GM Peachbottom's War for the Crown

Game Master Peachbottom

Campaign Folder
County of Meratt Map
Rebuilding Stachys

Book 2 Maps

Loyalty Points: 40

Hero Points:
Icabhod: 3 | Henrika: 3 | Trevor: 1 | Tychus: 2 | Xallis: 2

1,951 to 2,000 of 2,144 << first < prev | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | next > last >>

The duchess preens at Trevor's attention. "Oh, yes. But it was no trouble at all. It only took two days. The time truly flew. I'm in no pain at all."

While Trevor has his gaze fixated on the duchess' feet, the duchess makes a face at Malphene.

Malphene stomps her foot on the ground loudly then rushes upstairs in a huff. "Get. Her. Out. Of. This. House!" she shouts angrily.

Duchess Veleto's feet show no sign of harm. She appears physically perfectly healthy although her behavior is a bit odd.

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)

Trevor sighs. "Dutchess Veleto. Please allow me the honor of escorting you back to Lotheedar. I hope to smooth any hurt feelings your nephew may have with me." The cleric stand up, further impressing the point to leave.
"I shall pack a small meal while you get you shoes back on. I fear this will not be a good day for either of us."

"But I don't want to leave!" Duchess Veleto smacks Trevor's hand away and runs barefoot into the parlor.

GM Roll:
Veleto: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35

Anyone following after the duchess finds no sign of her in the parlor.

Perception DC 35:
You spot the likeness of the duchess in a fresco painted on the wall. While the fresco has always been there, you don't recall the duchess being part of it.

Anyone staying behind in the foyer can also make a perception check.

Perception DC 15:
You didn't see it happen amid the commotion but the duchess' shoes have vanished.

AC 11, T 11, FF 10 | CMB 3, CMD 13 | HP 51/51 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +1 | Perception +0 | Conditions: haste
Eidolon stats:
AC 18+4, T 12, FF 16+4 | CMB +9, CMD 21 |HP 27/32 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2-1 | Perception +15 , scent 30 ft | Conditions: mage armor, haste

Navia's Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28

Navia catches this scenario unfold while failing to stifle her giggles. Xallis shoots her a look, but she seems to be enjoying herself too much.

"Ahh, it's funny because.... wait." The eidolon points a claws talon towards the floor. "Where did her shoes go?"

LN Human Bolt Ace 5/Sanctified Slayer 1| HP 51/51 | AC 25, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6 | Perception +13 | Grit: 4/4

Tychus slinks around behind the scenes. He tries to keep an eye on the situation, but clearly doesn't want to get involved. Especially due to Malphene.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

F NG human mesmerist 6 | HP 51/51 | AC19* T12* FF19* | CMB+7 CMD18 | F+5 R+6 W+9* (+2 vs illusions) | Init+3 Per+8 SM+8 | hero 3 tricks 4/5 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-5/5 2nd-4/4 | effects/conditions Mesmeric Mirror (implanted), message 60m

Henrika raises an eyebrow at the farcical scene, watching the two women and her friend Trevor attempt to deal with the situation. Curious about the outcome, she follows the duchess and the cleric into the parlor and does her best to help determine which way their new guest went.

Perception aid another: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Trevor gives chase after the petulant dutchess.
"Hells Bells!" The cleric states, fists on his hips in frustation.
"Veleto! Please! I'm gonna catch such Abyss from your nephew!"

Your initial search turns up nothing. It is as if the duchess simply vanished. Despite your pleas, you get no response.

However, I'm going to assume you don't just leave it at that. (Taking 20, Navia can a high enough result.)

You recruit the help of your "house elves", Blunk, Nodd, and Wink and you scour the estate for signs of the missing elderly woman. After hours of searching, Navia finally points to painting of the party that Sepsina created for you. Except where Liraela once stood, Duchess Veleto has taken her place. "Look there! But how did she get in there?"

The group gathers around the painting unsure how to get the duchess out. After engaging in a staring contest with the painting, the image blinks. Then the duchess slowly climbs out of the artwork, growing back to normal size as she does so. "It seems we've gotten off on the wrong foot. Why don't I prepare some dinner to apologize and we can brush this whole incident under the rug? Show me to the kitchen, won't you?"

Some of you are probably giving her very frustrated looks and she is oblivious to them.

F NG human mesmerist 6 | HP 51/51 | AC19* T12* FF19* | CMB+7 CMD18 | F+5 R+6 W+9* (+2 vs illusions) | Init+3 Per+8 SM+8 | hero 3 tricks 4/5 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-5/5 2nd-4/4 | effects/conditions Mesmeric Mirror (implanted), message 60m

Henrika scrutinizes this newly-emerged image of the duchess, suspecting it is an illusion of some sort. Is she still barefoot? she wonders. Could the source of the phantasm, if indeed that is what we are seeing, have something to do with her lack of shoes? Her expression is more puzzled than frustrated.

The duchess' shoes are back on her feet.

Trevor handled the duchess earlier and she felt solid.

When the duchess left the painting, it reverted back to its original look with Liraela back in place.

M Human Investigator 6|HP 47/47|AC17T12FF15|F4R7W5|Per8 Insp5/5 Hero pt 1

Is this standard behavior for her? I better check anything she cooks for poison.

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)
GM Peachbottom wrote:

The group gathers around the painting unsure how to get the duchess out. After engaging in a staring contest with the painting, the image blinks. Then the duchess slowly climbs out of the artwork, growing back to normal size as she does so. "It seems we've gotten off on the wrong foot. Why don't I prepare some dinner to apologize and we can brush this whole incident under the rug? Show me to the kitchen, won't you?"

Some of you are probably giving her very frustrated looks and she is oblivious to them.

Dutchess Veleto! If what you 'whip up' in the kitchen isn't one of the best foods I've eaten, I swear..", Trevor says in impudent fury.

The cleric sidles up next to the summoner, "Xallis! Do you have any idea what she is?! Because I'm drawing a blank here!" The Kastner noble whispers.

AC 11, T 11, FF 10 | CMB 3, CMD 13 | HP 51/51 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +1 | Perception +0 | Conditions: haste
Eidolon stats:
AC 18+4, T 12, FF 16+4 | CMB +9, CMD 21 |HP 27/32 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2-1 | Perception +15 , scent 30 ft | Conditions: mage armor, haste
Trevor Kastner wrote:
The cleric sidles up next to the summoner, "Xallis! Do you have any idea what she is?! Because I'm drawing a blank here!" The Kastner noble whispers.

Trevor's inquiry is enough to snap Xallis out of the silent, stupefied disbelief that had become him ever since their guest had so casually stepped out of a painting.

