Eclipsed Faith

Game Master bigrig107

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Friendly Arm Inn
Silvermoon Glade map

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Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

"I think we're going to have to split up. Sasha, can you and Pheliks go with Shaggar to the right? Ari, Lysil, and I will go left," Kiley says.

Kiley is facing the bottom of the map, so directions are flipped. She's asking Shaggar and Sasha to go to the left side of the map while she, Ari, and Lysil go to the right side of the map. The door the GM was talking about is to the left side of the map as well. I know this is dangerous, but this might be the only way we can help everyone.

LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

There were no perfect plans. The only course was surprise and ferocity. Shaggar moves quietly along the wall towards the door.

Looking out for trouble, checking the door, and peeking in, if it is just barred and not locked.

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8


HP: 12 / 12 | AC:16 / T:11 / FF:15 | CMD:16/15
Arrows (20):
Arisen (1): x

Arisen - Die at -18 HP
1 Temp HP for 10 mins

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

While Shaggar inspects the door, Kiley moves up to the pillar leading to one of the areas the goblins appeared to be taking their macabre pleasure. She peaks around it before rushing in, hoping to get a good idea of what she's about to get herself into before trying to turn the goblins all bloody.

Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Female Half-Orc (disguised as human) Stargazer Oracle 3 (Lunar Mystery, Shadowbound Curse)

Sasha nods and says, "Call out if you need help and flee if needed - we don't want to become victims of an ambush ourselves..." Then she nudges Pheliks to follow Shagger in the indicated direction.

Sasha's Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Sasha's Stealth: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Pheliks' Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Pheliks' Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Female tiefling unchained rogue [knife master] 3 | AL: CN | HP: 21/21 | AC 16, T 14, FF 12 | F +3, R +8, W +2 | Init: +6 | Per: +6 (darkvision 60 ft.) | Resistances: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Detect thoughts 1/1, Disguise self 1/1

"Agreed. We're no use to anybody here if we get into trouble we can't get ourselves out of," Ari replies. And with that she steps lightly over to join Kiley at the pillar.

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22


Kiley, Lisyil, and Ari move over to the east side and see three goblins seemingly poking and prodding at a figure laying on a hay mattress inside one of the cell they can now see clearly. The door to the cell with the figure in it is open, and one of the goblins is inside the cell with her. They don't seem to have noticed you, absorbed in their 'fun' as they are.

The door Shaggar, Sasha, and Pheliks are investigating is not locked, but when he starts messing with the bar on the door the group hears a rumbling almost reptilian growl coming from the other side. The bar can be easily moved, however.

Didn't want to assume you open it after hearing, do you still wish to look inside the door?

LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

Shaggar pauses then pushes the bar back in place quietly. "Let's leave that for later."

His calculations were cold and remorseless. Goblins like to watch cruelty. So anyone with that beast now is likely beyond suffering - dead. And arousing that lizard will only draw attention, decreasing the likelihood we surprise the other goblins. So, press on and save those who are still alive.

The gnoll moves on to the stairs.

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12


Shaggar sees much the same as the other group does when he makes his way over to the stairs, looking down upon a bank of cells with a handful of goblins congregating around another open cell door.

They seem to be doing much the same as the other group, poking and prodding and just generally torturing the poor person.

LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

Shaggar holds up 4 clawed fingers to Sasha and then across the way to Ari and Kiley. He slinks past the first pillar to make room for Sasha and Pheliks and positions himself to charge the goblins, toe-claws flexing and finding traction in the stone surface.

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

The plan was Kiley's, so the ranger waits on her to move before launching his own attack.

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

Kiley sees Shaggar's signal and holds up three fingers. seven goblins in total. If they are quick, they should be able to take them. She looks to Ari and Lysil to see if they are ready. She points to herself and whispers "left" before pointing to Ari and whispering "right." Finally, she points to Lysil and whispers "cell."

Orders given, she looks to Shaggar and nods as she gestures with her sword. "On three," she mouths as she holds up a hand as she takes her position at the edge of the pillar.

"One," she whispers to Ari and Lysil as one finger goes up on her hand.

"Two." Another finger joins the first as she tenses her muscles. They only have one chance to surprise the goblins, and she is hoping that this works.

