[Gameday XIII] PFS2 #4-13 Within the Prairies

Game Master cmlobue

Tier 3-4, 19 CP

Current Characters

Master Historian

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺
(5,234 posts)
Vigilant Seal Ahzeem Kazzahd

m human (Keleshite) Cloistered Cleric/3 [HP: 38/38] [AC: 17 (18) (19)] [fort: 8; reflex: 7; will: 10] [perception: 8; initiative: +10] [Hero Point: 1/3] [Focus Point: 2/2]

played by philipjcormier (117 posts)
Tulrin Endessell
Radiant Oath Eladithas of Wolfpoint

Elf / Nephilim Cleric 1 - HP 15/15, AC 15 - Perception +7 - F: +4/R: +5 / W: +9 - Speed: 30 feet - Hero Points: 1/3, Active Conditions: None; Default Exploration Activity: Scout

played by Tarondor (14 posts)
Koriah Azmeren
Vigilant Seal Gwendolyn Faran

CG female changeling fey sorcerer 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 | F +6 R +8 W +8 | Perc +6 Darkvision| speed 30 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

played by Enchanter Tim (216 posts)
Radiant Oath Maneki Pemanah

LG Female Human | Field Medic | Monk Lvl 3 | ◆◇↺ | Arrows: 26/28 | HP 41/41 | AC 20 | F/R/W: 8/10/10 | Perc(E) +10 | 35 feet (40 in Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 18 | Medicine(E): +10, Acrobatics/Stealth/Nature/Religion: +8, Athletics/Lore (PFS, Warfare): +6 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 |

played by UncleFroggy (213 posts)
Jeb Graden
Envoy's Alliance Percival Jeeves

LN Human (wintertouched) HP 32/32; hero 1/1; minor healing 1/1; BMP: AC 20 (22 with shield) ; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; Perc +4; cold/1 Conditions:

played by Aerondor (140 posts)
Horizon Hunters Shalosar

Male Fetchling Kineticist 2 | HP: 30 | AC: 18/19 | Fort 9, Ref 8, Will 6 | Per 6 | Stealth 6 | Speed 25’ | Darkvision

played by Mitch (48 posts)