PFS1 #8-00: The Cosmic Captive, Tier 7-8 (GM Mike...R) [PbP Gameday XIII]

Game Master Mike...R

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Game dates: 8th of September - 23rd of October

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Silver Crusade

CG male Wayang Macabre Puppeteer 8
|AC 21*, T 14*, FF 18|HP: 43/45|F +2, R +9*, W +4 (+2 vs shadow, +4 vs fear/drain/death/Necromancy)|Init +2, Perc +4|CMB +7* CMD 18|12/23 Performance, 3/3 Shadow Speaker, 3/3 Phantasm, 1/1 comic relief, #7
Aoi Rosenthal wrote:
"Did they mistakenly teleported [sic] us to Gallowspire? There are SO MANY UNDEAD..." Aoi complains.

"Well now, it's a good place to be one, isn't it?" Says Xasay, raising an eyebrow so long, solid, and pointy that it looks like it could be used as a weapon in its own right. "They must've been here for, oh, only they know how long. Pity we seem to have already alienated them...!"

Knowledge (Religion), Secrets of the Grave RE Guecubu: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Knowledge (Religion), Secrets of the Grave RE Crypt Thing: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33
Tell me what I know, then I'll act.

Silver Crusade

”Tippa” Female LG Warpriest 6/Student Of Perfection 1 | HP 67/67 | AC 27(29) T 13 FF 21(27), -2 shield ac when two-handed +2 against Evil | CMB +9(11), CMD 22(24) | F +11(13), R +8(10), W +9(11) +1 against evil | Init +3 | Perc +12(14) | Speed 20ft (30) | Active conditions: Defending Bone 25/30 Delay Poison Planar Adaption 3xTimes Heroism Bark skin FoM Bull's Strength Circle againtst Evil Divine Favor Haste Shield of Wings |Fervor: 1/5 | Sacred Weapon:4/6 | Ki pool:2/4

Does the rock underneath us have any height?

Aoi Rosenthal wrote:
Preferrably 5ft above the altitude of the Crypt Thing for high ground advantages (but Sputnik can't reach it this turn anyway). Sputnik double moved with 50ft fly speed.

That's good for Sputnik as it means Sputnik won't crash into the rock when the map moves at the end of the round. It does however mean something else will happen at the end of the round so I'll let everyone before then take their turn.

Xasay knows that the Guecubu has darkvision 60 ft and tremorsense 60 ft. He also knows it has burrow 15 ft and earth glide. For the Crypt Thing he knows that it has darkvision 60 ft. and low-light vision. It can also cast quickened dimension door three times a day as a spell-like ability. Once per day it can use a Teleporting Burst, which allows it to teleport all creatures within 50 feet in random directions (DC 16 will save to resist it). Finally its worst save is fortitude and its best is will.

Tippa wrote:
Does the rock underneath us have any height?

For simplicity I will say that the distance down the rope to get to the ground is always 15 feet no matter where you are on the map. Once on the ground the rocks currently below you are 5 feet tall, the big rock ahead of you is 10 feet tall.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 2 --

Crypt Thing (green)
Guecubu (orange)
-- ROUND 1 --

(Bold may act)

Grand Lodge

Female Human Bard 7/UC Rogue (Szarni Swinder) 2 [HP: 52/53; AC 25| T 14| FF 18 ; CMD 21; Fort +3 Ref +12+2 Will +6; Init: +3; Perception: +10; bardic perf: 12/20; Lore Master: 1/1; Spells: 3rd 1/2; 2nd: 0/4; 1st: 5/5] | Active effects: Triple Time +10 feet Speed (40 ft), Planetary Adaption, Darkvision 60 ft,, Invisibility, Eagle's Splendor (+4 Cha)

Prior to climbing down the rope, Shasta let's the others know she is going to go invisible She casts Invisibility and then casts Eagle's Splendor on herself.
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Shasta jumps the full 15 feet, using acrobatics to minimize damage. She draws her whip as she moves south at half speed trying to step softly to avoid attracting the gru monster through its tremor sense.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

That eliminates damage from first ten feet. I don't think the last five feet will add any damage nonlethal or lethal. I think that also means she does not become prone. In that case she has 25 feet movement and will move south 10 feet using stealth toward what appears to be a path leading west and then north toward the Crypt Thing. Please let us know any terrain effects for areas on the map. Are climb checks needed for the slopes?

Shasta manages to successfully drop to the ground without taking damage or falling over (As she made the DC 15 to ignore the first 10 feet and the last 5 feet wouldn't cause damage, she also avoids falling prone as that only happens if you are damaged).

