[YEE/SFS/ACE] 7-02 Zo! vs Zo

Game Master Kludde

RPG Chronicles
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Solis hacks at the shield. After Shari's command, it is Seldszar, not Trober, who takes down the shield, and it's Arachne who ends the ritual and knocks out Raysel.

Estrikkon, eshausted from the ritual and alarmed by the fall of his bonded part, surrenders, barely conscious.

Combat over!

Order, order! Judge Axiennes shouts as a specialized team of medic quickly revive Raysel The ritual has reached a verdict! The court rules in favor of Zo!

There is an hour or so of deliberation, when Ace Mayor Sindeo is ready to make an announcement.

Ace Mayor Sindeo adopts a solemn smile. “It’s my honor to announce that I am formally changing the name of our great and storied city. To my fellow citizens of Zo, submit your ideas for consideration through your local voting offices. To the galaxy at large, join us in charting a new future for our city. Tune in to “Zo! for Zo,” a live broadcast graciously hosted by Zo! himself to cast your vote for our new name, selected from a carefully curated list of citizen-submitted options.”

Zo! gives the camera a rictus grin. “That’s right! You can help pick a new name for this fair city during a live variety show hosted by yours truly! What’s more, I’m placing one name right onto the voting ballot: City McCityface!”

Ace Mayor Sindeo’s smile slips, but Zo! plows ahead. “Love it? Hate it? Tune in and vote! The choice is yours!”

| Recruitment Board | How is my flying? (feedback) | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Castamir Event Code: 2715121 | How is everybody doing?

That brings us to the end of this adventure! Can you all roll days jobs?

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