Blasto the Jellyfish |
"This one notes that if you want to talk about unity and cooperation, then you need to look no further than this one's home planet of Bretheda - Barathu are able to join together to form vast colonial lifeforms, sharing our thoughts and abilities, creating composites that are much greater than simply a sum of their parts."
That question was basically made for a barathu to answer!
Culture: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18.
Ears |
"It's been a lot harder than they let on. And it's still not perfect. My grandfather was eaten by a shobhad. But most people accept that cooperation is the best way forward. All it took was the threat of the Swarm to get the Vesk into the Pact World bed."
Culture: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
DM Kludde |
Listen to this particular perspectice, a whole species revolving around structure, order and harmony. And these stories of overcoming differences to join up for the greater good. What's not to like?
Dreams! Tkerik chimes in the wider galaxy is full of dangers, and we would be wise to bide our time before we expose ourselves to these threats. Not until we are ready to withstand them should we move out, and that won't be for another few years. That's the earliest time we can allow more outsiders to show up at the Nebula Union’s doorstep.
What do we have now at our disposal? The Banyan? A pretty ship, but nothing to worry about. We will not need to fear the universe when we can give the universe a reason to fear us.
Tkerik takes Engineering to convince the Union is currently more than prepared, or a life science check to convince him the Union can hold their. A bit harder, you can try any suitable skill check if you can find a narrative emphasizing the strength of the union
[X][_] Sirellim
[X][_] Zallia
[_][_] RKY7
[_][_] Tkerik
Blasto the Jellyfish |
"Certainly, the universe is a big, and sometimes scary, place. However, it is also full of wonderful things. If you wait for the perfect moment, it will never come; there will always be 'just one more' thing that can be done. Wisdom comes in realising that you are prepared enough, and in then taking that first step.
History is littered with examples of isolationist or simply remote cultures that have, certainly, existed quite happily by themselves. However, that also means that when they are struck by tragedy, or some outside force, their passing is equally unnoticed. By interacting with the greater galaxy, you become part of the wider narrative, and your voice is not so easily lost.
Moreover, already, your union has taken the first step by integrating multiple distinct cultures into one, and your flagship is quite impressive. I am sure that you will generate plenty of interest with your specialties, and go on to show just how strong you are; that will in turn promote further strength, as cross-pollination between cultural ideas improves everyone's standing."
Culture (to quote specific examples): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24.
DM Kludde |
Hear hear! EKY7 chimes in Opportunities abound. What can you tell of the need of the drifters. Is there a market there? Are any tariffs being charged on any current Drift lanes? I see great opportunities for profit here.
The elorain looks stern [b[]“Please, don’t spin any tales for me. I would prefer you stick to the facts.”[/b]
I'd need a(ny relevant) profession check to identify sources of profit
From the way he speaks, it really sound like RKY7 is looking to make a side deal with the Drifters to turn a profit. You can call him out on that for a bonus
Ears |
Engineering: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
"Listen, Tkerik, your conrasu wood construction is strong and durable. Your ships don't have a lot to fear because they're just as good as anything else in the galaxy. We observed how little damage the drift pirates were able to inflict on Yonder. Jatembe's Jaunt is a relatively small opening. It's a choke point that you can defend fairly easily with a small number of ships. In addition, the Jaunt opens to the Pact Worlds, an organization of planets that is far more interested in trade and profit than conquest or warfare. "
Orpheox |
The vanguard had become intrigued by mention of missing Golarion and quietly pondered how they were on the edge of critically significant discovery.
"Sail past the pirates in the lane was indeed challenging feat, but they couldn't hold candle to us. The Union has capable warriors at its disposal so I'm sure you can defend yourselves against their incursions."
Sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Life science: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Atu Vaeyo |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16
Atu is a bit unnerved at the aggression being shown by one of the councilors. For such a 'cooperative' government, their sense of unity does seems to care little about the consent of those it would embrace.
