Worldscape Workbook—Today is the Day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Illustration by Pia Guerra

Pathfinder Worldscape #1, the first issue of my new comic series that teams up Pathfinder's iconic heroes with the likes of Red Sonja, John Carter of Mars, and Tarzan, comes out TODAY. As I write this, early reviews are already hitting the internet, and I'm thrilled with the positive response so far. Most of the commentary up to this point has focused on the comic book story itself, but here in my weekly Worldscape Workbook column, I like to focus on the RPG rules elements of each issue, and let you into my head a bit about some of the design decisions I made when adapting the Worldscape guest stars to the official Pathfinder RPG rules presented in each issue's appendix.

The first hero to get a full Pathfinder conversion is Red Sonja, who also features prominently in issue #1's story. Previous columns in this space have discussed Red Sonja's class, armor (or lack thereof), and adventuring gear. This week I want to discuss the "meat" of what makes Sonja different from other rangers, her archetype.

My desire to create credible "no armor" martial archetypes goes back to the very beginning, when Paizo Creative Director James Jacobs launched the first-ever Pathfinder campaign in our office conference room. I decided to play a barbarian named Ostog the Unslain, who in the years since has become a bit of a Pathfinder celebrity character, if only because I keep shilling for him (he never did die over more than 7 years of active gaming, after all).

In addition to being a great big gaming nerd, I'm also a book collector, and my shelves at home bulge with hundreds and hundreds of vintage sci-fi and fantasy paperbacks. Frank Frazetta's iconic portrayal of the bare-chested Conan the Barbarian made a huge impact on the paperback market of the 70s, and unarmored dudes in loincloths (and a few ladies following their example) basically took over sword & sorcery book covers for a decade or more. I wanted my barbarian to come from this "no armor" tradition, but in 2008, the options for pulling off such a character effectively using the Pathfinder RPG rules were essentially non-existent. I lobbied Pathfinder Lead Designer Jason Bulmahn—hard—to include a no-armor barbarian archetype in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide, and the savage barbarian was born.

Previous Worldscape Workbooks have covered why Dynamite's version of Red Sonja isn't a barbarian, though, so no matter how effective Jason's archetype had been for Ostog, it didn't do me much good to use it for Red Sonja. Instead, I looked at the armor power of the savage barbarian and the armor class feature of the monk to create something totally new: the sword-devil.

The name of Red Sonja's archetype hearkens back to her classic "She-Devil with a Sword" appellation, only with the numbers rubbed off a bit so that Pathfinder can use it independent of a formal Red Sonja license. We'll eventually add all of the non-proprietary rules in these Worldscape appendices to the PRD and to tools like Herolab, though it make take until the release of the final hardcover collection of all six issues early in 2017. Right now the best place to get these rules is in the Worldscape RPG appendices in each issue.

I don't want to get into too many specifics of the archetype today—after all, I really DO want you to buy the issue—but a general overview is in order. Here's my commentary on each of the archetype's class features.

Class Skills: I knew I'd be trading the ranger's spells class feature, so it made sense to swap out Spellcraft for Acrobatics. Red Sonja doesn't know much about magic, but she certainly can leap around like a monkey.

Death Vow: This power is meant to model Sonja's "Curse of Hyrkania," which features prominently in her origin and in the Gail Simone-written 18-issue run that redefined the character for modern audiences in 2013. I've used that highly enjoyable run as a benchmark for Sonja's characterization in the Worldscape series, and this is no exception. In the comic, Sonja puts the Curse on an enemy to put them on notice that she will definitely be killing them later, but probably not MUCH later. The mechanics here are an attempt to model that on the game table. Had I more space, I might have included a few other original death vows, but these Worldscape appendices are pretty tight on space, and I needed to focus on the meat of the matter.

Slashing Fury: The Sonja stores heavily emphasize her Dexterity and quickness over her Strength, with a prominent recent Conan/Red Sonja crossover written by Simone and former Pathfinder comics scribe Jim Zub specifically mentioning that Conan is much stronger than Red Sonja, but that she's no less a combatant for it, balancing things out with speed and style. I ultimately settled on a 14 Strength for Sonja. That's decent, but not enough to keep her competitive with most martial characters, who probably put their highest score in Strength. I thus needed to come up with a way for Red Sonja to add her Dex bonus to melee weapon attacks, something that involved significant negotiation and development with Jason Bulmahn and Owen K. C. Stephens, who were both extremely helpful to me during the process of building Sonja's stats and this archetype. They drew the line at also allowing this power to add a Dex modifier to damage. I tried, folks! With the damage adds from her death vow, I don't think she's much poorer without the bonus, especially when fighting somebody she absolutely wants to kill.

