Wrapping Up Iron Gods

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Iron Gods Adventure Path wraps up this month with Pathfinder Adventure Path #90: The Divinity Drive and the Giantslayer Adventure Path is set to launch next month with Pathfinder Adventure Path #91: Battle of Bloodmarch Hill, so to tie things off we'd like to share a few pieces of the excellent artwork that appeared throughout Iron Gods. Enjoy!

Illustrations by Kari Christensen and J.P. Targete

Illustrations by Dmitry Burmak, Tatiana Vetrova, Brynn Metheney, and Miguel Regodón Harkness

Adam Daigle

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Tags: Brynn Metheney Dmitry Burmak Iron Gods J.P. Targete Kari Christensen Miguel Regodón Harkness Pathfinder Adventure Path Tatiana Vetrova

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That awesome Aurumvorax ripping through that robot should be my background from now on. Love that picture.

And, bye robots, welcome giants.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Myth Lord wrote:

That awesome Aurumvorax ripping through that robot should be my background from now on. Love that picture.

And, bye robots, welcome giants.

*rolls eyes*

Of course you would.

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Foolish mortal brain husk, the Invasion can't be delayed!
we are coming no matter how many squishy giants you throw at us

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I for one welcome our brain-sucking overlords.

The hidden message (as with all APs) in the final book, by the way, was "keep watching the skies". Distant worlds/Dominion invasion AP confirmed! Helps that James Jacobs said he had a Dominion invasion AP plot slushing around in his dinosaur brain for awhile too :D

Neongelion wrote:

I for one welcome our brain-sucking overlords.

The hidden message (as with all APs) in the final book, by the way, was "keep watching the skies". Distant worlds/Dominion invasion AP confirmed! Helps that James Jacobs said he had a Dominion invasion AP plot slushing around in his dinosaur brain for awhile too :D

I want to believe.

Thanks for the ride, folks! Now just to carefully budget so I can buy the rest of the books from my FLGS before somebody else does...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Neongelion wrote:

I for one welcome our brain-sucking overlords.

The hidden message (as with all APs) in the final book, by the way, was "keep watching the skies". Distant worlds/Dominion invasion AP confirmed! Helps that James Jacobs said he had a Dominion invasion AP plot slushing around in his dinosaur brain for awhile too :D

Where are those hidden messages usually hidden?

zergtitan wrote:
Neongelion wrote:

I for one welcome our brain-sucking overlords.

The hidden message (as with all APs) in the final book, by the way, was "keep watching the skies". Distant worlds/Dominion invasion AP confirmed! Helps that James Jacobs said he had a Dominion invasion AP plot slushing around in his dinosaur brain for awhile too :D

Where are those hidden messages usually hidden?

In the credits at the beginning, usually.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Myth Lord wrote:
That awesome Aurumvorax ripping through that robot should be my background from now on. Love that picture.

I loved seeing the art for The Choking Tower throughout, as it's a thrill to see my words come alive in art, but I particularly liked that aurumvorax image!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Neongelion wrote:

I for one welcome our brain-sucking overlords.

The hidden message (as with all APs) in the final book, by the way, was "keep watching the skies". Distant worlds/Dominion invasion AP confirmed! Helps that James Jacobs said he had a Dominion invasion AP plot slushing around in his dinosaur brain for awhile too :D

There was the same hidden message on the Second Darkness.

Also i am still waiting for those runelords to return (RotRL hidden message).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
leo1925 wrote:
Neongelion wrote:

I for one welcome our brain-sucking overlords.

The hidden message (as with all APs) in the final book, by the way, was "keep watching the skies". Distant worlds/Dominion invasion AP confirmed! Helps that James Jacobs said he had a Dominion invasion AP plot slushing around in his dinosaur brain for awhile too :D

There was the same hidden message on the Second Darkness.

Also i am still waiting for those runelords to return (RotRL hidden message).

Well they did technically return. One of them anyway. And not Karzoug. If you don't know what I'm talking about then good, spoiler alert.

Anyway I am getting my Distant Worlds AP regardless! It might be in 2017, it might be in 2045, it might be in the grim dark future 40,000 years from now but damnit I will get it!

Ron Lundeen wrote:
Myth Lord wrote:
That awesome Aurumvorax ripping through that robot should be my background from now on. Love that picture.
I loved seeing the art for The Choking Tower throughout, as it's a thrill to see my words come alive in art, but I particularly liked that aurumvorax image!

Well I love Aurumvorax, it's one of my favorite pathfinder creatures, Robots are my least favorite pathfinder monsters (all of them) so that picture is just insane cool for me personally :-p

its a statement even! :-p

Neongelion wrote:
leo1925 wrote:
Neongelion wrote:

I for one welcome our brain-sucking overlords.

The hidden message (as with all APs) in the final book, by the way, was "keep watching the skies". Distant worlds/Dominion invasion AP confirmed! Helps that James Jacobs said he had a Dominion invasion AP plot slushing around in his dinosaur brain for awhile too :D

There was the same hidden message on the Second Darkness.

Also i am still waiting for those runelords to return (RotRL hidden message).

Well they did technically return. One of them anyway. And not Karzoug. If you don't know what I'm talking about then good, spoiler alert.

Anyway I am getting my Distant Worlds AP regardless! It might be in 2017, it might be in 2045, it might be in the grim dark future 40,000 years from now but damnit I will get it!

Are you talking about

PFS season 4 spoiler:
Runelord of sloth Krune in the "The Waking Rune" psf scenario?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
leo1925 wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
leo1925 wrote:
Neongelion wrote:

I for one welcome our brain-sucking overlords.

The hidden message (as with all APs) in the final book, by the way, was "keep watching the skies". Distant worlds/Dominion invasion AP confirmed! Helps that James Jacobs said he had a Dominion invasion AP plot slushing around in his dinosaur brain for awhile too :D

There was the same hidden message on the Second Darkness.

Also i am still waiting for those runelords to return (RotRL hidden message).

Well they did technically return. One of them anyway. And not Karzoug. If you don't know what I'm talking about then good, spoiler alert.

Anyway I am getting my Distant Worlds AP regardless! It might be in 2017, it might be in 2045, it might be in the grim dark future 40,000 years from now but damnit I will get it!

Are you talking about

** spoiler omitted **

Well, that, and we already know (Or have a good idea) of where three other Runelords are. During the Shattered Star AP you find out that Sorshen is hidden under Castle Korvosa, in Mythic Realms you find out Zutha is buried deep under the Cenotaph plus the Continuing the Adventure section of Shattered Star has a necromancer taiga giant lich with two of the three sections of Zutha's phylactery, the Gluttonous Tome, who is poised to bring Zutha back, and in Dungeons of Golarion it's vaguely hinted at that Alaznist is likely hidden somewhere that can be accessed by her runewell of wrath.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Chainsaw blade is epic!

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