Sajuuk, Turtle of Creation |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Meanwhile out in the Adirondacks on the east coast we have had a severe lack of snow this season. Send some of that snow out my way!
On a related note, is any of the warehouse staff in today? I saw that Robot Chris was in yesterday, but was wondering if more labels were going to get processed today.

Kazarath |

I live in Canada, and before you expect me to go on and on about how you yanks don't know what snow is, I have to say, we have gotten very little snow this year (granted I live in southern Ontario). I miss the days when I'd walk out of the house and the snow would be up to knees. Those were the days........

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That made me laugh.
Also, I'm in North Dakota.
You don't even HAVE WINTER where you are!
We might not get much winter weather, but we also have no infrastructure to deal with what we do get. We don't salt (important roads might get plowed and/or sanded) and we have ridiculous hills everywhere.
Cosmo took this picture this morning from the bus.
I'm sure if this weather happened for more than 2 or 3 days every other year we'd invest more into plows and salt and our population base would learn how to drive in it better.

Renraku |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm sure if this weather happened for more than 2 or 3 days every other year we'd invest more into plows and salt and our population base would learn how to drive in it better.
That would be a false assumption, seeing as how Chicago gets decent to ridiculous amounts of snow every year and 70% of the population cannot drive in it =/
Though it could be worse, I have a friend up in Issaquah without power. You all have emergency generators for writing/editing right? :)

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You all have emergency generators for writing/editing right? :)
At the office, we have redundancies built upon redundancies* to keep the creative juices flowing, but most of us aren't at the office. Seeing other people around the area posting about power outages has me scared, cause my laptop battery will only last so long.
* Subject to verification by the reality verifiers.

Judy Bauer |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Though it could be worse, I have a friend up in Issaquah without power. You all have emergency generators for writing/editing right? :)
Printouts and flashlights are a lot like generators, right? <_<
Our power's been flickering this morning, so I'm keeping my laptop charging as long as possible. If it goes out, I'll have to strap snowshoes on the cats before herding them onto the treadmill that serves as our backup power source.

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If it goes out, I'll have to strap snowshoes on the cats before herding them onto the treadmill that serves as our backup power source.
And Judy is never seen again. I can't imagine strapping anything on a cat, it's bad enough just putting a collar on one of ours let alone anything else.

thunderspirit |

Sara Marie wrote:I'm sure if this weather happened for more than 2 or 3 days every other year we'd invest more into plows and salt and our population base would learn how to drive in it better.That would be a false assumption, seeing as how Chicago gets decent to ridiculous amounts of snow every year and 70% of the population cannot drive in it =/
Quoted For Truth. :-|

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And here are a couple of pics I took this morning when a city bus slid off the road, onto the sidewalk, and into a large tree in front of my apartment:
Yes, yes, all of you in other problems have it so much worse that you're practically in Mordor, blah blah blah. Our hills mean it's different here, trust me.

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You all stay safe up there. Do what you need to do, stay where you need to stay. Yes, we'll be disappointed if our shipments are delayed, but moreso if any of you get yourselves made into yeti chow.
<snark>('Cause then, y'know, who will write/edit/develop/illustrate/pack/ship/etc. the books and stuff we want... 8^)</snark>
Edit: Didn't want anybody to feel left out. 8^)

Caineach |

Liz Courts wrote:Just a note, the pic that Cosmo took is at the bottom of the hill that I live on.Geez, that looked scary, no wonder everyone is staying home.
(P.S. Liz, did you get my email...?)
That looked pretty standard for New England/Upstate NY winters. Even the lack of plowing. Only real difference is that people are afraid to drive so you don't get as clean tire tracks. People would probably go ~20 MPH less than normal in that, so like 5-10 under the speed limit.
Until my bumper is plowing, I don't consider the snow that bad. Your right though, hills do affect it. Certain areas arround here have completely different results.
I wish we had snow.

Matrixryu |

I live in the DC area, and people don't handle snow very well here either. We don't have many hills though and we have plenty of snow equipment, so I don't know what our excuse is XD
I feel bad asking this... I know that you guys probably won't be able to finish mailing out the January subscriptions for a while, but do you think it would be possible to give people access to their subscription PDFs? I was looking forward to using the Dragon Empires Primer to make some final touches on my Kitsune character before his first game this weekend ;)

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Callous Jack wrote:Liz Courts wrote:Just a note, the pic that Cosmo took is at the bottom of the hill that I live on.Geez, that looked scary, no wonder everyone is staying home.
(P.S. Liz, did you get my email...?)
That looked pretty standard for New England/Upstate NY winters. Even the lack of plowing. Only real difference is that people are afraid to drive so you don't get as clean tire tracks. People would probably go ~20 MPH less than normal in that, so like 5-10 under the speed limit.
Until my bumper is plowing, I don't consider the snow that bad. Your right though, hills do affect it. Certain areas arround here have completely different results.
I wish we had snow.
It is pretty standard but I think our plows do a much better job than that mess of an intersection.

NeonParrot |

Thats a good blog. . . you have all the cold air for the rest of the country!
Its pretty balmy here in Virginia . . .a few days ago, I was walking around in shirt sleeves. The ground hasn't really frozen over yet. The cats are shedding thier winter coats and the spring bulbs are putting up shoots. My sister in Oakland said San Francisco had the same temperature as metro DC.
Of course, a few years ago, I was shovelling 6000 pounds of snow and ice . . . welcome to Global Warming!