Navia perks up a bit. "Maybe she's one of me? Oh, see if she has a rune somewhere on her body."

The summoner does not address the eidolon and instead reflects back on his lessons to see if he could recall anything of note.

Knowledge (plans): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

"You could always just ask." says the eidolon with a shrug.

The duchess wanders into the kitchen. She seems to want to start preparing something but every time she reaches out to grab something, she draws a blank. After a few minutes of succeeding at nothing, she grows frustrated and throws her arms down in a huff. "Oh, don't you have servants for such things!? I'm sorry, I can't quite remember what to do."

Xallis wrote:
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

After witnessing the woman's ability to step into a painting, Xallis recalls an obscure bit of knowledge about a rare construct called a trompe l’oeil.

•Trompe l’oeil creatures are life-sized portraits animated by powerful magic or occult phenomena. Able to move and talk, these constructs can also step out of their frames to become three-dimensional beings. Born from artistic masterpieces, trompe l’oeils can easily pass for their original models, though close examination reveals that they are not flesh and blood, but only layers of paint.
•A trompe l’oeil can enter a painting it touches. When it does so, its physical body disappears, and its image appears in the painting.
•When a trompe l’oeil is destroyed, it reforms a few days later on its original canvas. The only way to permanently destroy a trompe l’oeil is to destroy the original canvas before the creature reforms.

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)

Trevor is thoroughly perplexed by Duchess Veleto's behavior. The caydenite pours himself a stiff drink to determine what he should do next.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

(Okay. Everyone seems to be at a loss to do here, …so moving on.)

Dame Malphene comes storming back down the stairs. ”Trevor! I told you that she had to go! But instead, she’s been here for hours and now you have her cooking for you? Useless man! I’m going to have to handle this myself. We are going to have a lot to talk about afterwards!”

Malphene charges over to Duchess Veleto and grabs her by the hair. ”Come here, b*&#+! Homewrecker! Get the f%#% out of my house!”

Malphene grabs the duchess by the hair and drags her screaming over to the front door where she throws her unceremoniously to the ground on the porch. Malphene looks at her hand, which is covered in paint rather than hair. ”What the…?” Malphene picks the Veleto up by the collar and shoves her into the carriage still parked outside. She slams the carriage door in the duchess’ face who pounds angrily on the inside. ”Driver, send this woman home. Tell the count we found something he lost.” Malphene smacks the outside of the carriage; the driver nods and drives off into the night.

Then Malphene returns inside. She points to Trevor. ”You! Upstairs, now!”

Blunk says, ”I think it’s time to make ourselves scarce.” The three domovoi transform into cats and scurry off.

Sarenith 1, 4718 (Fireday) (Stachys, County of Meratt, Taldor)

Over the next three days, you prepare to make a trip back to Oppara for an overdue visit to your old home.

Xallis - Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Icabhod - Knowledge (Engineering): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Before you leave, you provide your workers with the supplies recovered from Atratus and with Icabhod’s engineering knowledge, you are able to give instructions on a way to efficiently install them in the pump house, reducing the time and cost to complete the construction.

Repairing the pump’s full functionality establishes a regular ferry service that helps connect Stachys to the rest of the county via the canal system. You can now travel along the canals to reach your destinations more quickly. (The book doesn’t specify how much more quickly, so for simplicity sake, I’m going to say it reduces travel time by half to locations along the canal’s path. [Most locations except Pensaris and New Towne.].) You also gain 3 Loyalty Points.

Rebuilding Jambis (4 out of 5 successes) to (6 out of 5 successes)
Craft DC 22: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Handle Animal DC 22: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Knowledge DC 22: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Profession DC 22: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 Success
Survival DC 22: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 Success

Around the same time, a representative from Jambis visits Stachys to announce that initial repairs to the town are complete. The messenger also informs you that as a happy side effect, the returning residents discovered in their cleanup that the webbing from the remaining cat-sized spiders is easily harvested and woven into all sorts of goods.

They are able to make masterwork lassos, nets, scorpion whips, slings, whips, padded armor, and hide armor—all fashioned from spider silk—available for 50% of market cost.

Jambis Wares

The man also presents you with 500 feet of spider silk rope in thanks and as a demonstration of the town’s growing new industry. (Plus 1 more Loyalty Point)

Finally, Count Bartleby sends a letter to you, thanking you for the return of his aunt. (Although he does not send any reward, returning the duchess does earn a small amount of respect and 1 Loyalty Point.)

Sarenith 6, 4718 (Wealday) (Oppara, Taldor)

You discreetly return to Oppara. When you return, the metropolis seems to have returned to much like it was before the massacre. There is still an air of uncertainty with palace still on lockdown and no formal leader established, but for the common folk, its business as usual.

The visit to Oppara will be largely lead by you. You can decide on any actions you want to take here. I’ll help fill in any interactions if needed.

LN Human Bolt Ace 5/Sanctified Slayer 1| HP 51/51 | AC 25, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6 | Perception +13 | Grit: 4/4
GM Peachbottom wrote:

Around the same time, a representative from Jambis visits Stachys to announce that initial repairs to the town are complete. The messenger also informs you that as a happy side effect, the returning residents discovered in their cleanup that the webbing from the remaining cat-sized spiders is easily harvested and woven into all sorts of goods.

They are able to make masterwork lassos, nets, scorpion whips, slings, whips, padded armor, and hide armor—all fashioned from spider silk—available for 50% of market cost.

A sling is not a terrible backup I suppose. I'll grab one and some ammunition.

GM Peachbottom wrote:
You discreetly return to Oppara. When you return, the metropolis seems to have returned to much like it was before the massacre. There is still an air of uncertainty with palace still on lockdown and no formal leader established, but for the common folk, its business as usual.

"I will need to check in with the church. A lot of stuff has happened since we were last here... I trust we can meet up later at our familiar inn?"

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)
GM Peachbottom wrote:

Dame Malphene comes storming back down the stairs. ”Trevor! I told you that she had to go! But instead, she’s been here for hours and now you have her cooking for you? Useless man! I’m going to have to handle this myself. We are going to have a lot to talk about afterwards!”

Malphene charges over to Duchess Veleto and grabs her by the hair. ”Come here, bi+ch! Homewrecker! Get the fuçk out of my house!”

Malphene grabs the duchess by the hair and drags her screaming over to the front door where she throws her unceremoniously to the ground on the porch. Malphene looks at her hand, which is covered in paint rather than hair. ”What the…?” Malphene picks the Veleto up by the collar and shoves her into the carriage still parked outside. She slams the carriage door in the duchess’ face who pounds angrily on the inside. ”Driver, send this woman home. Tell the count we found something he lost.” Malphene smacks the outside of the carriage; the driver nods and drives off into the night.