But they holds their tongues for now: directly pushing back on a ruing council while in their stronghold could prove ...problematic. Plus, the spathinae's normally well-attuned ability to read people is failing them here: the unfamiliar construct frame, the water surrounding the uulian - these new species are ones they are having trouble reading the body language and nuances of.
Again, good at the skill, bad at the SM rolls today :p
And no Profession here - best Atu could do to address questions about tariffs and Drift Lane commerce might be Culture?
Liftt |
SM: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Prof(driving instructor): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
"Well, the drift lane is there and people will start to use it whether you like it or not. The real question facing you is how to make the *best* use of it." points out Liftt.
"I teach people how to fly. But if you had a safe drift lane, think about the opportunities you would have for controlling how they were studied? Also it sounds like you have lore from lost Glorian here. Many would probably like to study that too."
Blasto the Jellyfish |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24.
"Wherever goods are transported, there is always profit to be had - there are things that travelers need, and local deficiencies, and regional specialties that become popular elsewhere. Of course, the example that I am most familiar with is mercenary work - it gives merchants plenty of peace of mind, knowing that they have reliable guards to fall back upon in an emergency. You seem like smart enough people - I am sure that you could find a way to make a profit..."
Profession(Mercenary): 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 34.
DM Kludde |
RKY7's gears click in approval when Blasto makes his point. Zallia then taker her turn to respond to the final remark I hear there is still a lot of information to take in. I propose a recess to reflect on what we have just learned from these visitors. I invite you Zallia says, directly addressing the starfinders and showing that everything on board this ship is political to explore our ship, which is our prideful symbol of harmonious cooperation. We will take our break as well, but feel free to share further thoughts as we do so.
[X][_] Sirrelim
[X][_] Zallia
[X][_] Tkerik
[X][_] RKY7
Immediately after the Councilors depart the Unity Hall, Lasiel enters to collect papers, appearing much more unsteady on her paws than before. “I’m so-sorry, I didn’t-know-anyone was-in here,” she says, words slurring together. “Sorry if-I’m a-little jittery-right now—I love grabbing-Mama-Rae’s sugar snaps when I’m here with Tkerik, but sweets-and-baraggahs don’t really-mix and I-feel very-b-b-bouncy right now. I’m gonna-sit right-there-and-relax. Too-tense in-here anyway, don’t you think?”
She drops her voice to a loud whisper. “And it’s not-like we don’t-all know why. Work around here long-enough and you-pick up a-few secrets!”
Blasto the Jellyfish |
Blasto makes a gesture that could either be interpreted as a shrug or a 'come hither'.
"Well, we are newcomers. Why don't you share your wisdom, and educate us?"
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21.
Is she actually high/sick, or just jittery from a sugar rush and nervousness?
DM Kludde |
Blasto thinks Lasiel is truly suffering from the debilitating effects of a sugar rush, which really seems to adversely affect the baraggah.
To encourage Lasiel to speak further, I need a Diplomacy check.
To treat the sugar high, I need a medicine check or some way to remove the 'sickened' condition. If instead you want to stop Lasiel from spreading rumors, Bluff or Intimidate
Orpheox |
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
"These secrets likely need closer analysis by our Society. Co-operation, which is a core value to us, would benefit us both." Orpheox remarks to Lasiel in a friendly tone
Atu Vaeyo |
We have not yet had a chance to try her Snaps Atu says while observing their effects on their guide. [b]We look forward to it. Would you like to try some of our cuisine? It is perhaps not as tasty, but provides a useful balance to a diet.
Trying Medicine while getting some other food into Lasiel to try and counteract the sugar levels
Medicine: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
DM Kludde |
Do-you-know-Drifthop? The name of the game is barely possible to make out under the slurred voice. It's a game. You saw how Tkerik and Sirrellim don't seem to get along too well? Tkerik is-a-fanatic player, but they always play the same strategy. Tkerik, the crafty-one, figured this strategy-out, and beat Sirrellim-several-times-in-a row. Lasiel sniggers a bit Tkerik-got so-upset, shouting 'cheater, 'cheater'. They haven't played-with Sirrellim-since, is-what-I heard...