Samnell |

I live in the DC area, and people don't handle snow very well here either. We don't have many hills though and we have plenty of snow equipment, so I don't know what our excuse is XD
You have to relearn driving on snow every year. I'm guessing DC doesn't get snow regularly enough or for long enough for people to develop the skill.
...not that I didn't do a 270 degree spin in my car a week ago when I turned too fast. But skids and slides happen to everyone.

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I live in southern Illinois, where they (being people who arent me) like to say 'Dont like the weather? Wait an hour and it'll change'. Example: Tuesday it was 60ish degrees when I left for work around 7:40am. When I left work at 4:30pm, it was about 30 degrees...
Anywho, it snows here often enough that you'd think people who have learned how to drive on the frackin snow. If that's what you though, youd be wrong. And it's mostly flat around here, too.
On a separate topic, that blog was very funny. :P

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It is pretty standard but I think our plows do a much better job than that mess of an intersection.
See, you just admitted you had snow plows. That puts you in a far better situation than we've got, where the entire county has like five. We also don't put salt or ice-melt down in most places in the city, because of all the lakes and the closeness to Puget Sound and the ecological ramifications of all that runoff into the environment.
Having grown up in the midwest and having lived in the northeast for a decade, I've seen my share of snowstorms, and while this isn't the worst in terms of cold, snowfall, or even the level of ice, it's not about knowing how to drive in it. When you're on a 50% or higher grade hill that's covered in ice, there's no amount of skill that's going to help you keep your car from going wherever gravity wants it to go.

goodwicki |

...we also have no infrastructure to deal with what we do get. We don't salt (important roads might get plowed and/or sanded)...I'm sure if this weather happened for more than 2 or 3 days every other year we'd invest more into plows and salt and our population base would learn how to drive in it better.
This definitely hurts. As for the hills, I think your points certainly compound the problem immensely. I lived in Ithaca for several years (yes, it's gorges) and while the hills got tricky it seemed like most of the problems from snowfalls were from out-of-town students and the occassional inexplicable lack of salting/plowing.
In any event, I hope you all stay warm and safe. If possible, feel free to send some of that snow Buffalo's way - today is the first day we've had any decent looking snow pretty much all season (not counting the Southtowns). I miss having one or two "snow days"!
Out of curiosity, does Jason Bulmahn drive a Kia Rio?

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I spent the last twenty years on the west coast before moving back to Minnesota. I will not begrudge anyone in latteland(Seattle) from staying home in this but... people in Duluth deal with those conditions up to four and half months every year, and that is a big hill and Lady Superior is pretty unforgiving.
We have been lucky in the Twin Cities so far in that we have got Jack for snow. I do not envy you all one bit.
At least we have the infrastructure in place to deal with snow removal.
Edit- Looking at Sean's pics reminded me of something I have missed since leaving Crater Lake... Snow Chains!! ytf MN doesn't allow them is beyond me

Renraku |

Renraku wrote:Though it could be worse, I have a friend up in Issaquah without power. You all have emergency generators for writing/editing right? :)Printouts and flashlights are a lot like generators, right? <_<
Our power's been flickering this morning, so I'm keeping my laptop charging as long as possible. If it goes out, I'll have to strap snowshoes on the cats before herding them onto the treadmill that serves as our backup power source.
Hey whatever it takes to get the job done I suppose, HAHA.

nathan blackmer |

And here are a couple of pics I took this morning when a city bus slid off the road, onto the sidewalk, and into a large tree in front of my apartment:
Yes, yes, all of you in other problems have it so much worse that you're practically in Mordor, blah blah blah. Our hills mean it's different here, trust me.
Pshaw! Winter Tires! BUY THEM!
No I get it, I'm in Seattle all the time. HOWEVER, I'm from VT and the roads are steeper... I suppose I'll have to concede that the state doesn't take care of your roads.
Then again, you live in like, the most temperate part of the country.
It's really just jealousy on my part.... darned midwest.

nathan blackmer |

WHIMPS!!! All of you at Paizo are complete and total Whimps! ~basks in the 68 degree temperature of sunny Savannah, GA~ Letting a little bit of snow cause such problems. ~sneers in contempt~ I expect better out of you all.
~grins and runs~
PSHAW! PSHAW I SAW! 1/4 inch of snow in georgia and the whole STATE IS CRIPPLED!

Judy Bauer |

For reference, here's what the unplowed, unsalted, and unsanded Seattle hills are like when it's snowy/icy: link—check out the bus at 2:42. This was the storm that trapped Wes in the office last Thanksgiving. That hill continues down for another mile down to Puget Sound, and some of the streets along it have a 20+ % grade. AFTER regrading.

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I feel bad asking this... I know that you guys probably won't be able to finish mailing out the January subscriptions for a while, but do you think it would be possible to give people access to their subscription PDFs? I was looking forward to using the Dragon Empires Primer to make some final touches on my Kitsune character before his first game this weekend ;)
Granting of PDFs is intimately tied to the shipping of the books. We've gotten some out already and we will be getting the remainder out as soon as possible.

Sharoth |

Sharoth wrote:Dear Paizo, I TOTALLY WANT free, loose, hungry rot grubs to be included in my next subscription mailing.You WANT rot grubs in your subscription package, you say? Okay! Who are we to argue?
~snarls at Wesley~ NOW LOOK HERE!!! That is NOT what I said! ~cracks the whip at Wesley~ Obviously you have too much time on your hands~ Get back to work!