Then Malphene returns inside. She points to Trevor. ”You! Upstairs, now!”

Blunk says, ”I think it’s time to make ourselves scarce.” The three domovoi transform into cats and scurry off.

Facing The Music:
Trevor watches Malphene ascend the stairs before him. The cleric looks at the retreating shapeshifted cats. One of them stop, turns around, and gives the Kastner noble a close approximation of a 'thumbs-up' with one of it's claws.

Trevor nods determinedly as he follows his angry almost fiance up the stairs to his room.

This shall be the first real test of our relationship, Trevor thought to himself. I must not roll over and beg like a dog for forgiveness!

As soon as the door slams shut, muffled arguing and yelling can be heard in the floor below from both lovers. Everyone still listening on the first floor is begin to feel embarrassed. Then the sound of a vase breaking, and the sound of furniture being moved around. The sound of a slap can be heard, followed by a masculine gasp, quickly followed by another slap, with time with a audible feminine gasp! Then silence, for what seemed like an eternity, but was more like thirty seconds. Then the sound of moving around, muffled sounds of light items dropping to the floor. The loud sounds of a heated argument eventually were replaced the sounds of aggressive lovemaking, and the distinct sounds of Dame Trant being ravaged with no mercy.

Hours passed, until late afternoon. Trevor Kastner and Dame Malphene Trant walk down the stairs, arm and arm, gazing lovingly at each other.

”My goodness! I am famished! Some sandwiches from the pantry, you minx?!” Trevor spoke in a low predatory growl to the Dame.

”Yes, My Cayden!” Malphene purred as she very, very gently sat down at the table, while the cleric brought her some food.

GM Peachbottom wrote:

Sarenith 1, 4718 (Fireday) (Stachys, County of Meratt, Taldor)

Over the next three days, you prepare to make a trip back to Oppara for an overdue visit to your old home.

Over the next day, Dame Malphene packs her bags and leaves Betony Estates. The noblewoman fighter will leave a day or so before the rest of the manor. Malphene has the appointment with her tailor in Oppara for the new dress she helped design to go with Trevor's stunning gift of jewelry, along with a lengthy tailoring session to make the dress fit perfectly and fix any defects or design choices.

Trevor sees Dame Trant off on the new narrowboat to Oppara, along with the outgoing mail. In the mail, Trevor wrote a letter to his mother and his Uncle Remilliard, expecting Dame Trant to join the Kastner Manor for a dinner the following night.
GM Peachbottom wrote:

Around the same time, a representative from Jambis visits Stachys to announce that initial repairs to the town are complete. The messenger also informs you that as a happy side effect, the returning residents discovered in their cleanup that the webbing from the remaining cat-sized spiders is easily harvested and woven into all sorts of goods.

They are able to make masterwork lassos, nets, scorpion whips, slings, whips, padded armor, and hide armor—all fashioned from spider silk—available for 50% of market cost.
The man also presents you with 500 feet of spider silk rope in thanks and as a demonstration of the town’s growing new industry. (Plus 1 more Loyalty Point)

Trevor marvels at the spider silk rope, congratulation the Jambis representative. The cleric assures the merchant he will tell his friends in Oppara about Jambis's latest spider silk rope industry, in hopes of drawing business to the rejuvenated town.

On a related note, did anyone lay claim to the Subtle Mask? Surely, someone other than Trevor could use it. He already has The Envoy Ring.
GM Peachbottom wrote:

Sarenith 6, 4718 (Wealday) (Oppara, Taldor)

You discreetly return to Oppara. When you return, the metropolis seems to have returned to much like it was before the massacre. There is still an air of uncertainty with palace still on lockdown and no formal leader established, but for the common folk, its business as usual.
The visit to Oppara will be largely lead by you. You can decide on any actions you want to take here. I’ll help fill in any interactions if needed.

Trevor will keep a room wherever the coterie plans to stay. But the focus of the visit back to Oppara for Trevor will be a flawless family dinner with Malphene at Kastner Manor, with the hope the aasimar will get his mother's and uncle's blessing to propose marriage to Dame Trant.

Trevor's player worked over 13 hours today. He will level Trevor to level 6 sometime this holiday weekend.

AC 11, T 11, FF 10 | CMB 3, CMD 13 | HP 51/51 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +1 | Perception +0 | Conditions: haste
Eidolon stats:
AC 18+4, T 12, FF 16+4 | CMB +9, CMD 21 |HP 27/32 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2-1 | Perception +15 , scent 30 ft | Conditions: mage armor, haste

Xallis still finds himself dumbfounded by the appearance of such a painting-hopping creature, and takes a moment to mentally run through his lessons about constructs and arcane anomalies. A bit of mumbling, a bit of pacing, and a few carefully written notes later...

Trevor Kastner wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Xallis' studies continue for a while, until Navia grins slightly to herself. Her ears twitch as her eyes glance upwards to the floor above them. The occasional chuckle from the eidolon eventually breaks Xallis' concentration. At that point, he can hear it too.

"Yes. In vivid detail, too." Navia responds in his head, answering the question before Xallis can ask it.

The summoner presses his face against his palm, setting down his pen and sealing the pot of ink. So much for focusing on his studies. But even that thought is interrupted by Navia placing a hand on his shoulder. He looks up to see his eidolon, her eyes staring straight at him, the mercurial muscles writhing beneath her skin like sea serpents.

"Why let it distract you?" the eidolon asks, taking hold of the summoner's wrist and guiding him towards a spare room. "Passion should inspire."

Behind the door ajar...:
Navia's form curls in on itself, her wings wrapping around her and stretching out to form a vaguely translucent cocoon. Thin tendrils of red anchor it to the floor and ceiling. The Xallis rolls up his wrists and presses his hands against those wings.

As expected, his fingers and palms slip through the membrane of flesh as easily as the surface of water. Underneath, the wing-shell is filled with raw essence from Navia's home plane, the transluscent red slime giving the summoner more than enough material to do his work. Fingers trace aling the eidolon's spine, eventually diving into her lower back to wrap delicately along her backbone. Slow, gentle tugs pull at the bones and coax a spine to extend, with each little pop adding another vertebrae to the chain. Muscle and skin soon follow, extending out until the eidolon has a lean tail about three feet long.

Moving around, he takes her hands in his, pulling at her clawed fingers to carefully extend their length. The muscles are pressed into new shapes, making each digit more dexterous and sensitive to the touch, ending when her fingers are extended by an extra joint on each one.

Lastly, his fingers dip just past the surface of her scalp, gently massaging her brain to rewrite some of her coordinating functions. "No more silly dancing..." he murmurs out loud, still in a half trance as he puts the finishing touches on his work.

