The Gold Sovereign |
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The more kaiju I see, the more I would love a revisited/unleashed type book for them.
There are only seven known kaiju left:
Cimurlian, the Great Bear of the frozen north
Ebeshra, the Winged Razor of the furthest clouds
Igroon, the Dragon Eater of the lost island
Mantraska, the World Talons of the rain forest
Shbloon, the Vortex Maw of the ocean deep
Yorak, the Horned Thunder of the great mountains
Zimivra, the Endless Coils of the trackless desert
I would love to see Igroon, Shbloon and Yorak in the next bestiary.
As they are unique creatures, I suppose "Kaiju Unleashed" would fit them better, if it ever happened. Not only would we get flavor, but also a stat-block for each and information about their lairs, just like in Dragons Unleashed.

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Yes and no. Varklops's abilities are fire-focused rather than lightning, though he does share Ghidorah's big weakness: he's distracted if he has to fight more than one kaiju at a time.
Also Yarthoon the Moon Grub could be viewed as somewhat inspired by another of Toho's monstrosities. She's not accompanied by a pair of Tiny-sized Fey-type sisters, but close enough.

Plausible Pseudonym |
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Is Lord Varklops, like the other Kaiju, an easy mark for a moderately optimized Witch or Psychic looking for the ultimate Greater Possession joy ride?
(The Recovery ability only works on mind-affecting abilities that require a save, which Ill Omen doesn't, and possession isn't on the list of abilities that Recovery works against, so you can target that relatively weak Will save and make it save twice or be taken on an hours/level jaunt.)

Plausible Pseudonym |
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What? No, that would be just silly. There's no way you can just-
...Oh. Uh...have a nice walk? I guess?
Yeah, Greater Possession and/or Plane Shift are always my first considerations for neutralizing big crazy monsters with lots of immunities. Sometimes they have low saves because of those immunities and it gets easier than you'd think.
I like to imagine Mogaru plane shifted to the elemental plane of Fire, constantly healing and nuking everything with the force half of his breath weapon until someone banishes him, Imprisons him, or plane shifts him away.

Mechagamera |
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Berselius wrote:MOTHER BUCKING KING GHIDORAH IS NOW A PATHFINDER MONSTER! YES! SO VERY MUCH YES! :DYes and no. Varklops's abilities are fire-focused rather than lightning, though he does share Ghidorah's big weakness: he's distracted if he has to fight more than one kaiju at a time.
Also Yarthoon the Moon Grub could be viewed as somewhat inspired by another of Toho's monstrosities. She's not accompanied by a pair of Tiny-sized Fey-type sisters, but close enough.
That makes it pretty clear that twin fairies must be added to the B7 wish list.

Cole Deschain |
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Also Yarthoon the Moon Grub could be viewed as somewhat inspired by another of Toho's monstrosities. She's not accompanied by a pair of Tiny-sized Fey-type sisters, but close enough.
Interesting, since Agyra seems cosmetically more like a two-headed Rodan, but thematically more like the adult form of Mothra...

MMCJawa |
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MMCJawa wrote:well...we already got a Mothra expy in the form of the Star Monarch, so make sense for the Kaiju form they would focus on the larvae form.Or maybe she's still growing. That would explain her CR 25. It's just a baby grub... =)
Nah...the flavor text makes this pretty clear that this is Yarthoon's final form, although there is the suggestion that their might be more than one Yarthoon.

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Just how big is Ouroborous? Bouncing across the landscape, over houses, or just big enough to land on your shoulders and violently compress?
Yes to all three.
The whole creature is sized colossal. There's an element to it that reminds me of certain elements in Shin Godzilla*.
*Yes, it's a big snake monster, not it's not a Kajiu and no it doesn't look like Godzilla.

Eric Hinkle |
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Dragon78 wrote:The more kaiju I see, the more I would love a revisited/unleashed type book for them.There are only seven known kaiju left:
Cimurlian, the Great Bear of the frozen north
I would love to see Igroon, Shbloon and Yorak in the next bestiary.
As they are unique creatures, I suppose "Kaiju Unleashed" would fit them better, if it ever happened. Not only would we get flavor, but also a stat-block for each and information about their lairs, just like in Dragons Unleashed.
I'd love to see the write-up for a kaiju bear. Makes you wonder why no movie ever did one before this. I mean, Toho gave us a kaiju walrus in Gorath.

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I'd love to see an expanded kaiju splat book to have the other unstated kaiju shown plus maybe some archetypes like a kaiju-blooded bloodrager, an oracle or druid that gains power from worshipping them and also maybe a pilotable kaiju slaying robot like the Jaegers from Pacific Rim or Hyperion from the Project: Nemesis series of books (oh and a Nemesis like kaiju would be awesome too).

Cole Deschain |
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I'd love to see the write-up for a kaiju bear. Makes you wonder why no movie ever did one before this. I mean, Toho gave us a kaiju walrus in Gorath.
I can only assume people saw Prophecy and backed away...
In all seriousness, in the 1960s-1970s heyday of goofy kaiju bears were not typically portrayed as monstrously threatening in mass media, and Japan (the main source of giant monster flicks for a long, long time) has highland myths where the bear is seen as a mountain spirit... they might have been seen as too "old-fashioned." The Ainu had some reverence for bears, which might also have impacted the perception, but I cannot speak to that with any assurance.

