Kingmaker - Taming the Stolen Lands by DM DoctorEvil

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

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Female human sorcerer 1 | HP: 15 | AC: 14 | F: +4 R: +4 W: +6 | Speed: 25' | Perception: +4 | Hero Points: 2
Thark the Blessed wrote:
There will be time enough. Interestingly, this whole social encounter is not part of the PF1 AP at all. I like it!

It's pretty neat! They ripped the whole introduction segment from the Kingmaker PC that was made. They have supposedly introduced new content throughout the campaign that interweave new material (such as these companions we're meeting with now). It makes playing through in 2E a different experience than 1E, which I find AWESOME.

The source material available to run this game is almost overwhelming, but as a GM I absolutely love having all the extra options and content to draw from. We're in for a fun ride! :D

Female CG Human Rogue 1| HP 18/18| AC: 18| Fort: +5; Ref: +9; Will: +6 | Init: +0 | Per +6 | Stealth +7 |Intimidate +5 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Apologies all, if I was delaying the game. I just got back from my July 4th trip.

Once the feast starts, Selina eyes the group of characters assembled around her and will approach Linzi, the halfling artist. She will introduce herself and make small talk about her drawings trying to impress her with her courtly graces. "Did you get my good side in your drawing?" She then motions to sit next to her and tries to impress her with her deeds as a Swordlord in training.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Versatile Human Fortune-Teller Bard | HP 16 | AC 17 | F3; R6; W7 | Perc +6 | Speed: 30 ft | Bard DC 17 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺

Diplo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Haha. Okay.

With her wine glass in hand, Teela saunters up to the purple-haired gnome. She casually stands next to him, observing the room in a nonchalant manner. She wait until she sees him look up in her peripheral vision. Without looking at him, she asks "What's with the stinkeye, buddy? You don't like the food or something?" She takes a sip from her wine through a gentle smirk. "I love your outfit, though. Who's your tailor?"

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Quintessa Orlovsky wrote:

Quintessa takes note of the prominent figures among the adventurers, mentally cataloging their names and appearances. She leans closer to her companions to share her observations, making sure to keep her voice low and discreet.

"I think a divide-and-conquer approach would serve us well here. Let's mingle with the other participants and see if we can learn a bit about our competition."

She glances around the room, considering her options.

"I'll start with Maegar Varn. He carries the crest of House Varn, and it might be useful to understand his intentions and capabilities."

"Thark, perhaps you could strike up a conversation with the dwarf priest, Harrim. You two might be able to have a conversation pertaining to the gods. And Selina, maybe you could talk to Jaethal, the elf with the scythe. Teela, you might find Linzi interesting—she seems to be documenting everything. An aspiring artist, perhaps. Fenric, you might want to keep an eye on Amiri or Valerie, but both seem like they could be quite formidable allies or opponents."

"Let's regroup here in twenty minutes and touch base."

With a nod of determination, Quintessa rises from her seat and makes her way toward Maegar Varn. As she walks over, she quickly casts a spell to help ensure she gets off on her best foot, trying to guide her attempt at an introduction. Cast guidance. She approaches him with a warm smile and introduces herself.

"Good evening, Maegar Varn. I’m Lady Quintessa Orlovsky. It's a pleasure to meet you."

She sips her wine and continues, attempting to make some political small talk.

"I couldn't help but notice your sword bearing the crest of House Varn. House Varn has always played a pivotal role in Brevoy's history. I heard there have been some recent skirmishes in that area, with tensions rising between local warbands and Brevoy's forces. How has House Varn been managing these

Maegar Varn looks dubious as Quintessa approaches him. However, her mention of history in her second sentence sparks his interest as well as mention of his House. He makes a flirty comment about Quintessa's beauty and the conversation seems to spark. You learn that he is impatient to begin exploring the Stolen Lands and that he has been assigned the Nomen Heights region. He offers Quintessa a drink and the next 20 minutes pass as he inquires into her family history as well. You also learn that he is low-ranking swordlord in the region. Quintessa has clearly charmed the noble and he is friendly with her now. Influence: 1 with Maegar Varn for Quintessa.

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Thark the Blessed wrote:

Thark's first interest is to the savage woman with the over-sized greatsword. She appears to be powerful and brutal, a world he is familiar with. But when the Princess suggests he should speak to the Dwarven cleric, he turns to inspect that fellow with an audible grunt. He first looks at the cleric for some outward sign of his patron deity, and if he spies it, he enters the conversation using that gambit.

"Our Lord in Iron blesses this venture Dwarf. Does your god also give his blessing? Tell me more about that god."

[dice=Thark Religion]1d20+6

Thark is not well versed in social graces, so his check is mostly to identify the god of the dwarf cleric, and see what else he can find out about that entity. Fortunately, a good roll. If they have something to speak about, a similar dialogue would ensue.

Harrim, as all dwarves, is a sour-looking fellow, who seems annoyed that the massive half-orc approaches him, but at the mention of religion, he seems to take interest in the feast. He proudly speaks about his devotion to Groetus, the god of the End of Times. Thark knows that the deity does not have a formal religion or church, but instead many of his faithful are made up of loners prophesying the end of everything and about bringing the end of days to please their god. Harrim wears the holy symbol of the church, a skull-faced moon. Harrim respectfully asks Thark about his god's beliefs, but on a couple of occasions, you hear the dwarf state "Abandon hope and embrace the inevitable." It's Harrim's way of ending many debates. He hopes to adventure in the Stolen Lands before the apocalypse claims the world. It is definitely not a cheery conversation. The half-orc's lack of social graces appeals to Harrim, who is quite similar, and he reacts positively to the conversation, as he is comfortable with the awkward pauses in their religious conversation. Critical success - Influence 2 for Hark - Harrim is friendly now with Thark.

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Fenric Lodovka wrote:

Fenric sniffs softly as Quintessa instructs his choice for conversation. He considers following her to Maegar just to spite her but instead makes his way to the tall, blue-eyed woman whose name he learns is Valerie.

"Greetings," he says with a slight bow. "My name is Fenric. I fear that I do not recognize you--please do not take offense--this leads me to guess that you are unaffiliated with any of the major houses. Do I err in my judgment?" He tries to draw the woman into small talk to tease out her preferences.

Fenric approaches Valerie, who appears to be guarded at her approach. Fenric tries to initiate a conversation and Valerie invites him to sit down, but thinking that he may be a playboy, she reveals very little during their conversation. She questions Fenric as to what deity he follows. Fenric, however, fails to find a hook to get Valerie to open up. He does learn that she is very proper and was interested in conversing about warfare, which unfortunately, Fenric knew very little about. She wished him luck on his journey and continued her meal. Discovery check failed and Society check failed. No influence gained or lost - still indifferent.