In terms of the terrain, the path is normal terrain, I'll say the sloped cliff areas are difficult terrain. The rocks count as rough surfaces (DC 25 to climb). most of the rocks on the high ground at the top of the slope are 5 feet tall, except the big one in the middle and the other big one to the north of where the party currently are which are 10 feet tall.

As it's been 24 hours I'll bot Xasay, Grunjar and Tippa and have them delay.

Jilla follows Shasta's lead, dropping off of the rope and then hopping across the rocks after the bard.

Jilla acrobatics to fall without injury DC 15: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

The remaining members of the party continue to hold on to their ropes as the rocky island moves below them. As the island moves it brings the Crypt Thing closes to where Sputnik is flying and the undead takes a step and lashes out at the tiny inevitable with one of its claws...

claw attack vs Sputnik: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
claw damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

...but misses.

I've moved everyone still hanging on to ropes or flying 20 feet to the left due to the island moving below them at the end of the round.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 2 --

Guecubu (orange)
--- ROUND 1 --
Crypt Thing (green)

(Bold may act)

Silver Crusade

”Tippa” Female LG Warpriest 6/Student Of Perfection 1 | HP 67/67 | AC 27(29) T 13 FF 21(27), -2 shield ac when two-handed +2 against Evil | CMB +9(11), CMD 22(24) | F +11(13), R +8(10), W +9(11) +1 against evil | Init +3 | Perc +12(14) | Speed 20ft (30) | Active conditions: Defending Bone 25/30 Delay Poison Planar Adaption 3xTimes Heroism Bark skin FoM Bull's Strength Circle againtst Evil Divine Favor Haste Shield of Wings |Fervor: 1/5 | Sacred Weapon:4/6 | Ki pool:2/4

Tippa pops her wand of Divine Favor and casts the spell.
Then she drops the wand and takes out her sword.
Still hanging on the rope

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 8 | HP 39/59 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +4, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Grunjar casts fly on himself.

I'm so glad that I didn't use that spell in the last combat.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 2 --

Xasay (15 foot up on rope)
Grunjar (flying)
Tippa (15 foot up on rope)
Aoi (15 foot up on rope)
Guecubu (orange)
Crypt Thing (green)

(Bold may act)

The Exchange

”Aoi” Female LN Samsaran Witch 7 | HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 Mage Armor | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F +12, R +12, W +14 | Init +2 | Perc +15 | Speed 30+10 ft | Active conditions: PlanAdapt,DelayPoison,3xTimes,Heroism,BoF | Invoke Patron 5/7 | Sputnik HP 25/25 AC22

Guecubu went invisible on the Google Slide map, waiting further confirmation...

It disappeared into the ground, so it is currently out of sight of the party.

As it's been over 24 hours I'll bot Xasay and Aoi and have them delay.

The guecubu likely does something, but it is out of sight of the party so no one is able to see what it does.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 2 --

Grunjar (flying)
Tippa (15 foot up on rope)
Guecubu (orange)
Xasay (15 foot up on rope)
Aoi (15 foot up on rope)
Crypt Thing (green)

(Bold may act)

Silver Crusade

CG male Wayang Macabre Puppeteer 8
|AC 21*, T 14*, FF 18|HP: 43/45|F +2, R +9*, W +4 (+2 vs shadow, +4 vs fear/drain/death/Necromancy)|Init +2, Perc +4|CMB +7* CMD 18|12/23 Performance, 3/3 Shadow Speaker, 3/3 Phantasm, 1/1 comic relief, #7

Belay that order, Cap'n! I think I'll keep my place in the initiative-order this time!:
Xasay points down toward the crypt thing. "Watch out for that one," He says. "I am not sure anyone knows how they do it, but 'crypt things', as some extraordinarily imaginative Taldane necrologist saw fit to name them, are devious masters of teleportation; were we unfortunate, it could scatter us all off this rock, so try to resist its tug!"

His warning delivered, he releases his hold on the rope and tumbles to their destination...

Acrobatics to fall in style: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

...landing just like a surreal semi-abstract sculpture of a cat.

Shield, and puppets at the ready, he does not tread lightly as Shasta does - every Wayang knows the only proper way is to tread darkly.

Stealth: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (13) + 19 = 32

Wary of their new neighbors (literally) popping up to say hello, Xasay does not draw his sword - he has something different in mind....

readied attack against anything that shows up next to me:
chill touch, Will DC 16: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
rounds of anathema on failure: 1d4 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Grand Lodge

Female Human Bard 7/UC Rogue (Szarni Swinder) 2 [HP: 52/53; AC 25| T 14| FF 18 ; CMD 21; Fort +3 Ref +12+2 Will +6; Init: +3; Perception: +10; bardic perf: 12/20; Lore Master: 1/1; Spells: 3rd 1/2; 2nd: 0/4; 1st: 5/5] | Active effects: Triple Time +10 feet Speed (40 ft), Planetary Adaption, Darkvision 60 ft,, Invisibility, Eagle's Splendor (+4 Cha)

Shasta moves stealthy (at half speed), switching her whip back to her belt and drawing her longsword instead.

