Pathfinder Battles Preview: Goblins on the March!

Friday, September 30, 2011

When we put together the set list for our first major Pathfinder Battles set, Heroes & Monsters, we knew it needed to contain several goblins. Ever since James Jacobs and Wayne Reynolds reimagined these classic monsters in the very first Pathfinder Adventure Path volume, “Burnt Offerings,” these little green-skinned bastards have been sort of unofficial mascots for the Pathfinder brand. They just had to be represented in the set.

The behind-the-scenes images below show the unpainted master sculpts of two of the goblins included in the Heroes & Monsters set. As WizKids’ sculptors pretty much translated our critters directly into three dimensions, we did not require any changes to their look.

The image below shows the goblins in their full-color glory. We asked WizKids to darken the greens a bit on these little guys, so the final production models will come off a little less day-glo than they appear here, but you can get a good sense of how nasty the goblins will look when they come chomping into your life in December!

They be plasticrack, you be food!

Next Week: I have no idea which images we’ll preview next week, but I am confident they will look awesome. Let me know what minis or Pathfinder Battles information you’d like to see, and I’ll do my best to reveal it here in seven days!

Erik Mona

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Grand Lodge

Erik, they look awesome. I am running a party through Burnt Offerings now. Sure wish I had these babies. They do capture the uniqueness of the Pathfinder goblins. Something I have grown fond of.

About next week, I would be happy with anything you would want to surprise us with. Maybe something that has yet to be mentioned throughout the boards.



Dark Archive

They be plasticrack, I be enamoured,

OK, those are beautiful. I'm eagerly awaiting getting the minis now more than ever. I was at first against the idea of random minis, but finding out how many of these I'll get in a case will be something worth digging for IMO.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Aside from maybe the Black Dragon, these have to be the best looking figs so far, and they do look good! Can't wait for these bad boys.

Do they come with a side dish of horse or dog? :)

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Wow, these look great!

Shadow Lodge

I must say they look great.

As for next week how about some of the more odd mins?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

preordered two cases...gah...addicted...argh

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Arrgh, wish I could afford more. Guess I'll have to buy singles (lots) of goblins and adorn my desk with them.

Dark Archive

I cannot wait to be able to use these goblins!!! Has Wayne Reynolds seen these yet?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will definitely be picking up any goblin miniatures. They look great. Now if only there was Fisher Price Little People versions of these goblins :) For my daughter I swear ;)


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

These look great. Hopefully there will be one in H&M or in RotR set that uses a horsechopper as well.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ricky Bobby wrote:

Aside from maybe the Black Dragon, these have to be the best looking figs so far, and they do look good! Can't wait for these bad boys.

Do they come with a side dish of horse or dog? :)

No, but there will be a commando on a goblin dog in the Rise of the Runelords set...

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

1 person marked this as a favorite.
JoelF847 wrote:
These look great. Hopefully there will be one in H&M or in RotR set that uses a horsechopper as well.

Rise of the Runelords for that one.

This set also includes a "Goblin Mystic" that is based on one of the pregenerated characters from We Be Goblins.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I'm so glad I decided to subscribe.

Emperor Paizo, with every one of these previews I become more your MINIon.

I wish there was a "deluxe" line or some such, we we could get resin or metal minis of these... I just love the level of detail they have.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My suggestion for next weeks preview. Show us a mini never produced by ddm, maybe a beastiary monster that is exclusive to paizo. That is if you guys have one for this set. I only say it because people like me who collected lots of DDM would be much more interested in minis that were never printed elsewhere.

P.S I love all thats been shown so far and will be glad to own all of these minis.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Hugo Solis wrote:
I wish there was a "deluxe" line or some such, we we could get resin or metal minis of these... I just love the level of detail they have.

Reaper's metal Pathfinder goblins, goblin pyro, goblin commando on goblin dog, and goblin warchanter minis all have crazy awesome detail, and are super fun to paint. I suggest getting those.

Silver Crusade

These be nasty little green things! Yep, I like them a lot!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I would love a Metal/Resin/plastic unpainted version of these. Awesome. Maybe if I beg enough :)

Grand Lodge

I'm hoping for some gnomes....

Scarab Sages

Any chance of a poog...

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

There is a gnome fighter in the set. He was in the first batch of previews, and you can see him here.

The Exchange

I hate to be a money folder here, but where is the FIRE!
Dog Slicer - check
Toothy Maw/Evil Grin - check
Adorned with weird trinkets - check
Fire...Fire...Fire, WTH who forgot the fire?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Reaper already has a set of goblin pyros. I'm sure we'll get a prepainted goblin with a torch eventually.

Dark Archive

Do you possibly have any information on any of the following creatures?:

Shadow Demons
Any Undead (though a Revenant would be sweet!!)
Any of the Genies
Night Hag

Also, do we know what the rarity of the Goblins will be in H&M?

The Exchange


For da nekst weak, you be bringing out ciders.

And if you have no ciders, you bring outciders.

Delishess angles, hot-n-spies-y devils, arc, ark, arch, LAW DUDES - wat evas on da menu!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

the Haunted Jester wrote:

Do you possibly have any information on any of the following creatures?:


Also, do we know what the rarity of the Goblins will be in H&M?

The three creatures quoted above are all in Heroes & Monsters. At least two of the goblins are common, and the Goblin Mystic (which we have not yet shown) is rare. I'm honestly not sure about the other goblin at the moment, as he was a very late addition to the set.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:

Do you possibly have any information on any of the following creatures?:


Also, do we know what the rarity of the Goblins will be in H&M?