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Eric Hinkle wrote:I'd love to see the write-up for a kaiju bear. Makes you wonder why no movie ever did one before this. I mean, Toho gave us a kaiju walrus in Gorath.I can only assume people saw Prophecy and backed away...
Aww... Prophecy is RAD!
And folks who want a kaiju bear might soon get one in ...

PFC Hudson, USS Sulaco |
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Just how big is Ouroborous? Bouncing across the landscape, over houses, or just big enough to land on your shoulders and violently compress?
Note to self: Run perpendicular, not parallel, to the colossal rolling ouroboros.
Note to self 2: Don't trust androids named David or Ash.

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The Shifty Mongoose wrote:Just how big is Ouroborous? Bouncing across the landscape, over houses, or just big enough to land on your shoulders and violently compress?Note to self: Run perpendicular, not parallel, to the colossal rolling ouroboros.

Lemartes |
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The Shifty Mongoose wrote:Just how big is Ouroborous? Bouncing across the landscape, over houses, or just big enough to land on your shoulders and violently compress?Note to self: Run perpendicular, not parallel, to the colossal rolling ouroboros.
Note to self 2: Don't trust androids named David or Ash.
Note to self: Don't trust Alien Bodybuilders.

Luthorne |
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Can some kind person provide a few names of the high-CR monstrous humanoids?
The monstrous humanoids from lowest to highest CR are:
tenome (CR 4)
fen mauler (CR 10)
ghole (CR 12)
psoglav (CR 13)
rawhead (CR 14)
saurian (CR 16)
deathsnatcher (CR 18)
euryale (CR 20)
Krampus (CR 21)
Yig (CR 27)
Just how big is Ouroborous? Bouncing across the landscape, over houses, or just big enough to land on your shoulders and violently compress?
It's Colossal, roughly 50 feet in diameter, and weighs 260 lbs. So more the former than the latter.

Malik Doom |

The Three Headed Fiend is amazing! *-*
CR 25 horses for the Horsemen? =O
And... And that... That snakes nightmare thing... Terrifying.
I can cut the Kaiju from my previews wishlist.
Please... The Wild Hunt is the last one!
Wild Hunt is in it.........

Ravingdork |

In preparing for Bestiary 6, I realized that we'd done a shockingly few number of monstrous humanoids and plants above CR 10, for example, so those two categories were ones I immediately looked to address.
Was a lot of thought given to expanding the utility of lesser-known polymorph spells such as monstrous physique, plant shape, undead form, or vermin shape, Mr. Jacobs?
Do many of the new monsters have abilities that appear in those spells? It seems there is little point to playing a transmuter over a conjurer these days due to action economy and lack of solid form choices.

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James Jacobs wrote:In preparing for Bestiary 6, I realized that we'd done a shockingly few number of monstrous humanoids and plants above CR 10, for example, so those two categories were ones I immediately looked to address.Was a lot of thought given to expanding the utility of lesser-known polymorph spells such as monstrous physique, plant shape, undead form, or vermin shape, Mr. Jacobs?
Do many of the new monsters have abilities that appear in those spells? It seems there is little point to playing a transmuter over a conjurer these days due to action economy and lack of solid form choices.
The design goal of the polymorph spells is such that we don't HAVE to give much extra thought to new monsters. We don't WANT to constantly expand the scope of polymorph spells unintentionally each time we publish a new monster for the same reasons we don't want to unintentionally expand the scope of summon monster or summon nature's ally spells with each Bestiary.
Saying that a conjurer's options have increased with each Bestiary is thus a false claim, since the core summon spells don't expand with each Bestiary. In fact, there ARE new monsters in each Bestiary that can become new polymorph targets, so a transmuter's options expand greater than a conjurers. The spells don't give them access to newer unique abilities those new monsters have though.
Remember: Bestiaries are first and foremost GM option books, not player option books.

Ravingdork |
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The design goal of the polymorph spells is such that we don't HAVE to give much extra thought to new monsters. We don't WANT to constantly expand the scope of polymorph spells unintentionally each time we publish a new monster for the same reasons we don't want to unintentionally expand the scope of summon monster or summon nature's ally spells with each Bestiary.
I'm well aware that you guys strive not to unintentionally boost the power of such spells. What I'm asking is if there was any intentional additions made to the lesser options. I'm not asking if the spells got new abilities added to them, but rather if many of the new monsters share abilities listed within the spells as they are now.
Many of the newer polymorph spells don't even come close to the core spells (and even some of the core spells, such as plant shape, are kinda weak in comparison to the others) in terms of available options. Last I checked, there were even size categories in some of those spells where little to no options were available at all!
Saying that a conjurer's options have increased with each Bestiary is thus a false claim...
It's also a claim I never made anywhere in my post, Mr. Jacobs.
Remember: Bestiaries are first and foremost GM option books, not player option books.
Every book is a player option book. :P

Luthorne |
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What is a fen mauler?
The descendents of sasquatches driven to dark pacts and sinister rituals, resulting in a malevolent creature wreathed in darkness who can ritualistically harvest parts from their victims to gain a portion of their power.
Edit: Ninja-ed, but I like my answer more, so I guess I'll leave it!

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Wannabe Demon Lord wrote:What is a fen mauler?The descendents of sasquatches driven to dark pacts and sinister rituals, resulting in a malevolent creature wreathed in darkness who can ritualistically harvest parts from their victims to gain a portion of their power.
Edit: Ninja-ed, but I like my answer more, so I guess I'll leave it!
So Jeepers Creepers without the creepy director?