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Selina Aldaeth wrote:

Apologies all, if I was delaying the game. I just got back from my July 4th trip.

Once the feast starts, Selina eyes the group of characters assembled around her and will approach Linzi, the halfling artist. She will introduce herself and make small talk about her drawings trying to impress her with her courtly graces. "Did you get my good side in your drawing?" She then motions to sit next to her and tries to impress her with her deeds as a Swordlord in training.


Linzi reacts to Selina approaching her, but puts her picture book away, when Selina comments about the drawings. She happily shares that she hopes to chronicle the heroic establishment of a new nation in the Stolen Lands. She questions Selina about her love of art and which are her favorite performers and artisans and if she caught the latest play, or heard the latest opera in Restov, etc.. It turns out Linzi is very talkative about the subjects that interest her, which tends to get on people's nerves. After 20 minutes, Selina feels that she wasted her time. Linzi, quite cheerful and happy, tells Selina to enjoy the "Feast of Heroes". Check failed. No influence gained or lost. Linzi remains indifferent.

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Tееla wrote:

[dice=Diplo]1d20 + 7

Haha. Okay.

With her wine glass in hand, Teela saunters up to the purple-haired gnome. She casually stands next to him, observing the room in a nonchalant manner. She wait until she sees him look up in her peripheral vision. Without looking at him, she asks "What's with the stinkeye, buddy? You don't like the food or something?" She takes a sip from her wine through a gentle smirk. "I love your outfit, though. Who's your tailor?"

Tartuccio manages to look up from his meal to see Teela, with an annoyed look. At her question, he sneers. "My tailor, really? I thought you would have some sense in your head, but alas, you, like everyone else at this gathering has disappointed me." The gnome is an arrogant little bastard, whom nobody at the table tends to like and give him a wide berth. His arrogance and sense of superiority turn people off. After a brief conversation, Tartuccio waves Teela off. "Off ya go, kitten, go bother someone else." No influence gained. Teela's future efforts to influence Tartuccio have -2 penalty.

M Male Half-Orc Warpriest 1| HP 18/18| AC: 16| Fort: +7; Ref: +3; Will: +8 | Init: +6 (perc) | Per +6 | Stealth +3 |Intimidate +4 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Thark learned enough about the dwarf and the dark side of his deity Groteus. While they had a choppy conversation, it ended well enough, Thark assumes. His interest is still with the rough-and-tumble woman with the large greatsword - the preferred weapon of his deity, and the same type of weapon that Thark himself carries.

He moves towards that female warrior, and motions to her blade. "Tell me the story behind that beauty, eh? It is a fell weapon it seems, and you are a fell wielder. Thark approves as does Gorum himself. Thark would test if you are of strong enough stuff to carry such a revered blade."

If it comes to it, Thark will challenge her to feats of strength and test her mettle, either with the blade or something like arm wrestling while they have their discussion about weapons and their origin.

Not sure if allowed, but this seems like an Athletics challenge. It can be Diplomacy (Thark is +1) if you prefer it. He is trying to find out the history and actual strength of this powerful looking NPC.

Thark Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Female human sorcerer 1 | HP: 15 | AC: 14 | F: +4 R: +4 W: +6 | Speed: 25' | Perception: +4 | Hero Points: 2

Quintessa wants to check in on her companions but fears tearing herself away from Maegar. She realizes she has successfully charmed Maegar, earning his friendliness and possibly a valuable ally for the journey ahead.

Surely they can handle themselves a few minutes without you.

She laughs at one of Maegar's compliments and sweeps her gaze across the crowd, trying to observe how they are going. To her disappointment, nothing appears to be as she had expected. Valerie looks unimpressed, Teela is getting an unmistakenly 'piss off' look from the gnome, and Thark is ... Is he trying to arm wrestle that woman?!

She does her best to hide her surprise and turns back to Maegar, continuing the conversation.

"Maegar, your dedication to House Varn and your eagerness to explore the Nomen Heights are truly admirable. It's clear that you have the heart of a true adventurer and the mind of a strategist." She pauses, letting her blue eyes twinkle with interest in front of him.

"I must admit, I’ve always been fascinated by the tales of the Stolen Lands. The untamed wilderness, the promise of discovery, and the chance to create something new and lasting—it's a rare and precious opportunity. I can see why you’re so eager to begin."

She leans in slightly, her voice lowering to a more intimate tone.

[smaller]"It seems that fate has brought us together at this pivotal moment. I believe that with our combined strengths and the alliances we forge here tonight, we can truly make a difference in the Stolen Lands. Your experience as a swordlord and my background in negotiation and magical training, well, I believe we could complement each other perfectly."

"It seems we both have much to prove and much to gain in the Stolen Lands," she says, raising her goblet in a toast. "To new beginnings and the forging of strong alliances."

She raises her goblet, a smile on her face.

Brevoy Lore/Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Versatile Human Fortune-Teller Bard | HP 16 | AC 17 | F3; R6; W7 | Perc +6 | Speed: 30 ft | Bard DC 17 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺
PF2E_Kingmaker_GM wrote:

Tartuccio manages to look up from his meal to see Teela, with an annoyed look. At her question, he sneers. "My tailor, really? I thought you would have some sense in your head, but alas, you, like everyone else at this gathering has disappointed me." The gnome is an arrogant little bastard, whom nobody at the table tends to like and give him a wide berth. His arrogance and sense of superiority turn people off. After a brief conversation, Tartuccio waves Teela off. "Off ya go, kitten, go bother someone else."

No influence gained. Teela's future efforts to influence Tartuccio have -2 penalty.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 - 2 = 7

Teela gives the gnome a baffled look. This time she scans him head to toe as she is processing what just transpired. She won't be insulted by some rando at a party like this. That just won't do. She leans down to be on the gnome's eye-level. She makes no effort to be silent. "Alright, little man. If you don't like the party, why don't you just leave? I thought you could do with some actual company, but it seems clear why there are two empty chairs between you and anyone else at this gathering." she motions to the empty seats surrounding the gnome. "Now that I think about it, the purple tones of your little dolly dress are fitting. Usually it would indicate some sort of royal pedigree, but it seems that in your case it's just the colour of your testicles, I guess? And since we're already on a nickname basis, 'Kitten'" she points to herself, "seems better than..." and she turns her hand around towards the gnomes face as she ALMOST boops his nose "Prick."