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 I didn't roll this earlier.

Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31


The Exchange

”Aoi” Female LN Samsaran Witch 7 | HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 Mage Armor | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F +12, R +12, W +14 | Init +2 | Perc +15 | Speed 30+10 ft | Active conditions: PlanAdapt,DelayPoison,3xTimes,Heroism,BoF | Invoke Patron 5/7 | Sputnik HP 25/25 AC22

Sorry, bi-weekly VA duty to run games at another city...
Aoi will take out the scroll of Haste and cast it on Tippa, Xasay, Grunjar, and Jilla. Haste is Patron spell for Aoi so is in spell list.

Sputnik will tries to poke the monster in the eye to blind it.
Dirty Trick: 1d20 + 3 + 3 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 3 - 2 + 1 = 24

As a few members of the party are sneaking, just to note that creatures with tremorsense automatically succeed at perception checks against creature on the ground within the range of their tremorsense (i.e. unless you have specific items or abilities to avoid tremorsense , you automatically get spotted in that range if you are on the ground). If that will affect anyone's decision to sneak I'm happy for you to retroactively change your movement to non-sneaking speed.

Xasay, Shasta and Jilla all start making progress on the big rock (Jilla will move to get in range of the haste and draw her weapon), while Aoi hastes everyone.

Sputnik attempts to blind the Crypt Thing who in turn attempts to disarm Sputnik (using an AoO)...

disarm vs Sputnik: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

...which succeeds.

Just to check where do the bonuses in Sputnik's dirty trick roll come from as it could have an impact on if the dirty trick works or not?

The Crypt Thing then picks up Sputnik's dropped weapon (after having used a move action to remove the blindness if that worked, if it didn't need to use the move action it will use its action to throw the weapon off the island after it picks it up).

At the end of the round everyone still on a rope i.e. Tippa and Aoi move 20 feet to the left as the island moves below them.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 3 --

Grunjar (flying)
Tippa (15 foot up on rope)
Guecubu (orange)
Aoi (15 foot up on rope)
Crypt Thing (green)

(Bold may act)

The Exchange

”Aoi” Female LN Samsaran Witch 7 | HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 Mage Armor | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F +12, R +12, W +14 | Init +2 | Perc +15 | Speed 30+10 ft | Active conditions: PlanAdapt,DelayPoison,3xTimes,Heroism,BoF | Invoke Patron 5/7 | Sputnik HP 25/25 AC22
GM Mike...R wrote:

Just to check where do the bonuses in Sputnik's dirty trick roll come from as it could have an impact on if the dirty trick works or not?

3BAB + 3DEX + 1high ground -2 size penalty. If you count it as using the weapon to dirty trick there would be an additional +1 enhancement bonus. Sputnik has to be 10ft away to reach the monster per Reach weapon, so the monster would need to has 10ft reach in order to disarm Sputnik.

The Crypt Thing would have a -4 penalty for Inappropriately Sized Weapons, and -4 penalty for non-proficiency, if it want to use the Sarissa.

Silver Crusade

”Tippa” Female LG Warpriest 6/Student Of Perfection 1 | HP 67/67 | AC 27(29) T 13 FF 21(27), -2 shield ac when two-handed +2 against Evil | CMB +9(11), CMD 22(24) | F +11(13), R +8(10), W +9(11) +1 against evil | Init +3 | Perc +12(14) | Speed 20ft (30) | Active conditions: Defending Bone 25/30 Delay Poison Planar Adaption 3xTimes Heroism Bark skin FoM Bull's Strength Circle againtst Evil Divine Favor Haste Shield of Wings |Fervor: 1/5 | Sacred Weapon:4/6 | Ki pool:2/4

If I would like to reach the crypt thing, I could only try the Climb check? Or just treat the terrain as difficult terrian?

Aoi Rosenthal wrote:
3BAB + 3DEX + 1high ground -2 size penalty. If you count it as using the weapon to dirty trick there would be an additional +1 enhancement bonus. Sputnik has to be 10ft away to reach the monster per Reach weapon, so the monster would need to has 10ft reach in order to disarm Sputnik.

Ah, so it was the CMB broken down into its component bits, that makes sense. In that case the Dirty Trick was successful and was then removed by the Crypt Thing with its move action. Also if the sarissa was being used I'm happy to assume that Sputnik 5 foot stepped before trying the maneuver which would have also avoided the AoO.

Tippa wrote:
If I would like to reach the crypt thing, I could only try the Climb check? Or just treat the terrain as difficult terrian?