"Three." The third finger rises and she holds up her hand for just a moment to make sure that Shaggar can see before rushing around the pillar and going for the goblin she'd said she'd be taking.

Attack(Greatsword): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 2) + 4 = 8

Female tiefling unchained rogue [knife master] 3 | AL: CN | HP: 21/21 | AC 16, T 14, FF 12 | F +3, R +8, W +2 | Init: +6 | Per: +6 (darkvision 60 ft.) | Resistances: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Detect thoughts 1/1, Disguise self 1/1

Ari tenses her muscles, not for the first time wishing she was wearing more form-fitting clothing than Aamina's voluminous outfit. Still, the goblins don't seem to have noticed their presence and she nods to Kiley that she's good to go. As the third finger is raised, she zips across to her target, aiming to plunge her dagger into its unsuspecting back.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Damage: 1d4 + 1d8 ⇒ (1) + (2) = 3

I'm assuming the goblins are flat footed but given that roll I don't think I'll be doing any damage, sneak attack or otherwise.

LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

Shaggar rushes in on Kiley’s count, trying to bring his axe down on the nearest goblin. He slips in some blood, throwing off his aim.

MOVE: On Map
STAND: Attack Gobbo (between me and the cell)


STAND: Greataxe (crit: 20/3x | S)
Mods: 2H
HIT: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 | DAM: 1d12 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9


HP: 12 / 12 | AC:16 / T:11 / FF:15 | CMD:16/15
Arrows (20):
Arisen (1): x

Arisen - Die at -18 HP
1 Temp HP for 10 mins

Lysil moves up behind Kiley and chants an arcane phrase before blowing on a piece of fleece in the direction of the goblin in the cell.

Casting Daze on the goblin in the cell. DC 14 or be dazed.


Sasha can post whenever, moving on to the round.

Kiley rushes forward and cuts down the unsuspecting goblin easily, slicing it from shoulder to hip in a brutal slash.

Will, red goblin Daze: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
The goblin in the east cell is overwhelmed by Lisyil's magic, his eyes glazing over.
Never seen Daze do this much work before!

Ari and Shaggar miss their targets, unfortunately.

Init, Shaggar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Init, Ari: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Init, Kiley: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Init, Sasha: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Init, Lisyil: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Init, them: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Inti, them 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Shaggar and Sasha are up again, and Sasha has a turn from last round left to take.

LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

Round 1

Irritated with his last failure and seeing the goblin is still flat-footed, Shaggar tries to bring the malicious little creature down with one scything swing of his axe.



STAND: Greataxe (crit: 20/3x | S)
Mods: 2H, 2H-Power Attack
HIT: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 - 1 = 19 | DAM: 1d12 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 3 = 11


HP: 12 / 12 | AC:16 / T:11 / FF:15 | CMD:16/15
Arrows (20):
Arisen (1): x

Arisen - Die at -18 HP
1 Temp HP for 10 mins

Botting Sasha and Pheliks since their player is a bit busy at the moment.

Surprise Round

Sasha's Actions
Move: Get to the corner of the pillar.
Standard: Put a bolt into Green.
Swift?: Get Pheliks to attack Blue.

Sasha Attack(Light Crossbow) vs. Green: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Confirm?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Nope
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 1 Boo!

Pheliks' Actions
Move + Standard: Double-move to get to Blue.

Sasha moves to get a clear shot at one of the goblins and lets loose. Almost before the bolt has a chance to land, she points at the big goblin.

"Pheliks! Get 'im," she tells the tiger who moves up to get in the big goblin's face.

Round 1

Sasha's Actions
Move: Reload crossbow.
Standard: Attack Green again.

Sasha Attack(Light Crossbow) vs. Green: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 Drat.

Pheliks' Actions
Full: Bite, Claw, Claw on Blue

Pheliks Attack(Bite) vs. Blue: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Pheliks Attack(Claw 1): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Pheliks Attack(Claw 2): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

The cleric of Selune reloads her crossbow and takes aim at the goblin she scratched. As she looses the bolt, Pheliks roars before he bites and claws at the big brute next to Shaggar.