When the deed is done, Xallis withdraws his arms and shakes the extraplanar goo off of them. Not that it really matters; as soon as the anchoring tendrils of flesh retract back to their home, the visceral remnants of the metamorphosis dissipate as well.

Xallis smiles as he emerges from the room, sliding his sleaves back into place. Navia steps in right behind him, a freshly grown tail of a vaguely reptilian nature swaying behind her. The eidolon's wingspan seems to have grown a bit, and they certainly look more powerful. Lastly, her fingers are extended with an extra join and they seem exceptionally well suited to fiddling with mechanical devices.

GM Peachbottom wrote:

Sarenith 1, 4718 (Fireday) (Stachys, County of Meratt, Taldor)

Over the next three days, you prepare to make a trip back to Oppara for an overdue visit to your old home.

While preparing, Xallis will take some time to prepare a letter and have it sent to his family. Nothing all too special, just a simple heads-up that he'll be in town in the next few days and that he'll most certainly stop by to say hello.

Tychus Marcaius wrote:
GM Peachbottom wrote:
You discreetly return to Oppara. When you return, the metropolis seems to have returned to much like it was before the massacre. There is still an air of uncertainty with palace still on lockdown and no formal leader established, but for the common folk, its business as usual.
"I will need to check in with the church. A lot of stuff has happened since we were last here... I trust we can meet up later at our familiar inn?"

Xallis nods. "Fair enough. Besides some shopping, I'd like to visit my family's estate and see how they're doing. Anyone is free to come along if they'd like to meet them, but I assume we've all got business to attend to. We know where to meet up."

"See you later!" the eidolon waves with one hand. Her tail wags a bit, which seems to be a habit she's still trying to learn to control.

F NG human mesmerist 6 | HP 51/51 | AC19* T12* FF19* | CMB+7 CMD18 | F+5 R+6 W+9* (+2 vs illusions) | Init+3 Per+8 SM+8 | hero 3 tricks 4/5 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-5/5 2nd-4/4 | effects/conditions Mesmeric Mirror (implanted), message 60m

As soon as Henrika arrives in Oppara, she excuses herself from her friends and makes her way to the building where Jack Falchion is being held. After some polite questioning and a few pieces of silver when questions aren't enough, she convinces them to let her see him.

Jack is chained in manacles on both legs, looking very bad indeed. "Oh Ren," he mumbles, most of the life seemingly gone from him, "Is it you? Have you come back to see me?"

It takes some time and a lot of her focused energy to raise his spirits somewhat. She pays to have a good meal brought to her, and she shares it with Jack. He eats somberly, timidly, like his teeth are sore and he doesn't dare swallow too much in one gulp for fear of being unable to keep it down. "I am here," she comforts him, concealing how much it hurts her to see him brought so low. When she asks about the details of his imprisonment, he tries to downplay it out of what she suspects is embarrassment, but she eventually learns that his sentence is nineteen years. "Nineteen years?" she exclaims in shock.

He nods. "Five years for the theft. Seven more because I tried to escape. Twice." He shakes his head. "I will never leave this place. This will be where old Jack breathes his last." He sighs, and to Henrika's dismay he begins to cry, quiet sobs with his head buried in the folds of his neck.

Henrika remains with him for several hours, reminiscing and commiserating and just keeping him company. She pays for another meal when the sun sets, and gently steers the conversation toward his regrets, if he has any, as he begins to look drowsy. "Aye, I should have listened to you," he whispers, as if the admission causes him pain. "If only I could go back to th' crossroads, take me a different path, so's I could see that another story must begin."

When he falls asleep she leaves, and returns to the inn where she and her friends are staying. She asks them to gather and buys everyone drinks. "My dears: Xallis and Navia, Malphene and Trevor, Ichabod and Tychus. I must ask you for a great favor. My longest and truest friend is being held by the local magistrate, imprisoned in a gaol. I have decided that I must see him freed. Will you help me?"


Do you want to try to free Jack legally or illegally? Are we petitioning the courts or staging a prison break? I’ll work with either direction.


Trevor meets up with Malphene in Oppara and together they visit the Kastner Estate. A butler greets them at the door and takes them to a drawing room where Trevor’s mother and uncle arrive to welcome them.

Balvantia embraces Trevor in a hug and Remilliard shakes his hand.

”Welcome, my son. It’s been too long. I’ve received your letters and I’m glad you are doing well but it is so good to see you in person. So let’s meet this woman who’s gotten my son so smitten. I never thought I’d see the day. Trevor’s always been something of a playboy. I’m quite surprised he’d find someone to settle down with. You must really be special, Dame Trant.” says Balvantia.

”The Trant family has a respectable reputation. I knew your father before…the tragedy. You have my condolences. But let us look towards the future. I look forward to learning more about you. You two can go up to Trevor’s old room and freshen up. I know the journey from Meratt is long. I’ll have the servants prepare a special dinner for tonight and we can talk more then.” says Remilliard.


Xallis also makes a trip to his family estate. His parents Velius and Akasta are there to greet him.

”Welcome home, son.” says Velius. ”How’s life as a tribune treating you? You know, your mother and I had some concerns about your ability to assume a leadership role, but from what we hear about Stachys is that it is growing and prospering since you inherited the estate. Well done. You are finally making something of yourself. I’m very proud of you.”

”We even received a letter from Count Lotheed says how impressed he was with you and that it is a pleasure to have another talented spellcaster in the county. Have you met anybody out there? Maybe this Lotheed fellow has a relative you could associate with?” says Akasta. ”How long are you in the city? You are welcome to stay as long as you like. You can bring over any of your friends as well.”


Tychus sets off on his own to the Cathedral of Coin, Abadar’s temple in Oppara. He seeks an audience with the Archbanker, which is granted.

”Welcome, Tychus. It is good to see you in good health. It gladdens me to see that you are continuing to carry the faith. In these times of turmoil, the church of Abadar provides the people with stability. As you know, commerce is the true king of a kingdom. Even without an appointed ruler, as long as the coin flows, we know we have Abadar’s blessing. What brings you here this day?”


Does your character have anything he wants to do in Oppara?

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)
Henrika Karthis wrote:
When he falls asleep she leaves, and returns to the inn where she and her friends are staying. She asks them to gather and buys everyone drinks. "My dears: Xallis and Navia, Malphene and Trevor, Ichabod and Tychus. I must ask you for a great favor. My longest and truest friend is being held by the local magistrate, imprisoned in a gaol. I have decided that I must see him freed. Will you help me?"

"I shall do what I can", Trevor stood firm. "Both the Karthis and Kastner Names should help the process of your friend's release. Assuming this friend did not commit a major crime."

