:
PopularCollections.com wrote:Pathfinder Battles "Rise of the Runelords" Standard + Huge Case Combo (With Huge Rune Giant Promo) - Ships August $429.99plus shipping.
Compared to Paizo's price of $559.97 (about 23% off)
For Heroes & Monsters, PC sells a case and promo for $199.99 plus shipping (about $20). Compared to Paizo of $279.98 plus shipping. I saved about $80 and waited an additional two weeks to get my H&M from PC. It was a torturous two weeks, but looking back, it was worth the wait (both the minis and the savings).
A quick check shows most of the online shops sell H&B cases for about $190 without the promo. The promo runs $20 and up.
Food for thought.
I agree, it would be $529. But that is still a huge savings.
To Swiftbrook, why did it take an extra two weeks for PC to send out the minis?

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Steve Geddes wrote:Swiftbrook wrote:It'll be $529 I think (not $559) since subscribers get 75% off their premium.AS for pricing here's some additional information. Popular Collections has released their pricing for these sets:
PopularCollections.com wrote:Pathfinder Battles "Rise of the Runelords" Standard + Huge Case Combo (With Huge Rune Giant Promo) - Ships August $429.99plus shipping.
Compared to Paizo's price of $559.97 (about 23% off)
For Heroes & Monsters, PC sells a case and promo for $199.99 plus shipping (about $20). Compared to Paizo of $279.98 plus shipping. I saved about $80 and waited an additional two weeks to get my H&M from PC. It was a torturous two weeks, but looking back, it was worth the wait (both the minis and the savings).
A quick check shows most of the online shops sell H&B cases for about $190 without the promo. The promo runs $20 and up.
Food for thought.
I agree, it would be $529. But that is still a huge savings.
To Swiftbrook, why did it take an extra two weeks for PC to send out the minis?
Paizo will have got their stuff direct for wizkids, PC will have ordered from a distributor

Swiftbrook |

To Swiftbrook, why did it take an extra two weeks for PC to send out the minis?
The case came about a week after everyone else started to receive theirs from Paizo. The promo dragon came about a week after that separately.
It'll be $529 I think (not $559) since subscribers get 75% off their premium.
That depends. I'm assuming that the $39.99 price for the Giant is the 75% discounted price. If you subscribed to Heroes & Monsters did you pay the $14.99 price shown on the web page or $3.75 for the black dragon? Remember, Paizo doesn't sell the black dragon without a case purchase. Others sites like Popular Collections are selling the dragon from $20 and up.
What really surprises me is no one from Paizo has cleaned up the language to explain if you need to purchase just a standard case or both a standard case and a huge case in order to purchase the Rune Giant. Many other people have mentioned the conflicting information and Paizo is usually really good about clearing up stuff like this.

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Hobbun wrote:To Swiftbrook, why did it take an extra two weeks for PC to send out the minis?The case came about a week after everyone else started to receive theirs from Paizo. The promo dragon came about a week after that separately.
Steve Geddes wrote:It'll be $529 I think (not $559) since subscribers get 75% off their premium.That depends. I'm assuming that the $39.99 price for the Giant is the 75% discounted price. If you subscribed to Heroes & Monsters did you pay the $14.99 price shown on the web page or $3.75 for the black dragon? Remember, Paizo doesn't sell the black dragon without a case purchase. Others sites like Popular Collections are selling the dragon from $20 and up.
It was $3.75 Although Paizo didn't sell it without buying a case, they didn't tie it to the subscription directly.
Now I can't see why anyone would have bought it directly and not subscribed, but it was an option that would have had you picking up a $15 dragon.

Steve Geddes |

What really surprises me is no one from Paizo has cleaned up the language to explain if you need to purchase just a standard case or both a standard case and a huge case in order to purchase the Rune Giant. Many other people have mentioned the conflicting information and Paizo is usually really good about clearing up stuff like this.-Swiftbrook
I thought they did. You can get a rune giant at full price ($40) if you preorder a standard case by a certain date. You can get one at 75% off if you subscribe (and therefore get both a standard and huge case).
Presumably that will continue after the (currently unannounced) cutoff date as long as they have them available, although I don't think they've stated that yet (maybe they'll keep their rune giants just for subscribers or maybe not. I guess it might depend on customer/subscriber behavior).