Inspiring Example: If Red Sonja has any "powers" above and beyond her combat prowess, it's in the inspiration she gives those she meets along the way of her adventures. As a roaming nomad who has seen two different publishers and hundreds of different writers over the last 40 years, Sonja doesn't have a very large recurring back-up cast. That means her stories typically involve her showing up in a community, encountering a problem, and solving it before moving on to the next adventure (sound familiar, Pathfinders?). A VERY common element of these stories, however, involves Sonja meeting some poor victim of the problem at the beginning of the story and later having that victim gain confidence and help her to solve the problem that once seemed unsolvable. Sort of like Doctor Who, Red Sonja doesn't stay anywhere very long, and doesn't keep companions for very long, but she does manage to leave both people and places significantly better off than they were when she first arrived. As long as they're not evil, of course!

Untouchable: This is my armor kludge, and with Sonja's 18 Charisma and a passel of dodge bonuses spaced out over various levels, she remains competitive in the AC department, so long as she's got good bracers of armor on. If she were MY character, rather than an adaptation, I'd probably pop for a dusty rose ioun stone and an amulet of natural armor, too.

Second Combat Style: This one speaks for itself. For Sonja's stats, I focused on the two ranger combat styles from the Core Rulebook, but we've added a lot more in various books that could serve to make YOUR sword-devil even more distinctive.

Seething Fury: I always feel a little goofy designing class features for 19th and 20th levels. Do people ever really make it that high? This power and the next were inspired by Dynamite's semi-recent "Vulture's Circle" and "The Black Tower" miniseries, which depict a much older—and much more prone to crazy, supernatural violence—version of the character.

Avatar of Vengeance: This is right out of those stories, in which Red Sonja becomes a living avatar of death. I made effectively no effort to balance this capstone ability whatsoever. If you've survived 20 levels wearing no armor, you deserve a gonzo reward.

And that's it for the sword-devil! I next go to work on the warlord archetype for John Carter and Tars Tarkas. I thought I could fit that into issue #2, but details on playing green Martian characters and Martian radium weapons took up all my space for that issue, so the warlord will appear somewhat further down the road.

But I'll be talking more about that stuff in future installments of the Worldscape Workbook!

Thanks for your interest in Pathfinder Worldscape! Please grab a copy at your local comic store, pick up a copy here on, or set up an ongoing comics subscription here on the site to make sure you don't miss a single issue!

Pathfinder Worldscape #1 is on shelves now! I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

Until then, I remain...

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Dynamite Entertainment Licensed Products Pathfinder Comics Pathfinder Worldscape Pia Guerra
Dark Archive

All the class features sound really great, Erik!

I'm looking forward to buying the first issue on halloween and will put up a review as soon as i have read it.

I hope you can get around to write an introductory adventure set in Galt one day.

Hope to read your minis blog on friday (saturday morning here in germany).

Take care.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is it just me or are Jason and Owen really against any sort of rule that lets you swap your Dex modifier with the Strength modifier for damage no matter how limiting the rule might be? Anywho, thanks for the detail Erik. Wish you could have given us more but we'll take what we can get.

Berselius wrote:
Is it just me or are Jason and Owen really against any sort of rule that lets you swap your Dex modifier with the Strength modifier for damage no matter how limiting the rule might be? Anywho, thanks for the detail Erik. Wish you could have given us more but we'll take what we can get.

It's not just you, there's a big push against allowing characters to focus solely on Dex.

Reading these blogs about building the archetype piqued my interest enough to convince me to subscribe. I'm looking forward to receiving my copy!

Is there any chance that we could see those 'few other original death vows' as unofficial supplemental material?

Tristram wrote:
Berselius wrote:
Is it just me or are Jason and Owen really against any sort of rule that lets you swap your Dex modifier with the Strength modifier for damage no matter how limiting the rule might be? Anywho, thanks for the detail Erik. Wish you could have given us more but we'll take what we can get.

It's not just you, there's a big push against allowing characters to focus solely on Dex.

Reading these blogs about building the archetype piqued my interest enough to convince me to subscribe. I'm looking forward to receiving my copy!

Doesn't seem hard to fix; "you may never add 1.5x your dexterity modifier to damage, even when wielding a weapon two handed."

