New Year, New Goblins

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Illustration by Miroslav Petrov

Everyone loves goblins, right? And by extension, folks are keen on their goblinoid brethren, the militaristic hobgoblins and the sadistic bugbears. Well, this month we introduce a new goblinoid subtype humanoid to Golarion—the kijimuna, a native of the Dragon Empires of Tian Xia. These CR 2 creatures are known for their wild, bright red hair and their wide, mischievous grins, and enjoy fishing almost as much as playing pranks and practical jokes on unsuspecting targets. Much like their Inner Sea cousins, kijimunas have a deep-seated fear of a single creature, in this case the octopus, and when faced with an octopus, a kijimuna either flees in terror or desperately fights. Unlike the other goblinoid races, however, kijimunas are not innately evil, and typically have chaotic neutral alignments.

The kijimuna receives a full write-up in the forthcoming Pathfinder Adventure Path #53: Tide of Honor, due to hit stores and subscribers’ mailboxes later this month, and appear in one of the two new Pathfinder Society Scenarios released last week—Pathfinder Society Scenario #3–11: The Quest for Perfection, Part II: On Hostile Waters—in which the intrepid Pathfinders journey through kijimuna territory as they sail down a great river.

Mark Moreland

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Tags: Goblins Miroslav Petrov Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Society

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

And what kind of creature would I have to get wet or feed after midnight to create a kijimuna? ;)

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

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Finally! A use for all my troll dolls in Pathfinder.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Sebastian wrote:
Finally! A use for all my troll dolls in Pathfinder.

They're troll action figures.

Liberty's Edge

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*takes off $#@$ armor*

Finally! The perfect minions to ally with in the struggle against the Great Old One!

The Exchange

Nullpunkt wrote:
And what kind of creature would I have to get wet or feed after midnight to create a kijimuna? ;)

Totally reminiscent of Gremlins!

Love it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So, Minkai goblins who fear octopi... Would a hentai joke be out of line?

Here we have Goblin Mel Gibson.

the red-headed stepchildren of the goblin race?

Silver Crusade

CN goblins. Want.

Makes one hopeful for a CN alternate orc race as well...

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

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Makes me wonder how one would react to meeting a grindylow.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DankeSean wrote:
Makes me wonder how one would react to meeting a grindylow.

The flesh is willing but the spirit is weak.

Oh man, that looked like a squid on a stick at first. (Sluggy Freelance readers will get the ref.) Much scarier than an octopus on a spear.

Shadow Lodge

I smell a player-race and it smells good.

Awesome! That's why I love Paizo they always come with new and awesome creatures and races!

Really love the hair! Do they also come in pink? ;)

Grand Lodge

Paizio wrote:
Unlike the other goblinoid races, however, kijimunas are not innately evil, and typically have chaotic neutral alignments."

I read this post and specifically remembered this point.

When playing thru PFS module #3–11: The Quest for Perfection, Part II: On Hostile Waters...

hostile waters spoilers:
I really really tried not to meta-game when it became clear that one of my party members really wanted to capture and preserve a body part of one of these little guys. When we noticed the caves we straight up ambushed the tribe before they became aggressive.

From this description, I'm also kind of wondering why the module authors put in the flavor text of "inside the caves next to the river you see human bones. If they aren't evil, why would they bother ambushing, killing and eating humans on the river when they could just fish for food?

They're chaotic.

Grand Lodge

Yes, they are Chaotic Neutral says so in the post.

And that means they can do good and evil things and still be within their alignment. I don't see what the issue is.

Grand Lodge

Cheapy wrote:
And that means they can do good and evil things and still be within their alignment. I don't see what the issue is.

Haven't changed the "issue" since my original post.

If they aren't evil, why would they bother ambushing, killing and eating humans on the river when they could just fish for food?

That's what my statement answered. Why would they bother? Because they are chaotic.

Grand Lodge

I'll go ask this question in the module discussion.

sveden wrote:
Paizio wrote:
Unlike the other goblinoid races, however, kijimunas are not innately evil, and typically have chaotic neutral alignments."

I read this post and specifically remembered this point.

When playing thru PFS module #3–11: The Quest for Perfection, Part II: On Hostile Waters...

** spoiler omitted **

Eating humans is not evil. Neither is it inately Chaotic. See Lizardfolk for an example. They consider meat to be meat. Hunting humans is no more evil than hunting fish.
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