The rock with the Crypt Thing on is 20 feet tall and a DC 25 climb check to move up it at quarter normal land speed. Once you get to the top the top of the rock is normal movement to move across. The slope down from the hill in the middle of the map to the road below would be difficult terrain.

Silver Crusade

”Tippa” Female LG Warpriest 6/Student Of Perfection 1 | HP 67/67 | AC 27(29) T 13 FF 21(27), -2 shield ac when two-handed +2 against Evil | CMB +9(11), CMD 22(24) | F +11(13), R +8(10), W +9(11) +1 against evil | Init +3 | Perc +12(14) | Speed 20ft (30) | Active conditions: Defending Bone 25/30 Delay Poison Planar Adaption 3xTimes Heroism Bark skin FoM Bull's Strength Circle againtst Evil Divine Favor Haste Shield of Wings |Fervor: 1/5 | Sacred Weapon:4/6 | Ki pool:2/4

Tippa drops on the ground. my Acrobatic is +14 right now
Then she takes the scroll of Shield of Wings out and casts the spell.

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 8 | HP 39/59 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +4, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Grunjar flies down next to Tippa and draws his magical warhammer, hovering 5 feet above the ground.

He then casts aid on the Warpriest.
Temporary Hitpoints: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Aid grants the target a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and saves against fear effects, plus temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + caster level (to a maximum of 1d8+10 temporary hit points at caster level 10th).

This morale bonus should stack with the luck bonus from divine favor and the competence bonus to attack rolls from Inspire Courage.

Silver Crusade

”Tippa” Female LG Warpriest 6/Student Of Perfection 1 | HP 67/67 | AC 27(29) T 13 FF 21(27), -2 shield ac when two-handed +2 against Evil | CMB +9(11), CMD 22(24) | F +11(13), R +8(10), W +9(11) +1 against evil | Init +3 | Perc +12(14) | Speed 20ft (30) | Active conditions: Defending Bone 25/30 Delay Poison Planar Adaption 3xTimes Heroism Bark skin FoM Bull's Strength Circle againtst Evil Divine Favor Haste Shield of Wings |Fervor: 1/5 | Sacred Weapon:4/6 | Ki pool:2/4
Grunjar wrote:

This morale bonus should stack with the luck bonus from divine favor and the competence bonus to attack rolls from Inspire Courage.

Thanks but I have Heroism

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 8 | HP 39/59 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +4, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Well... at least the THP should help a little...

Grand Lodge

Female Human Bard 7/UC Rogue (Szarni Swinder) 2 [HP: 52/53; AC 25| T 14| FF 18 ; CMD 21; Fort +3 Ref +12+2 Will +6; Init: +3; Perception: +10; bardic perf: 12/20; Lore Master: 1/1; Spells: 3rd 1/2; 2nd: 0/4; 1st: 5/5] | Active effects: Triple Time +10 feet Speed (40 ft), Planetary Adaption, Darkvision 60 ft,, Invisibility, Eagle's Splendor (+4 Cha)

Shasta would move full speed if sneaking doesn't give a chance of not being noticed. Also she'll begin inspiring courage this round.

Shasta begins singing percussive syllables which are infused with her bardic magic to inspire courageous deeds. This is known as Konnakol in India: Example.

As Xasay and Jilla look around suddenly the surface of the big rock to their west starts to distort and out of it emerges the upper parts of the guecubu that they had spotted when they were hanging from the rope (at ground level). It reaches forward and slams one of it's rotten limbs into the ground and as with the previous such creature stone spike thrust up from the ground across the battlefield.

(As before the orange squares show the areas affected by this. You can only move at half speed on foot across them, and will also take 1d8 damage for every 5 feet moved. If you take damage you also need to make a reflex save to avoid your speed being reduced to half for 24 hours or until you receive a cure spell. Also note that the ground around orange seems to ripple and shudder unnaturally, as a result the area in a 30 radius of orange also counts as difficult terrain)

spellcraft DC 19 to identify what the guecubu did:
it cast Spike Stones.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 3 --

Grunjar (flying)
Guecubu (orange)
Aoi (15 foot up on rope)
Crypt Thing (green)

(Bold may act)

The Exchange

”Aoi” Female LN Samsaran Witch 7 | HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 Mage Armor | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F +12, R +12, W +14 | Init +2 | Perc +15 | Speed 30+10 ft | Active conditions: PlanAdapt,DelayPoison,3xTimes,Heroism,BoF | Invoke Patron 5/7 | Sputnik HP 25/25 AC22

Sputnik flies right above the Crypt Thing so 10ft above it per reach weapon to harrase it again.
Dirty Trick, to blind: 1d20 + 3 + 3 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 3 - 2 + 1 = 24

