Research |

A couple of one shots I'd like to playtest away from my players, and an offering of character assistance from the CCW guy!
Title: The Long Road Home - Jolumar Catacombs
System: Pathfinder
Short Description: You've shipwrecked at the bottom of a bay, and the only way up the sheer cliffs was through an underwater passage leading to extensive caves. Now your only way to the surface is through the ruins of a flooded city! Can you work your way out?!
Number of Players (Min/Max): 3-5
Character Level: 2
Pregens Provided (yes/no): No. Build with 16/15/14/13/12/11, standard wealth by level. Surprise me.
Maturity Rating (Everyone (6+)/Teen (13+)/Mature (18+)): Teen (13+), but I enforce good gamer etiquette.
Title: The Long Road Home - Spires of Yvex
System: Pathfinder
Short Description: A lot of people don't respect white dragons and think they are pushovers. I'm here to prove them wrong. Bring your A-game because Research takes the gloves off to defend an iconic monster of D&D.
Number of Players (Min/Max): 3-5. Nonplayer observers wishing to watch a dragon encounter allowed if they are civil and do not interrupt.
Character Level: 12
Pregens Provided (yes/no): No. Build with 16/15/14/13/12/11, standard wealth by level. Surprise me.
Maturity Rating (Everyone (6+)/Teen (13+)/Mature (18+)): Teen (13+), but I enforce good gamer etiquette.
Title: The Long Road Home - Shadowmere Spire
System: Pathfinder
Short Description: Are you afraid of the dark? You will be when I'm done with you!
Number of Players (Min/Max): 3-5
Character Level: 5
Pregens Provided (yes/no):No. Build with 16/15/14/13/12/11, standard wealth by level. Surprise me.
Maturity Rating (Everyone (6+)/Teen (13+)/Mature (18+)): Teen (13+), but I enforce good gamer etiquette.
Here's hoping I'm not shooting myself in the foot with this one:
Title: Character Concept Workshop with DM Research
System: Pathfinder
Short Description: I get a small amount of requests to help with individual characters from the Chronicles listeners every once in a while. I like to help but it's far easier when we're face to face. Here's your chance to tell someone about your character, and recieve feedback!
Number of Players (Min/Max): As many as I have time for before I run off to my next game.
Character Level: Anything below 10.
Pregens Provided (Yes/No): No.
Maturity Rating (Everyone (6+)/Teen (13+)/Mature (18+)): Everyone (6+)

Jeremy Walker Contributor |

I was originally planning on running 2 games this year, but it doesn't look like I'll get the chance to put a 2nd one together, so I'll settle for running the game I ran last year again.
Title: Risen Beneath the Ice
System: Modified d20
Short Description: February, 1941. The Axis war machine is on the march in Europe, and Japan and China are battling in the Far East. Meanwhile, US army intelligence intercepts a radio distress signal from a previously unknown secret Nazi base in Antarctica. Unwilling to risk war, yet unable to pass up the opportunity, president Franklin D. Roosevelt authorizes a secret expedition to discover what the Nazis are doing. Awaiting them is a horror awakened after 60,000 years beneath the ice.
Number of Players (Min/Max): 4-6
Character Level: n/a
Pregens Provided (Yes/No): Yes
Maturity Rating (Everyone (6+)/Teen (13+)/Mature (18+)): Mature (18+)
I had a blast running this one last year, so here's hoping it goes as well again.

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I was originally planning on running 2 games this year, but it doesn't look like I'll get the chance to put a 2nd one together, so I'll settle for running the game I ran last year again.
Title: Risen Beneath the Ice
System: Modified d20
Short Description: February, 1941. The Axis war machine is on the march in Europe, and Japan and China are battling in the Far East. Meanwhile, US army intelligence intercepts a radio distress signal from a previously unknown secret Nazi base in Antarctica. Unwilling to risk war, yet unable to pass up the opportunity, president Franklin D. Roosevelt authorizes a secret expedition to discover what the Nazis are doing. Awaiting them is a horror awakened after 60,000 years beneath the ice.
Number of Players (Min/Max): 4-6
Character Level: n/a
Pregens Provided (Yes/No): Yes
Maturity Rating (Everyone (6+)/Teen (13+)/Mature (18+)): Mature (18+)I had a blast running this one last year, so here's hoping it goes as well again.
Interesting! Might have do this instead of a pathfinder session.

