How About Some Pathfinder Society for the Holidays?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Godsmouth Heresy

It's a crazy busy week here at Paizo HQ, as we all strive to get a jump start on the holiday season. At the moment, we have the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide hardcover in the final approval stages before it heads to the printer, as well as the first wave of Ultimate Magic showing up on the editorial wall. Despite these major projects and the impending absences of many staff members as people head home for the holidays, we managed to slip a few little Pathfinder Society projects in between the cracks!

While we generally release Pathfinder Society scenarios the final Wednesday of the month, this month we've got two scenarios ready to go live weeks early, in anticipation of the hectic nature of that final week of the year. It's not yet clear when they'll go live for sale, but keep an eye out for Pathfinder Society Scenario 2–11: The Penumbral Accords by Owen K.C. Stephens (which sees the Pathfinder Society return to fan-favorite location Blakros Museum for yet another adventure) and Pathfinder Society Scenario 2–12: Below the Silver Tarn by Crystal Frasier (which pits the Pathfinders against the imprisoned spirit of a pit fiend in a rugged mining village) within the coming days.

If two new scenarios aren't enough to sate your hunger for Pathfinder Society over the holiday break, why not get in on a game of The Godsmouth Heresy, the first adventure in the Pathfinder Modules line sanctioned for Pathfinder Society credit. It's a longer adventure and doesn't conform to many of the standards of Pathfinder Society scenarios, and thus requires additional rules to supplement its play for PFS credit. We've put together a free PDF document that includes these additional rules and the module's Chronicle, which will be available on the module's product page by the end of the week.

Finally, we've made a few changes to the Heresy of Man series by Greg A. Vaughan and Kevin Wright based on customer feedback. These revised and clarified scenarios will be replacing the existing PDFs, so if you've purchased any of the three scenarios already, you'll get an email detailing what changes we've made and be able to download the updated version from your My Downloads page.

What are your holiday PFS plans? Drop by the Pathfinder Society messageboards and let us know.

Mark Moreland

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Tags: Kaer Maga Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society
Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

Fantastic News - now I just need some gamers.

I already started the recruitment - so will see who can make it.

Anyone interested to visit the Sunrise Lodge UK over the holiday season. We offer free Lodge to travelling Pathfinders.


The Exchange 5/5

This is GREAT news! I am really happy that this is finally happening. Thanks Mark and the Paizo crew! Your involvement and response to feedback is extremely refreshing to see.

Keep up the good works, I will keep play.

I fact, I have already created my character for this one!

a ridiculously bubbly:


Great News! Will be using this in NYC as soon as the rules come out.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Rules for using Godsmouth Heresy with the Pathfinder Society are now available as a free download.

The Exchange 5/5

Thank you Ross (and Hyrum & Mark)!

Sovereign Court 5/5

Ross Byers wrote:
Rules for using Godsmouth Heresy with the Pathfinder Society are now available as a free download.

I like the rules, they seem complete and well thought out. I will be curious to see what others think.

Doing a little happy dance. (not pretty)


We get to build L1 throwaways to earn XP/GP for our real PCs?



Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

You could choose to play your new first level PC after the adventure instead of giving the Chronicle to a higher level PC. Some groups may want to use this to both bring in new people at 1st level as well as help higher level PCs bridge the level gap to catch up with people out of their tier. And when we start to open up modules at 13th or higher level, the only way to play them for credit will be to create new PCs.


Mark Moreland wrote:
when we start to open up modules at 13th or higher level, the only way to play them for credit will be to create new PCs.


The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:
You could choose to play your new first level PC after the adventure instead of giving the Chronicle to a higher level PC. Some groups may want to use this to both bring in new people at 1st level as well as help higher level PCs bridge the level gap to catch up with people out of their tier. And when we start to open up modules at 13th or higher level, the only way to play them for credit will be to create new PCs.

I definitely like the sound of that...

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kyle Baird wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
when we start to open up modules at 13th or higher level, the only way to play them for credit will be to create new PCs.

Kyle with potential 8th or 9th level spells sounds dangerous...

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Alizor wrote:
Kyle with potential 8th or 9th level spells sounds dangerous...

'Cause he's so benign otherwise.


On the infinite replay option for 1st level modules - does this apply to Master of the Fallen Fortress as well now?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Majuba wrote:
On the infinite replay option for 1st level modules - does this apply to Master of the Fallen Fortress as well now?

Not at this time, but we're considering it.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I think that Master of the Fallen Fortress would be a good replay option for new PC's. It doesn't have those options for high level credit and sticks to first time characters.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
I think that Master of the Fallen Fortress would be a good replay option for new PC's. It doesn't have those options for high level credit and sticks to first time characters.

I'd like to see a PA added to it in much the same way as it is incorporated into the modules that are going to be available for PFS play.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
I think that Master of the Fallen Fortress would be a good replay option for new PC's. It doesn't have those options for high level credit and sticks to first time characters.

But needs to award PA.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Thanks for providing the rules for playing Godsmouth Heresy for Society Legal characters. It looks like this will be a great option providing additional variety of play.

Now the inevitable question: Will you be providing chronicles to the already released modules *looks at the 30 modules on his bookshelf*, or just for the new ones as they are relased?


Mark Moreland wrote:
Alizor wrote:
Kyle with potential 8th or 9th level spells sounds dangerous...
'Cause he's so benign otherwise.

Not sure how to respond to this..

Grand Lodge 3/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Alizor wrote:
Kyle with potential 8th or 9th level spells sounds dangerous...
'Cause he's so benign otherwise.
Not sure how to respond to this..

Not with your usual tactical nuclear strike??

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Alizor wrote:
Kyle with potential 8th or 9th level spells sounds dangerous...
'Cause he's so benign otherwise.
Not sure how to respond to this..

Meteor Swarm!

Mark Moreland wrote:
Majuba wrote:
On the infinite replay option for 1st level modules - does this apply to Master of the Fallen Fortress as well now?
Not at this time, but we're considering it.

How's the considering going? *champing at the bit*




Majuba wrote:

Mark mentioned this yesterday.

Mark Moreland wrote:

Only scenarios or adventures limited to only level 1 (meaning not tiered to 1-5 or 1-7) may be replayed for credit. At the moment, this is only Master of the Fallen Fortress and The Godsmouth Heresy. More will be coming.

As for GM credit for running one of these two modules more than once, just as the player credit limit is lifted, so too is the limit on 1 credit per GM. You must still apply the credit to a different PC each time you run the module.

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