Holding the top back rail of the gnome's chair as she stands up, she pats the thing before leaving, causing it to smell like manure for a brief moment.

Hey guys! I hear prestidigitation is a cool spell.

Sovereign Court

AC 18 (19) | HP 17/18 | F+5 R+7 W+4

Stymied by casual conversation with Valerie, Fenric considers moving on to another. However, a quick glance around the room finds no better option at the moment. That elf seems like she would lop off my head as well as speak to me. AndI don't want to near whatever is happening between Tessa's tailor and that gnome.

"Follow?" he say to Valerie. "I'm more of a pragmatic pantheist--give each god their due in their time and place. However, if you press me as to whose favor I seek most often, then it would be Cayden Caileen or sometimes Chaldira."

Fenric pauses for a moment, thinking. "That Cayden was a man who earned godhood is an inspiration to all who seek to better themselves. But he also did it by accident, and I would really rather forge my destiny with intention. Ah, now I'm saying too much. My apologies. Since you asked, do you follow a particular deity or code?"

Diplomacy: Influence: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Female CG Human Rogue 1| HP 18/18| AC: 18| Fort: +5; Ref: +9; Will: +6 | Init: +0 | Per +6 | Stealth +7 |Intimidate +5 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Selina smiles at Linzi before excusing herself and moving on to survey the dinner scene. My goodness, that halfling can chat non-stop about the most inane things!! In a way, Selina was glad that she had not become the halfling's best friend. Who cared about plays and operas, when she spent most of her time studying the sword.? I guess things happen for a reason. She looks at the deathly pale female elf. A bit too gothic for her taste, but perhaps she can appreciate power and self-confidence. Besides, perhaps she can appreciate that we are both women with dark black hair.

Selina approaches her seriously, portraying her most fearsome self and sits down in front of Jaethal. In her serious voice, used to chill the spines of her enemies, and staring into the pale elf's eyes, she speaks in a soft tone, "If I may speak, you look like death itself with that scythe. Tell me, do you scare easily? I would say no, since you want to explore the Stolen Lands all by yourself. Care to chat?"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

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Thark the Blessed wrote:

Thark learned enough about the dwarf and the dark side of his deity Groteus. While they had a choppy conversation, it ended well enough, Thark assumes. His interest is still with the rough-and-tumble woman with the large greatsword - the preferred weapon of his deity, and the same type of weapon that Thark himself carries.

He moves towards that female warrior, and motions to her blade. "Tell me the story behind that beauty, eh? It is a fell weapon it seems, and you are a fell wielder. Thark approves as does Gorum himself. Thark would test if you are of strong enough stuff to carry such a revered blade."

If it comes to it, Thark will challenge her to feats of strength and test her mettle, either with the blade or something like arm wrestling while they have their discussion about weapons and their origin.

Not sure if allowed, but this seems like an Athletics challenge. It can be Diplomacy (Thark is +1) if you prefer it. He is trying to find out the history and actual strength of this powerful looking NPC.

[dice=Thark Athletics]1d20+6

Amiri lets a loud bellow of a laugh. "I like the muscles, Thark, I am Amiri. Please sit and tell your tale over some mead and then we can arm wrestle or something. So many men are afraid to approach someone like me. Or they think they can touch things that they cannot and they end up with broken arms or wrists. So happy that you are a confident strong warrior." The conversation is pleasant, as you talk about battles and each other's past. Amiri shares some thoughts about her greatest accomplishments, likes wrestling a bear with her bare hands and other such stories. The 20 minutes fly by, but you see that any conversations about her clan/tribe and she shuts up immediately. It sounds that whatever happened was recent and it is a painful wound. She also does not share the tale behind the large bastard sword that she carries on her back. At the end of the conversation, Thark and she arm wrestle, but the half-orc eventually loses after holding up for a few seconds. Thark has 1 Influence with Amiri. Attitude is still indifferent

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Quintessa Orlovsky wrote:

Quintessa wants to check in on her companions but fears tearing herself away from Maegar. She realizes she has successfully charmed Maegar, earning his friendliness and possibly a valuable ally for the journey ahead.

Surely they can handle themselves a few minutes without you.

She laughs at one of Maegar's compliments and sweeps her gaze across the crowd, trying to observe how they are going. To her disappointment, nothing appears to be as she had expected. Valerie looks unimpressed, Teela is getting an unmistakenly 'piss off' look from the gnome, and Thark is ... Is he trying to arm wrestle that woman?!

She does her best to hide her surprise and turns back to Maegar, continuing the conversation.

"Maegar, your dedication to House Varn and your eagerness to explore the Nomen Heights are truly admirable. It's clear that you have the heart of a true adventurer and the mind of a strategist." She pauses, letting her blue eyes twinkle with interest in front of him.

"I must admit, I’ve always been fascinated by the tales of the Stolen Lands. The untamed wilderness, the promise of discovery, and the chance to create something new and lasting—it's a rare and precious opportunity. I can see why you’re so eager to begin."

She leans in slightly, her voice lowering to a more intimate tone.

[smaller]"It seems that fate has brought us together at this pivotal moment. I believe that with our combined strengths and the alliances we forge here tonight, we can truly make a difference in the Stolen Lands. Your experience as a swordlord and my background in negotiation and magical training, well, I believe we could complement each other perfectly."

"It seems we both have much to prove and much to gain in the Stolen Lands," she says, raising her goblet in a toast. "To new beginnings and the forging of strong alliances."

She raises her goblet, a smile on her face.

[dice=Brevoy Lore/Society]1d20+5

Maegar is enraptured by Quintessa's easy manner and civility. He happily toasts with his goblet toward their future alliance. He becomes a little distracted, when the two warriors start arm wrestling in the middle of the feast, but laughs it off, nodding toward Amiri. "I am sure that is her way of communicating in her culture." The conversation continues as Maegar inquires on Quintessa's family, parents, and station. He reveals that he is the third son a Brevic baron, and as such, he does not stand to inherit his father's title or holdings. The opportunity to make a name for himself by answering the call for heroes is, he believes, his best chance to make his fortune. Quintessa can tell that in his manner of speaking, he is very proud of being an Aldori and being from Restov. Anyone who badmouths any of those two things burns their bridges with him. Quintessa now has Influence 2 with Maegar and his starting attitude is now helpful toward her.

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Tееla wrote:
PF2E_Kingmaker_GM wrote:

Tartuccio manages to look up from his meal to see Teela, with an annoyed look. At her question, he sneers. "My tailor, really? I thought you would have some sense in your head, but alas, you, like everyone else at this gathering has disappointed me." The gnome is an arrogant little bastard, whom nobody at the table tends to like and give him a wide berth. His arrogance and sense of superiority turn people off. After a brief conversation, Tartuccio waves Teela off. "Off ya go, kitten, go bother someone else."