Curaigh |

Title: Bestiary Bash 2
System: Pathfinder
Short Description: Monsters with class levels duking it out in a tournament arena.
Number of Players (Min/Max): 4/min 8 or 10/max.
Character Level: 10-12 (with ECL)
Pregens Provided (yes/no): yes, but not required.
Maturity Rating: Everyone
Control the Heart Fountain of Scipio by controlling the board and all challengers. Had a ball last year so will do it again. :) You choose the monster, I will choose the class (suggestions welcome). I hope to add an element of terrain control and not straight brute force, but brute force is a lot of fun. Round robin or swiss tournament depending on numbers.

Gotrek22 |

Title: The Slave Pens of Flamestone Fortress
System: Pathfinder RPG
Short Description: Stonespine Island, just off the northeast coast of Katapesh, is notorious for its profitable slave trade and the jagged mountains that give it its name. You have heard the rumors of hidden fortresses within its mountainous interior where slaves are bred and trained for sale in the flesh fairs of Okeno. Your party has been hired to travel into the heart of Stonespine Island and rescue a group of captives from the Flamestone Fortress.
Number of Players (Min/Max):4/7
Character Level:4th
Pregens Provided (yes/no):Yes pregens created for the adventure are provided, though players can bring their own 4th level character – 20 point build, 2 traits, 6000 gp equipment with no item over 3000gp.
Maturity Rating (Everyone (6+)/Teen (13+)/Mature (18+)): Teen 13+

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Assuming I can get the ticket to PaizoCon, and a hotel room (we stay at a hotel about five minutes' walk from Con-ville now, since it's A:) dirt cheap, B:) still allows smoking rooms, and C:) has a kitchen nook for easy prep of foodstuffs), AND airfare, I hope to run something. Alas, something tells me I'll be unsure of my attendance until mere days before the Con, so while I plan on running "Dungeon Keepers II: Orv-Gone Trail," I don't wanna leave people sitting in an empty slot if I find myself dead on the road from a failed hitch-hiking attempt.
So, my consolation prize: IF I make it, I will get in touch with all y'all folks and run SPONTANEOUS N'WAH GAMING ACTION in one of the open gaming rooms. Orv-Gone Trail, my 4E Mecha game, maybe something completely random. We'll see, depending on interest and my own availability/being alive. :D

Majuba |

Majuba wrote:I've gotten mine a week ahead of time both years. Not sure if that was universal though.Thank you Majuba. Have they given you PDFs or hard copies?
Sorry I didn't see this - I've gotten PDFs in the past beforehand, with hard copies available at the table (but usually had my own).
Sorry to hear you won't be making it Marv!

Bigg D |

Jeremy Walker wrote:I was originally planning on running 2 games this year, but it doesn't look like I'll get the chance to put a 2nd one together, so I'll settle for running the game I ran last year again.
Title: Risen Beneath the Ice
System: Modified d20
Short Description: February, 1941. The Axis war machine is on the march in Europe, and Japan and China are battling in the Far East. Meanwhile, US army intelligence intercepts a radio distress signal from a previously unknown secret Nazi base in Antarctica. Unwilling to risk war, yet unable to pass up the opportunity, president Franklin D. Roosevelt authorizes a secret expedition to discover what the Nazis are doing. Awaiting them is a horror awakened after 60,000 years beneath the ice.
Number of Players (Min/Max): 4-6
Character Level: n/a
Pregens Provided (Yes/No): Yes
Maturity Rating (Everyone (6+)/Teen (13+)/Mature (18+)): Mature (18+)I had a blast running this one last year, so here's hoping it goes as well again.
Me and my friend josh played in that game last year it was alot of fun, wish it could of ended better for us but thems the the dice sometimes I guess,but alot of fun anyway it went very well.