Trouble in Aundair (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

This campaign takes place after the Last War in Aundair. The nation is ripe for adventure.

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EltonJ wrote:
"You jump down," says Samantha. "You will slowly fall to the platform, where you can step off. I control the platform, it's been enchanted by myself."

Jhondar smiles widely again. "That sounds fun!" He takes off after Samantha and Astrid, alternating fast walking and jogging to keep from falling behind due to his short legs.

m LG elf Oracle I | HP 10/10 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F+2 R+4 W+3 [+4 vs disease] | Spells: I (4/4) | Channel 4/4

Curiously. A masked elf steps onto the platform. Good observation, Lady. He nods politely at Astrid.

When the platform is in motion, Himo casts "detect magic" and tries to figure out if there was some kind of magical interference in the management of the platform?

Arcana: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Himo Naïlo wrote:

Curiously. A masked elf steps onto the platform. Good observation, Lady. He nods politely at Astrid.

When the platform is in motion, Himo casts "detect magic" and tries to figure out if there was some kind of magical interference in the management of the platform?

Arcana: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Himo Naïlo:

There is no interference with the platform. It radiates Evocation magic, but that is for the levitation effect. it looks like it works both ways. It levitates you up, and when you are ready to leave, levitates you down. The two spells associated with this platform are levitate and feather fall.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Himo Naïlo wrote:
Curiously. A masked elf steps onto the platform. Good observation, Lady. He nods politely at Astrid.

Oh, I forgot . . .

Himo is catapulted upwards to the living space of Samantha and her husband. Inside that great mushroom!

"This is awesome, I totally want to go next!"

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

Rom takes his time and let's the others go first, then he glances around trying to catch any signs of a break-in (or would it be a 'cut-in' for a giant mushroom?) or sudden get away...or some hastily dropped loot maybe.

Perception : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

Rom takes his time and let's the others go first, then he glances around trying to catch any signs of a break-in (or would it be a 'cut-in' for a giant mushroom?) or sudden get away...or some hastily dropped loot maybe.

Perception : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

What you find is some broken glass, a signet ring, and a small khyber shard. It looks innocuous, but it seems alive with a dark blue, oily substance flowing inside of it.

Jhondar does not push past anyone in the line to head up the platform, but he definitely is waiting impatiently for it to be his turn. He distracts himself from the torture of waiting by trying to recall anything he can about the ir'Winsons' role in history and any famous mushroom houses.

Knowledge(history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Jhondar d'Ghallanda wrote:

Jhondar does not push past anyone in the line to head up the platform, but he definitely is waiting impatiently for it to be his turn. He distracts himself from the torture of waiting by trying to recall anything he can about the ir'Winsons' role in history and any famous mushroom houses.

Knowledge(history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12


What you can recall is that the Mushroom house is alive. It's not the first time people lived in Mushroom houses, though. The ir'Winson family bought this house 10 years back. The smaller mushrooms around it include the children rooms and some servant rooms. Including one for a Mycologist. The mushrooms were "planted" and then grown. They were grown from a mushroom forest located in Thrane, but presumably cut down during the Last War. Giant Mushrooms might be cultivated elsewhere in Khorvaire, but you can't remember where.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

Gracefully checking a lace on his boot, Rom tries to pick up the possible evidence without letting anyone see him.

Slight of Hand: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 5 - 2 = 14

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

Gracefully checking a lace on his boot, Rom tries to pick up the possible evidence without letting anyone see him.

[Slight of Hand: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 5 - 2 = 14

Everyone who cares to watch Rom, can roll a perception check DC 14.

Perception, Rom (too fun): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Perception, clues: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

If no one notices his actions, Rom yawns again and rides the lift into the Mushroom.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:
If no one notices his actions, Rom yawns again and rides the lift into the Mushroom.

No one has. Astrid attempted to, but could not. She has given you a passing glance.

Rom is lifted into the air, through the stalk, and up on a platform in the living and study areas. The mushroom is well maintained. There is a bed for two, a kitchen separated by a room, and a study area. With lots of books. The safe you are looking for has the door open. Inside is a Eberron Shard geode, the only thing the thief didn't take. It seems.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

How big is the geode? Would it be hard to carry easily?

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Rom looks more around the room, trying to match the evidence he found outside to something inside. He then points at the geode.

