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The plot, it thickens, like gravy. Definitely getting some creepy vibes about the abundance of pork...
Quite a variety of presentations. Methinks the short order cook favors the long pork though.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

I suppose burning it into your eyeball is one way to wear a ring of X-Ray vision.
Makes it hard to take off when the Con drain adds up, though.

sunbeam |
That effect isn't permanent is it? It was a temporary extract right?
Also about what level is Norret supposed to be? It's not like he has to be a fully statted up character that rigorously follows the game rules, but some of the things he's done in this and the preceding story would require him to be a pretty high level.
And I was kind of getting the vibe he was like a level 5 to 8 type of guy.
Anyone have a theory as to which kind of alchemist he might be? He doesn't seem the type to hulk out.

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

If you manage to stumble across a certain minor artifact, even a 1st-level Commoner can do some pretty nifty tricks.
In the hands of an alchemist who took Master Craftsman: Craft (alchemy)/Craft Wondrous Item? Admittedly it takes a little GM/authorial fiat, but off-brand uses of existing items has plenty of precedent. Consider, say, the powers exhibited when an ordinary Ioun stone is fit into a Wayfinder.

sunbeam |
If you manage to stumble across a certain minor artifact, even a 1st-level Commoner can do some pretty nifty tricks.
In the hands of an alchemist who took Master Craftsman: Craft (alchemy)/Craft Wondrous Item? Admittedly it takes a little GM/authorial fiat, but off-brand uses of existing items has plenty of precedent. Consider, say, the powers exhibited when an ordinary Ioun stone is fit into a Wayfinder.
Okay, I missed that in the first story. I was thinking he had learned the Elixir of Life discovery.
Not to seem too dense, is Norret's eye akin to a ring of x-ray vision? Permanently? Kind of neat, but in real life it'd be annoying to have to wear an eyepatch all the time.

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

Everything alchemists do to themselves is non-permanent until it isn't. Where that "isn't" is depends on authorial/GM fiat, character build and so on. Dr. Jekyll used his elixir one too many times before he started getting flashbacks and had to use another elixir to stop turning into Mr. Hyde. Norret? I'll admit to being a bit inspired by the old sci-fi film "X - The Man with the X-Ray Eyes" because that totally fits into the alchemist trope of self-experimentation.

Itchy |

Everything alchemists do to themselves is non-permanent until it isn't.
This is my favorite sentence for the day.
I will tell my gaming group about this tonight. We have an alchemist in the party (though she is the grenadier type, rather than the self experimentation type).

Cheapy |

KAM, just as a note, I'm fairly certain Alchemists are able to and are intended to be able to make magic items without taking Master Craftsman.
Unless SKR's comments alluding to it, the original designer's comments, serpents skull's player's guide, and an that Carrion Crown module are wrong =/. I wish they'd say it explicitly one way or the other.
edit: now with 100% more sources for my statements!

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

I guess the question is if he crafted a special ring of x-ray vision or if he reverse-engineered the x-ray vision spell and made an extract of it.
Both are entirely possible and plausible.
I will note that X-Ray Vision would be an excellent addition for an alchemist's formulary.
Either Kevin will tell us in due time, or it isn't actually relevant.
To quote River Song, "Spoilers!"