Atu steps in to help the poor Baraggah...
Pffft Lasiel says, taking a deep breath that's much better. It's better if I don't finish these she says, as she hands Atu a large bucket that says 'Mama Rae's C6H12O6 Sugar Snaps' and 'FANTASTIC BABY' written in big bright lettering all around the bucket. The sugar content is high with this one.
Each sugar snap (one for each PC) functions as a diplomat serum of enhancement
In the hallway just outside Unity Hall, Zallia can be found loitering around, wondering aloud if Captain Jaws would be having any more trouble with drifters. The other councilors are not here, but can probably be found scattered around the ship.
You can talk to Zallia here, or you can try and locate the other councilors. It's no secret where they are, just ask!
Hey, It's Mama Rae. Mama Rae, eat or play. Does your horse neigh? Mama Rae! Don't go away! Come to Mama Rae! I can do this all day, Mama Rae!
--- Mama Rae, advertisement
Atu Vaeyo |
Atu will approach Zallia.
We could not help but overhear. Do not worry: Captain Jaws is a fine captain, and we treated his injuries. We are certain he will be fine; it is unlikely the pirates will regroup so quickly.
We also appreciated your words of unity. Cooperation is a joyous and sacred thing. Though you must be prepared: even with the widest arms there are sometimes those who would choose the struggle to take all over the peace of sharing.
May we ask: the Drift Lane - Jatembae's Jaunt - on our end had not observed vessels exiting. Where was Captain Jaws headed? Have you found other connections within the Jaunt, other than that between our 'Pact Worlds' and your Union?
Liftt |
"Oh yes... does the Jaunt have just two end points... or is it more like a multiway intersection? I didn't notice any side routes while we were travelling it, but... something you have to know what you are looking for."
Ears |
Ears grabs one of the offered snacks. "Thanks, Lasiel."
Serum effects last 1 hour. The creature gains a +2 insight bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks. Creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or greater also gain the ability to comprehend, speak, and understand one language that it has heard in the last 10 minutes.
DM Kludde |
We're a Union, but one of differing view. Before we reach consensus on what to do with Jatembe's Jaunt, we have decided not to explore the other end. There's still a long way to go before we reach consensus she says pensively, it is often like this.
She stares out of the window and says Captain Jaws is a good friend, he's watching over our interests while we debate. I could really use his help here, I have an upcoming speech to commemorate the life of my distant ancestor Quentya Heron, who helped to form the peace at the center of the Nebula Union before dying mysteriously 200 years ago.
She sends a copy of the speech to Atu and Lifft. It's... a speech. Perhaps one of the worst you've ever read.
Diplomacy/Culture (Medium) to improve, Bluff (Hard) to convince her it's good
Liftt |
"Oh thanks..." says Liftt. Jancrast crowds round his write-coms unit and starts tapping away. For once the two in close proximity don't seem to be fighting. For once.
"I've got a couple of suggestions.." she suggests as she chews on a sugar cube.
diplomacy,serum,aid : 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 12 + 2 + 2 = 26
Atu Vaeyo |
Atu takes in the speech slowly. Thank you. It is clear from your writing how much your ancestor inspired you. Though perhaps for a public ceremony a stronger focus could be on the fruits of their efforts for the Union itself? There are a significant amount of pages dedicated to their early career as a barber before their work turns to their political achievements.
The word ‘moist’ also appears 47 times. Does that have a special connotation to this system?
Culture: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
DM Kludde |
Lifft gets an ever-so-slight sugar rush, and can only wonder what levels of havoc this thing must have wreaked on the poor Baraggah's mind. For the shirren, the sugar snap works well, and Lifft manages to rewrite the flow of the speech so that it makes more sense. Atu comes up with a few synonyms for 'moist', so that the storyline is less grating, and the whole ancestor thing is dropped.
Zallia is quite grateful for the help, though her thanks (equally meandering!) is cut short by an automated message on the comm unit of Orpheox.
