Advanced Player's Guide: It's Real!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

At last! Evidence of our last several months of hard work! Four printer proof copies of the Advanced Players Guide arrived today for our "yay" or "nay" before the full print run gets underway. But after an hour of scrutiny, gushing, and cackling, it's an emphatic "yay!" Just check it out! Sorry, folks, subscriber copies are still several weeks out, but if you don't have a copy spoken for already, well... Watch this spot for previews of the Advanced Player's Guide starting soon!

Wes Schneider
Managing Editor

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Silver Crusade

Kyra's going straight-up Moses there. Awesome. :D

New rules for the core races? Now there's something unexpected! I knew there was stuff coming for the classes, but now I'm really interested in seeing what is coming down this way.

And that's two new prestige classes named: Master Chymist and Battle Herald.

Storm King's Cloud Castle....hmm...

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Can't wait until I get my hot little subscriber hands on it!

Sovereign Court

Ooooh, been a long time since I saw a staff like that. Awesome!

We can hardly wait for this to come out here in MN. Between Paizo's books and the new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles things are going to go well for our FLGS.

Oooo.... Shiny.

Very much looking forward to this!

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:
Kyra's going straight-up Moses there. Awesome.

I hope this brings back a personal favorite spell of mine, sticks to snakes.

Looks awesome.Cant wait to get hold of a copy.

Dark Archive

Must. Have. It. Now. My precious!

Ghost monk.

I don't know what that is, but I want it!

I must inform you all that the blog entry, the book, and this whole thread is just a figment of my imagination. Please stop stealing my hallucinations. Thank you.

Awesomeness – the pinnacle of awesomenimity, but c'mon guys, throw us a bone here and post one of the new 1st level wizard spells...

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

NotMousse wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Kyra's going straight-up Moses there. Awesome.
I hope this brings back a personal favorite spell of mine, sticks to snakes.

if it doesn't the 3/x version is in Necromancer Games' Eldrich Sorcery

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I love when you do
That hocuspocus to me
The way that you touch
You got the power to lead
You give me that look
It's almost unreal
It's almost unreal

Sovereign Court

What the heck is a Master Chymist?

Soon. So soon!

Are there also alternative combat and magic systems? Point-based (xp-less) character construction ideas? Realistic rules for crossbows and shields?
Or are the core mechanics staying exactly the same?

Hungry Ghost Monk?!

I love that illustration of Kyra.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:

Are there also alternative combat and magic systems? Point-based (xp-less) character construction ideas? Realistic rules for crossbows and shields?

Or are the core mechanics staying exactly the same?

I think that the core mechanics remain the same. This is not an Unearthed Arcana book, it's more like the Complete series.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Bouncing Spell sounds fun.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Callous Jack wrote:
What the heck is a Master Chymist?

Have no idea if this is correct or not but says:

chym·is·try /&#712;k&#618;m&#601;stri/ [kim-uh-stree]
–noun Archaic.
—Related forms
chymic, adjective
chymist, noun

So, an alchemist of some sort?

Sovereign Court

Ellington wrote:

Ghost monk.

I don't know what that is, but I want it!

That's hungry ghost monk, and you'll just have to wait! Sorry! :)

You guys are like the Hitchcock of RPG advertising I have never been this excited or had this much suspense about a RPG before. so Great Job and hurry up

Hungry ghost monk...sounds very...Tian Xia.

...GLEE! *squee*

jreyst wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
What the heck is a Master Chymist?

Have no idea if this is correct or not but says:

chym·is·try /&#712;k&#618;m&#601;stri/ [kim-uh-stree]
–noun Archaic.
—Related forms
chymic, adjective
chymist, noun

So, an alchemist of some sort?

Probably. Also note that early as Pathfinder #2, a random treasure item found in a cabinet was a book called 'Chymic' (or something with a similar spelling) about a unique school of magic from long ago. Of course, that could be a coincidence, I suppose.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Morgen wrote:

Ooooh, been a long time since I saw a staff like that. Awesome!

We can hardly wait for this to come out here in MN. Between Paizo's books and the new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles things are going to go well for our FLGS.