F NG human mesmerist 6 | HP 51/51 | AC19* T12* FF19* | CMB+7 CMD18 | F+5 R+6 W+9* (+2 vs illusions) | Init+3 Per+8 SM+8 | hero 3 tricks 4/5 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-5/5 2nd-4/4 | effects/conditions Mesmeric Mirror (implanted), message 60m

Henrika purses her lips. "He knowingly committed his crimes of thievery, though I have reason to believe he repents of his actions. His sentence has been extended significantly because he twice tried to escape, causing damage to the building and injuries to several of the guards-- though thankfully he did not kill anyone. I do not feel his punishment is just, but I cannot deny that he is a criminal or argue that the law has been wrongly applied."

She sighs. "It is plain that the conditions of his imprisonment are killing him. If I do nothing, he will surely die before he serves even the tenth part of his sentence."

M Human Investigator 6|HP 47/47|AC17T12FF15|F4R7W5|Per8 Insp5/5 Hero pt 1

I have only minimal knowledge of legal matters but can lend aid with any research. Perhaps there is a way to transfer custody to us where he can serve his time in labor? We could arrange a geas to be placed upon him.

LN Human Bolt Ace 5/Sanctified Slayer 1| HP 51/51 | AC 25, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6 | Perception +13 | Grit: 4/4

GM Peachbottom wrote:
”Welcome, Tychus. It is good to see you in good health. It gladdens me to see that you are continuing to carry the faith. In these times of turmoil, the church of Abadar provides the people with stability. As you know, commerce is the true king of a kingdom. Even without an appointed ruler, as long as the coin flows, we know we have Abadar’s blessing. What brings you here this day?”

"I have come with news of Stachys, and Meratt as a whole. We have come into the good graces of Archbanker Lady Paril of Lotheedar. And we saved the life of one of our own acolytes, Fester Mise. Abadar's wealth spreads through Meratt, aided greatly by our own newly refurbished church and market."

Tychus then goes on for several minutes recounting in detail their adventures (and misadventures), especially the parts concerning the fallen crusader at the Pump House, and of the cursed Baron Telus.

Henrika Karthis wrote:

Henrika purses her lips. "He knowingly committed his crimes of thievery, though I have reason to believe he repents of his actions. His sentence has been extended significantly because he twice tried to escape, causing damage to the building and injuries to several of the guards-- though thankfully he did not kill anyone. I do not feel his punishment is just, but I cannot deny that he is a criminal or argue that the law has been wrongly applied."

She sighs. "It is plain that the conditions of his imprisonment are killing him. If I do nothing, he will surely die before he serves even the tenth part of his sentence."

Tychus exhales deeply. He gives Henrika a sad and tired smile.

"I'm not sure there is much we can do. It would be one thing to try and spring him from prison for theft," he seems to recoil slightly at the word, "but not only has he attempted to escape, twice!, but he injured people and caused damage to the infrastructure. It appears he has sealed his own fate."

At first he seems to settle his mind on the matter.

Icabhod Tilneros wrote:
I have only minimal knowledge of legal matters but can lend aid with any research. Perhaps there is a way to transfer custody to us where he can serve his time in labor? We could arrange a geas to be placed upon him.

He perks up a bit at the idea.

"I can rummage through my notes, see if maybe there is something we can use to legally release him. But if not, Icabhod's idea isn't terrible. We could try to relocate him to Stachys. Maybe get him assigned to manual labour there."

Profession (Barrister): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11


Profession (Barrister) Hero Point Re-Roll: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

AC 11, T 11, FF 10 | CMB 3, CMD 13 | HP 51/51 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +1 | Perception +0 | Conditions: haste
Eidolon stats:
AC 18+4, T 12, FF 16+4 | CMB +9, CMD 21 |HP 27/32 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2-1 | Perception +15 , scent 30 ft | Conditions: mage armor, haste
GM Peachbottom wrote:


Xallis also makes a trip to his family estate. His parents Velius and Akasta are there to greet him.

”Welcome home, son.” says Velius. ”How’s life as a tribune treating you? You know, your mother and I had some concerns about your ability to assume a leadership role, but from what we hear about Stachys is that it is growing and prospering since you inherited the estate. Well done. You are finally making something of yourself. I’m very proud of you.”

”We even received a letter from Count Lotheed says how impressed he was with you and that it is a pleasure to have another talented spellcaster in the county. Have you met anybody out there? Maybe this Lotheed fellow has a relative you could associate with?” says Akasta. ”How long are you in the city? You are welcome to stay as long as you like. You can bring over any of your friends as well.”

"Ahhh, so many questions. This is what I get for not writing often enough." He smiles warmly. "Ahh, Count Lotheed is an interesting man. He's as focused as any when it comes to the craft, and he's about as warm in the heart as a man of our own homeland. But unlike the people of Cheliax, he seems very... how do I put it..."

Xallis maintains a stoic expression, but Navia grins on his behalf. "I would call him unchallenged. Now then, I'd be delighted to tell you more over a hot cup of tea..."

Henrika Karthis wrote:
When he falls asleep she leaves, and returns to the inn where she and her friends are staying. She asks them to gather and buys everyone drinks. "My dears: Xallis and Navia, Malphene and Trevor, Ichabod and Tychus. I must ask you for a great favor. My longest and truest friend is being held by the local magistrate, imprisoned in a gaol. I have decided that I must see him freed. Will you help me?"

Navia's face lights up in delight. "Oh, this is exactly the sort of thing I've been wanting to do! We should head out right away. I'll scout out the place, see if I can't crawl through a-"

Xallis raises a finger and wiggles it back and forth, allowing himself to take another long swig of his drink. "Let's not go rushing into things. While I trust Henrika and certainly wish to see her friend in a better state, we should explore all of our options. Though... I'm not adverse to putting our abilities to the test."

He winks, and the eidolon squeals with delight.

Tychus wrote:
"I have come with news of Stachys, and Meratt as a whole. We have come into the good graces of Archbanker Lady Paril of Lotheedar. And we saved the life of one of our own acolytes, Fester Mise. Abadar's wealth spreads through Meratt, aided greatly by our own newly refurbished church and market."

The Archbanker at the Cathedral of Coins is pleased to hear of the newly established church in Stachys and gives Tychus an investment to further increase its size and influence.

You receive 2,500 gp worth of supplies towards the next temple improvement.

