GM S's "Race for the Dustwarren Cup" [Tier 7-10] (Inactive)

Game Master Chris Marsh

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| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

Lady Lanius's resolve cannot be matched!

The Golden Ratio balks as the Starfinder team crosses the finish line first!

The first annual Dustwarren Cup is hailed as a success. Before the awards ceremony, Mimli asks you to keep the truth of her kidnapping to yourselves to avoid furthering rumors and instead spins a story to the press claiming the Flyting Jenny was sunk by a dust manta attack, painting the Starfinders as heroes.

An awards ceremony is held on the shore to present the ostentatious Dustwarren Cup to the winning team. Zwarna Linsholm swallows some humble pie and admits a begrudging respect for their racing skill, offering a congratulatory handshake to each of you.

Amek Na insists on paying for all your drinks at the celebratory party that occurs afterward, in appreciation.

| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

Afterward, Mimli has Wat bring you into a private meeting room so she can speak to you out of sight of bystanders and eavesdroppers.

“I still can’t think you all enough. Not only was the race a rousing success despite everything, but you even saved my life! That’s why it feels only right to tell you the truth, though I hope you know I do so only in the strictest confidence.” Mimli wrings her tiny, wrinkled hands, for the first time showing a bit of her age. “As you may have guessed, the fabled Nurkop Richpick is real… but as for where it is, I honestly have no idea. Whatever we found there, and how, it was lost completely during the Gap. We’ve never gone back, not ever! All we have is this.”

She gestures to Wat, who lifts the lid on a lacquered jewelry box to reveal, nestled in a custom-made velvet-lined niche, a brass tube etched with lines and runes. Mimli takes it out and turns it in the light where everyone can see, making it clear that the markings don’t seem to have any meaning as they are now.

“My grandpop left me this, from his grandma before him. He said it’s one part of three, and each piece contains a clue to how our family got to where we are today.” She places it back in the box, closes the lid, and takes it from Wat to hold out as an offering. “But it’s clear to me now that leaving this question unanswered is just going to put me and my family in more danger. So, I’d like you to take it, at least for now. If anyone can unravel this puzzle, it’s the Starfinders.”

| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

On the return trip, you file your after action report.

You completed your primary objective defeating Odrag Nao and rescuing Mimli Nurkop from her kidnapping. You also won the race!

| The Death of Kortos IV | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

Congratulations! I'm sorry I had a convention right at the end (which Ohmarc is still at). Thank you everyone! I did promise I'd run something right after this, and I plan to make good on that. Give me today to put together chronicles, reporting, and the next game.


Female LG Skittermander Themeless Soldier (Steward Stalwart) 9 Character Sheet | SP 72/72, HP 65/65, RP 9/9 | EAC 25 KAC 26 | Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +7 (extra +2 mind-affecting (reaction) | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +8 | Speed 30ft | Tracked Resources: Fear Reroll 1/1, Shirt Reroll 0/1, Hyper 0/1, Condition Delay 1/1, Theme Skill Bonus 0/1, Light Machine Gun 24/60 | Active conditions: DR 5 (armor upgrade)

Officer Swizzers ensures the prisoners are safely escorted to the nearest government detention facility for processing. Kidnapping is a serious crime, after all, and she makes sure full reports are provided to the Stewards and the Starfinder Society. Despite the race organiser's attempted cover up, Swizzers does not hesitate to recommend better screening of entrants and security along the route.

But as for the fabled Nurkop Richpick, the Starfinder Society has already taken her to many wondrous places. Perhaps, just perhaps, this is a mystery she can help uncover . . .

Great game, thanks everyone!


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NG male nuar ace pilot soldier (blitz) 8 | SP 80/80, HP 62/62, RP 10/10 | EAC 25, KAC 27 | F+8 R+5 W+7 | Speed 50 | Init +7 | Perc +1 (darkvision), SM +1 | Piloting +17 (8 ranks) | Active Conditions:

Rodgers looks back wistfully at the beautiful sand yachts as he prepares to board the shuttle home. After that experience, driving his little pilot-training shuttle back home just won't be quite the same.

Thanks everyone!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female LG Human Priest Divine Champion Solder 10 | Speed 35ft, 35 fly |SP 15/90 | HP 74/74 | Res 11/11 | EAC 30 | KAC 33 |Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +10 | Init +12 | Perc +9
Engineering +4, Gunery +14, Piloting +17

Lady Shrike assists Officer Swizzers with the prisoners, but makes sure to enjoy the ceremony as well. She allows herself the indulgence of a photo with the trophy, which she immedietly sends to someone on her contacts list, mumbling something about "Yellowback's going to love this."

On the ride back, she focuses on her prayers, with her blade laid out over a small surface as an improvised shrine to Iomedae. She gives thanks for their victory, thanks for guidance in the rescue, and vows to continue to fight in Her name.

Thanks again for running the game, and thanks to everyone who played. It was fun!


Human Mystic 9 SP 56/56 HP 46/46 RP 9/9 | EAC 21 KAC 22 | Spells 1: 7/7 2: 6/6 3: 4/4 | F+4 R+5 W+12 | Init+0 | Perc+18

”Thank you everyone for letting me ride with such an exceptional crew. Thanks to you, we all won this race, but I also think we made a difference!”

Thank you, everyone! What a great scenario! Thank you, GM, for running such a great adventure!

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