”Anybody know how much that could be worth? Also my Lady, can you provide a list of everything taken? What exactly they took could provide a clue to who they are.”

m LG elf Oracle I | HP 10/10 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F+2 R+4 W+3 [+4 vs disease] | Spells: I (4/4) | Channel 4/4

> Eberron Shard geode

Knowledge (arcana, history, local, planes, religion): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 OR any other Knowledge with -4
Anything useful?

Himo looks at the Shard with interest, referring to the knowledge of the ancestors whispering in him.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

How big is the geode? Would it be hard to carry easily?

[dice=Perception]1d20 + 5

Rom looks more around the room, trying to match the evidence he found outside to something inside. He then points at the geode.

”Anybody know how much that could be worth? Also my Lady, can you provide a list of everything taken? What exactly they took could provide a clue to who they are.”

Samantha provides a list. On it are listed the following things:

2 Syberys dragonshards.
3 Eberron dragonshards.
5 Khyber dragonshards.
1 bar of Crysteel.
5 diamonds arranged in a necklace.
2 ruby rings.
1 Khyber dragonshard pendant.

Himo Nailo wrote:

> Eberron Shard geode

Knowledge (arcana, history, local, planes, religion): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 OR any other Knowledge with -4
Anything useful?

Himo looks at the Shard with interest, referring to the knowledge of the ancestors whispering in him.

Arcana is the right one.

Eberron shards are found in a geode like egg that is found on the surface of Eberron. Those with the Mark of Finding and other prospectors can usually find these geodes. They are used in focusing Arcane Magic. Most of what was stolen are dragonshards. It seems that either Samantha or her husband was studying them.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

Frowning, Rom points at the Geode.

”It all sounds valuable. Why leave the geode-egg whatever. It seems more valuable to me.. We’re any of the items taken magically enchanted?”

What kind of safe is it? Combination/clockwork style or is it magically sealed normally? Any alarms bells on it?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

Frowning, Rom points at the Geode.

”It all sounds valuable. Why leave the geode-egg whatever. It seems more valuable to me.. We’re any of the items taken magically enchanted?”

What kind of safe is it? Combination/clockwork style or is it magically sealed normally? Any alarms bells on it?


It's locked by both magic and a combination lock. The door is closed, and a customized hold portal is cast on it. Only Samantha and her husband can unseal the safe with the use of a keyword.

"Maybe they didn't know it's value," said Samantha.

EltonJ wrote:
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

Frowning, Rom points at the Geode.

”It all sounds valuable. Why leave the geode-egg whatever. It seems more valuable to me.. We’re any of the items taken magically enchanted?”

What kind of safe is it? Combination/clockwork style or is it magically sealed normally? Any alarms bells on it?

** spoiler omitted **

"Maybe they didn't know it's value," said Samantha.

Just as a super quick Point of Order, um, how would Rom know what's spoilered for him? I'm getting a little confused by the flow. Gaelyn had said he wanted to be next up the lift, but it seems like that didn't happen. The arrival description seemed to indicate that the door to the safe was open also. Really just want to get what's up. Happy to have Gaelyn cast Detect Magic too, or roll Arcana. But the reality is, if the Hold Portal spell we don't know about is intact, and the door the safe is open, then she stole everything, the husband stole everything, or someone used hella magic to impersonate one of them magically. In which case the geode was left behind because the thief knows it's dangerous.

"I know you've naturally already dispatched word to your husband ... he's nearby?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Gaelyn d'Orien wrote:
EltonJ wrote:
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

Frowning, Rom points at the Geode.

”It all sounds valuable. Why leave the geode-egg whatever. It seems more valuable to me.. We’re any of the items taken magically enchanted?”

What kind of safe is it? Combination/clockwork style or is it magically sealed normally? Any alarms bells on it?

** spoiler omitted **

"Maybe they didn't know it's value," said Samantha.

Just as a super quick Point of Order, um, how would Rom know what's spoilered for him? I'm getting a little confused by the flow. Gaelyn had said he wanted to be next up the lift, but it seems like that didn't happen. The arrival description seemed to indicate that the door to the safe was open also. Really just want to get what's up. Happy to have Gaelyn cast Detect Magic too, or roll Arcana. But the reality is, if the Hold Portal spell we don't know about is intact, and the door the safe is open, then she stole everything, the husband stole everything, or someone used hella magic to impersonate one of them magically. In which case the geode was left behind because the thief knows it's dangerous.

