"Professional Courtesy" AP downloads ONLY as 1file per chapter

Starfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Wow. After Fly Free or Die 2 came out guns blazing with that awesome map pack add-on, FFoD 3 not only ditches that but doesn't even show up in My Downloads as downloadable as a single file. And all this after the debacle, which looks to never be getting resolution, in which the Devastation Ark pdfs were over 10x the size of the usual.
I don't know whose job it is over at Paizo to make the pdfs or if they just toss the responsibility to whoever's working on a project, but somebody needs to make a procedure/standards guide for pdf creation and somebody else in quality control needs to make sure it's followed. This is bizarre and disappointing as hell.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Just as a note, the complete FFoD 3 is included in the download. WHY is another question entirely.

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