ForgottenRider |
ForgottenRider wrote:What caster level would you use to set the DC? What spell can you use to give an item life (raise dead, reincarnate, clone, others)? Are there any other rules?
In no way do I think this should be done before 10th level
In my home campaigns intelligent items have two origins, accidental and intentional. An accidental intelligent item occurs during the creation of a normal item. In this case something freaky occured in the creation causing it to "wake up" or become possessed by a wandering spirit.
Intentional creation involves a binding ritual with an appropriate spirit to provide the spark of sentience. It may be nothing more than a dimly aware elemental spirit or that of a powerful outsider who's either forced or consents to the binding for reasons of it's own. The ritual is handled separately from the base construction of the item and is designed cost and dc wise on a case by case basis.
In Monte Cook's Book of Eldritch Might there is extensive material regarding intelligent items including advancement and creation.
I might have to get that book
Shoga |
This column gives no rules to modify the rules in making a magic item. Using it as the only guidelines it can be argued that a 3rd level wizard with disguise self and craft wondrous items can make an intelligent hat of disguise with the special purpose dedicated power, item can use true resurrection on wielder once per month, only needing a 6 on the spellcraft check to make it, if he had the money.
What caster level would you use to set the DC? What spell can you use to give an item life (raise dead, reincarnate, clone, others)? Are there any other rules?
In no way do I think this should be done before 10th level
You forget that all spells that are used in the crafting of an item should be provided by the caster in some way. So, granted, a 3rd level wizard could feasably make your hat but he would be paying out the nose for the true resurrection spell to be cast as well as the funds to make the item in the first place.
This sword is just a basic magic weapon, no special abilities at all. Just to give an idea on the costs and abilities required to make one.
Intelligent +2 Longsword
+2 magic cost : (2*2) * 2000 gp = 8000 gp
masterwork item cost : 300 gp
weapon base cost : 15 gp
If the weapon is just a base item the total cost would be 8315 gp to buy. If you were to make it it would cost 8315 / 2 = 4107.5
The creators level would have to be at least 6th based on 3 x bonus. And the creator would have to have Create arms and armor feat not to mention the craft weaponsmithing if he were to make it from scratch.
Then we add the intelligence
Alignment : LG
Base item ego modifier : +2
Cost for Intelligence : 500 gp
Intelligence: 18 Cost: +4000 gp Ego Modifier: +4
Wisdom: 16 Cost: +2000 gp Ego Modifier: +3
Charisma: 16 Cost: +2000 gp Ego Modifier: +3
Languages known
Common, Celestial, Draconic, Abyssal, Auran
Senses and Communications
Speech Cost: +500 gp
Telepathy Cost: +1000 gp Ego Modifier : +1
Senses (60) Cost: +500 gp
Darkvision Cost: +500 gp
Total cost : 19315 gp Ego: 13
Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |
Honestly, if someone told me about "Darnassus," my guess at the definition would be "Home of the muses who inspire minced oaths" or maybe "Home of the muses who inspire censors." Hmm....
The muses who live on Parnassus
Inspire their poets to Art.
(Like Oedipus Rex, they do this with sex.
A muse is an inspiring tart.)
Across the way on Darnassus,
Each muse is a spinsterly prude,
Their pursed lips inspiring each censor desiring
The banning of what they deem rude.
Hexcaliber |
Hmm about an albino half elf Magus wielding Thirst and obsessing over every death he causes...nah it would never catch on as a character concept.
Lol, I have players who would not only get that reference, but also crap their pants when introduced to the guy, , , at the other end of the battlefield.
The Chort |
I just wanted to say that I loved these articles. I hope that someday you'll provide a way for PCs to craft intelligent items, as they could be very handy and a lot of fun. Even if it requires GM approval, at least some sort of semi-official method of crafting them would be much appreciated. In the meantime, GMs rejoice! A fun tool for many a campaign.
Oh, and if someone could... Could you please tag this article as "Magic Items"?
8Dozer8 |
When identifying an intelligent item, what does the player learn?
The base item that it is (it's a +2 longsword)? The special abilities it has? That it's intelligent? It's various intelligent item scores?
Yes I would like to know this too. Also, do the extra abilities make the DC harder to ID?
If I don't get an answer soon, I might make a new thread because Im not sure if these threads go dead or if everyone who participated gets notifications or how this works.