Shaggar will cut through the goblin he approached, easily taking it down. These things aren't very threatening when not ambushing, it seems.

Sasha hits her target with the crossbow bolt but it's only a grazing blow, not really a solid hit. Pheliks also scores scrapes against his target but doesn't make a huge dent.

The goblins, for their part, are quick to react after the first surprise. Their attention suddenly drawn to the new prey, weapons are quickly pointed your way.

Attack, Pink on Shaggar: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 2 = 10 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Attack, Blue on Shaggar: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 + 2 = 16 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Attack, Green on Pheliks: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Attack, Orange on Ari: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Crit Confirm, Orange on Ari: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

The last goblin (red) is dazed, and misses his turn.

Init order: Shaggar, Sasha, them, Kiley, Lisyil, Ari

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

Kiley moves into the cell with the dazed goblin and seeks to end its life.

Greatsword vs. Red Goblin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Le sigh.

Unfortunately for her, she slips as she sets her feet for the swing and winds up stabbing the floor and using her sword to help keep her footing instead of killing the goblin.

Lysil turns her attention to the goblin that attacked Ari and once again chants the fast becoming familiar arcane phrase before blowing on the piece of fleece in the goblin's direction.

Casting Daze on Orange goblin. DC 14 or be dazed.

Female tiefling unchained rogue [knife master] 3 | AL: CN | HP: 21/21 | AC 16, T 14, FF 12 | F +3, R +8, W +2 | Init: +6 | Per: +6 (darkvision 60 ft.) | Resistances: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Detect thoughts 1/1, Disguise self 1/1

The goblin bypasses Ari’s guard and gashes her leg, causing her to curse colourfully. Independent as she is, she realises that simply trading blows in a fair fight is not going to do her a lot of good in the long term. The irony that she’s much better off fighting with companions, able to combine distractions with her agility and keen eye to pick a spot and probe at weaknesses, is not lost on her. Still, she thinks, needs must.

With Kiley having dispatched her opponent and now engaging the second, and Lisyil standing back to use her spells, she weaves back and forth before waiting for an opportune moment and striking at her foe.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Female Half-Orc (disguised as human) Stargazer Oracle 3 (Lunar Mystery, Shadowbound Curse)

Sasha's Status, Round 2:

Sasha Shardlight
Female Chaotic Good Half-Orc Oracle (Stargaser Archetype), Level 1, Init 1, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16, CMD 10, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 3, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Light Crossbow (w/10 Crossbow Bolts) +1 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Longspear -1 (1d8-1, 20/x3)
Morningstar +0 (1d8-1, 20/x2)
Scale Mail, Light Steel Shield (+5 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 20
Condition None

Pheliks' Status, Round 2:
Male Neutral Tiger Animal Companion, Level 1, [b]Init n/a, HP 17/17, Speed 40
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, CMD 15 (19 vs Trip), Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 0, CMB 2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +2 to hit, 1d6+1 damage (20/x2)
Two Claws +2 to hit, 1d4+1damage (20/x2)
Special Attacks Rake - Two Claws, +2 to hit, 1d4+1 damage (20/x2)
No Armor Worn (+1 Natural AC, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10
Special Qualities Low-Light Vision, Scent, Link, Share Spells, Bonus Tricks +1
Feats Toughness
Relevant Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7
Condition None

Sasha silently aims down her crossbow sights at the goblins in melee with her tiger, intent on firing as soon as he finishes savaging them.

Pheliks will us a full attack action on the blue goblin (flanked) until it drops (or he runs out of attacks), at which point he will attack green and then 5-ft step to the northeast.

Bite to hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15, Bite damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Claw 1 to hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9, Claw 1 damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Claw 2 to hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22, Claw 2 damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2, Claw 2 critical confirmation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5, Claw 2 critical strike damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Sasha will reload and fire her crossbow at a goblin not in melee.

Light Crossbow to hit: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3, Light Crossbow damage: 1d8 ⇒ 4


Will save, Orange daze: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

The goblin shakes off the mind-numbing effects of Lisyil's spell, his head rolling back and forth as he works on reentering the fight.

Ari and Kiley miss, but will kill the blue goblin with a bite around the neck and then scratch at the green goblin with his talons, scoring a small hit.