Spellcraft +19 right now "It's Spike Stone again, watch out!" Aoi slowly move to the buttom of the rope and pull out her CLW wand. quarter speed climb down 10ft, then holding on to the rope

Grand Lodge

Female Human Bard 7/UC Rogue (Szarni Swinder) 2 [HP: 52/53; AC 25| T 14| FF 18 ; CMD 21; Fort +3 Ref +12+2 Will +6; Init: +3; Perception: +10; bardic perf: 12/20; Lore Master: 1/1; Spells: 3rd 1/2; 2nd: 0/4; 1st: 5/5] | Active effects: Triple Time +10 feet Speed (40 ft), Planetary Adaption, Darkvision 60 ft,, Invisibility, Eagle's Splendor (+4 Cha)
GM Mike...R wrote:

(As before the orange squares show the areas affected by this. You can only move at half speed on foot across them, and will also take 1d8 damage for every 5 feet moved. If you take damage you also need to make a reflex save to avoid your speed being reduced to half for 24 hours or until you receive a cure spell. Also note that the ground around orange seems to ripple and shudder unnaturally, as a result the area in a 30 radius of orange also counts as difficult terrain)

Just to be clear, the orange bolded above refers to the orange outline of the Guecubu, not the orange squares depicting the spike areas.

Will Shasta take damage if she moves east just beyond the orange border she is next to? If so, can she use acrobatics to do a standing long jump to avoid it?

Yes that's correct, it's the ground around the guecubu that ripples and shudders. The big squares are just spikey ground.

In terms of the spiked areas, you take the damage moving into them but not out of them. So if Shasta moves east the half speed and damage would not be triggered by her movement.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Bard 7/UC Rogue (Szarni Swinder) 2 [HP: 52/53; AC 25| T 14| FF 18 ; CMD 21; Fort +3 Ref +12+2 Will +6; Init: +3; Perception: +10; bardic perf: 12/20; Lore Master: 1/1; Spells: 3rd 1/2; 2nd: 0/4; 1st: 5/5] | Active effects: Triple Time +10 feet Speed (40 ft), Planetary Adaption, Darkvision 60 ft,, Invisibility, Eagle's Splendor (+4 Cha)

Aces! Thanks. Shasta moves five feet to get out of the spikes, an additional ten feet so she has a ten foot running start and then turns and dashes to jump across the spiked area entirely.

Acrobatics, long jump with running start: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23

That should get her across. So that is 10' for the half speed move out of the spikes, + 10 further. She spends 10' for the running start' jumps the 20 feet spike area, landing in the square beyond, with 30' left in her double move on normal terrain. She has a total double move speed of 80 thanks to the triple time masterpiece.

Shasta is still invisible.

Silver Crusade

CG male Wayang Macabre Puppeteer 8
|AC 21*, T 14*, FF 18|HP: 43/45|F +2, R +9*, W +4 (+2 vs shadow, +4 vs fear/drain/death/Necromancy)|Init +2, Perc +4|CMB +7* CMD 18|12/23 Performance, 3/3 Shadow Speaker, 3/3 Phantasm, 1/1 comic relief, #7

Xasay nimbly hops out of the spikes, and continues waiting for one of the beings to approach him...I'd prefer to keep the unused roll above, but if not:

readied melee touch attack:

chill touch, haste, courage, Will DC 16: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
rounds of anathema on failure: 1d4 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Jilla hops down off of the rocks and focuses on the nearby remains of some dead scrub. One of the bushes uproots itself and flys towards the guecubu...

wood blast vs guecubu...: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

...but it goes wide crashing into the rock next to the undead creature. Meanwhile the crypt thing on the rock rubs its eye to regain its sight, takes a slight step and continues to wait.

At the end of the round everyone not on the island moves left again as the island moves below them.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 4 --

Grunjar (flying)
Guecubu (orange)
Aoi (5 foot up on rope)
Crypt Thing (green)

(Bold may act)

Oops, just remembered I'd forgotten the bonuses for inspire courage and haste on Jilla's blast (although they would still not be quite enough for it to hit).

Silver Crusade

”Tippa” Female LG Warpriest 6/Student Of Perfection 1 | HP 67/67 | AC 27(29) T 13 FF 21(27), -2 shield ac when two-handed +2 against Evil | CMB +9(11), CMD 22(24) | F +11(13), R +8(10), W +9(11) +1 against evil | Init +3 | Perc +12(14) | Speed 20ft (30) | Active conditions: Defending Bone 25/30 Delay Poison Planar Adaption 3xTimes Heroism Bark skin FoM Bull's Strength Circle againtst Evil Divine Favor Haste Shield of Wings |Fervor: 1/5 | Sacred Weapon:4/6 | Ki pool:2/4

Tippa flies to approach the Guecubu, lands and strikes on it.