Falchion Jack is being held in the White Hall, a four-story marble structure in Grandbridge. It is the headquarters of Oppara’s constabulary and its primary jail. Tychus and Icabhod pair up and inquire with a local lawyer about the possibility of contesting Jack’s charges or transferring his custody. They are informed that the jail is currently exceeding capacity, filled with those either directly or indirectly involved in the Exaltation Massacre and also with thieves and violent protestors who were taking advantage of the current turmoil within the city. The constabulary would be more than happy to free up some space, but they aren’t going to just release a criminal. A formal hearing would be required for you to present your proposal. However, in Jack’s case, as a non-violent criminal (at least in the cases he’s currently charges with), he has very low priority. But you have a good chance of getting a hearing moved up by giving the judge a donation to grease the wheel. And should you get the audience you seek, the lawyer confirms what Trevor mentioned, that since a few of you come from noble backgrounds, the law will be skewed in your favor.

Meanwhile, Xallis and Navia do their own investigating. Navia discovers that there is a sewer line large enough to walk through that runs directly underneath the White Hall. Conveniently a nearby entrance to said line is only protected by a singular locked grate that should be no problem for Navia to pick. Xallis also learns that the White Hall is nicknamed the Screaming Pillars, as rumors abound of torture and political dissidents vanishing into the building forever. Should one such person being detained happen to vanish, as long as you aren’t caught, the likelihood of an investigation into the inmate disappearing is low, and would probably be chalked up to the building’s history of silencing particular individuals.

F NG human mesmerist 6 | HP 51/51 | AC19* T12* FF19* | CMB+7 CMD18 | F+5 R+6 W+9* (+2 vs illusions) | Init+3 Per+8 SM+8 | hero 3 tricks 4/5 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-5/5 2nd-4/4 | effects/conditions Mesmeric Mirror (implanted), message 60m

Henrika calls another meeting of the group once they have collected all of their information. "I am touched; thank you my friends. This is very helpful. It seems to me we have two viable paths: one, convincing a judge to hear Jack's case; and two, freeing him more directly. I understand that the latter option is distasteful-- I too would prefer not to break the law to achieve our aims. Thus, I suggest we pursue the first course, with the second course held in reserve if we should fail. Are we agreed? Very well. I see no reason for me to hide my involvement in arranging for his release, even though it will make finding him easier should he escape, and my family name might lend weight to the proceedings if I vouch for him before the court. I will pay whatever administrative costs are necessary."

M Human Investigator 6|HP 47/47|AC17T12FF15|F4R7W5|Per8 Insp5/5 Hero pt 1

We can certainly donate to any bereavement fund for those who have lost loved ones during the massacre. Such thoughtfulness will certainly be looked on favorably.

Finding the right person to talk to is only a matter of going to White Hall and asking. However it turns out to be a tedious affair that takes the remainder of the day. You ask the constabulary to speak with a judge who can oversee a ruling on Falchion Jack. You are told to wait in a crowded waiting area while they handle your request. Hours pass before an officer returns to fetch you and lead you into an office. ”Judge Stone will see you now.” the officer says.

In the office, a stern-looking judge sits behind a large desk. There are no chairs for you to sit. ”I hear you want to present a proposal in regards to prisoner who goes by the name, Falchion Jack. Is that correct? The criminal has already been sentenced. Tell me why I should hear you out.”

You slip the judge a pouch with 1,000 gold coins and he slips it into a drawer.

”You have a very convincing argument. There is no need for a formal sitting. Return to my office tomorrow at noon and I will allow you to present your case. I will decide at that time if your request has validity. You are dismissed.”

The next day, whoever wants to attend can return to the judge and present your arguments.

You can include any skill checks you want to include to persuade the judge, (Diplomacy, Profession, Etc.)

M Human Investigator 6|HP 47/47|AC17T12FF15|F4R7W5|Per8 Insp5/5 Hero pt 1

As they leave the judge's chambers, Icabhod inhales. Ah, the sweet smell of graft.

LN Human Bolt Ace 5/Sanctified Slayer 1| HP 51/51 | AC 25, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6 | Perception +13 | Grit: 4/4

Tychus addresses Icabhod without turning his gaze.

"I don't like it, but I can't be blind to how this system works..."

He shakes his head wearily.

"So... What's the plan for our case? I know a thing or two about the law, I can certainly help formulate our offer. But maybe one of you other silver tongues should do the actual talking..."

Profession(Barrister): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Mannnn, what's with my Prof rolls lately...
Profession(Barrister) RR: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

M Human Investigator 6|HP 47/47|AC17T12FF15|F4R7W5|Per8 Insp5/5 Hero pt 1

I have very limited knowledge of law, but I can perhaps research possible predicants of sentences being carried out with service and magical guarantees that he won't flee.

Keen Recollection, Know Law: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Know History,Inspiration: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 11 + (3) = 21
Know-Local,Inspiration: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 11 + (3) = 18

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)

If given a chance, Trevor Kastner will stand before the judge and ask for Mr. Jack Falchion be handed over to our care. The aasimar will remind the judge that the jail are currently to capacity, and Mr. Falchion was a non-violent offender, despite his multiple escape attempts.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27

F NG human mesmerist 6 | HP 51/51 | AC19* T12* FF19* | CMB+7 CMD18 | F+5 R+6 W+9* (+2 vs illusions) | Init+3 Per+8 SM+8 | hero 3 tricks 4/5 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-5/5 2nd-4/4 | effects/conditions Mesmeric Mirror (implanted), message 60m

Henrika will take her turn to speak to the judge, explaining that she is a knight and would formally take John ("Jack") Falchion as her squire/man-at-arms to ensure that he is less tempted to break the law in the future. She explains the long history the two of them have, with Jack having been hired by her father to teach her swordfighting when she was young. She depicts her uncle as the reason for his downfall, as he sent Jack away when he took control of her father's estates. "What I want to emphasize, your Honor," she summarizes, "is that I have met with and talked to John, and his imprisonment has dramatically changed him. He is no longer the man he once was, and he is anxious to be useful. His great strength and martial skills are wasted in a cell. The system works: he has done his time; let me now give him something worthwhile to do with the rest of his life."

Diplomacy, ioun stone, persona: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 11 + 2 + 2 = 31

The Judge Stone takes in all your arguments and replies, ”Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn about that man’s rehabilitation. But I do know that he has been nothing be a thorn in our side ever since his arrest. Constant belligerent behavior. Multiple escape attempts. I’m sure the constabulary would be more than happy to be rid of this nuisance. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t even entertain listening a request like this. But I recognize a number of your houses and I’m going grant your request for the prisoner’s release as a favor. Taldor is going to be remade in either Eutropia or Maxillar’s image and regardless of who ends up as ruler, the noble houses’ power will remain. Just make sure that my leniency is remembered.”

The judge writes an order on paper and hands it to you. ”Take this to the warden and John Falchion will be released into your care. Take him with you and stay far away from Oppara.”