This is RZMR, your friendly onboard computer. This is a public service announcement: unauthorized personnel has boarded the Thunderbolt. I repeat: unauthorized personnel has boarded the Thunderbolt
The unauthorized personnel prevention and evaporation system is currently offline for maintenance, all evaporation of unauthorized personnel has been suspended. Please mind the gap between the docking bay and the airlock.
DM Kludde |
Since you know your way around the Banyan quite well now, it shouldn't be hard to find the airlock where the Thunderbolt is docked
Atu Vaeyo |
hopefully it is not that Tkerik. Atu whispers to their colleagues as they move swiftly towards their craft. he seems excessively interested in the armaments of other organizations.
DM Kludde |
By the time the team arrives back at the thunderbolt, the ship is empty (something that is confirmed by the onboard computer).
Nikko: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Orpheox: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Ears: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
Atu: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
Liftt: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21
Blasto: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
Atu notices there are several small items out of place, which have been moved and poorly replaced, more as if they were knocked over by accident that as if someone was searching them.
When the group exits the ship, an elorian approaches. They are carrying a scanning device of some sort, and is bearing a nametag that says 'KRT41', who asks with a flat voice Are you planning to depart now?
Orpheox |
"Whoever the intruder was, we need check if anything is missing or broken before we depart." Orpheox says and grasps hilt of his thresherblade
Atu Vaeyo |
Atu nods in agreement to Orpheox.
While the vangurd begins the search, they respond to the elorian Not quite yet. We received a report of a minor irregularity with our vessel; we are just checking to ensure everything is fine.
May we ask: are there any limits on access to these bays or docked craft here?
DM Kludde |
W-w-well, nobody has access KRT41, still holding the scanner, responds, n-n-nobody has been on your ship. Really.
This elorain is clearly very nervous, and might be worried about getting into trouble a mistake they made.
Atu Vaeyo |
Ha! Finally an SM check Atu can’t fail even with a 1!
Atu goes inside the ship, ostensibly to ‘check’ on the contents but they whisper to the others a bit away from the construct. we believe the ‘intruder’ was KRT41 out there. though we think it was more likely out of ignorance than malice.
DM Kludde |
You can use Diplomacy or Intimidate to get more info out of the eloiran, depending on your... communication style
Liftt |
Jancrast looks at KRT41 and puts a sympathetic arms around the eloiran.
"Come now... there is more to this than you are letting on. I think you know something... and if one day our many are to be one... well.. don't you think we should know it too?"
diplomacy,serum: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 12 + 2 = 23
Orpheox |
Sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
"Its all right, if you messed something in the ship, you definitively should let us know. We can work it out." Orpheox says with warm smile
Auto success on Diplomacy aid
DM Kludde |
Okay, I'll admit it. It's my task to inspect ships, though yours is exempt. I searched your ship by mistake. Please don't report me, I don't want to get into any trouble
They show the scanner This scanner detects conrasu wood. We've recently had trouble with a smuggling ring that was stowing the wood on unsuspecting ships. Please don't tell anyone about my mistake...
I'll leave it up to you what you want to do. KRT41 is eager to just continue work. If you want to inform the authorities, in this case that would be RKY7. RKY7 should be not too far away
Ears |
"Just an over-eager kid, trying to do a good job. I think we give him a break."
We can build a cult of personality with all the station underlings.
Liftt |
"No harm done, and I don't see any requirement for reporting things like this." says Liftt.
"I think we just let it go."
Jancrast looks relieved. "That's the right answer Liftt. Reporting someone for doing their job too well is hardly going to engender cooperation with these lovely people."
DM Kludde |
There are three councillors left to interact with: RKY7, Tkerik and Sirellim. You can look around on the ship to meet them.
DM Kludde |
The group finds RKY7 in a small shrine to Eloritu, god of magic, history, and secrets on the starboard bow (that's where the shrine is - Eloritu is also the god of secrets of the port bow, for what it's worth).
