Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

You get 75% percent off the Rune Giant for figures purchased in your subscription, which you can manage from you My Subscriptions page.
You can get up to one Rune Giant for every Standard Case you order (and thus one for each Case Bundle).

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Just to clarify...I've set my subscription to have one Premium figure automatically included with by case purchase. So, one Rune Giant will automatically be included with my order. Correct?

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What a great figure. The flowing robes, the musculature, the expression. It is more than just a scaled up humanoid miniature, it feels as imposing as it should. Other than the uncomfortably caucasian tone to his pants, I have nothing but love for my rune giant.

The Minis Maniac |

Is this available for purchase by us regular non-case ordering peoples? This is the only one I really wish to purchase.
If not, is there a rough idea when I can order this? Or will it be available only to subscribers?
As a case promo you need to buy a case in order to purchase the Rune Giant. It will not be available otherwise period. If you just wish to buy the Rune Giant your best bet is to be lucky enough to purchase one at a FLGS if they will let you.

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Is this available for purchase by us regular non-case ordering peoples? This is the only one I really wish to purchase.
If not, is there a rough idea when I can order this? Or will it be available only to subscribers?
At the moment, it is only available to subscribers. It will be available to non subscribers in the following circumstances
1) When Paizo run out of cases, meaning they can't start a subscription from here.
2) Once Shattered Star releases in January, and RotRL is no longer a valid point to start the subscription
Obviously if they run out of Rune Giants before then, you won't be able to buy them. Other sites & stores have different criteria for allowing sales of this, so you might want to shop around.

Hobbun |

You’ll most likely be able to buy the Rune Giant separately a couple of months down the road at your local FLGS or online. I know they sell the Black Dragon (the first promo) at my closest FLGS and you can find them online.
Unless the print run was less with the Rune Giant than the Black Dragon, you will probably be able to find them later, as well. However, don’t be surprised if the price is higher.
Finally, you will probably be able to find the Rune Giant now on ebay, but expect to pay a premium price for it.

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You’ll most likely be able to buy the Rune Giant separately a couple of months down the road at your local FLGS or online.
When I walked into my FLGS on Friday they had a couple of Rune Giants for sale sitting on the counter.
When I walked out they only had one :-)

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All the stores in the Twin Cite MN, has them for sale as a separate figure.. at least the ones ACTUALLY selling the actual miniatures line :)
Which ones? I will hit Tower Games on Saturday. I really do not want to visit the Source if necessary. Also, does Fantasy Flight have any to sell?
Lastly, anywhere else?

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Leg o' Lamb, Tower Games is supposed to have them but you might want to call ahead to find out if they have them in as of yet and or if they have any Rune Giants available. The Source is pretty good about it though. Not sure if you just have a general problem with The Source or it is just to far to drive but they also do ship too.
I also know of a place in Chicago that will ship to you too and would likely sell a Rune Giant to you?

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Mine seems to have gone missing in the post.
Greetings Catprog,
I just reviewed your shipment and it looks like your package containing your Rune Giant was shipped from our facility on the 30th of last month with an estimated arrival time of 6 to 10 business days. Since it left our warehouse 8 business days have passed, so your package should still be arriving some time in the near future.
While I suspect you should be seeing your package soon, if it still has not arrived by the end of next week make sure to let me know via email at customer.service@paizo.com and I'll assist you further at that time.
- Erik K

Catprog |
Catprog wrote:Mine seems to have gone missing in the post.Greetings Catprog,
I just reviewed your shipment and it looks like your package containing your Rune Giant was shipped from our facility on the 30th of last month with an estimated arrival time of 6 to 10 business days. Since it left our warehouse 8 business days have passed, so your package should still be arriving some time in the near future.
While I suspect you should be seeing your package soon, if it still has not arrived by the end of next week make sure to let me know via email at customer.service@paizo.com and I'll assist you further at that time.
- Erik K
The package did arrive, it just didn't have the rune giant. But on the customer service forum they are going to send a replacement with my next subscription shipment. Thank you for the service.

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

What a great figure. The flowing robes, the musculature, the expression. It is more than just a scaled up humanoid miniature, it feels as imposing as it should. Other than the uncomfortably caucasian tone to his pants, I have nothing but love for my rune giant.
Just got mine, and I have to agree, the Rune Giant does appear to be a True Scotsman. I'm going to have to paint over that, or I'll never hear the end of it when this thing hits the table.