No influence gained. Teela's future efforts to influence Tartuccio have -2 penalty.

[dice=Diplomacy]1d20 + 7 - 2

Teela gives the gnome a baffled look. This time she scans him head to toe as she is processing what just transpired. She won't be insulted by some rando at a party like this. That just won't do. She leans down to be on the gnome's eye-level. She makes no effort to be silent. "Alright, little man. If you don't like the party, why don't you just leave? I thought you could do with some actual company, but it seems clear why there are two empty chairs between you and anyone else at this gathering." she motions to the empty seats surrounding the gnome. "Now that I think about it, the purple tones of your little dolly dress are fitting. Usually it would indicate some sort of royal pedigree, but it seems that in your case it's just the colour of your testicles, I guess? And since we're already on a nickname basis, 'Kitten'" she points to herself, "seems better than..." and she turns her hand around towards the gnomes face as she ALMOST boops his nose "Prick."

Holding the top back rail of the gnome's chair as she stands up, she pats the thing before leaving, causing it to smell like manure for a brief moment.

Hey guys! I hear prestidigitation is a cool spell.

The gnome's face turns red with anger at the manner that he is treated by Teela. He looks around in dismay, "How can they let such riff-raff participate in this call for heroes?! Did you all see who she treated me?! She is so uncouth, no culture, grown from the streets." Strangely enough, Tartuccio's rant does not elicit the sympathy that he desired as most people snicker or laugh at Teela's comments. After the casting of the spell on the chair, the gnome scream in disgust, "You foul harlot." His hands start to glow, as he begins to intone magic, but he thinks the better of it, as house guards move in. He curses in gnomish and storms out of the room, followed by a couple of guards. Teela hears a soft golf clap emanate from the room in her direction from the rest of her guests. Starting attitude for Tartuccio toward Teela is now clearly hostile.

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Fenric Lodovka wrote:

Stymied by casual conversation with Valerie, Fenric considers moving on to another. However, a quick glance around the room finds no better option at the moment. That elf seems like she would lop off my head as well as speak to me. AndI don't want to near whatever is happening between Tessa's tailor and that gnome.

"Follow?" he say to Valerie. "I'm more of a pragmatic pantheist--give each god their due in their time and place. However, if you press me as to whose favor I seek most often, then it would be Cayden Caileen or sometimes Chaldira."

Fenric pauses for a moment, thinking. "That Cayden was a man who earned godhood is an inspiration to all who seek to better themselves. But he also did it by accident, and I would really rather forge my destiny with intention. Ah, now I'm saying too much. My apologies. Since you asked, do you follow a particular deity or code?"

[dice=Diplomacy: Influence]1d20+3

Valerie smiles, "Guess you're the type that does not take no for an answer. In some cases, persistence is admirable. You have surprised me with your decorum. For myself, I believe you are free to choose to whom you pray, but more importantly, is your code of conduct. How you live your life. I live my life according to a set of rules and norms, be it at a feast or in battle." She nods toward Amiri and Thark. "Look at those two for example, arm wrestling in a noble's home! Really?! It is clear that they have not been raised with with proper social graces." She nods her head in disgust. She takes her glass and raises it to Fenric and toasts, "For not abandoning ship when you easily could have run away with your tail between your legs." The rest of the conversation runs smoothly, but Valerie reveals very little of her past or her reason for exploring the Stolen Lands. Fenric senses some tragedy in her recent past which makes her very guarded and difficult for her to trust people. Influence 1 with Valerie, but she is still indifferent toward him.

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Selina Aldaeth wrote:

Selina smiles at Linzi before excusing herself and moving on to survey the dinner scene. My goodness, that halfling can chat non-stop about the most inane things!! In a way, Selina was glad that she had not become the halfling's best friend. Who cared about plays and operas, when she spent most of her time studying the sword.? I guess things happen for a reason. She looks at the deathly pale female elf. A bit too gothic for her taste, but perhaps she can appreciate power and self-confidence. Besides, perhaps she can appreciate that we are both women with dark black hair.

Selina approaches her seriously, portraying her most fearsome self and sits down in front of Jaethal. In her serious voice, used to chill the spines of her enemies, and staring into the pale elf's eyes, she speaks in a soft tone, "If I may speak, you look like death itself with that scythe. Tell me, do you scare easily? I would say no, since you want to explore the Stolen Lands all by yourself. Care to chat?"

Jaethal looks into Selina's eyes, trying to scare her off with her glare, but is impressed that the rogue stands her ground. "Okay, you may sit down. I am Jaethal. I am not death, though I do enjoy carving my opponents with my scythe. Tell me, why do you join the call for heroes?" The conversation with Jaethal does not flow as she is very reserved and seems to not be used to social interaction. During the conversation, she encourages Selina that she might have more fun speaking to someone more entertaining. Prying information from her is like cracking a vault. When asked she is here, she says that she is looking for a fresh start in a new nation. It appears she too, like many of the adventurers present, has a tragic past. Selina has Influence 1 with Jaethal but still indifferent. Future attempts to influence her are easier.

Female human sorcerer 1 | HP: 15 | AC: 14 | F: +4 R: +4 W: +6 | Speed: 25' | Perception: +4 | Hero Points: 2

Quintessa thanks Maegar for his conversation and friendship, a warm smile gracing her lips. "Thank you for the delightful conversation, Maegar. I look forward to our future endeavors together."

Excusing herself, she gracefully rises and makes her way back to her companions' table. She shoots each of them a look, silently asking them to regroup. Once they gather, she begins to share her progress.

"I had a wonderful conversation with Maegar Varn. He’s very proud of his heritage and is eager to make a name for himself in the Stolen Lands. I could continue to work on him, but we already have a potentially powerful ally in him."

She then turns her attention to each of her companions, eager to hear their experiences. "Fenric, how is our female warrior?"

"How did things go on your end? Selina, what did you learn from Jaethal? I saw you engaged the halfling as well. How was that?"

Her expression shifts to a frown as she addresses Thark, struggling to contain her emotions. "Thark, I noticed you got into some ... arm wrestling. How did that go? What happened with dwarf?"

Finally, she looks at Teela with a hint of exasperation.

"Teela, what happened with the gnome? He seemed quite upset when he left the room."

Quintessa listens intently to her companions, ready to piece together the information they’ve gathered and strategize their next moves.