Which is your FLGS (asked the Minnesota native)?

Dark Archive

Oooh... me like! WAR + Sarah = win! :)

Sovereign Court

Looking forward to this book! Hoping for a Shadowbane Stalker-like prestige class, but not holding out, as its a pretty obscure* build. (See: crazy)


What the heck! I totally took more pictures then this. Let me see where those are and get you guys a better preview here... Tune back in momentarily.

Dark Archive

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
What the heck! I totally took more pictures then this. Let me see where those are and get you guys a better preview here... Tune back in momentarily.

Ha! What a tease!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I had a friend compare Paizo to a crack dealer this morning, except one who goes "nope you can't buy this crack until August".

Erik Mona wrote:
Morgen wrote:

Ooooh, been a long time since I saw a staff like that. Awesome!

We can hardly wait for this to come out here in MN. Between Paizo's books and the new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles things are going to go well for our FLGS.

Which is your FLGS (asked the Minnesota native)?

Not specifically directed at me but as a fellow Minnesotan I will answer with the Source or Tower Games.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Wes gave me more images for this blog! Enjoy!


Ross Byers wrote:
Wes gave me more images for this blog! Enjoy!


I'm on it!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Master Spy photo ... too ... low ... resolution ... to ... enjoy ... aw, my eyes hurt !

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Wes gave me more images for this blog! Enjoy!

Alright then can anyone make out what the feat requirements are for the Master Spy? I think one of them is Iron Will, but I have no idea what the other one is.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Wes gave me more images for this blog! Enjoy!

hard to stop looking long enough to post reply

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Justin Franklin wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Wes gave me more images for this blog! Enjoy!
Alright then can anyone make out what the feat requirements are for the Master Spy? I think one of them is Iron Will, but I have no idea what the other one is.

Deceitful ? That would make sense ...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And hey, is Jason on Slimfast or Low-carbon Diet ?


Gorbacz wrote:
And hey, is Jason on Slimfast or Low-carbon Diet ?

OMG. You just made his month.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Design

Gorbacz wrote:
And hey, is Jason on Slimfast or Low-carbon Diet ?

Low Carbon diet? Why yes, I am eating less coal!

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

(and yes, I have been trying to slim down a bit, thanks for noticing)


Justin Franklin wrote:
Alright then can anyone make out what the feat requirements are for the Master Spy? I think one of them is Iron Will, but I have no idea what the other one is.

Awwwwww did I make the resolution too low to read the whole spread? However did that happen? :P


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
And hey, is Jason on Slimfast or Low-carbon Diet ?

Low Carbon diet? Why yes, I am eating less coal!

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

(and yes, I have been trying to slim down a bit, thanks for noticing)

Or rather is that GenCon Deadline diet ? Then again, if all Paizo folks were on that, SKR must be a skeleton by now ...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Alright then can anyone make out what the feat requirements are for the Master Spy? I think one of them is Iron Will, but I have no idea what the other one is.
Awwwwww did I make the resolution too low to read the whole spread? However did that happen? :P

Don't worry I am sure people are starting to clean it up or just staring really hard. Looks like Bluff, Disguise, Perception and Sense Motive are the skill requirements.

Master of Disguise looks useful. :P

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I like the Master Spy's dress.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm feeling a strong vibe from the article on variant Spies in some Dragon issue. It was a good article.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Gorbacz wrote:
Or rather is that GenCon Deadline diet ? Then again, if all Paizo folks were on that, SKR must be a skeleton by now ...

More of a lich, really.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dark_Mistress wrote:
I like the Master Spy's dress.

That there is a conjunction of words you don't often see.

Table 6-5! So it's the 5th entry in the new prestige class chapter...

So we can expect 2 other prestige classes that begin before the letter M. The other two are the Master Chymist and the Battle Herald.

I'm going to go out and guess 11 prestige classes total with 6 more after page 271 here. Assuming it's page 271...

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

I'm enjoying as fast as I can! Keep that breath weapon to yourself, Wes.

Also: The Paizo logos don't line up. Noooooo!

(so glad I'm signed up for all of this already)

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