Lady Shrike
LG Mediume humanoid (human)
Divine Champion Soldier 10
Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
Theme Priest
Deity Iomedae
Stamina 90
HP 74
Resolve 11
EAC 30, KAK 33
Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +10
Defensive Abilities Armored Advantage, Divine Awakening
Speed 35 ft., 35 ft. fly
Melee ghost killer fangblade +16 (1d12+19 S) or anchoring longsword +16 (1d8+19 S) or trailblazer survival knife +14 (1d4 +13 S)
Ranged red star plasma pistol +14 (1d8+5 F)
Offensive Abilities Blitz Style, Divine Judgement, Melee Striker
Str 23; Dex 18; Con 14; Int 10; Wis 17; Cha 10
Skills Acrobatics +10*, Athletics +6*, Engineering +4, Intimidate +13, Medicine +4, Mysticism +16, Perception +9, Piloting +17, Profession (Chaplain) +12, Profession (Mercenary) +7, Survival +7, Stealth +1*
(* = after -3 armor check penalty)
Feats Connection Inkling, Improved Initiative, (b)Jet Charge, Mobility, (b) Opening Volley, Skill Synergy (Perception), Sky Jockey, (b)Step Up, (b)Step Up and Strike, (b)Weapon Specialization (Soldier weapons)
Languages Common
Other Abilities Lesser Divine Power, Theme Knowledge
Theme Knowledge (Ex) -5 DC to checks to Culture and Mysticism checks to recall knowledge about religions and religious figures. Mysticism is a class skill.
Fighting Style: Blitz (Ex) +4 Initiative, +10ft movement speed, can charge as a standard action without penalties
Divine Awakening (Su) +2 Enhancement bonus to Reflex saves
Divine Judgement (Su) Lady Shrike may spend 1 Resolve as a move action to pronounce a creature she can see as the enemy of her faith. Until it dies or she has an 8-hour rest, her attacks bypass its DR and ignores energy resistances as though her weapons had the holy fusion.
Lesser Divine Power (Sp) Once per day, Lady Shrike may tap into the Healing mystic connection and cast either Lesser Remove Condition or Mystic Cure (2nd).
Armored Advantage (Ex) +1 insight bonus to KAC while armored
Melee Striker (Ex) Lady Shrike gains an additional bonus to melee damage rolls equal to half of her Strength modifier.
Connection Inkling Lady Shrike can cast Detect Magic and Stabilize at will, and Share Language one per day.