Female CG Human Rogue 1| HP 18/18| AC: 18| Fort: +5; Ref: +9; Will: +6 | Init: +0 | Per +6 | Stealth +7 |Intimidate +5 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Selina sees Tessa's nod and regroups at the table with the party. When asked, she sighs, "That halfling, Linzi, can talk your ear off about the most inane subjects, but she seems to have a good heart with no malicious intent that I could detect. I could not bear to keep talking about operas, but if one of you is an aficionado of that sort of stuff, you may have more luck with her than I did." Selina stares at Jaethal, "The elf is a closed book. Something bad must have happened in her past, has her all closed to the world. I seem to have gained some trust but not much. I can continue prying if you'd like."

Versatile Human Fortune-Teller Bard | HP 16 | AC 17 | F3; R6; W7 | Perc +6 | Speed: 30 ft | Bard DC 17 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺

Teela shrugs. "Probably was breastfed a few years longer than he should have been and father was not present, but if you mean tonight..."

She raises her hand and starts enumerating. "In chronological order: complete lack of game, superiority complex, calling me names, smelled like cow dung, anger management issues, superiority complex again, fishing for validation, calling me names again, lack of impulse control."

She puts her hand down with a smirk. "All in all, probably not a good fit for any form of meaningful cooperation."

M Male Half-Orc Warpriest 1| HP 18/18| AC: 16| Fort: +7; Ref: +3; Will: +8 | Init: +6 (perc) | Per +6 | Stealth +3 |Intimidate +4 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Thark shares with the others his experience with the dwarven cleric Harrim. "His is Groteus, God of the End Times, and his demeanor reflects that. Could be good to have a as a friend, but not friendly, if you get Thark's meaning. And does not seem like someone who will give the shirt off his back to help, but watch chaos take you instead."

As far as his arm-wrestling with the Amiri, he says: "The woman is impressed by feats of strength and arms. Thark met her where she lives. She has an injury from her former tribe, but Thark did not explore that. It is always good to have strength on your side, it does not take a holiday, eh?"

When Teela relates the gnomes behavior, Thark fumes. "Thark will go teach that small fellow some respect. Just say the word....Princess, is there something you wish Thark to do?"

Sovereign Court

AC 18 (19) | HP 17/18 | F+5 R+7 W+4

While Fenric speaks with Valerie, he notices Quintessa making eyes at him. He smiles and waves back at her before turning back to Valerie. "Apologies. I think my partner is trying to get my attention, and while I do care about what she has to say, it would be rude to abandon a lady amid a conversation," he says with a friendly smile. "When I was young, I wanted to be a chivalrous knight." He pauses with a rueful smile. "Now I simply want to do right with the blessings I've been born with."

He presses the woman to engage with him more, "Your code--are you a swordlord like our host? Or do you mean some other code? Like the Knights of Lastwall."

Diplomacy: Influence: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Female CG Human Rogue 1| HP 18/18| AC: 18| Fort: +5; Ref: +9; Will: +6 | Init: +0 | Per +6 | Stealth +7 |Intimidate +5 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

With the recap done, Selina takes a drink and walks back over to Jaethal. She had to crack the code to get her to open up. Selina tries to get her speak about her childhood, assuring her that she is not there to judge but only to listen, as a friend. Selina reveals some of her own past history and death in her family to make Jaethal understand that everyone has suffered loss and tragedy in the past. She is sincerely interested in helping the elf woman.

Diplomacy to Influence: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Female human sorcerer 1 | HP: 15 | AC: 14 | F: +4 R: +4 W: +6 | Speed: 25' | Perception: +4 | Hero Points: 2

Sorry, busy weekend traveling back. Home again!

Quintessa listens intently to each of her companions as they share their experiences.

"Selina, it sounds like you made some progress with Jaethal, even if it was challenging. Perhaps you can dig to a deeper level. Thank you for your efforts."

She then turns to Teela, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips as she listens to the rundown of Tartuccio's behavior.

"Well, it would seem Tartuccio isn’t a viable ally. Let’s keep our distance from him for now. Thank you for enduring that, Teela."

Quintessa places a reassuring hand on Thark's arm, shaking her head gently. "No need to confront him and make a bigger scene than necessary. His behavior speaks for itself. For now, let’s focus on building alliances with those who show promise."

"Having Harrim as a friend could be beneficial, even if he’s not the most outgoing. As for Amiri, it's good to know she respects strength. We should keep her on our side if we can. Why don't you return to Amiri and see if you can get her to open up a little bit about her past and her intentions? "

Finally, she glances at Fenric, who is engaged in conversation with Valerie. She catches his eye and nods, signaling that they can catch up once he’s finished.

"Thank you all for your efforts. We’re off to a good start. I think I'm going to try to approach Linzi to see if I can break through a bit. Off we go."

Quintessa makes her way over to Linzi, the young halfling bard. She takes a deep breath, summoning her charm and poise, and begins the conversation with a warm smile.

"Good evening. I couldn't help but notice your impressive sketches. You have quite the talent for capturing the essence of those around you.
I’m Lady Quintessa Orlovsky, by the way. I was hoping to learn more about your work and what brings you to this gathering."

Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

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Will move along the summary of the next round. Teela and Thark can roll their checks retroactively when they are back.

Fenric continues to impress Valerie with his manners and decorum befitting that of the nobility. However, she remains guarded and suspicious, but continues to enjoy his presence. "I am no Swordlord. I used to be a champion in a former life, but I realized that I can lo longer walk that path. I fight more with sword and shield. And yourself? Do you fancy the sword and board style or are you one of those 2-weapon fighters or even sillier, a single weapon fighter?" Valerie stifles a laugh and keeps her voice low, as she realizes that she in the home of a Swordlord. Fenric now has Influence 2 with Valerie but she remains indifferent to him.

Selina's sincerity appeals to Jaethal, who the rogue can tell has led a pretty lonely life. Sensing a kindred soul and sister-like-person bond, Jaethal reveals to Selina that was exiled from Kyonin after a tragedy and she hopes to find a place in a new society. She does not disclose further details about the exact nature of the tragedy. Selina also learns that Jaethal is self-conscious about her pale appearance and any comments about it will make it more difficult to influence her. Funny enough, Selina has yet to see Jaethal smile at all for any reason. Critical success! Selina now has 3 Influence with Jaethal and her starting attitude will be friendly the next time they meet as she will remember the dinner fondly.

Quintessa's beautiful words to Linzi, unfortunately, get drowned out by Linzi's gasp, as Tessa accidentally knocks over a glass of wine that stains Lizni's book of sketches! While Tessa apologizes and tries to compliment the halfling bard, Linzi is so worried that her sketches have been ruined that she spends the entire 20 minutes cleaning her book trying to save her sketches and tunes out Quintessa's efforts to influence her. 0 Influence gained with Linzi.