Ah, good point.


"I know you've naturally already dispatched word to your husband ... he's nearby?"

"Yes, he is," said Samantha. "He should be here any time now."

After about a minute and thirty seconds she said that, the professor is levitating up into the mushroom.

and yet in that 90 seconds, Gaelyn quietly fires up a Detect Magic and surepticiously scan the lady of the house while pretending to offer that she sit down; as he turns from her, in the 61st second, he fires up D-Mag again because it only lasts a minute ... just in time to scan the other suspect

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Gaelyn d'Orien wrote:
and yet in that 90 seconds, Gaelyn quietly fires up a Detect Magic and surepticiously scan the lady of the house while pretending to offer that she sit down; as he turns from her, in the 61st second, he fires up D-Mag again because it only lasts a minute ... just in time to scan the other suspect

Both glow of Abjuration magic. You find that both are Shielded, from what, you don't know.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

I was just assuming we could just get by the basic formal questioning and get to the heart of the 'safe' questions we would need to know and should easily figure out eventually. Getting the info on the safe was: 1. Assuming Rom, as a rogue in the last war, has dealt with a few and might recognize the basics of mechanical and enchanted safes. 2. Its Eberron: What safe WOULDN'T be be at minimum enchanted in most cases in some form or fashion? 3. The rest could be verified by the Lady and owner of the safe by simply asking her with simple questions and answers that didn't need to go back and forth endlessly. Role-playing every single obvious question and skill check requirement can take a bunch of time. If a skill check or role-playing requirement was needed from my questions, I assumed the GM would tell me. I'm not in any hurry however, so we can take this however the GM and the rest of everyone wants to do it. I promise I'm not trying to undermine, or hiccup any PCs or the game agenda. Just want to play. Game on!

Yeah, the issue was delivery more than content.

First part of the info, ALL good: "It's locked by both magic and a combination lock. The door is closed, ..."

Second part, I gotta be honest (and I can live with the idea of presumed discussion even in the absence of it happening) totally invalidates the need for a bunch of magical skills and/or detect magic and/or magic using classes.

So while I don't take issue, totally, with the super magically knowledgeable rogue concept, I take a little issue with it not being documented at all in any way, and a little more with Elton just kind of dumping it all out there and making the magically focused characters irrelevant. He & I have discussed it just so everyone knows.

Driving the story ... #AWESOME

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

Already feeling odd by the the situation and all the looky-loos standing around...Rom turns to the newest person to arrive. And continues to feel odd...

"Greetings Sir! Your wife has requested we help in finding the culprits of the heist. Would you be able to give us any new details on the situation? Any enemies or strange people lurking around the place recently?"

Sense Motive(General Impressions on both the Man and his Wife - are they really upset?): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Hoping that none of the assembled had seen the extremely thin copper wire wrapped around his wrist ... or could see it disappear ... Gaelyn points directly at Romilen.

"Right on track this one! Always knows what's next!"

After which he seems to have a coughing fit rather suddenly:"This one is all you my friend. FYI, the professor doesn't just teach Abjuration, he and the misses reek of it. We won't be divining anything about them any time soon."

Cast: Message

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

Already feeling odd by the the situation and all the looky-loos standing around...Rom turns to the newest person to arrive. And continues to feel odd...

"Greetings Sir! Your wife has requested we help in finding the culprits of the heist. Would you be able to give us any new details on the situation? Any enemies or strange people lurking around the place recently?"
Sense Motive(General Impressions on both the Man and his Wife - are they really upset?): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Yes, they are really upset.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Gaelyn d'Orien wrote:

Hoping that none of the assembled had seen the extremely thin copper wire wrapped around his wrist ... or could see it disappear ... Gaelyn points directly at Romilen.

"Right on track this one! Always knows what's next!"

After which he seems to have a coughing fit rather suddenly:"This one is all you my friend. FYI, the professor doesn't just teach Abjuration, he and the misses reek of it. We won't be divining anything about them any time soon."

Cast: Message

Okay, who is getting the message?

EltonJ wrote:
Gaelyn d'Orien wrote:

Hoping that none of the assembled had seen the extremely thin copper wire wrapped around his wrist ... or could see it disappear ... Gaelyn points directly at Romilen.

"Right on track this one! Always knows what's next!"

