
Rogers de Stieren's page

275 posts. Organized Play character for Dennis Muldoon.

Full Name

Rogers de Stieren


NG male nuar ace pilot soldier (blitz) 8 | SP 80/80, HP 62/62, RP 10/10 | EAC 25, KAC 27 | F+8 R+5 W+7 | Speed 50


| Init +7 | Perc +1 (darkvision), SM +1 | Piloting +17 (8 ranks) | Active Conditions:

About Rogers de Stieren

Rogers de Stieren
Male nuar ace pilot soldier 8
NG Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
Defense SP 80 HP 62 RP 10
EAC 25; KAC 27
Fort +8; Ref +5; Will +7
Speed 50 ft.
Melee ghost killer called underwater sintered greataxe +14 (3d6+17 S; analog) or
. . called static stun staff +14 (1d10+17 E; staggered DC 19, usage 1/20)
. . unarmed strike +14 (1d3+21 P)
Ranged viper-series hydra cannon +9 (2d6+8 E/F; blast, unwieldy, shape 2)
. . static arc pistol +11 (1d6+4 E; arc 2; stun) or
. . light reaction cannon +11 (1d10+8 P; penetrating) or
. . frag grenade I +14 (explode [15 ft., 1d6 P, DC 13])
. . antiswarm grenade I +14 (explode [15 ft., 1d4 A, DC 13])
. . . . On failure, swarm takes half damage from single target, troop takes full damage
Offensive Abilities primary fighting style (blitz), charge attack, coordinated shot, gore, jet charge, melee striker, step up, step up and strike, through the lines
Str 22 (+6); Dex 17 (+3); Con 14 (+2); Int 14 (+2); Wis 12 (+1); Cha 10 (+0)
Acrobatics +14 (8 ranks)
Athletics +17 (8 ranks)
Engineering +10 (5 ranks)
Intimidate +11 (8 ranks)
Medicine +7 (2 ranks)
Piloting +17 (8 ranks)
Profession (professor) +6 (1 rank)
Survival +14 (8 ranks)
*reduce the DC of Culture checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about starship and vehicle models and parts as well as famous hotshot pilots)
Feats Coordinated Shot, Improved Combat Maneuver (Bull Rush), Jet Charge, Step Up, Step Up and Strike, Strike Back, Through The Lines, Toughness
Languages Common, Orc, Vesk, Ysoki
Other Abilities maze mind
Gear antiswarm grenade I (3), frag grenade I (2), mk II serums of healing (4), mk III serum of healing, mk II serum of rejuvenation, mk I adaptive serum, lashunta ringwear III (upgrade: jetpack, mk 1 travel treads), ghost killer called sintered greataxe, called static stun staff, viper-series hydra cannon, light reaction cannon with 6 heavy rounds, static arc pistol with 1 battery (20 charges), battery, engineering tool kit, field rations (1 week), fire extinguisher, heavy rounds (20), hygiene kit, industrial backpack, mk 1 null-space chamber, trapsmith's tools, credstick (5634 credits)
Special Abilities
Gore (Ex) (Ex) A nuar can charge without taking the normal charge penalties to the attack roll or its AC. If the nuar has another ability that allows it to charge without taking these penalties (such as the charge attack ability from the soldier’s blitz attack fighting style), the nuar also gains the ability to charge through difficult terrain.
Maze Mind (Ex) (Ex) Nuars have a naturally strong sense of direction and an instinctive understanding of complex patterns. As a result, they very rarely get lost. A nuar can attempt a special level-based Wisdom check (1d20 + CR or level + Wisdom bonus) instead of using his total bonus in the Piloting skill to navigate or his total bonus in the Survival skill for orienteering.
Additional Info
In addition, a nuar with 1 or more ranks in Piloting or Survival also gains a +2 racial bonus to checks with that skill.
Originally from Level 19, now lives in The Ring to have a shorter commute to the berth where his pilot-training shuttle is launched.


[dice=Greataxe (vs. KAC)]1d20+14[/dice]
[dice=Greataxe (vs. KAC), full attack 1]1d20+14-4[/dice]

[dice=Greataxe (vs. KAC), full attack 2]1d20+14-4[/dice]

[dice=Gore (vs. KAC)]1d20+14[/dice]
[dice=Gore (vs. KAC), full attack 1]1d20+14-4[/dice]

[dice=Gore (vs. KAC), full attack 2]1d20+14-4[/dice]

Light Reaction Cannon:
[dice=Light reaction cannon (vs. KAC)]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Light reaction cannon (vs. KAC), full attack 1]1d20+11-4[/dice]

[dice=Light reaction cannon (vs. KAC), full attack 2]1d20+11-4[/dice]

Static Arc Pistol:
[dice=Static arc pistol (vs. EAC)]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Static arc pistol (vs. EAC), full attack 1]1d20+11-4[/dice]
[dice=Static arc pistol (vs. EAC), full attack 2]1d20+11-4[/dice]
[dice=Static arc pistol (vs. EAC), stun]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Nonlethal electricity]1d6+4[/dice]
[dice=Static arc pistol (vs. EAC), stun, full attack 1]1d20+11-4[/dice]
[dice=Nonlethal electricity]1d6+4[/dice]

[dice=Static arc pistol (vs. EAC), stun, full attack 2]1d20+11-4[/dice]
[dice=Nonlethal electricity]1d6+4[/dice]


SFS credits:
[1] SFS Quests - Into the Unknown
[2] #1-01 The Commencement
[3] #1-16 Dreaming of the Future
[4] #1-12 Ashes of Discovery
[5] #1-28 It Rests Beneath
[6] #1-30 Survivor's Salvation (GM)
[7] #2-03 The Withering World
[8] Starfinder Module: Skitter Crash
[9] #2-07 Four for the First (GM)
[10] #2-05 Meeting of the Queens (GM)
[11] #1-14 Star Sugar Heartlove!!! (GM)
[12] #2-10 Corporate Interests
[13] #2-11 Descent into Verdant Shadow (GM)
[14] #2-23 The Edge of Cadascon (GM)
[15] #3-98 Into the Perplexity: The Third Trial
[16] #1-38 The Many Minds of Histoia (GM)
[17] #1-25 The Beacon Code Dilemma
[18] #3-11 Into the Veskarium
[19] #4-10 The Way In (GM)
[20] #4-11 A World's Ambition (GM)
[21] #6-08 Lost Revelry


Resources used in Dustwarren Cup: