Merely Merisiel
AC 27; Fort +15; Ref +19 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +14; +1 circumstance bonus vs. traps HP 96
played by
Merisal The Risen
Mila Arazumin
Female Kobold Sorcerer 12 | AC 30 | Fort 20, Reflex 20, Will 19 | Perc 19 w/ Darkvision | Resist: Fire 6, Cold/Elec 10 | Speed 25 | HP 126/126 | Exp: Search | Acro 18, Diplo 24, Dec 21, Med 23, Thievery 18
played by
Half the Sky
Sideon Senzir
CN male elf (ancient) rogue (thief) 9 l HP 8/87| AC 27 (Deny Advantage) | F +15 R +21 (Evasion) W +15 | Perc +16 (+18 for Initiative, wins ties) | speed 35 ft (Feather Step)| Hero Points: 3 | Active Conditions:
played by
Previous Characters
Kagan the Librarian
m CG fleshwarp tiefling Barbarian 10 | HP 109/180 | AC 28 (27) | F +21 R +16 W+18 | Perc +19 | Low-Light, Darkvision, Motion Sense 30ft | Speed 25', Climb Speed 15' | HeroP 1/3
played by