After which he seems to have a coughing fit rather suddenly:"This one is all you my friend. FYI, the professor doesn't just teach Abjuration, he and the misses reek of it. We won't be divining anything about them any time soon."

Cast: Message

Okay, who is getting the message?

LOL the person he pointed at ... see how the somatic component was surreptitiously incorporated there? I kinda thought that jumped out, my bad

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Evindyl wrote:
EltonJ wrote:
Okay, who is getting the message?
LOL the person he pointed at ... see how the somatic component was surreptitiously incorporated there? I kinda thought that jumped out, my bad

Nope, mine. I missed that detail.

m LG elf Oracle I | HP 10/10 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F+2 R+4 W+3 [+4 vs disease] | Spells: I (4/4) | Channel 4/4

Interestingly, all these items are used to focus arcane magic. Are these robbers wizards too? Or work for them. The elf rubs his chin thoughtfully.

How rare are these dragonshards? How difficult or expensive is it to buy them?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

Grimacing at the voice in his ear/head that stings his slowly diminishing headache, Rom gestures around.

”Everybody spread out and look for clues! Anything out of the ordinary should be brought to our attention.Sir? Lady? May we get a timeline of the last time you both saw the contents of the safe intact and then when you found the missing contents? Additionally, can you give us a list of anyone you know who might have access to this house and might have the knowledge and ability to open the safe? Did anyone, other than you two, know how to open it? Most importantly, was the safe trapped in any way we cannot see?”

He then raised his eyebrow at the Abjurer, assuming such magic had been present.

Astrid walks about admiring the quarters whilst looking for clues. One day...

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Himo Naïlo wrote:
How rare are these dragonshards? How difficult or expensive is it to buy them?

They are all recovered by prospectors. Syberys shards are recovered from the equator, where they rain down from the ring. Eberron shards are recovered from the ground, and khyber shards are mined from underground. They generally cost around 20 to 100 gp. The really big shards (the ones used to power galleons and the lightning rail coaches) can cost 1,000 gp or more.

Romilen wrote:

Grimacing at the voice in his ear/head that stings his slowly diminishing headache, Rom gestures around.

”Everybody spread out and look for clues! Anything out of the ordinary should be brought to our attention.Sir? Lady? May we get a timeline of the last time you both saw the contents of the safe intact and then when you found the missing contents? Additionally, can you give us a list of anyone you know who might have access to this house and might have the knowledge and ability to open the safe? Did anyone, other than you two, know how to open it? Most importantly, was the safe trapped in any way we cannot see?”

He then raised his eyebrow at the Abjurer, assuming such magic had been present.

The professor shakes his head in a "no" to the trap question. But he can give you a list of who might have access to the safe.

The list includes:
* Justin Grayson
* Ivan Dorr
* Sampson Van Veith
* Tina Thompson
* Uvar Joh

"These were my prized students," he says. "They would be here where I would train them personally in abjuration magic."

Astrid Orsted wrote:

Astrid walks about admiring the quarters whilst looking for clues. One day...

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

She admired the quarters more than looked for clues.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

Shaking his head sadly, Rom requests a writing implement and some parchment. He then jots down all the students names and then requests their locations for questioning later.

"Obviously that's a lot of people to know about a safe and what is in it Professor. That will make determining whom was responsible a lot harder. Sounds like the culprit was at least a wizard in training possibly. Any servants or ex-servants we should be aware of? Particularly ones that might have been removed from the premises by force or penchant for magic?

He then pauses and taps his lip with the pen.

"I'm still stymied: Why leave the geode? It must be just as valuable, if not more so, than the rest of the goods taken. Too many things to carry? Not as easy to fence?"

Rom shrugs.

"Too many variables still. Maybe we can narrow this down a bit?"

Carefully, Rom shows the broken piece of glass and the signet ring he found downstairs 'near-ish' the platform elevator.

"Would either of you be able to identify these items I found downstairs? Could the glass be from a window up here? Or is the signet recognizable as belonging to someone you know? One of the students possibly?"

Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

Shaking his head sadly, Rom requests a writing implement and some parchment. He then jots down all the students names and then requests their locations for questioning later.

"Obviously that's a lot of people to know about a safe and what is in it Professor. That will make determining whom was responsible a lot harder. Sounds like the culprit was at least a wizard in training possibly. Any servants or ex-servants we should be aware of? Particularly ones that might have been removed from the premises by force or penchant for magic?