VS+PA: 1d20 + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 35
damage: 2d10 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (7, 7) + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 = 34

The square that Tippa has moved to is at the top of the rock which is 10 feet tall, but the guecubu has come out of the rock at ground level, so it wouldn't be possible to hit the guecubu from that position. That said with haste Tippa can easily get to one of the squares at the bottom of the rock, so I'm happy for her to move to one of those to attack. It's also worth noting that by landing Tippa would be moving into a square with spiked stones in so would take the damage from that. Was that her intention or would she prefer to remain flying (and make a fly check) if that is the case?

Tippa hits the guecubu with a heavy blow, cleaving through earth and bone despite the creatures innate resilience to bladed weapons.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 4 --

Grunjar (flying)
Guecubu (orange) -29
Aoi (5 foot up on rope)
Crypt Thing (green)

(Bold may act)

The Exchange

”Aoi” Female LN Samsaran Witch 7 | HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 Mage Armor | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F +12, R +12, W +14 | Init +2 | Perc +15 | Speed 30+10 ft | Active conditions: PlanAdapt,DelayPoison,3xTimes,Heroism,BoF | Invoke Patron 5/7 | Sputnik HP 25/25 AC22

Tippa player is stuck on the Wanna post? Sign in loop on his mobile so he is unable to post at the moment. Relaying his message of: Tippa will be landing to hit the monster.

Defending Bone's DR/bludgeoning should apply to Spike Stones' damage, and if all the damage is negated it shouldn't trigger the slowing effect on Tippa.

Aoi Rosenthal wrote:

Tippa player is stuck on the Wanna post? Sign in loop on his mobile so he is unable to post at the moment. Relaying his message of: Tippa will be landing to hit the monster.

Defending Bone's DR/bludgeoning should apply to Spike Stones' damage, and if all the damage is negated it shouldn't trigger the slowing effect on Tippa.

Yeah, the defending bone would apply to the damage as it is piercing, and the reflex save only happens if damage is taken.

spike stones damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5

...the defending bone protects Tippa from taking damage from the spikey stones.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 4 --

Grunjar (flying)
Guecubu (orange) -29
Aoi (5 foot up on rope)
Crypt Thing (green)

(Bold may act)

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 8 | HP 39/59 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +4, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Nice rolls, Tippa! :-D

Grunjar flies towards the crypt thing, but a bit higher (ascend by 5ft to 10ft above ground). double move

As Grunjar has haste cast on him he has the option to move closer to the crypt thing if he wants to.

The guecubu lashes out furiously at Tippa...

guecubu bite vs Tippa: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
guecubu slam vs Tippa: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
guecubu slam vs Tippa: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16

...but fails to land a telling blow on its target. As Tippa watches she notices the wound she just did to the creature seems to be slowly closing (I completely forgot about that ability in the last combat!)

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 4 --

Grunjar (flying)
Guecubu (orange) -24
Aoi (5 foot up on rope)
Crypt Thing (green)

(Bold may act)

The Exchange

”Aoi” Female LN Samsaran Witch 7 | HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 Mage Armor | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F +12, R +12, W +14 | Init +2 | Perc +15 | Speed 30+10 ft | Active conditions: PlanAdapt,DelayPoison,3xTimes,Heroism,BoF | Invoke Patron 5/7 | Sputnik HP 25/25 AC22

Sputnik ready to move to a flanking posiiton if Grunjar and/or Shasta get close enough to hit the Crypt Thing.

Aoi is waiting for the floating island to get close enough to the Crypt Thing for her to do anything. Delay I guess

Silver Crusade

”Tippa” Female LG Warpriest 6/Student Of Perfection 1 | HP 67/67 | AC 27(29) T 13 FF 21(27), -2 shield ac when two-handed +2 against Evil | CMB +9(11), CMD 22(24) | F +11(13), R +8(10), W +9(11) +1 against evil | Init +3 | Perc +12(14) | Speed 20ft (30) | Active conditions: Defending Bone 25/30 Delay Poison Planar Adaption 3xTimes Heroism Bark skin FoM Bull's Strength Circle againtst Evil Divine Favor Haste Shield of Wings |Fervor: 1/5 | Sacred Weapon:4/6 | Ki pool:2/4
Aoi Rosenthal wrote:
Tippa player is stuck on the Wanna post? Sign in loop on his mobile so he is unable to post at the moment. Relaying his message of: Tippa will be landing to hit the monster.