The creature of technological descent looks up and asks Are you surprised to find me in a place of worship? They then explain My people, the elorains, were clockwork constructs magically given life by Eloritu in ancient prehistory. My people believe that technology is important, but it is bounded by the limits of physics and reality, and only magic can break these boundaries and reshape existence. We highly value magical experimentation and advancement, as well as the fusion of magic and technology to perform miraculous acts.
Such studies, RKY7 adds, are very expensive, and I am practical person, which is why I tend to value profit a bit more than magic. Somebody must be the one to ensure my people can maintain their way of life in a commerce-driven universe.
RKY7 is interested in methods to ensure Astrolabe Iand the Nebula Union remain commercially competitive on a galactic scale. You can attempt a Culture, Engineering, or Mysticism check, or an applicable Profession check if to make suggestions.
Atu Vaeyo |
No Atu responds, a bit surprised the councilor thinks they would be surprised. Faiths can nourish all and are found everywhere. Magic, life, the divine, and the created are not enemies but are deigned to work together in concert. We ourselves dedicate our work to the Forever Queen Hylax, though our own Pact worlds are open to adherents of all but the most destructive and malicious Gods.
Now, we admit that we are not merchants by trade ourselves. But from what we have seen of your Union so far I am certain the wider galaxy would have use for your works and creations. This conrasu wood - living material stronger than steel - alone is remarkable. Even beyond corporations, the churches of Oras or the Green Faith would undoubtedly be willing to treat with your system to study its nature.
Mysticism: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34
Orpheox |
"Very interesting, RKY7! I have some understanding of magic, even though I'm not a real spellcaster." Orpheox attempts to discuss how hybrid tech works
Culture: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Liftt |
Liftt listens to what RKY7 has to say. "There are lots of ways to contribute and ahh.. be competitive ... in the galaxy. And there are many who might be able to help your understanding of yourselves."
engineering: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Blasto the Jellyfish |
Magic, faith, and commerce do not have to be mutually exclusive. The faith of Abadar is clear proof of that! On the other hand, speaking of non-ecclesiastical faith, my people venerate the Dreamers - an off-shoot of our own race, who followed the skeins of magic to sleep, dream, and predict the future.
Culture: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20.
DM Kludde |
I appreciate your directness an honesty RKY7 responds to Atu, and yes, I see the commercial appeal of conrasu wood, although it is something that we protect strongly.
Allow me to help you by donating this piece of advanced scanning equipment, it will no doubt help you while in Jatembe's Jaunt
The equipment gives +1 to computers while in the drift lane.
Tkerik is on the weapons deck. Rayguns... particle guns... Missile launcher... they check off items one by one The best defense is a good offense Tkerik remarks as they see the group. You were right on time for the debates in Unity Hall. I appreciate that. Can you appreciate the loadout of this ship? The other councillors see me as aggressive, but all this hardware serves is a solid defense. We need to defend the Nebula Union from those with the wrong intentions!
The three-handed barragh has dice in each hand Do you play? they ask, Drifthop, I mean. Oh, you might not even be familiar with the rules... let me show you.
You roll a die in each of your hands they explain, holding out all three of their hands Oh, I see... If you have two hands, you just hold two dice in one hand and looking at Blasto if you have more than three, just leave the rest empty
You roll the dice secretly - only you can look at them
Drifthop!: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 6) = 16
So we first reveal the first die altogether... one... two... reveal!
See, I have a six. Next, you can choose 'Drift' or 'Hop'. If you choose 'hop', you reroll your next die they say, pointing with the now-empty hand to the second one. If you choose 'drift', you keep it as it is. I'll choose hop
1d6 ⇒ 2
We reveal the next hand... one... two... reveal!
Now I have a two. That's ok, I guess. For the last die, we do the same thing. This time I choose 'drift', so I don't reroll.
One... two... reveal!
I have a six this time, together that makes 14. Do you think you can beat me?
If you play you can play by the rules (roll your dice as above) OR roll a check to play fairly (Acrobatics or Sense Motive) OR cheat using Sleight of Hand. Can half of you beat the baraggah?