He then pauses and taps his lip with the pen.

"I'm still stymied: Why leave the geode? It must be just as valuable, if not more so, than the rest of the goods taken. Too many things to carry? Not as easy to fence?"

Rom shrugs.

"Too many variables still. Maybe we can narrow this down a bit?"

Carefully, Rom shows the broken piece of glass and the signet ring he found downstairs 'near-ish' the platform elevator.

"Would either of you be able to identify these items I found downstairs? Could the glass be from a window up here? Or is the signet recognizable as belonging to someone you know? One of the students possibly?"

" ... and although the esteemed Captain continued in his train of thought, please do circle back to answer his initial question: why leave the Khyber geode. I can only surmise that you know or could venture an extremely astute guess, but it is highly unlikely the answer is "their hands must have been full."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

Shaking his head sadly, Rom requests a writing implement and some parchment. He then jots down all the students names and then requests their locations for questioning later.

"Obviously that's a lot of people to know about a safe and what is in it Professor. That will make determining whom was responsible a lot harder. Sounds like the culprit was at least a wizard in training possibly. Any servants or ex-servants we should be aware of? Particularly ones that might have been removed from the premises by force or penchant for magic?

He then pauses and taps his lip with the pen.

"I'm still stymied: Why leave the geode? It must be just as valuable, if not more so, than the rest of the goods taken. Too many things to carry? Not as easy to fence?"

Rom shrugs.

"Too many variables still. Maybe we can narrow this down a bit?"

Carefully, Rom shows the broken piece of glass and the signet ring he found downstairs 'near-ish' the platform elevator.

"Would either of you be able to identify these items I found downstairs? Could the glass be from a window up here? Or is the signet recognizable as belonging to someone you know? One of the students possibly?"

They look at the signet ring. Samantha pipes up, "This is Uvar's signet ring. Why would he drop it?"

"It must be Uvar's," the professor then said. "Why would a University student steal from us?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Gaelyn d'Orien wrote:
Romilen d’Lyrandar wrote:

Shaking his head sadly, Rom requests a writing implement and some parchment. He then jots down all the students names and then requests their locations for questioning later.

"Obviously that's a lot of people to know about a safe and what is in it Professor. That will make determining whom was responsible a lot harder. Sounds like the culprit was at least a wizard in training possibly. Any servants or ex-servants we should be aware of? Particularly ones that might have been removed from the premises by force or penchant for magic?

He then pauses and taps his lip with the pen.

"I'm still stymied: Why leave the geode? It must be just as valuable, if not more so, than the rest of the goods taken. Too many things to carry? Not as easy to fence?"

Rom shrugs.

"Too many variables still. Maybe we can narrow this down a bit?"

Carefully, Rom shows the broken piece of glass and the signet ring he found downstairs 'near-ish' the platform elevator.

"Would either of you be able to identify these items I found downstairs? Could the glass be from a window up here? Or is the signet recognizable as belonging to someone you know? One of the students possibly?"

" ... and although the esteemed Captain continued in his train of thought, please do circle back to answer his initial question: why leave the Khyber geode. I can only surmise that you know or could venture an extremely astute guess, but it is highly unlikely the answer is "their hands must have been full."

"Maybe they didn't know it's full value," the Professor said. "The glass is from one of our satellite buildings."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Something shifts in Astrid's mind, a tugging.

It's a sensations she's quite familiar with... application of the abstract to the real world.

Know (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Know (Psionics): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Jhondar zones out, bewildered by talk of dragonshards, magic, and other topics well beyond his ken. He pulls out his to-go waffle and starts digging in. The motions of eating trigger an idle thought in the halfling's mind: what if the thieves gained access by chewing their way in from the outside?

Profession(cook): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 What do I know about the mushroom of which the house is made? Is it edible, etc.?

He zones back in when Rom suggests looking for more clues. Observation of the material world is something in his wheelhouse.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

As the conversation turns to discussing the students who had access to the safe, Jhondar racks his brain for anything he might have overheard about those students and their families, especially anything that might suggest a motive for the heist.

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Astrid Ørsted wrote:

Something shifts in Astrid's mind, a tugging.

It's a sensations she's quite familiar with... application of the abstract to the real world.

Know (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Know (Psionics): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28


The syberys shards have psionic potential. The kalashtar sometimes embed the shards into their heads. Come to think of it, the Inspired do the same thing. The shards are valuable as an item for both magic users and psions.