There, bang, fixed.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber



Oh, and the Red Sonja stuff is cool too...

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Belltrap wrote:
Is there any chance that we could see those 'few other original death vows' as unofficial supplemental material?

Maybe if I get the chance to actually write them instead of just thinking about them. :)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Pretty cool series. I look forward to hear about other character conversions.

Berselius wrote:
Is it just me or are Jason and Owen really against any sort of rule that lets you swap your Dex modifier with the Strength modifier for damage no matter how limiting the rule might be? Anywho, thanks for the detail Erik. Wish you could have given us more but we'll take what we can get.

This has been a big topic in the community.

I'm somewhat baffled by the resistance, because it's quite easy to balance Dexterity-to-damage without making it obnoxious to obtain. When you do the math, you can see that it's balanced as long as:
1) You can never add 1-1/2 times your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls
2) There's a feat cost for it.
3) Strength penalties apply to attack rolls so the character can't just dump Strength without some consequence (though, this wouldn't be necessary if Piranha Strike didn't exist).

I've been running a 4-year campaign that stretches from 1st level and 16th level. I allowed Dreamscarred Press's Deadly Agility (much more well designed than Slashing Grace) for the bladebound magus with a maxed out Dexterity. Yet, all of the Strength martials deal at least 50% more damage than her. At 16th level, the two-hander is dealing 40-45 damage a hit while the magus only deals about 20-25.

Silver Crusade

Cyrad wrote:
Pretty cool series. I look forward to hear about other character conversions.
Berselius wrote:
Is it just me or are Jason and Owen really against any sort of rule that lets you swap your Dex modifier with the Strength modifier for damage no matter how limiting the rule might be? Anywho, thanks for the detail Erik. Wish you could have given us more but we'll take what we can get.

This has been a big topic in the community.

I'm somewhat baffled by the resistance, because it's quite easy to balance Dexterity-to-damage without making it obnoxious to obtain. When you do the math, you can see that it's balanced as long as:
1) You can never add 1-1/2 times your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls
2) There's a feat cost for it.
3) Strength penalties apply to attack rolls so the character can't just dump Strength without some consequence (though, this wouldn't be necessary if Piranha Strike didn't exist).

I've been running a 4-year campaign that stretches from 1st level and 16th level. I allowed Dreamscarred Press's Deadly Agility (much more well designed than Slashing Grace) for the bladebound magus with a maxed out Dexterity. Yet, all of the Strength martials deal at least 50% more damage than her. At 16th level, the two-hander is dealing 40-45 damage a hit while the magus only deals about 20-25.

In my experience it was never really about the damage potential so much as just not wanting Dexterity being a God stat.

Case in point, look at how much s&&~ gets thrown at the Oracle with the right combinations.

Silver Crusade

*looks at picture*


Erik Mona wrote:
Belltrap wrote:
Is there any chance that we could see those 'few other original death vows' as unofficial supplemental material?
Maybe if I get the chance to actually write them instead of just thinking about them. :)

Here's hoping! I know you're a busy man.

Rysky wrote:

Case in point, look at how much s~%! gets thrown at the Oracle with the right combinations.

Mind explaining please?

Because of Desnas shooting star feat?

Silver Crusade

Hayato Ken wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Case in point, look at how much s~%! gets thrown at the Oracle with the right combinations.

Mind explaining please?

Because of Desnas shooting star feat?

That's the newest one, but there's also the revelations that add Charisma to AC and Reflex, and the pre-errata Divine Protection feat.

Dark Archive

Got my first issue last night at my local shop and really enjoyed. Looking forward to issue two. (And 3-6) :)

Dark Archive

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is this pfs legal

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
We'll eventually add all of the non-proprietary rules in these Worldscape appendices to the PRD and to tools like Herolab, though it make take until the release of the final hardcover collection of all six issues early in 2017. Right now the best place to get these rules is in the Worldscape RPG appendices in each issue.

Probably not until at least early 2017.

Grand Lodge

Read the issue, and I have to say that I found a few things that immediately caught my eye and made me throw up red flags.

I agree with a few others when I don't see Dex to damage. Guess when Sonja can finally afford it, she'll get an amulet of might fists with the agile +1 weapon property (Pathfinder Society Primer) on it. But was the least of my finds that made me give my head a shake.