You leave the judge’s office and head down to the jail. The warden accepts the written order and fetches Jack.

”Well I’ll be!” Jack announces. ”I knew you could do it, Henrika. You’ve always been the best of us. So what now?”

F NG human mesmerist 6 | HP 51/51 | AC19* T12* FF19* | CMB+7 CMD18 | F+5 R+6 W+9* (+2 vs illusions) | Init+3 Per+8 SM+8 | hero 3 tricks 4/5 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-5/5 2nd-4/4 | effects/conditions Mesmeric Mirror (implanted), message 60m

"Judge Stone," Henrika repeats, to commit the name to memory. "I will remember you."

Henrika takes Jack to the inn where she and her friends are staying. "It must be noted that you are only out of prison because of the coordinated efforts of my friends, to whom I would be pleased to introduce you." She goes around the table. "We are only in town for a short while, to purchase some supplies and to deal with some family matters, before we return to Sir Xallis's estate. You will come with us, of course. I wish to hire you as my man-at-arms, and when we get there I want you to resume my training. It has been a long time since we sparred and I believe I am getting rusty." She smiles.

"Until then, I think it would be best for you to remain in my rooms. You are a free man, but I think it is better if you were to act as if you are on parole while in the city, and avoid our old haunts for now. I am in touch with several of our old friends, and if you need anything I would be happy to fetch or purchase it for you. I imagine you would like to celebrate your release, and please allow me to buy your first drink."

With deep feelings of guilt, Henrika decides to put off visiting her mother for the day, since she needs to help Jack get settled. Tomorrow she will see to the purchases she came to Oppara to make, and she will return to the Karthis estate then.

M Human Investigator 6|HP 47/47|AC17T12FF15|F4R7W5|Per8 Insp5/5 Hero pt 1

Icabhod himself has no pressing business in the city and so will just make sure Jack does not wander off and cause more trouble.

AC 11, T 11, FF 10 | CMB 3, CMD 13 | HP 51/51 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +1 | Perception +0 | Conditions: haste
Eidolon stats:
AC 18+4, T 12, FF 16+4 | CMB +9, CMD 21 |HP 27/32 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2-1 | Perception +15 , scent 30 ft | Conditions: mage armor, haste

"You know, while we're in town we should get something nice for ourselves. Perhaps a bottle of wine, or some lovely piece of art." Then, the summoner pauses to consider. "Or perhaps some help for the estate. We've got an embarrassing lack of hands at home and I imagine my reputation can maintain for so long when I have to answer my own door."

He smiles at his own joke.

Sarenith 6, 4718 (Wealday) (Oppara, Taldor)

With the paperwork of freeing Jack taking the majority of the day, you rest for the night. At Henrika’s suggestion, she sneaks Jack into one of the rooms in her family’s estate and holds a small celebration out of the public’s eye. It feels weird without the rest of the crew but most of them are waiting back in Stachys for your return in a few days.

Icabhod wrote:
Icabhod himself has no pressing business in the city and so will just make sure Jack does not wander off and cause more trouble.

Icabhod notices an increased number of swindlers in the streets and back alleys. Fortunately, so far, these con-artists can tell that the group is no easy mark and wisely avoids them.

Sarenith 7, 4718 (Oathday) (Oppara, Taldor)

The next day, you are free to shop. And Trevor has a dinner with Malphene he is preparing for.

(Trevor, is everyone in the party invited to the dinner? Or is it a private affair?)

(As a metropolis, Oppara has all minor magic items available (anything under 8k), so there is no limit to what you can purchase while here. It doesn’t look like you have much to sell but there might be one or two things you want to. If so, let me know.)

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)
GM Peachbottom wrote:

Sarenith 7, 4718 (Oathday) (Oppara, Taldor)

(Trevor, is everyone in the party invited to the dinner? Or is it a private affair?)

They are now!!! I'll post some cleanup RP with Malphene and The Kastner family.

Lady Balvantia Kastner will be eager to meet the people Trevor has been writing home about.

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)
GM Peachbottom wrote:

Trevor meets up with Malphene in Oppara and together they visit the Kastner Estate. A butler greets them at the door and takes them to a drawing room where Trevor’s mother and uncle arrive to welcome them.

Balvantia embraces Trevor in a hug and Remilliard shakes his hand.

”Welcome, my son. It’s been too long. I’ve received your letters and I’m glad you are doing well but it is so good to see you in person.”

”Mother!” Trevor smiles as Lady Balvantia embraces her aasimar son. ””I've missed everyone so much!”

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)
”GM Peachbottom” wrote:
So let’s meet this woman who’s gotten my son so smitten. I never thought I’d see the day. Trevor’s always been something of a playboy. I’m quite surprised he’d find someone to settle down with. You must really be special, Dame Trant.” says Balvantia.

Dame Malphene Trant bows cordially before Lady Balvantia and Lord Remilliard.

”Well, truth be told, Lady Balvantia; Trevor has not asked me to be his wife. But I remain hopefully.” The towering Malphene smiles demurely.

”GM Peachbottom” wrote:
”The Trant family has a respectable reputation. I knew your father before…the tragedy. You have my condolences. But let us look towards the future. I look forward to learning more about you. You two can go up to Trevor’s old room and freshen up. I know the journey from Meratt is long. I’ll have the servants prepare a special dinner for tonight and we can talk more then.” says Remilliard.

”Thank you very much for your kind words, Lord Remilliard” Dame Trant smiles to herself. ”My father would have been gratified to hear that. He had a lot of respect for those who choose to take the Oaths of the Paladin. I understand it can be difficult to be both a man of faith and a noble. Trevor has confided in me some of his struggles.”

Before Trevor and Malphene walk upstairs to Trevor's room to freshen up, Lady Balvantia stops them.
”Dame Trant. I am unsure how long tonight's dinner will be. If the hour becomes too late, we would like to extent an invitation to sleep here. We should have enough rooms for everyone. OH! Trevor! Please invite our 'extended family' from Betony Estates. Do your best to convince them to join us, please! We should all have a fine time!” Lady Balvantia clapped her hands once in excitement.

Shopping during the day is uneventful. All the while, the Kastners prepare a feast. Jack Falchion declines any invitation, saying ”My presence would only cause more trouble than it’s worth.” That night, everyone who chooses to attend dresses in one of their finer noble’s outfits (probably) and heads to the Kastner Estate.

At the estate, a dinner rivaling that of the Tanager Jubilee is assembled. Although the guest list is just Trevor and his friends, there is still live music and more food than you could possibly eat. After some small talk and entertainment and everyone is seated to eat, everyone looks to Trevor who has something to say.