Incidentally, you know that the Khyber shards are usually used to embed elementals. Both kinds of shards can fetch quite a price on the black market, costing five hundred gold and up.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Jhondar d'Ghallanda wrote:

Jhondar zones out, bewildered by talk of dragonshards, magic, and other topics well beyond his ken. He pulls out his to-go waffle and starts digging in. The motions of eating trigger an idle thought in the halfling's mind: what if the thieves gained access by chewing their way in from the outside?

Profession(cook): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 What do I know about the mushroom of which the house is made? Is it edible, etc.?

He zones back in when Rom suggests looking for more clues. Observation of the material world is something in his wheelhouse.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

As the conversation turns to discussing the students who had access to the safe, Jhondar racks his brain for anything he might have overheard about those students and their families, especially anything that might suggest a motive for the heist.

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7


As for the giant mushroom, you know that only goblinoids used them as delicacies.

As for your perception, you find a lost wedding ring underneath the bed.

As for your knowledge of history, you can't recall a thing about their students and their families.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:
Professor and His Wife wrote:
They look at the signet ring. Samantha pipes up, "This is Uvar's signet ring. Why would he drop it?”…."It must be Uvar's," the professor then said. "Why would a University student steal from us?”

Rom nods and waves his hand as if erasing his thoughts.

”Could be just as easily a frame job: One of your other students may be trying to take this Uvar down a peg. Is this Uvar a star student above the rest, or a struggling one with high potential? We will speak with Uvar soon enough. Either way, we should check the satellite buildings for a broken window first, once we are done here.”

He glances around.

”Any new observations? Or are we ready to move on?”

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Jhondar rolls out from under the bed with a ring in his hand.

"Speaking of rings, is one of you missing a wedding ring?," Jhondar asks with a disarming smile on his face as he tries to observe the couple's reaction to his discovery.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

"Oh, and if we're stopping by the outbuildings, would it be too much trouble for me to talk with the person who takes care of the mushrooms? I've heard that goblinoids consider this variety to be a delicacy, and I'd like to add it to my stock of ingredients, if there's some extra lying around."

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 1| HP 9/9
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +1, CMD 14 | F 1, R 5, W 0 | Init +5, Perc +5 / Low-Light Vision|Current:

I want in on that too.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Syberys shards are doubly in demand as they are desirable by arcanists and psions. Khyber shards fundamentally... binding. Isn't that right, professor?

Either type would command a high price if fenced on the black market.

She pauses.

But the thief doesn't have the expertise to extract the shard from the remaining geode?

So they were either taken to be used by someone or for money, either a random sales on the market or...

...there is a specific buyer asking for these specific type of shards and someone knew where to find them.

She times and asks her questions so that they do not interrupt other conversation.

m LG elf Oracle I | HP 10/10 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F+2 R+4 W+3 [+4 vs disease] | Spells: I (4/4) | Channel 4/4

Like I said before... There is someone who has ordered specific items for specific rituals or experiments. Burglars really might not understand the value, simple thieves.

Knowledge (arcana, history, local, planes, religion): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 - some kind of ritual that could require all these items? Mass raising of the undead, for example?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Jhondar d'Ghallanda wrote:

Jhondar rolls out from under the bed with a ring in his hand.

"Speaking of rings, is one of you missing a wedding ring?," Jhondar asks with a disarming smile on his face as he tries to observe the couple's reaction to his discovery.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

"Oh, and if we're stopping by the outbuildings, would it be too much trouble for me to talk with the person who takes care of the mushrooms? I've heard that goblinoids consider this variety to be a delicacy, and I'd like to add it to my stock of ingredients, if there's some extra lying around."

Samantha says, "That's my wedding ring! Thank you for finding it!" She is happy you found it.

Thayne, the professor, says, "You can talk to my Mycologist. She's in one of the satellite buildings." He is responding to Jhondar's question.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Himo Naïlo wrote:

Like I said before... There is someone who has ordered specific items for specific rituals or experiments. Burglars really might not understand the value, simple thieves.

[dice=Knowledge (arcana, history, local, planes, religion)]1d20 + 9 - some kind of ritual that could require all these items? Mass raising of the undead, for example?

You heard that a certain Eldritch Machine can be created with these items, but you are unsure what it does.

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