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

You do realize the rune giant has blue/green/gray skin? He's wearing pants.
Yes. You do realize that skin-tight Caucasian-flesh-colored pants look like Caucasian flesh? It was a poor color choice.
EDIT: This could be a painter's mistake. Some might have the tan/beige pants as the figure in the photo. But mine is clearly a flesh tone.

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HangarFlying wrote:You do realize the rune giant has blue/green/gray skin? He's wearing pants.Yes. You do realize that skin-tight Caucasian-flesh-colored pants look like Caucasian flesh? It was a poor color choice.
I guess that since he had blue skin, i assumed he was wearing human flesh for pants, not that he was naked.

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

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Christopher Dudley wrote:I guess that since he had blue skin, i assumed he was wearing human flesh for pants, not that he was naked.HangarFlying wrote:You do realize the rune giant has blue/green/gray skin? He's wearing pants.Yes. You do realize that skin-tight Caucasian-flesh-colored pants look like Caucasian flesh? It was a poor color choice.
Even with upper body his skin-tone, half the figure is that Caucasian flesh colour, and his pants are tight enough to be mistake for skin. It isn't like I see his legs and think "naked white guy", only that I have only ever seen the paint WizKids chose used as flesh tone, making the rune giant look a bit like a pencil salesman.

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Out of the several dozen people I have shown this too, only about 1-2 made the comment about the pants and that was that it looked like he had none on but that being his skin was different above that he was wearing pants. That was all that was said.
So believe it or not I just think your friends are just unfashionably immature instead of the fashionably mature.

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

Out of the several dozen people I have shown this too, only about 1-2 made the comment about the pants and that was that it looked like he had none on but that being his skin was different above that he was wearing pants. That was all that was said.
So believe it or not I just think your friends are just unfashionably immature instead of the fashionably mature.
Well, I just took it out of the box and no one else I know has seen it yet, but if any of my friends do call attention to the poor color choice, I will tell them that you think they're immature.

danielc |

danielc wrote:If it bugs you, splash some other color on it. No big deal. In fact, if you do it well, you will have a one of a kind. ;-)Yeah, that was already my plan. Looking at my paints now to pick a color. This might merit a trip to the hobby shop.
Cool. maybe post a picture so we can see how it turns out. :-)

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Deanoth wrote:Out of the several dozen people I have shown this too, only about 1-2 made the comment about the pants and that was that it looked like he had none on but that being his skin was different above that he was wearing pants. That was all that was said.
So believe it or not I just think your friends are just unfashionably immature instead of the fashionably mature.
Well, I just took it out of the box and no one else I know has seen it yet, but if any of my friends do call attention to the poor color choice, I will tell them that you think they're immature.
Glad to be of help. You were the one that mentioned the maturity level... I just expanded upon it. So if you think that it might do them some good.. by all means. No offense was intended but then again not sure what you motives were. BTW my end it was just more or less a clever turn of words. :)

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

Christopher Dudley wrote:Glad to be of help. You were the one that mentioned the maturity level... I just expanded upon it. So if you think that it might do them some good.. by all means. No offense was intended but then again not sure what you motives were. BTW my end it was just more or less a clever turn of words. :)Deanoth wrote:Out of the several dozen people I have shown this too, only about 1-2 made the comment about the pants and that was that it looked like he had none on but that being his skin was different above that he was wearing pants. That was all that was said.
So believe it or not I just think your friends are just unfashionably immature instead of the fashionably mature.
Well, I just took it out of the box and no one else I know has seen it yet, but if any of my friends do call attention to the poor color choice, I will tell them that you think they're immature.
Nah, I was just making silly gamer jokes.

Kris Vanhoyland |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

The fleshy tone of the pants stood out to me as well. I assumed I had gotten a defective paint job, until I saw that they're all the same, and also match the art depicted in the bestiary and the Rise of the Runelord volumes.
So I slapped some paint on mine: Rune Giant repaint
The color I used is GW's Scorched Brown, which nearly matches the brown tones in their boots and kneepads perfectly.