Thanks for delievering my message. I was on an exhibition today and had no reach to PC

Grunjar wrote:

Nice rolls, Tippa! :-D

Grunjar flies towards the crypt thing, but a bit higher (ascend by 5ft to 10ft above ground). double move

Thanks! XD. I would like to remind you flying will push you 20 ft away from the foe next round

Grand Lodge

Female Human Bard 7/UC Rogue (Szarni Swinder) 2 [HP: 52/53; AC 25| T 14| FF 18 ; CMD 21; Fort +3 Ref +12+2 Will +6; Init: +3; Perception: +10; bardic perf: 12/20; Lore Master: 1/1; Spells: 3rd 1/2; 2nd: 0/4; 1st: 5/5] | Active effects: Triple Time +10 feet Speed (40 ft), Planetary Adaption, Darkvision 60 ft,, Invisibility, Eagle's Splendor (+4 Cha)

Shasta moves toward the south end of the rock the Crypt thingy is on. She tries to climb up the rough surface.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28

She climbs carefully, trying to avoid making any noise.

Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Double move. 40 feet for the first, ten feet for the second, which is half speed for climbing and half that for stealth.

Shasta is invisible.

Shasta Lux wrote:

Shasta moves toward the south end of the rock the Crypt thingy is on. She tries to climb up the rough surface.

[dice=Acrobatics]1d20 + 18

Just to check does Shasta have an ability that allows her to use the acrobatics skill in place of the climb skill for climbing?

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 8 | HP 39/59 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +4, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9
GM Mike...R wrote:
As Grunjar has haste cast on him he has the option to move closer to the crypt thing if he wants to.

Thanks, I forgot Grunjar has haste. I'll adjust the double move - see map:

Grunjar flies towards the crypt thing, but a bit higher (ascend by 15ft to 20ft above ground).

As its been over 24 hours I'll bot Xasay.

Xasay summons his lantern again to blast the guecubu...

light ray, Courage: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
light ray, Courage: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

...which hits twice.

Meanwhile Jilla decides that throwing more shrubbery at the creature may be trickier now that it is in melee, so pulls out a wand and sends a magic missile in its direction...

magic missile damage vs guecubu: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

On it's rock the crypt thing watches the party members approaching it, considering each with its fiery gaze. Having apparently made some sort of decision it waits for the islands movement to bring the Pathfinders a little closer (delays until start of the round). Then taking a step away form Grunjar, draws a wicked looking ceremonial dagger from its belt, which it hurls at the rope from which Aoi is hanging...

crypt thing dagger vs rope - range penalty: 1d20 + 8 - 6 ⇒ (6) + 8 - 6 = 8
dagger damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

...the rope snaps and Aoi is dropped to the uneven ground below (difficult terrain). As this happens the crypt things body disintegrates into fine black dust which is sucked into rock on which it stands. Moments later the same dust begins billowing out of the ground next to Aoi reforming into the same undead creature.

The crypt thing has a fear aura around it, DC 16 will save or frightened.

spellcraft to ID what happened DC 19:
It cast dimension door as a swift action.

Anyone flying or on a rope moved left at the end of the round. I've also adjusted Tippa and Shasta's position a little to remove them from squares which count as being inside of the rock.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 5 --

Crypt Thing (green)
Grunjar (flying)
Guecubu (orange) -41
Aoi (DC 16 will save or frightened)

(Bold may act)

Silver Crusade

”Tippa” Female LG Warpriest 6/Student Of Perfection 1 | HP 67/67 | AC 27(29) T 13 FF 21(27), -2 shield ac when two-handed +2 against Evil | CMB +9(11), CMD 22(24) | F +11(13), R +8(10), W +9(11) +1 against evil | Init +3 | Perc +12(14) | Speed 20ft (30) | Active conditions: Defending Bone 25/30 Delay Poison Planar Adaption 3xTimes Heroism Bark skin FoM Bull's Strength Circle againtst Evil Divine Favor Haste Shield of Wings |Fervor: 1/5 | Sacred Weapon:4/6 | Ki pool:2/4

Tippa acticates sacred weapon of Keen enhancement and makes 3 slashes

1st slash: 1d20 + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 19
damage: 1d10 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 = 26

2nd slash: 1d20 + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 19
damage: 1d10 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 = 24

3rd slash: 1d20 + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 34
damage: 1d10 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 = 21

3rd slash crit confirm: 1d20 + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 11 - 1 - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 24
damage: 1d10 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 = 28

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 8 | HP 39/59 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +4, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

"Huh?" Grunjar turns around, looking for the crypt thing. After he he spots it, he flies down to flank with Aoi.
fly speed in heavy armor is 40 ft + 30 ft from haste = 70 ft
12 squares (60 ft) + 10 ft for descending 20 ft at double speed = 70 ft
===> only one move action needed

Will save, IC: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 16 + 2 = 31

He then swings his shiny new magic warhammer.

