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I did want to point out that your list of open regions has Southern Illinois (Urbana). While being a Chicagoan, anything south of the city can be considered as Southern Illinois, but to be fair, Urbana is more properly Central Illinois. Also, it might make more sense to call it Champaign-Urbana, since they'e adjacent cities that each contain roughly one half of the University of Illinois.

Goatlord |
Congrats, Mike!
We met at Gencon this year (played the Gencon Special, high level table together) and had a couple of nice chats.
I've been impressed with the job you did in Atlanta, and I'm sure PFS is in good hands with you.
Looking forward to seeing you put 'your mark' on the way the campaign is organized. Your skills at delegation/empowerment and organization will serve us all well!
(all hail Team Cheliax, and our glorious patron Asmodeus)

stealthdrake |

Congratulations Mike. I will have to repeat what has been already said by many. Losing you from the local scene as well as losing the home game are losses. Yet the good things that are sure to come with you at the helm will surely make up for it.
Of course it is your loss that you can't get Lila's cookies or gingerbread anymore... ;)
Best wishes from all of us here.

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Oh I see how it is! Now that you have a nice new title like Campaign Coordinator you can’t be bothered with the little people who helped get you to where you are now! And after all that work I put into keep the party alive with my cleric Novinnia in your campaign to prevent a TPK and ending an epic campaign! The ingratitude!
But really, congratulations, and I look forward to continuing to work as your minion! I am sorry to lose you, but I look forward to what you will do with PFS in Seattle. Pimpin new avatar by the way.

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Welcome, Mike!
Arnim Thayer wrote:Welcome aboard! You DO realize that there is parts of Illinois south of Urbana too, right? Just checking!There are NO parts of Illinois south of I-80. :-P
A lot of people live south of I-80. maybe not as many as Chicago, but still a lot.
I was actually hoping for something a bit further south if it was at all possible. Honestly, A VC in Urbana may as well be MO or Indianapolis for as far away as it is. Urbana desnt really serve the area I was meaning (Find the Carbondale/Marion area, down near the southern tip of the state), but at least it would be one more in the general area. Guess I can live with it. ;)

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thunderspirit wrote:Welcome, Mike!
Arnim Thayer wrote:Welcome aboard! You DO realize that there is parts of Illinois south of Urbana too, right? Just checking!There are NO parts of Illinois south of I-80. :-PA lot of people live south of I-80. maybe not as many as Chicago, but still a lot.
I was actually hoping for something a bit further south if it was at all possible. Honestly, A VC in Urbana may as well be MO or Indianapolis for as far away as it is. Urbana desnt really serve the area I was meaning (Find the Carbondale/Marion area, down near the southern tip of the state), but at least it would be one more in the general area. Guess I can live with it. ;)
Maybe the idea of more vague regions and areas needs to be looked at. I take care of the Southern Missouri area right now, for all intents and purposes, centered on Cape Girardeau. It was my crew that introduced Pathfinder to the Carbondale area. A less defined area might serve the needs of regions such as mine.

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A lot of people live south of I-80. maybe not as many as Chicago, but still a lot.
I was actually hoping for something a bit further south if it was at all possible. Honestly, A VC in Urbana may as well be MO or Indianapolis for as far away as it is. Urbana desnt really serve the area I was meaning (Find the Carbondale/Marion area, down near the southern tip of the state), but at least it would be one more in the general area. Guess I can live with it. ;)
The new Venture-Captain position will be responsible for Central & Southern Illinois. He will work with the Chicago Venture-Captain to find the line where they wish to divide the state in half.

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Maybe the idea of more vague regions and areas needs to be looked at. I take care of the Southern Missouri area right now, for all intents and purposes, centered on Cape Girardeau. It was my crew that introduced Pathfinder to the Carbondale area. A less defined area might serve the needs of regions such as mine.
This will be addressed in my Oct 10 blog. Way ahead of you :)

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(sends Gunslinger over to have a conversation with Mike)Tchk.. tchk.. ok.. hand over that coffee mug and no one gets hurt! :)
What can I say? I like coffee and I like Pathfinder.
Serious though.. congrats...
By the way... I don't suppose Paizo will sell coffee mugs? I can't seem to find any.
If you think the coffee travel mug is cool, you should see the beer stein I have sitting next to it in my office window. It is a PFS Beer Stein!
Now if you really want a mug, all you need to do is move to Atlanta and Kyle and Nani can hook you up when you hit your 3rd GM star.

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Oh I see how it is! Now that you have a nice new title like Campaign Coordinator you can’t be bothered with the little people who helped get you to where you are now! And after all that work I put into keep the party alive with my cleric Novinnia in your campaign to prevent a TPK and ending an epic campaign! The ingratitude!
What's that? I can't hear you from all the way up here... :)

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Michael Brock wrote:You're fired for like 15 minutes for bringing the Pope back into this. I can already here Erik mumbling now about visions of that stare from the PopeCurses! I didn't see this for an hour, and missed my 15 minutes :(
Oh well, back to work on the Dragnmoon Containment Field.
What Pope?

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Scribbling Rambler wrote:What Pope?Michael Brock wrote:You're fired for like 15 minutes for bringing the Pope back into this. I can already here Erik mumbling now about visions of that stare from the PopeCurses! I didn't see this for an hour, and missed my 15 minutes :(
Oh well, back to work on the Dragnmoon Containment Field.
At GenCon the Venture Captains met at a restaurant that had a bust of the current Pope in a gelatinous cube that sat on a Lazy Susan in the middle of the table. Every time someone started to speak, the Pope was turned toward that person. It was darn creepy from what I've been told.

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At GenCon the Venture Captains met at a restaurant that had a bust of the current Pope in a gelatinous cube that sat on a Lazy Susan in the middle of the table. Every time someone started to speak, the Pope was turned toward that person. It was darn creepy from what I've been told.
Yet one more reason to apply to be a Venture-Captain... that should go on the recruiting page!