M Male Half-Orc Warpriest 1| HP 18/18| AC: 16| Fort: +7; Ref: +3; Will: +8 | Init: +6 (perc) | Per +6 | Stealth +3 |Intimidate +4 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Thark returns to his new friend, Amiri, after the brief huddle. He will try to continue to positively influence her as best he can.

"How did you end up here, friend? What is your reason for going to the Stolen Lands? How can Thark and his partners help you?"

Thark Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Female human sorcerer 1 | HP: 15 | AC: 14 | F: +4 R: +4 W: +6 | Speed: 25' | Perception: +4 | Hero Points: 2

"Oh, Linzi, I am so sorry!" Quintessa exclaims, reaching for a napkin to help clean up the mess. "I didn’t mean to—let me help you."

Realizing that her attempts to influence Linzi have not succeeded, Quintessa decides to change her approach.

"Linzi, you should definitely watch our friend Teela perform sometime. She has incredible musical talents. Her performances are truly captivating and might offer you some wonderful inspiration for your work."

Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 No. Not another 2. HP Reroll.
Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Female CG Human Rogue 1| HP 18/18| AC: 18| Fort: +5; Ref: +9; Will: +6 | Init: +0 | Per +6 | Stealth +7 |Intimidate +5 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Realizing she is on a roll, the rogue continues to use a combination of Diplomacy and Intimidation to get Jaethal to reveal more information. "Between you and me, your pale skin makes you stand out among the commoners and I think it's cool, but that's just my opinion. Us friends have to stick together. So no worries, anyone makes fun of it, they will have to deal with me." Selina continues with similar compliments to get her guard down.

Diplomacy to Influence: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Versatile Human Fortune-Teller Bard | HP 16 | AC 17 | F3; R6; W7 | Perc +6 | Speed: 30 ft | Bard DC 17 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺
Quintessa Orlovsky wrote:

"Oh, Linzi, I am so sorry!" Quintessa exclaims, reaching for a napkin to help clean up the mess. "I didn’t mean to—let me help you."

Realizing that her attempts to influence Linzi have not succeeded, Quintessa decides to change her approach.

"Linzi, you should definitely watch our friend Teela perform sometime. She has incredible musical talents. Her performances are truly captivating and might offer you some wonderful inspiration for your work."

Sipping on her wine and looking around the room, Teela's gaze drops on Quintessa, who seems to have spilt her own drink. She frowns ever so softly, sighs, and walks over.

She looks over the dress, ensuring no wine is on the fabric. And then her eyes drop on the halfling as she attempts to salvage her drawings.

She kneels down. "Allow me." She waves her hand over the book. Just like that, the wine and the moisture is gone.

She gives the halfling a playful wink before cleaning whatever other wine stains are on either Quintessa's or the halfling's clothes before standing back up. "And we're back to a lovely evening. Teela Sedichi. Pleasure to meet you!" she extends her hand to the halfling.

PRES-TI-DI-GI-TA-TION to clean that sketchbook up. I would have this be an Aid action if possible.

Sovereign Court

AC 18 (19) | HP 17/18 | F+5 R+7 W+4

"I use a long and a short blade," Fenric answers Valerie. "If you use one of your weapons correctly, it is almost as good as a shield." He continues on about his efforts to learn the sword.

Influence: Diplomacy (T): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
If that is a critical fail, I don't want to lose progress, then I'll use a Hero Point. If just a fail, I won't.
Hero Point: Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

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Apologies for absence - 4th round of social interactions are now done.

Thark tries to warm up to Amiri with his silver tongue, but she appears to be a woman more of action than diplomacy. Easier to influence with Athletics than Diplomacy. No change in Influence, still 1.

Linzi thanks Teela profusely for saving her drawings and she warms up to Tessa. A you converse with her, you learn that she is eager to find someone who will be a true hero of the Stolen Lands, so she can write about him/her. Influence: 1 with Linzi for Tessa and she is now friendly.

Having found her weakness of being alone, Selina continues to break through Jaethal's barriers and she continues to open up to the rogue. Influence: 4 now with Jaethal.

Not a critical fail so no use of HP. Fenric makes no progress as your conversation with Valerie sticks to political matters in the world and no personal information. Influence remains 2 with Valerie.

M Male Half-Orc Warpriest 1| HP 18/18| AC: 16| Fort: +7; Ref: +3; Will: +8 | Init: +6 (perc) | Per +6 | Stealth +3 |Intimidate +4 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Seeing that Amiri is not swayed by words (which are usually out of his element anyway), Thark shifts it up and goes back to looking for means of physicality to impress the barbarian woman. Having already done arm-wrestling, he moves to engage Amiri in a weight-lifting contest using the serving staff as weights. He grabs one of the more rotund servers around the middle and holds them in the air, seeing who can hold their server in the air the longest, while, hopefully, they struggle to get free.

Athletics to Impress: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Versatile Human Fortune-Teller Bard | HP 16 | AC 17 | F3; R6; W7 | Perc +6 | Speed: 30 ft | Bard DC 17 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺

"Don't worry about it." Teela waves her hand towards the sketches as she if finishing their conversation with the halfling. "You got a good hand and could probably draw them again. It's just the time that is a factor."

She suddenly notices something from the corner of her eye, looks above the halfling, and tilts her head with a face of curiosity and confusion.

"Is... Thark..." her thoughts trail off as she watches the scene intently, then looks around the room for someone. "My apologies. We will catch up later. I need to handle something."

"Fenric!" she gets into his point of view and addresses him. Then she notices he has company and acknowledges Valerie with a polite nod and a quick "Madam." before turning to the knight again. "Fenric, I think..." she points out Thark holding a servant above the ground for some reason.

"Could you help me with that? That poor soul is just being stripped of their dignity. That's no way to treat a person."

This would actually be an attempt to try to gain some standing with Valerie or helping Fenric get some standing with Valerie - showing he cares for the common folk despite his lineage.

"I'll try to talk him down, but I am lacking in the muscle department." she points to her unremarkable arms.

Sovereign Court

AC 18 (19) | HP 17/18 | F+5 R+7 W+4

Fenric pauses as Teela interupts. He looks to where she points and says, "Oh."

"My apologies, Valerie," he says with a wince. "That does seem like something better intervened upon sooner rather than later. I hope that you do not take my sudden departure amiss as I was enjoying our conversation." He sighs as he bows. "One is the company one keeps..."