Berk the Black |

Steve Geddes wrote:Swiftbrook wrote:It'll be $529 I think (not $559) since subscribers get 75% off their premium.AS for pricing here's some additional information. Popular Collections has released their pricing for these sets:
PopularCollections.com wrote:Pathfinder Battles "Rise of the Runelords" Standard + Huge Case Combo (With Huge Rune Giant Promo) - Ships August $429.99plus shipping.
Compared to Paizo's price of $559.97 (about 23% off)
For Heroes & Monsters, PC sells a case and promo for $199.99 plus shipping (about $20). Compared to Paizo of $279.98 plus shipping. I saved about $80 and waited an additional two weeks to get my H&M from PC. It was a torturous two weeks, but looking back, it was worth the wait (both the minis and the savings).
A quick check shows most of the online shops sell H&B cases for about $190 without the promo. The promo runs $20 and up.
Food for thought.
I agree, it would be $529. But that is still a huge savings.
To Swiftbrook, why did it take an extra two weeks for PC to send out the minis?
I don't know why there is a delay with Popular Collections, but it has always been that way. I got Lord of Madness and Hero and Monsters cases from there, and both orders didn't come until 2+ weeks after the release date. Yes, Popular Collections is cheaper, but it is not for the feint of heart! Torture is a good description of the waiting period between release date and delivery.

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Posted this elsewhere but I haven't seen a speculation page anywhere - but then I may well have missed it as well, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, much appreciated. With over half now released, around 18 to go, I'd love to see the following:
1. Tentamort or decapus - go the HIDDEN BEAST!
2. Skinsaw cultist
3. faceless stakler
4. The scarecrow
5. and 6. Ogrekin - 2 different sculpts woudl be grea
7. Mammy Graul!*
8. Lamia - large sized with lion body
9. The Headless Lord*
10. Vraxeris
11. Ordikon the mithral mage
12. Xyoddin the dread zombie* unlikely since alreadt have the lich
13. Lamia Kukrima, sine they play such a huge part of parts 5 and 6
15. Khailb the apprentice
16. Highlady Athroxis
17. Human eldritch knight
18. Redcap
AND Mammoth!! For the last HUGE slot!*
The ones marked with the * are unlikely but would make great minis

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What really surprises me is no one from Paizo has cleaned up the language to explain if you need to purchase just a standard case or both a standard case and a huge case in order to purchase the Rune Giant. Many other people have mentioned the conflicting information and Paizo is usually really good about clearing up stuff like this.
We had this thing called a weekend...
It's fixed now. To be clear, the Rune Giant premium is tied to the purchase of a Standard Case, and not a Huge Case.
And the list price of the Rune Giant is $39.99; case subscribers can buy theirs for $10.
Does anybody have any unanswered questions left? I *think* everything got answered...

Steve Geddes |

Vic Wertz wrote:Does anybody have any unanswered questions left? I *think* everything got answered...I should mention that we won't be answering questions about specific rarity ratios, as that's not information that WizKids provides.
I appreciate that it's not your decision, but this seems very odd to me. Especially considering the community was pretty quick to collate multi-case reports and derive some significant statistics. Presumably thats the case with their other product lines too. The big secret only remains secret for a week or two.
I'm an outlier, no doubt, but this is part of why I've dropped one case from my subscription. I just can't see what they gain by announcing three rarities and then having a secret "super rare" subcategory. Or from having some commons occur as often as some uncommons.
It's a weird PR decision, in my view. I guess there must be people with opposite tendencies to me who will buy more cases based on uncertainty prerelease.

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Cat-thulhu wrote:With over half now released, around 18 to go, I'd love to see the following:You will be very happy.
This alone has made me very happy! I hope that means I get a mammoth? That's the long odds I suppose.

