[ACO] PF2e Q15 - In The Footsteps of Horror (P5) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

RPG Chronicles
Q16 - The Winter Queen's Dollhouse

Symbols > Single Action (◆), Double Action (◆◆), Triple Action (◆◆◆), Free Action (◇), Reaction (↺)

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Radiant Oath

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At Aleksandr's words, the Warden collapses in a heap of tears, overcome with how futile her time has become.

"F-f-fine!" she says, between sobs, "Go! The wall is down! Leave me!"

You hear what sounds like a cracking noise, as if something downstairs shattered. You return to the ground floor and find that the invisible wall becomes visible for a brief instant before disappearing. You are free to leave at your leisure.

As you step out, you all return to your normal size. The poppets also materialize outside the doll house. For many of the poppets, this may be a bit unsettling as it is their first time ever out of the dollhouse. It takes a few minutes for them to collect themselves, but they are hopeful and follow you to meet Eando Kline.

Eando is incredibly surprised to see you accompanied by your new allies, and over the coming days, he speaks to each of the poppets. Now free and truly awake, the poppets eventually seek new purpose, perhaps with a little prompting from you; they remember the conversations of places to go and jobs to be had in the wide world of Golarion. One by one, they leave to find their way, or they join the Society and find roles there.

The last one to leave is Sweeper. She doesn't wish to continue being a janitor. What's more, she's found that, between her strange awakening within the vaults and her presence at the shattering of the old wards, she has an understanding of how to spread this to other dollhouse prisons. She wants to help in a more meaningful manner after Eando Kline informs her of the other dollhouses that Queen Anastasia has in her possession. Sweeper perks up and offers to go help free any other poppets who are still imprisoned, or otherwise help to take care of the dollhouses. She accepts a field commission as a Pathfinder agent and liaison to Irrisen. There are sure to be more poppets joining the Society's ranks if Sweeper has anything to say on the matter.


Thanks for playing all!

Radiant Oath

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