Gameday XIII - 'Gallows of Madness - A Foul Breed'

Game Master Shadow Dragon

Google Slides

This is a GM's Choice table so only those who I have selected need to post the following information:

1. Player name:
2. Character name:
3. Character class and level:
4. PFS #:
5. Faction:
6. Day job roll:
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC

The Concordance

1. Player name: kaervek78
2. Character name: Vreekka The Brainiac
3. Character class and level: Alchemist (Mindchemist) 1
4. PFS #: 331079-12
5. Faction: The Concordance
6. Day job roll: Craft (Alchemy) +14 (includes crafter's fortune, may increase because of equipment)
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC:
Vreekka has quite a variety of formulae in her book, she throws bombs, speaks eight languages, knows a lot about pretty much anything and can also craft about any alchemical item.

Sovereign Court

1. Player name: Pete H.
2. Character name: Cannoli Jones
3. Character class and level: Oracle 1 (munchkin Melee/Healer/Buffer)
4. PFS #: 123584-20
5. Faction: Sovereign Court
6. Day job roll: Perform: Actress: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC: Blind Curse, Vision only works to 30ft. Diplomatic and outgoing.

Dark Archive

1. Player name PaleDim
2. Character name Guardian XI
3. Character class and level Fighter (gloomblade) 1
4. PFS # 272301-14
5. Faction Dark Archive
6. Day job roll N/A
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC Guardian is a newly "awakened" android from numeria. He is not entirely aware of his past purposes, in former lives that occurred in very far away places.

1. Player name: Jhaeman
2. Character name: Jakeric
3. Character class and level: Unchained Summoner 1
4. PFS #: 238544-10
5. Faction: Silver Crusade
6. Day job roll: None
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC: Jakeric is a god-caller hoping to restore Sakoris, has a stutter, and his eidolon is sort of like an uplifted bear named Grizzlebin. (Jakeric won't be problematic/OP like some summoners)

Grand Lodge

I'm in...why not...will add info later

I think everyone except Daegon can access the RPG Chronicles page so here's the link for you to sign up and enter your information:

A Foul Breed!

Liberty's Edge

1. Player name: Mike R
2. Character name: Victor
3. Character class and level: Spiritualist (phantom blade) 1 / Cleric (crusader) 1
4. PFS #: 317595-21
5. Faction: Liberty's Edge
6. Day job roll: TBC once I've finished making character updates.
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC: Victor is now level 2. His phantom weapon is now able to assume its preferred form of a whip, he also now has the helpful trait so he provides a +4 bonus when he aids another.

Victor. wrote:
Victor is now level 2. His phantom weapon is now able to assume its preferred form of a whip

Does this mean Victor is going to whip it? Into shape?

Liberty's Edge

GM Shadow Dragon wrote:
Victor. wrote:
Victor is now level 2. His phantom weapon is now able to assume its preferred form of a whip
Does this mean Victor is going to whip it? Into shape?

Yes, just like the song.

Victor. wrote:
GM Shadow Dragon wrote:
Victor. wrote:
Victor is now level 2. His phantom weapon is now able to assume its preferred form of a whip
Does this mean Victor is going to whip it? Into shape?
Yes, just like the song.


Okay if everyone can either fill out (the RPG Chronicles site) or update (the Google slides info if anything has changed) the information in the following links it would be greatly appreciated!

Google Slides - A Foul Breed

RPG Chronicles for 'A Foul Breed'

Dark Archive

GM Shadow Dragon wrote:

I think everyone except Daegon can access the RPG Chronicles page so here's the link for you to sign up and enter your information:

A Foul Breed!

You linked this one above. Is this now replaced by the new link?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ack! I forgot I made one already! I was working on this while heavy objects were sliding off my roof. Use the first one and not the most recent one please. :(

Liberty's Edge

It looks like the slides are set to read only.

Victor. wrote:
It looks like the slides are set to read only.

Drat it! I think I have it fixed; if someone can test it to make sure you all can edit it I would be appreciative.

Sovereign Court

GM Shadow Dragon wrote:
Victor. wrote:
It looks like the slides are set to read only.

Drat it! I think I have it fixed; if someone can test it to make sure you all can edit it I would be appreciative.

no editing yet

Cannoli Jones wrote:
GM Shadow Dragon wrote:
Victor. wrote:
It looks like the slides are set to read only.

Drat it! I think I have it fixed; if someone can test it to make sure you all can edit it I would be appreciative.

no editing yet

Hopefully someone can help. I have it set

General Access
Anyone with the link

So you tell me why it isn't working.

I clicked on the 'Share' button in the top right corner and checked, it has the same settings.
Went to 'File'-'Share' and it has the same settings.
Went out to Google Drive, clicked on the Share and it has 'Anyone with the link' and 'Editor.'

Dark Archive

I was able to edit it some days ago and seem to still be able to. I see mostly everybody on the slides now.

Liberty's Edge

I've just checked and editing is working for me now.

Sovereign Court

Now, for some odd reason, it works!

The Concordance

Vreekka's info is up to date in the slides (which I am able to edit).

Vreekka The Brainiac wrote:
Vreekka's info is up to date in the slides (which I am able to edit).

I think Victor and Cannoli broke it for a while; they're shifty characters! ;)

Sovereign Court

Ooooh, always suspect the catfolk. I see how it is. If your tail is twitching, you must be up to something, eh?

Silver Crusade

Ok, got this new PC up and running. I've now completed RPG Chronicles and the slides. I will actually have a Day Job check with this character.

Day Job (Profession: Scholar): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

I'm purchase 732.5 gp at the beginning of the adventure.

This is Jakeric's eidolon (just to avoid confusion). He doesn't look as mean as in the picture :)

Grizzlebin wrote:
This is Jakeric's eidolon (just to avoid confusion). He doesn't look as mean as in the picture :)

Runs screaming!

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