Problems I'm having:
I have to admit that I was shocked that this archetype was essentially a monk build that still gives you armor and shield proficiency. Why? You're penalized for equipping either. This would have allowed her to have Untouchable at 1st level instead of 4th, and gain the same progression as a monk. Granted, this way she gets the +5 bonus at 18th instead of 20th (because that's normally when you would get the ranger spells), but still. She could have gotten a variant of brawler's AC bonus or even the same thing so long as she's wearing light armor. There are comic issues and pages with Sonja walking around the swamps with actual armor on and not just a chainmail bikini. Also, depending on if a home game used a certain 3PP book, or went back to 3.5, the chainmail bikini already existed with a +1 to +2 to AC, depending on the book.

At least drop the armor and shield proficiencies and give her something like Dodge as a bonus feat even if she doesn't count for the requirements, or a fighter's bravery ability. Heck, give her Cha to just Will saves. That could have been her 4th level ability. In 3.5 it was called Indomitable Soul and the crusader class (Tome of Nine Swords) had it (gained at 2nd level). She could still have Iron Will, but it wouldn't be as necessary. Also wouldn't give her the -1 she currently has for having Wis 9.
And before anyone says "Well, this way she can use armor and shields at first level and get rid of them later, without penalty." That's not correct. If you take leather or padded armor at 1st level you don't incur any penalties, and if you come across masterwork studded before 4th level you still don't. There's no ACP on those. If she was really lucky to come across a mithral chain shirt, she'd be laughing.

Also, what point buy does she have? I keep on coming up with 31-40. Is she an Azlanti with +2 to each stat instead of just one, making her 14 points? And having PC wealth and more than 15 pt buy how is she still only a CR 7 despite being a level 8 ranger? As per Pathfinder's own rules this character should be a CR 9. This has been seen on multiple APs for when characters have higher stats and equal wealth to a PC. Something's off.

Overall, it was nice, but I think another re-write would have made it better. I wouldn't use it as it is right now.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Still hoping for Hero Lab support. ^_^

I confess if what I've heard is true, I'd be more concerned about the sword-devil still having camouflage and hide in plain sight despite not having any favored terrain than about the sword-devil retaining armor proficiency, as without favored terrain these class features literally cease to function.

Rysky wrote:
Hayato Ken wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Case in point, look at how much s~%! gets thrown at the Oracle with the right combinations.

Mind explaining please?

Because of Desnas shooting star feat?

That's the newest one, but there's also the revelations that add Charisma to AC and Reflex, and the pre-errata Divine Protection feat.

On the one hand yes, on the other hand it comes with a hefty price and means you´re not doing or having other stuff.

Also i doubt that even after all those investments that the oracle is as or more powerful as many other options.
And the whole DEX thing is overrated as well. What´s the problem with some DEX to damage and hit there, while STR is still a lot stronger and others have animal companions, eidolons or spirits which just shred everything while additional spells get cast?
That´s what i identified for myself as the greatest off-balance factor in game at all, because it not only breaks action economy, but also provides more hp and other stuff.

Grand Lodge

Belltrap wrote:
I confess if what I've heard is true, I'd be more concerned about the sword-devil still having camouflage and hide in plain sight despite not having any favored terrain than about the sword-devil retaining armor proficiency, as without favored terrain these class features literally cease to function.

Originally I did too until it was pointed out that the 3.5 ranger didn't have favored terrain and those abilities worked fine back then. I've come to agree to disagree on that one.

kevin_video wrote:
Belltrap wrote:
I confess if what I've heard is true, I'd be more concerned about the sword-devil still having camouflage and hide in plain sight despite not having any favored terrain than about the sword-devil retaining armor proficiency, as without favored terrain these class features literally cease to function.
Originally I did too until it was pointed out that the 3.5 ranger didn't have favored terrain and those abilities worked fine back then. I've come to agree to disagree on that one.

That might have been the case in 3.5, Pathfinder though:

Camouflage (Ex): A ranger of 12th level or higher can use the Stealth skill to hide in any of his favored terrains, even if the terrain doesn't grant cover or concealment.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any of his favored terrains, a ranger of 17th level or higher can use the Stealth skill even while being observed.

Grand Lodge

Hayato Ken wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
Belltrap wrote:
I confess if what I've heard is true, I'd be more concerned about the sword-devil still having camouflage and hide in plain sight despite not having any favored terrain than about the sword-devil retaining armor proficiency, as without favored terrain these class features literally cease to function.
Originally I did too until it was pointed out that the 3.5 ranger didn't have favored terrain and those abilities worked fine back then. I've come to agree to disagree on that one.