LN Human Bolt Ace 5/Sanctified Slayer 1| HP 51/51 | AC 25, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6 | Perception +13 | Grit: 4/4

Tychus makes sure to make an appearance at the party, presenting Trevor with a bottle of Sangwine, along with two small ornate glasses inlaid with gold filigree.

"For a special occasion, perhaps."

He mysteriously vanishes shortly after dinner.

Diplo +19 (Charming +20)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)
GM Peachbottom wrote:
At the estate, a dinner rivaling that of the Tanager Jubilee is assembled. Although the guest list is just Trevor and his friends, there is still live music and more food than you could possibly eat. After some small talk and entertainment and everyone is seated to eat, everyone looks to Trevor who has something to say.

Trevor and his guests are blown away by the pomp and dinner spread. The cleric begins to think this dinner had been planned a while ago. As dinner begins, Lord Remillard says prayer of thanks to Ragthiel, and encourages those in attendance of faith to offer their prayers. Trevor stands and offers a thankful toast to Cayden Cailean.

As dinner commences, the mood is still very celebratory. Xallis and his 'extended family' have had a long hard road to get Stachys on the road to recovery. And this celebration was just for them and the Kastner family.

Trevor's mood seemed much more relaxed. The cleric had to go tell his family from Betony Estates about the Kastner dinner, while Trevor did some light shopping. Before the guests of honor arrived, the caydenite had a long discussion about his future with his Uncle Remilliard and Lady Balvantia. Blessing were given, tears were shed. Now sitting next to Dame Malphene Trant, Trevor had a good sized knot in his stomach from nerves.

Before desert was served, Trevor took a 'heroic' drink from his goblet, then stood up, pushing his chair far behind him.
"Attention everyone. I have a few words to say", Sir Trevor Kastner began, as the musical band when silent. "I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lord Remilliard and Lady Balvantia for the wonderful meal you have set for us. I have made you both aware of our struggles in Stachys via letters. And both of your support has been a great comfort."

"Thank you, Uncle Remilliard for making Kastner manor feel like a home, and acting as a concerned uncle, and a father figure. I knew my birth was an ..unexpected joy, but everyone in Kastner Manor has made me feel welcomed and loved. And I thank all my cousins, uncles, and aunts."

"Being a Kastner comes with unique challenges. Especially in these uncertain times. But it was through this hardship that two different people met, became good friends, then lovers, then being in love. Dame Malphene Trant", Trevor turned to the radiant woman, wearing an absolutely gorgeous dress that matches her gold, silver, and platinum amethyst earrings and ring impeccably.

"Malphene. You are a beautiful woman, both outward, and most importantly inward. I admire the fire within you. And your ability to help others without need for some compensation. Even in my most lucid prayer sessions, I never thought I'd ever meet a woman like you. Despite my heritage and name, I am as flawed as any man. But I hope together we shall forge a new life to match the upcoming age of Taldan."

From his trouser pocket, Trevor produces a heavily-jeweled diamond ring.
The cleric dropped to one knee before the human fighter. "This ring was my grandmother's. My mother got it resized, now that I knew your ring size. But I'm getting off-topic. My dearest Malphene. Will you marry me?"

M Human Investigator 6|HP 47/47|AC17T12FF15|F4R7W5|Per8 Insp5/5 Hero pt 1

Icabhod of course dressed finely for the dinner in a smartly tailored suit that was in deep blues and a tasteful amount of jewelry and accessories such as a cane and folded kerchief in his pocket. He preferred to show modest wealth rather than be bedecked with heavy ornaments.

Unfortunately, while he had considerable stores of knowledge, being able to engage in chit-chat and stimulating conversation were not in his mental toolbox so he was mostly sipping port in a corner and deflecting any interest in himself.

AC 11, T 11, FF 10 | CMB 3, CMD 13 | HP 51/51 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +1 | Perception +0 | Conditions: haste
Eidolon stats:
AC 18+4, T 12, FF 16+4 | CMB +9, CMD 21 |HP 27/32 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2-1 | Perception +15 , scent 30 ft | Conditions: mage armor, haste

Xallis attends the dinner donning his black and violet attire, most notably alone. Should any of his companions ask why, he will simply smile and say something about a "line of highly inappropriate questions that Navia had in mind."

The noble can't help but brush a tear away from his cheek when he sees Trevor propose. Though he watches the crowd for a reaction, he is most certainly prepared to be one of the first to give applause when Malphene gives her response.

Even though Malphene had suspected Trevor was planning something like this, she is still taken by surprise. She stands stunned for a moment and then breaks down into happy tears. ”Yes! Of course, yes!” She allows Trevor to put the ring on her finger then lifts Trevor off his feet and kisses him midair.

Trevor’s uncle and mother get out of their seats and gather around the couple. ”Congratulations, my boy.” says Remilliard, shaking Trevor’s hand. ”I never thought I’d see the day that you settled down. But you couldn’t have picked a better woman. You’ve got your hands full with this one but I foresee a happy future for the two of you.” Her turns to Malphene and hugs her. ”Welcome to the family. Treat Trevor well. He’s like a son to me. Even though I know he’s responsible and capable of taking care of himself, with you two living days away from Oppara, I’m glad he’ll have someone to look after him all the same.”

Trevor’s mother, Balvantia, hugs them both. ”I’m so happy for you. When I first heard that Trevor found someone to be in a serious relationship with, I was overjoyed. And after getting to know you, even just briefly, I can see what he sees in you and I know that he make an excellent choice. You are both beautiful and capable, much like myself.” She laughs. ”I know Trevor has important work to attend to for the sake of Taldor, but I hope you can find some time to provide me with plenty of grandchildren along the way too.”

The musicians change their tune to lively music and the family encourages everyone to get up and dance in celebration. Champaigne is passed around. And the dinner becomes a party that lasts into the late hours of the night.

At the end of the night, Remilliard will approach Trevor with a gift for the occasion.

Remilliard will pay for the next Festival event (under Rebuilding Stachys, worth 2,000 gp). You can use the Festival as a wedding event or any other event you want.

F NG human mesmerist 6 | HP 51/51 | AC19* T12* FF19* | CMB+7 CMD18 | F+5 R+6 W+9* (+2 vs illusions) | Init+3 Per+8 SM+8 | hero 3 tricks 4/5 YR 1/1 | spells 1st-5/5 2nd-4/4 | effects/conditions Mesmeric Mirror (implanted), message 60m

Henrika makes a point of attending the dinner, dressed in her fine attire and suspecting that something important would happen. She congratulates the happy couple. "My very best wishes to you both," she says. Afterward, she excuses herself and returns to her rooms to keep Jack company. The less time he has alone, the fewer opportunities he has to get into trouble before we leave the city, she thinks wryly.

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