The noble weaves his way through the tables and guests toward Thark. "Ah, Thark, my new friend, while this might enamor you to our competition, I'm not sure that manhandling her servants will have a desirable effect on our host." He tries to gracefully disentangle the servant and Thark in a way that is neither too rough on the servant nor too rude with his ally.

Influence: Athletics (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 (worth a shot)

Female CG Human Rogue 1| HP 18/18| AC: 18| Fort: +5; Ref: +9; Will: +6 | Init: +0 | Per +6 | Stealth +7 |Intimidate +5 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Selina continues trying to influence Jaethal with her friendship comments. "Girl, you need to tell me what happened in your homeland. I will not judge you, trust me."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

M Male Half-Orc Warpriest 1| HP 18/18| AC: 16| Fort: +7; Ref: +3; Will: +8 | Init: +6 (perc) | Per +6 | Stealth +3 |Intimidate +4 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

When Fenric intervenes in his weight lifting contest with Amiri, Thark immediately sets the server down again, patting him on the head as he does so. "Apologies, Fenric. Thark did not mean to embarrass you in front of our hostess. Thark just got a little carried away testing strength with new friends. Will not happen again...." He grins his best toothy grin to show his sincerity and winks at Amiri on the side as if to say it was fun while it lasted.

Female human sorcerer 1 | HP: 15 | AC: 14 | F: +4 R: +4 W: +6 | Speed: 25' | Perception: +4 | Hero Points: 2

Quintessa returns the smile, feeling relieved that the situation has turned around. She shoots Teela an I owe you one look, deciding to quickly forget Teela's previous interaction with the gnome.

She turns her back to Thark to engage Linzi as Teela departs, thankfully missing the warpriest's athletic efforts.

"Linzi, I believe my small group has the potential to be the heroes you seek. The Stolen Lands offer us a chance to prove our worth and create stories that will be remembered for generations. Your talent for capturing these tales will be invaluable. I think a potential friendship here could benefit us both, no? Together, we’ll create a story worth telling."

Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

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Summary of Round 5:
Thark does not progress with Amiri, who spends her time recounting tales, which sound exaggerated, of her physical exploits.
Fenric gains 1 Influence with Amiri, as she is impressed by his attempted physical prowess.
Selina does not progress with Jaethal, who prefers to gossip about the other persons at the banquet.
Tessa makes progress with Linzi, as she questions Tessa about her exploits and sketches a profile of her. Influence 2 with Linzi - she will be helpful next time you meet.
Teela made no check since Fenric did not follow up with Amiri.

1 more round to go.

Versatile Human Fortune-Teller Bard | HP 16 | AC 17 | F3; R6; W7 | Perc +6 | Speed: 30 ft | Bard DC 17 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺
Quintessa Orlovsky wrote:
She shoots Teela an I owe you one look

Teela gives a barely noticeable, reassuring wink back before she moves over to Fenric and then to Thark.

As they stand near the buff woman, Fenric and Thark resolving the issue of the manhandled servant, Teela fetches two hard drinks and saunters over to Amiri. She scans the woman up and down.

"I mean this in the best way possible - you look like you saw a tussle or two. And like someone who could enjoy a drink and talk about them. And I -adore- wild stories." Teela offers one of the mugs to the woman. "Let's trade tales over a few cups?"

When they sit down, Teela shares some of her life with Amiri...

" anyway, when this kid complained about a bully on their street. I told myself that would not do. I drew a horrible grinning face on a toy like this," she points to the rag doll on her belt "covered the drawing with chalk and propped the thing against the bully's bedroom window overnight. I hid in the bushes, morning came, and I woke up seeing the kid throwing rocks at my doll. And I know a little magic, so I animate the doll, clean up the chalk so that the grin appears on the face, and throw a sinister voice going 'You like throwing rocks at others, Zalmus? SO DO I!' and I swear..." she laughs and pats her own thigh. "As I did that, I looked at little Zalmus and his pants went from linen white to brown on the back, yellow down the middle. Probably didn't throw a rock in his life again. I hope. Anyway, I had to get out of there fast so I grabbed the doll and disappeared. I gave that doll to the boy who complained about the bully in the first place. Oh, that was fun." She smiles and sips from her mug.

I honestly have no idea what roll this is. I'll just roll a straight 20 and give you my modifiers for you to pick from.

1d20 ⇒ 18

+7 Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, Performance | +6 Acrobatics, Thievery | +4 Crafting, Fortune-Telling Lore, Medicine, Occultism

If you think it's a fort check to not get wasted, it's a +3

Female CG Human Rogue 1| HP 18/18| AC: 18| Fort: +5; Ref: +9; Will: +6 | Init: +0 | Per +6 | Stealth +7 |Intimidate +5 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Damn, this woman is so hard to read.

Realizing the meal is near its end, Selina makes some inane comments about the desserts being served and the guests, while she tries to gain more influence with Jaethal, stressing their sisterhood bond.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

M Male Half-Orc Warpriest 1| HP 18/18| AC: 16| Fort: +7; Ref: +3; Will: +8 | Init: +6 (perc) | Per +6 | Stealth +3 |Intimidate +4 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Seeing that Teela has entered a drinking contest with Amiri, and a bit bashful after his last attempt was foiled, Thark idles back over to Harrim, the dwarven priest of Groteus.

"Our patrons are different, dwarf, but not so much. Gorum relishes in battle and Groteus in the end times. All of which come from chaos. Perhaps we should support each other when out in the Stolen Lands to the glory of our mutual gods. What say you?"

Last chance with Harrim, using Religion knowledge to make a final impression.

Religion at Harrim: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Sovereign Court

AC 18 (19) | HP 17/18 | F+5 R+7 W+4

Fenric makes his way back to Valerie after tending to the potential disaster. "Again, my apologies," Fenric says to the woman. He tries to pick up where they left off and make a better impression upon her.

Influence: Diplomacy (T): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

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Results of last round of socializing:
Teela: Critical success! She impresses Amiri with her toughness and drinking prowess. Influence: 2 with her - she will be friendly next time.
Selina: Jaethal responds in a friendly manner to the banter. Influence: 5 with Jaethal.
Thark: Harrim enjoys discussing religious topics. Influence: 3 now with Harrim. Still friendly.
Fenric makes no progress with Valerie, who smiles politely and thanks him for his apology.

As you finish your discussions and enjoy dessert, a bell rings to announce its conclusion. Servants bustle about as they clean up the feast’s remnants and bring after-dinner drinks to anyone who requests them. Lady Jamandi rises and addresses everyone gathered one final time before retiring for the evening.