That might have been the case in 3.5, Pathfinder though:

Camouflage (Ex): A ranger of 12th level or higher can use the Stealth skill to hide in any of his favored terrains, even if the terrain doesn't grant cover or concealment.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any of his favored terrains, a ranger of 17th level or higher can use the Stealth skill even while being observed.

Ha! I KNEW it! I shouldn't have left that argument alone.

Well i only checked because i wasn´t sure myself ;)

Grand Lodge

Hayato Ken wrote:
Well i only checked because i wasn´t sure myself ;)

And I definitely appreciate that.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, the 3.5 version of each ability reads:
Camouflage (Ex) A ranger of 13th level or higher can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment.
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex) While in any sort of natural terrain, a ranger of 17th level or higher can use the Hide skill even while being observed.

Change hers to these, and you'd probably be okay. Just change camo to being 12th level and swap "Hide" for "Stealth". They'd somewhat work for her style of ranger. (Funny enough, Kobold Press gave this version of Camo to the Elven Archer race class they made.) Maybe give her the ability to ignore difficult terrain in natural environments.

Other ideas to replace them outright would be:
-Fast movement +10 at levels 5th, 12th, and 19th.
-Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge.
-Cha-mod plus half ranger level rounds to her Inspiring Example at 17th level. Change it from a standard action to a move action for activation at 12th level.
-add half her bonus from Death Vow to her saves vs. their spells and effects.
-be the first ranger to have improved evasion.

Can't say I'm a big fan of Second Combat Style. Add another ability in addition to Second Combat Style as quarry is a decent ability and just adding more feats to a list isn't really that great of an exchange.

I'll be curious to see a revision of this archetype.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Got my first issue last night at my local shop and really enjoyed. Looking forward to issue two. (And 3-6) :)

Thanks, Mine! Glad you enjoyed the issue! Lots more insanity to come!

Silver Crusade

Erik Mona wrote:
Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Got my first issue last night at my local shop and really enjoyed. Looking forward to issue two. (And 3-6) :)
Thanks, Mine! Glad you enjoyed the issue! Lots more insanity to come!

And jumping?

Here´s my thoughts on the comic:

I really love the story and the art. Both makes me look forward to the next issue!
I also think the adaption of Red Sonja is successfull. The spirit of her better comics and abilities is nicely captured, a well done job from this perspective! From this point, i also like the archetype.

From another point, the archetype deserves a bit of feedback though in my eyes on several points.
-Like others have mentioned, camouflage and hide in plain sight not being replaced by something while the feature they depend upon gets replaced is a bit unnecessary. Happens too often with archetypes.
-Death Vow and Slashing Fury: Awesome abilities and certainly fun to play. I would have changed them up though, Slashing Fury at level 1 and Death Vow at level 3, because from a playing perspective, if you go weapon finesse, what do you do untill level 3? Either you really suck before, do ranged combat (without the necessary feats probably) or spend a feat that will then be kind of doubled and maybe retrained. Untill level 4 Death Vow doesn´t make up to that.
-Armor + Untouchable: After some consideration i think it´s cool for this ability to come at level 4, but it should have been "when wearing no or light armor" in my opinion and some regular armor, maybe even a chain shirt. That would have made for a lot more early game consistency.
It´s a good thing Mr Mona mentions his unarmored male barbarian in this context, because the chainmail bikini is far too political and a red rag for many, while this archetype from a player perspective handles another sort of unarmored combat.
Personaly i prefer and support realistic armor, but in cases like this and others like when playing any unarmored or lightly combatant there should be more liberties. It´s keeping a lock on the whole sword-and sandal genre.
-Acrobatics could have gotten a running start as well, so she can actually jump.

To say it in short words, the adaption of Red Sonja as is feels awesome, sword devil as a player archetype leaves something to wish for and i feel that´s because of policies which are in parts unlucky and don´t even make that much sense anymore in the overall scope of the game, nor outside of it, because the underlying principles and problems have moved on. Mr Mona tried though and that is highly appreciated!

I also feel something like this should be endorsed, more class features and options making unarmored characters competitive and reducing the "christmas tree" effect.

The Exchange

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Souphin wrote:
is this pfs legal

I am really looking forward to presenting a comic book as a source for my next PFS character.


I love the Sword Devil Archetype. It's what I've been looking for in a ranger for a more versatile kelish skirmisher than dervishes. Now if only we can get Herolab support and PFS legality

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