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Vic Wertz wrote:This alone has made me very happy! I hope that means I get a mammoth? That's the long odds I suppose. ** spoiler omitted **Cat-thulhu wrote:With over half now released, around 18 to go, I'd love to see the following:You will be very happy.
Let's just say that your ability to make a pretty good list extends right out to your choice of which list items got asterisks.

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Sadly I figured as much. Although
perhaps I will ammend my list then so I can track how my predictions went
1. Decapus - go the HIDDEN BEAST!
2. Skinsaw cultist
3. faceless stakler
4. The scarecrow
5. and 6. Ogrekin - 2 different sculpts woudl be grea
7. Quasit(?)
8. Lamia - large sized with lion body
9. justice ironbriar
10. Vraxeris
11. Ordikon the mithral mage
12. the scribbler
13. Lamia Kukrima, sine they play such a huge part of parts 5 and 6
15. Khailb the apprentice
16. Highlady Athroxis
17. Human eldritch knight
18. Redcap
Love speculating on these things, adds to my excitement.

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Sadly I figured as much. Although ** spoiler omitted ** would make one awesome miniature. I'm thinking the final huge may well be ** spoiler omitted **
perhaps I will ammend my list then so I can track how my predictions went
** spoiler omitted **Love speculating on these things, adds to my excitement.
We don't have any Huge giants yet, and there are quite a few from what I remember. I'd be suprised if the remaining Huge isn't a Giant

Hobbun |

Really looking forward to this set, but I will admit any monsters that are not in the Bestiaries (or the Tome of Horror) won't be as useful for our group. Just for the fact I don’t see my DM running RotRL.
With even named NPCs, I know my DM would still find uses for them as he can substitute them for any adventurer, guard, noble, merchant, etc. I’m sure he could say “This monster represents _______ in the Bestiary”, but it’s always more fun to use the correct monster minis.
So I hope there aren’t too many monsters that are unique to RotRL.

Hobbun |

Yes, and that works. What I meant by ‘unique’ to RotRL is they have never appeared in any of the Bestiaries outside of the AP.
And I wasn’t saying they weren’t usable at all, I was just getting at is my DM isn’t going to be purchasing the Anniversary edition, so he wouldn’t have access to the monster(s) stats if they were only in that book.

Caineach |

Vic Wertz wrote:Vic Wertz wrote:Does anybody have any unanswered questions left? I *think* everything got answered...I should mention that we won't be answering questions about specific rarity ratios, as that's not information that WizKids provides.I appreciate that it's not your decision, but this seems very odd to me. Especially considering the community was pretty quick to collate multi-case reports and derive some significant statistics. Presumably thats the case with their other product lines too. The big secret only remains secret for a week or two.
I'm an outlier, no doubt, but this is part of why I've dropped one case from my subscription. I just can't see what they gain by announcing three rarities and then having a secret "super rare" subcategory. Or from having some commons occur as often as some uncommons.
It's a weird PR decision, in my view. I guess there must be people with opposite tendencies to me who will buy more cases based on uncertainty prerelease.
I see a couple reasons.
1. If they release product information like target rarity ratios, then they can be targetted for false advertising when they release the set if their actual numbers do not match.
2. Unlike CCGs which are produced in sheets with the proper rarity ratios, minis are produced individually. This gives them greater freedom in individual mini ratios. Not all commons are necessarily the exact same rarity. They may produce a few more of model A than model B at any given rarity to try to reduce costs.
3. It gives them freedom to mess up. They cannot be held accountable for unitentional packaging errors that may occur that can alter the rarity on any given mini.
4. The more detail they release, the more people can figure out their buisness model and how they do their pricing. This would be very valuable information for competitors.
Now, I do think that it would increase pre-orders to know more details about rarities. I think that Wizkids prizes the risks mitigation and extra freedom more.

Swiftbrook |

Swiftbrook wrote:stuffWe had this thing called a weekend...
Thanks Vic!
I should mention that we won't be answering questions about specific rarity ratios, as that's not information that WizKids provides.
Don't worry. Come August we'll collect the case reports, do the math for you, crunch the numbers and post all the statistics just like with Heroes and Monsters. :-)