The three creatures quoted above are all in Heroes & Monsters. At least two of the goblins are common, and the Goblin Mystic (which we have not yet shown) is rare. I'm honestly not sure about the other goblin at the moment, as he was a very late addition to the set.

Awesome!! I cannot wait to see what my case holds!! Thank you Erik for your patience with all of us.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona in the blog wrote:

Next Week: I have no idea which images we’ll preview next week, but I am confident they will look awesome. Let me know what minis or Pathfinder Battles information you’d like to see, and I’ll do my best to reveal it here in seven days!

It may have been coverd in the product threads already (but I don't think I've seen it), but I am guessing one to three more iconics may make an appearance in this set, can you give us a spoiler and tell us how many more besides the Iconic Paladin will make the set?

Also, can you name one of them?

Baby steps :)

When is the case subscription preorder deadline for guaranteeing a black dragon again?

Dark Archive

October 1st BigWeather....

the Haunted Jester wrote:
October 1st BigWeather....

Eeep! Hopefully at the end of the day - I'll try and get everyone on board tomorrow. Thanks!

Dark Archive

BigWeather wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:
October 1st BigWeather....
Eeep! Hopefully at the end of the day - I'll try and get everyone on board tomorrow. Thanks!

You mean getting your whole gaming group to pitch in? Why didn't I think of that....

Sovereign Court

Meh, I prefer WAR's purple-ish goblins.

BigWeather wrote:

When is the case subscription preorder deadline for guaranteeing a black dragon again?

It's not a fixed count-down, it's just that starting today, it becomes ever more uncertain whether you can get the dragon.

The sculpts are great on these! And thumbs up on the request to WizKids to darken them up a bit. Just a little too light of green for what I have come to known as a goblin.

As for future reveals, I second the notion for some more undead. I assume we are going to receive more undead than the Lich in H&M. Maybe a skelly and zombie. A wight would be really awesome.

My only disappointment is there seems to be little I can use for direct representation for legacy of fire. Gnolls and genies would have been awesome as well!

I hope that at some point we'll see some unpainted versions as well. Dspite the best efforts of WizKids and WoTC, the prepaint does cover up a lot of detail. There is also a lot of customization posible with the old non-paints as well.

The Exchange

Joe Kushner wrote:
I hope that at some point we'll see some unpainted versions as well. Dspite the best efforts of WizKids and WoTC, the prepaint does cover up a lot of detail. There is also a lot of customization posible with the old non-paints as well.

Most PPMs are super easy to paint. Most really only need touch ups and detail work, very few require priming and starting over.

These look great!

Grand Lodge

Rare and commons i don't like the sound of that especially since it's like 1 to a box...E

Blog wrote:

Next Week: I have no idea which images we’ll preview next week, but I am confident they will look awesome. Let me know what minis or Pathfinder Battles information you’d like to see, and I’ll do my best to reveal it here in seven days!

Erik Mona

So I've got a request. I've seen a lot of talk about the miniatures that are being released under the Pathfinder Battles heading. What I haven't seen is any real mention of stuff to justify calling the product lines Pathfinder Battles instead of Pathfinder Miniatures or something similar. The second blog post that has the Pathfinder Battles tag mentions Encounter Packs. If those are what I think they are, then we've got something that puts the Battle in Pathfinder Battles. Could we hear more about those Encounter Packs? Also, if there is anything else planned for the Pathfinder Battles line like that, could we get more info along those lines in next week's post?

By the way, I love the minis. Those goblins really capture the evil-yet-slightly-adorable quality that Paizo has brought to goblins. And they all have been really cool.

Liberty's Edge

So my only question is about the base. I've seen different images showing clean bases with miniature mounted directly to it and more recent ones with round little stand-offs that feet are mounted to. Which will it be? I wish it were the former, but I'm guessing the newer pics are likely to represent the finished product.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

They will be standing on the little pads.

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

They will be standing on the little pads.

Got it...thanks for the quick reply and confirmation on that. In any event, they are fantastic looking pieces (those previewed so far) and I'm looking forward to receiving my case later this year.

Oh and by the way, it is an honor to have you reply to my post! Everything that you guys put out continues to impress me.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Erik Mona wrote:
They will be standing on the little pads.

Interesting. Is there a technical reason for that, or is it an art choice? I don't particularly mind them, but they seem a little odd. Mainly, I'm just curious.


Tamago wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
They will be standing on the little pads.
Interesting. Is there a technical reason for that, or is it an art choice? I don't particularly mind them, but they seem a little odd. Mainly, I'm just curious.

I believe its a quality choice on Wizkids side: They did this with heroclix too - The plastic they use is a little more ridged than the DDM plastic, so if they have a small area where the actual body mold connects to the base, they put the pads under the feet to strengthen the mini, this prevents it from snapping off at the base upon regular use.

Tamago wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
They will be standing on the little pads.
Interesting. Is there a technical reason for that, or is it an art choice? I don't particularly mind them, but they seem a little odd. Mainly, I'm just curious.

The goblins are self-conscious about their height.

Grand Lodge

Erik, is there a complete list of minis in the set you can share with us yet?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

At some point, doesn't have to be this week, I'd really like to see the bases of these minis. I know you gave a small description in the product thread, but a picture is worth a thousand posts. :)

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