Costume Contest Results

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Let me start this off by saying that our fans and friends are freakin' amazing. Seriously, folks—when Tiffany started this whole costume contest thing two years ago by showing up at the Gen Con booth dressed as a cleric of Desna, we were flat-out flabbergasted. The fact that Pathfinder cosplay has grown by leaps and bounds since then—enough to justify a full-fledged costume contest—is one of the greatest compliments our game could receive. If you've never seen what goes on in our hotel rooms after a long day of working the Gen Con booth (and I sincerely hope you haven't, as we were told those door locks were secure), there's a whole lot of summer-camp-style giggling that goes on late into the night as we marvel at all the folks we've met that day. The costume contest only compounds that.

This year we had a number of strong contenders. In fourth place, Kelly's amazing Harsk outfit (complete with badger and authentic handmade crossbow!) tied with Blake's fabulous depiction of Nethys, the two-faced god of magic. In third, Tiffany's Harrower costume was a spot-on recreation of the art from the campaign setting hardcover, while Jason's potion-covered homage to the iconic alchemist exploded into second place.

Yet there can be only one winner of the Third Annual Gen Con Pathfinder Cosplay Contest, and this year the landslide victory went to Lora as the iconic witch. The level of detail on this costume was simply stunning. As art director Sarah Robinson pointed out, given the number of illustrators who complain about having to draw all the little pouches, fetishes, and other bits and pieces Wayne Reynolds likes to load up the iconics with, seeing someone actually make them to this level of detail is amazing. For her dedication, Lora receives the grand prize of $50 in Paizo store credit, as well as bragging rights until next year, when she'll have to defend her title.

When the time comes, will you be the one to take it from her?

James Sutter
Fiction Editor

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Tags: Conventions Costume Feiya Gen Con Iconics Witches

Huzzah to all the winners !

It was an honour just to make it into the blog.

And an even greater honour to carry Lora's costume's train as she sped from Paizo booth to the table she had to GM!

A well-deserved win! It's doing all the little details that impresssed me most!

Shadow Lodge

Gratz on the win, Lora! You deserve it :)

The Exchange

Congratulations Lora, a well deserved win.

Kudos to everyone else who played dress up as well. Y'all are incredible, can't wait to see next years entries.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Congratulations! Well deserved! Lora was also the most entertaining GM we had at GenCon!

Congratulations Lora - great costume!

Congratzz Lora, its a great costume indeed!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Well deserved!

Scarab Sages

Congratulations, Lora! You definitely deserve it. The details of your costume are truly amazing.

I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with next year.

Sovereign Court

Way to go Lora, and congrats to all that wore costumes!


Liberty's Edge

Congratulations Lora.

Well done to all contestants.


Dark Archive


I am so flattered and excited! Thanks to everyone who voted, and can I just say how proud I am to be among such fabulous competitors, I got a good look at a lot of the costumes during the show and everyone did a fantastic job. Also, Wayne Reynolds, why do you have to put soooo many odds and ends on one belt? Oh well, that's why we love you.

And now for some shameless plugging. Halloween is right around the corner and if you want me to make something cool for you I am currently accepting commissions. I have a website at where you can see some of my makeup/props stuff and if you want to be internet friends I'm on facebook, and I have a "business" facebook (whatever that means) under LMasseyFX Makeup.

I had an absolute blast at gencon and I can't wait for PaizoCon!

Thanks for being so awesome, everyone :)

-Lora aka Feiya

Contributing Artist

Amazing Feiya costume. Great work and attention to detail.

I have to put so many odds and ends on one belt because the goblin in my head tells me to do so;-)

Seeing costumes created from things I've drawn is just as good as seeing the miniatures, except they're real-life 3D renditions. It's always interesting to see how particular costume deatils look in actuality.
Well done to all the costume contestants and thanks to those who made my drawings come to life.


Echidnox wrote:

Amazing Feiya costume. Great work and attention to detail.

I have to put so many odds and ends on one belt because the goblin in my head tells me to do so;-)

Seeing costumes created from things I've drawn is just as good as seeing the miniatures, except they're real-life 3D renditions. It's always interesting to see how particular costume deatils look in actuality.
Well done to all the costume contestants and thanks to those who made my drawings come to life.


The costume makes my brain lock up. A ton of details, lots of little things, and you got them down pat. I saved the photos because every one of my friends and players says "the witch is friggin' hawt!" and I'm gonna be like, "dude, check the flash drive".

Shadow Lodge

Beercifer wrote:

I saved the photos because every one of my friends and players says "the witch is friggin' hawt!" and I'm gonna be like, "dude, check the flash drive".

And then all his friends will look at him like 0.o !?

Dark Archive

I wasn't even able to find space to physically attach half of the little chachkis that I made to go on the belt, but let me explain how much fun it was to get pulled over in Tennessee on the way home, have my car searched and actually get asked "what's with all the weird skulls and stuff in this box? this ain't voodoo is it?" I was very tempted to just say yes...


Sovereign Court

Lora Massey wrote:

I wasn't even able to find space to physically attach half of the little chachkis that I made to go on the belt, but let me explain how much fun it was to get pulled over in Tennessee on the way home, have my car searched and actually get asked "what's with all the weird skulls and stuff in this box? this ain't voodoo is it?" I was very tempted to just say yes...


That's funny, because I drug two policemen from Tennessee with me to the Con this year. I'm pretty sure they weren't responsible for the less than stellar representation of our home state.

Liberty's Edge

Paizo wrote:
When the time comes, will you be the one to take it from her?

Depends... does the dwarven beard need to be real?

Liberty's Edge

Beercifer wrote:
I saved the photos because every one of my friends and players says "the witch is friggin' hawt!" and I'm gonna be like, "dude, check the flash drive".

For shame Beercifer, bringing a wholly unwholesome meaning to 'flash' drives. <smileyface>

NotMousse wrote:
Beercifer wrote:
I saved the photos because every one of my friends and players says "the witch is friggin' hawt!" and I'm gonna be like, "dude, check the flash drive".
For shame Beercifer, bringing a wholly unwholesome meaning to 'flash' drives. <smileyface>

I hadn't quite thought of it like that. But there will be a toast to another groaner of a pun.

Dark Archive

Lora Massey wrote:

I wasn't even able to find space to physically attach half of the little chachkis that I made to go on the belt, but let me explain how much fun it was to get pulled over in Tennessee on the way home, have my car searched and actually get asked "what's with all the weird skulls and stuff in this box? this ain't voodoo is it?" I was very tempted to just say yes...


What's great is the fact that...even if it were for voodoo...there is nothing they could do about it. ;o)

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

So why did the man hassle you on your way back? :)

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