New Scenarios for a New Year

Monday, December 29, 2014

Illustration by Jason Pederson

With the exception a few summer conventions releases, scenarios traditionally come out on the last Wednesday of the month. This time that's December 31st, which probably makes these adventures feel less like the December 2014 scenarios and more like a capstone to an exciting year of Pathfinder Society Organized Play plus a wonderful ringing in of the new year—at least that's how I'm going to brand it. Both adventures start with time-honored, familiar concepts from 2014 and while pursuing new plots that make 2015 particularly worth celebrating.

One of the Society's old friends (and I use the term loosely) resurfaced earlier in the season while Pathfinder agents investigated a case of magical espionage in Absalom. Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin believes any threat to the city is a threat to the Society, and an ally has since divined the the source of these incursions: Stonespine Island, home to the infamous Okeno pirates and a generous helping of gnolls. In Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-11: The Slave Master's Mirror, author Sam Polak sends the PCs through one of the most notorious slaver cities on Golarion and into the rugged wilds to put an end to this villain's plans.

Just over a year ago, new initiates to the Society received a replayable opportunity to learn what it really means to be a Pathfinder in Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-08: The Confirmation. It remains one of the most popular scenarios published to date, and it quickly became apparent that I should schedule a second Tier 1-2 adventure for release in Season 6. Back in the spring, Mark Moreland and I concocted a basic outline that could match The Confirmation's excellence, introduce newer players to another central feature of the Society, and provide opportunities for replay with a different experience each time. At PaizoCon, I pitched the idea to the author I knew could handle such a challenge: Thurston Hillman. After months of bouncing ideas off each other, I wrote a final outline, sent it off, and let Thursty run with it. The result is Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-10: The Wounded Wisp, a mundane assignment that quickly spirals into a gripping investigation of the Pathfinder Society's past that takes the PCs to some of the Society's and Absalom's most famous sites in pursuit of centuries-old secrets from the Grand Lodge's darkest days. It dovetails nicely with The Confirmation, serving as a great prelude, sequel, or even standalone adventure.

This weekend I had the pleasure of being back in Georgia for the recent holiday and visiting a few of the GeorgiaPFS events. I can proudly report that my 7th-level warpriest pregenerated character had a blast in Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-06: The Green Market, and the ranger Agna has finally dispatched the first of her many pirate rivals in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild adventures. I hope that everyone else's end of year has been as satisfying.

John Compton

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Tags: Jason Pederson Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios

I can't wait to get my hands on the new scenario's they sound great.

Silver Crusade 4/5

My players have been looking forward to finding out who the spy(s) are. Now I finally get to let them find out. Woohoo!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Having just run 06-05, looking forward to the Slave Master's Mirror!

Grand Lodge

I don't quite understand all the hate directed at the "Iron Gods" adventure path, Numeria, and the efforts to tie-in the Pathfinder Society scenarios. These folks never loved "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" or shown any appreciation to Paizo's loving homage to one of the greatest adventures in the history of "Dungeons & Dragons" and the RPG hobby.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

Cheers & Happy New Year! Looling forward to another year of awesome scenarios.

4/5 ****

I'm so excited!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

TritonOne wrote:
I don't quite understand all the hate directed at the "Iron Gods" adventure path, Numeria, and the efforts to tie-in the Pathfinder Society scenarios. These folks never loved "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" or shown any appreciation to Paizo's loving homage to one of the greatest adventures in the history of "Dungeons & Dragons" and the RPG hobby.

Where these questions?

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber
TritonOne wrote:
I don't quite understand all the hate directed at the "Iron Gods" adventure path, Numeria, and the efforts to tie-in the Pathfinder Society scenarios. These folks never loved "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" or shown any appreciation to Paizo's loving homage to one of the greatest adventures in the history of "Dungeons & Dragons" and the RPG hobby.

Different people like different things. That is all you have to understand. Some people like caviar and I think it is gross. I like tofu plain, and others think it is gross. People don't have to like the same things as you.


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Have y'all considered a replayable 5 tier (or other tier) scenario?

You know, the kind where Pathfinders are sent to a Blackrose museum tapestry demi-plane common mission site to recover bodies of other pathfinders on a regular basis?

It'll be interesting to see how changes to playable races and grandfathering have on the Wounded Wisp's popularity. ;)

Seriously though, I'm looking forward to another from Thurston.

Silver Crusade 5/5

That's an interesting idea, an evergreen that's not 1-2. And I'm also looking forward to more out of Thurston, he's easily one of my favorite scenario writers.

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