+1 Warhammer, IC: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 2 = 25
(another +2 for flank if Aoi is threatening the square of the crypt thing
Magic Bludgeoning, IC: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 2 = 9

The Exchange

”Aoi” Female LN Samsaran Witch 7 | HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 Mage Armor | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F +12, R +12, W +14 | Init +2 | Perc +15 | Speed 30+10 ft | Active conditions: PlanAdapt,DelayPoison,3xTimes,Heroism,BoF | Invoke Patron 5/7 | Sputnik HP 25/25 AC22

Sputnik AoO Disarm, IC: 1d20 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 25 vs dagger ranger atk
Will: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

Grand Lodge

Female Human Bard 7/UC Rogue (Szarni Swinder) 2 [HP: 52/53; AC 25| T 14| FF 18 ; CMD 21; Fort +3 Ref +12+2 Will +6; Init: +3; Perception: +10; bardic perf: 12/20; Lore Master: 1/1; Spells: 3rd 1/2; 2nd: 0/4; 1st: 5/5] | Active effects: Triple Time +10 feet Speed (40 ft), Planetary Adaption, Darkvision 60 ft,, Invisibility, Eagle's Splendor (+4 Cha)
GM Mike...R wrote:
Shasta Lux wrote:

Shasta moves toward the south end of the rock the Crypt thingy is on. She tries to climb up the rough surface.

[dice=Acrobatics]1d20 + 18

Just to check does Shasta have an ability that allows her to use the acrobatics skill in place of the climb skill for climbing?

Actually no. In a number of the systems I've been playing recently, there is no climb skill and so one uses athletics, but PF1 still uses climb and has no athletics, so I goofed it. Her climb skill is +10, so her result was 20 which I guess means she failed it. She also had to stop her inspire courage to keep herself undetected as she tries to sneak up on the crypt thing. She failed by more than 4 so she fell but this would be less than 10 feet and she could automatically make the acrobatics check to avoid damage and land on her feet. For future reference, how far must she climb to get to the level part of the rock?

Shasta Lux wrote:
Actually no. In a number of the systems I've been playing recently, there is no climb skill and so one uses athletics, but PF1 still uses climb and has no athletics, so I goofed it. Her climb skill is +10, so her result was 20 which I guess means she failed it. She also had to stop her inspire courage to keep herself undetected as she tries to sneak up on the crypt thing. She failed by more than 4 so she fell but this would be less than 10 feet and she could automatically make the acrobatics check to avoid damage and land on her feet. For future reference, how far must she climb to get to the level part of the rock?

No worries. The rock is 20 feet tall. To keep things simple, the rock effectively goes straight up from ground level to 20 feet with the top of the rock counting as a flat surface (so the area on the map which contains the image of the rock is the area of the top of the rock).

I also just realised I'd forgotten to move Sputnik when the island moved (although the Crypt Things step would have prevented Sputnik from doing an AoO anyway).

Grunjar's warhammer seems to be the ideal weapon for harming the crypt thing as it smashes through the creatures innate resistance to most weapons with the audible crack of breaking bones (although the damage is slightly reduced due to the end of Shasta's performance).

On the other side of the battlefield Tippa's first two blows go wide, however her subsequent strike prove much more successful doing significant damage. The guecubu retaliates with a frenzy of blows...

guecubu bite vs Tippa: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
guecubu slam vs Tippa: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
guecubu slam vs Tippa: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

...Two of which find their target, threatening Tippa once again with misfortune (Tippa needs to make two DC 20 will saves vs the misfortune curse, see this post for details of the curse). As before the guecubu's wounds continue to gradually heal.

Initiative wrote:

-- ROUND 5 --

Crypt Thing (green) -7
Grunjar (flying)
Tippa -21 (two DC 20 will saves vs misfortune)
Guecubu (orange) -78

(Bold may act)

Silver Crusade

”Tippa” Female LG Warpriest 6/Student Of Perfection 1 | HP 67/67 | AC 27(29) T 13 FF 21(27), -2 shield ac when two-handed +2 against Evil | CMB +9(11), CMD 22(24) | F +11(13), R +8(10), W +9(11) +1 against evil | Init +3 | Perc +12(14) | Speed 20ft (30) | Active conditions: Defending Bone 25/30 Delay Poison Planar Adaption 3xTimes Heroism Bark skin FoM Bull's Strength Circle againtst Evil Divine Favor Haste Shield of Wings |Fervor: 1/5 | Sacred Weapon:4/6 | Ki pool:2/4

Mike, I would like to remind you my AC is 30 against Evil as Haste provides 1 dodge bonus AC. My AC break down is 10 +9full plate Armor +3 Armor enhancment+3Dex+2Barkskin Nature Armor+2 Cirlce against evil deflection +1 Haste dodge

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