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Bellona |

"... look at the big guys in Giants Revisited ..."
Yes! Finally some giant love!
After losing their monster type and being shuffled into the Humanoid type as a lowly sub-type, it's about time that these (maybe not-so-)lovable lunks got some attention.
This is great timing, as I will be needing some good ideas to make giants scary again to mid- and higher level parties. G 1-3, there's hope for you yet!

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Kyle Baird wrote:It is. I think Paizocon's still gonna be in June next year.Alizor wrote:PaizoCon next.... July? That'll make going to both pretty tough...Hoping that's a typo..
We haven't set a firm date, as we're scoping out larger venues, but we'll be aiming for June. I've edited the blog to suit.

LoreKeeper |

LoreKeeper wrote:@James (or Paizo at large): could it be that some/any of the RPG Superstar 2012 wondrous items get into Ultimate Equipment?
When I attended the Future of Paizo seminar at GenCon, Erik said he was expecting items from the Superstar contests to fill in some gaps.
Awesome! :D Now I'm motivated to look at my entry another 100+ times. It's been ready since mid-January this year, and I've been adjusting it and tempering it ever since. Amped!

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Pathfinder Modules: We’ll be heading back to Varisia even earlier than Magnimar: City of Monuments and the Shattered Star Adventure Path, though, with Feast of Ravenmoor, a low-level module set in the Varisian hinterlands. Two months later, test your mettle in The Ruby Phoenix Tournament, and then next January find out what our latest RPG Superstar winner, Sam Zeitlin, has in store for you in The Midnight Mirror!
Hey, don't forget No Response From Deepmar. I'm looking forward to seeing the realization of Lisa's "White Wolf days" title. Plus, can't wait to have my player's show me their best Mulders, Scullys, and Smoking Men.
Thank you for a fantastic Gen Con. I came with my two boys and one of their friends. They had a blast - especially Fire Man Boss and crocodile companion rodeo in Frostfur Captives...and a flying animal companion crocodile in Shadow's Last Stand...and a cleric/monk swallowing things that should not be swallowed during the Friday Night Special.
See you next at PaizoCon and Gen Con! Keep making Pathfinder great!

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I am excited about the Runelords update and collected edition. I hope I didnt steal Mona's thunder by getting him to announce this through my question during the semiar.
I learned about this product during the Adventure Path seminar the day before with James Jacobs. So when Erik was asking if Paizo should reprint the AP, I had a half smile on my face :)

Bellona |

In general: thank you for making a summary of the upcoming products. It makes some forms of planning a lot easier.
In particular, aside from Giants Revisited, I'm looking forward to the Linnorm Kings, Distant Worlds, Magnimar, and Lost Kingdoms, not to mention Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Faiths of Corruption (any chance of some mention of the Cthulhu mythos in the latter?). The Tian Xia books will be useful to me at a later date. And I'm really looking forward to revisiting Varisia with both the Feast of Ravenmoor and the Shattered Star AP. ... and that Pathfinderized version of RotRL. So yeah, I'm looking forward to a lot of this stuff! :)

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next Gen Con with Ultimate Equipment (a hardcover filled to the brim with new toys and magic items for any Pathfinder character).
I can't tell you how excited I am for this. Its the book I've been waiting for to come out for a year or so. I love equipment. I'm hoping a lot of good non-magical equipment and alchemical items in addition to magic items. But even if not, a lot of multi-use wondrous items like WotC's rod of ropes or Paizo's Utility Rod. Those are fun to have.

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When updating Rise of the Runelords (easily the greatest adventure I've ever read [I came to the game late, but after reading a bit and acquiring the first book {for 35 dollars on ebay, steal much? Yes!} I fell in love and bought the others] and can't wait to run) are you going to reference community converted content and stories to make it a tighter adventure with more joy?
[Edit] I spoke too soon. Just read the description on it's product page. Yes, yes, Y-E-S. Thank you.

Heaven's Agent |

Yes! Finally some giant love!
Thanks for that; I'll never get those images out of my mind.
In any case, I can't wait for the Rise of the Runelords hardcover, nor Magnimar: City of Monuments; I've been hoping for this one for some time, and been looking for an excuse to run a campaign based entirely in that city. More additions to the Monsters Revisited series are welcome as well.

Bellona |

Yes! Finally some giant love!
Thanks for that; I'll never get those images out of my mind.
Where did you think Half-Giants come from?
I did consider re-wording that sentence, but then decided that the unintentional double entendre wouldn't bother anyone too much. My apologies to your brain, Heaven's Agent! :)