“My friends,” Lady Jamandi begins, “I hope you have enjoyed the food and drink this evening!” Her words are quickly met with a round of cheers and the enthusiastic tapping of several dozen mugs and goblets. It takes a few moments for the room to grow quiet again. Smiling broadly, she continues. “You honor me, truly, but this night is for you! As heroes, you have responded to my call, and I can’t wait to hear tales of your exploits in the weeks and months to come. Tomorrow, I shall speak with you all about your individual charters. I suspect it will be a busy day, so I suggest we make an early evening of it. After all, you have kingdoms to plan!” Lady Jamandi’s words are met with an even louder round of cheers and drinkware-tappings. A few goblets even shatter thanks to overeager hands.

Lady Jamandi gestures to the large double-doors to the east and west. “Of course, I’ve arranged bedchambers for all of you. My guards will escort you to them now. I hope you find them restful. We shall speak further tomorrow when we meet back here at sunrise.”

Lady Jamandi and the lord mayor leave the hall, followed by a retinue of armed guards wearing garnet-colored cloaks over suits of chainmail. Other guards begin to escort groups of revelers to their rooms for the night. Maegar Varn graciously declines a room and approaches Quintessa. "My dear, thank you for a lovely evening. I must return to Restov to attend to other matters and I’ll be back in the morning when the charters are given out. I hope to see you then. Till tomorrow..." Maegar bows and leaves the mansion.

Tired-looking guards, who may have partaken in the alcohol served, stand ready to escort you to your rooms.

M Male Half-Orc Warpriest 1| HP 18/18| AC: 16| Fort: +7; Ref: +3; Will: +8 | Init: +6 (perc) | Per +6 | Stealth +3 |Intimidate +4 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Thark says good-night to his new friends Amiri and Harrim and departs with the semi-inebriated guards to the rooms prepared for the party-goers. He watches with interest as Maegar Varn speaks with the Princess, but does not comment or intervene.

"Thark will be interested to see what comes in the morning, and how the Lady passes out favor to all in attendance. It seems like a lot of rivals for the Stolen Lands." he mutters to the others as they are led to the chambers.

Versatile Human Fortune-Teller Bard | HP 16 | AC 17 | F3; R6; W7 | Perc +6 | Speed: 30 ft | Bard DC 17 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺

Reading the room, Teela stands up from across the table. She walks around, and pats Amiri on the shoulder. She leans over and speaks with a hushed voice. "You're fun. Not like most of these upper-crusters. Catch you tomorrow, I suppose." She leans over the table, picks up her bottle, looks at the guards standing at the ready, and back to Amiri. "Now, let's see which one of these brave gentlemen wants to escort this girl to her room." She laughs and starts walking with a confident step. "Let's go, gents. Show me to my bed. But no funny business. We're all professionals here."

She grabs one of the guard's elbows, and gestures outside of the room. She initiates a casual conversation as she walks "Hi! I'm Teela. Tell me, do you like working here? Do you know the gardener? Taking care of the greenery must be quite a struggle..."

The conversation echoes from the doorway and eventually fades out.

Female human sorcerer 1 | HP: 15 | AC: 14 | F: +4 R: +4 W: +6 | Speed: 25' | Perception: +4 | Hero Points: 2

Before leaving the hall for the night, Quintessa takes a moment to thank both Maegar and Linzi for their time and company.

She approaches Maegar, a warm smile on her lips. "Maegar, thank you for a lovely evening. Our conversation was truly enlightening, and I appreciate your insights. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow when the charters are given out. Safe travels back to Restov."

She then makes her way over to Linzi, who is still carefully tending to her sketches. "Linzi, thank you for sharing your stories and sketches with me tonight. I’m excited about the possibility of working together and seeing how your storytelling unfolds in the Stolen Lands. Rest well, and I’ll see you tomorrow."

She then regroups with her companions as they head back to their rooms. She asks them what they learned and catches up on the different interactions, hopeful allies and potential rivals.

Once they reach their chambers, Quintessa bids her companions goodnight, her mind already racing with plans and possibilities for the adventure that lies ahead.

Female CG Human Rogue 1| HP 18/18| AC: 18| Fort: +5; Ref: +9; Will: +6 | Init: +0 | Per +6 | Stealth +7 |Intimidate +5 | Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇

Selina smiles at Jaethal, "All things must come to an end. I've had a great time getting to know you. Hope we can keep up the friendship during our chaotic venture into the Stolen Lands. Have a good night!" Selina waves and turns toward the guards. She tries to avoid the chatty Linzi and she makes her back to the room. She looks toward the party. "An exciting adventure awaits us...I can feel it in my bones."

When she reaches the room, she washes up and then places a small string with bell on the door, in case any guards try to get handsy with them during the night. She bids the party good night and tries to get some rest, keeping her senses sharp as she was taught.

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Moving along...

Your room contains five beds, a dresser, an oil lamp attached to the center of the south wall, and several potted plants. A decorative brass brazier forged to resemble a sleeping red dragon sits in one corner. After some chit-chat, you retire for the night, hoping for a restful sleep, as you have a big day ahead tomorrow. Alas...

After a few hours of sleep, you are awakened by what sounded like a muffled cry in the hallway outside your room. You gather your senses, waking up, trying to dispel the notion that you were not just dreaming. However, since your companions also heard the cry, you realize the situation is real.

It's dark outside, like 3:00 AM dark.

What do you do?

Versatile Human Fortune-Teller Bard | HP 16 | AC 17 | F3; R6; W7 | Perc +6 | Speed: 30 ft | Bard DC 17 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺

Teela stirs in her sleep. She awakens into a darkness, with some noises coming from... somewhere. In a well-practised motion, the eyepatch goes over her left eye and she grabs her rag doll from the bed. She wipes her face into the pillow to remove the leftover drooling, and quickly moves her fingers through the air as she draws a series of lines in the darkness. The room alights with a gentle glow emanating from the globule that simply appears in the space. Just enough to make the room features visible, but she opts to be considerate and not wake up others. After all, it might have just been a dream.

"Anyone else hear that?" she whispers while standing up, and looking at the door. She's not in full gear. Before she laying down, she neatly packed her belongings in her backpack. Anything that didn't fit was strapped on. Teela is in... a nightgown. Not a revealing one, mind you, but it seems she is an active sleeper - both her hair and clothes are all over the place. One of the shoulder straps is halfway down her arm. She remedies the problem before suffering a complete malfunction.

"Did you?" she whispers while looking at whoever is awake at this point. Her eyes fall on the door again before she starts tip-toeing towards it.

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