Init order: Shaggar, Sasha, them, Kiley, Lisyil, Ari

LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

Shaggar steps closer to the cell door, in case either of the remaining goblins tries to get to the prisoner. Then he lashes out with his axe.

FREE: 5’ step


STAND: Greataxe (crit: 20/3x | S)
Mods: 2H, 2H-Power Attack
HIT: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (9) + 5 - 1 = 13 | DAM: 1d12 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 3 = 18


HP: 12 / 12 | AC:16 / T:11 / FF:15 | CMD:16/15
Arrows (20):
Arisen (1): x

Arisen - Die at -18 HP
1 Temp HP for 10 mins


Shaggar unfortunately just barely misses the goblin, but does prevent it from getting into the cell if it even wanted to.

No goblins are dazed this time, so they all work on trying to get some more damage in. You can tell their morale is on the edge of breaking though, as they aren't as crazed as they were at the beginning of the fight. Blades swing once more, regardless.

Attack Pink, Shaggar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Attack Green, Pheliks: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Attack Orange, Ari: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Attack Red, Kiley: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Being backed into a corner as they were seems to reinvigorate them, however, as they score more slices on several members.

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

Greatsword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 So close!

Kiley parries the attack and ripostes, intent on chopping the green runt in half, but the goblin proves more skilled at using its shield than she would have thought and gets it inline to deflect the attack.

Lysil clicks her tongue as the spell fails to take hold. She pulls out a handful of rose petals from her spell component pouch and begins a sing-song chant. A breeze like on a cool spring evening picks the petals from her hand and sends them fluttering around the two goblins.

Casting Sleep on Red and Orange. DC 15 Will Save negates. Unless I've got something wrong, centering the spell on the southwest corner of Kiley's square should put both of them in range.


You can draw shapes on Roll20 with the draw tool, so could you show me where you're putting it? Not really getting what you're aiming for.

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

Pink circle is the size of the burst of the spell. According to the spell's description, I can pick a spot within 100ft. + 10ft./level and center a 10ft. radius burst on it. Then, I can pick one or more creatures totaling no more than 4HD to target. Those creatures have to roll a will save or fall unconscious for 1 min./level. From what it looks like, Lysil can plop her spell right there and get both goblins in it. They'll need to make DC 15 Will saves to negate it.


Will, Red: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17
Will, Orange: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

Will Save DC 15: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 Well that got real interesting, real quick! :D

As the petals swirl around the two goblins, they also swirl around Kiley. She blinks, fighting off the sudden wave of fatigue. She's on her knees looking at the goblin, her sword on the stone floor instead of in her hands. She fights to keep her eyes open, but alas, it's a losing battle. She collapses on the floor at the goblin's feet.

Female tiefling unchained rogue [knife master] 3 | AL: CN | HP: 21/21 | AC 16, T 14, FF 12 | F +3, R +8, W +2 | Init: +6 | Per: +6 (darkvision 60 ft.) | Resistances: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Detect thoughts 1/1, Disguise self 1/1

”Well that didn’t go quite to plan,” Ari remarks drily as her opponent falls down in a slumber thanks to Lisyil’s spell but so too does Kiley. And the goblin she was facing off against seems not to have succumbed to its effect. ”How long are they likely to be out for?” she asks the half-elf.

Much as she’d like to bury her blade in the sleeping goblin’s eye socket, doing that would mean the other one would similarly have the opportunity to attack the unconscious Kiley. Sighing, Ari whispers a prayer to Leira to disguise her strike as she glides over to engage the standing foe. Her swing is no better than the last couple and she fails to land a telling blow.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

The goblins were proving more evasive than Shaggar had expected and it sounded like the battle was going no easier for their comrades on the other side of the room. Time to switch tactics and be more gnollish. He didn’t relish showing his bestial nature. And there was a small fear in his heart that Kiley might not look at him the same way after this. But there was no time for niceties.

Slipping off the thin mask of civility, the gnoll emerges. Going for accuracy over power, Shaggar swings his axe poorly. The goblin easily dodges the blow. Then the gnoll lunges - neck rocketing forward - his fanged jaws snap at the goblin’s head, trying to crush the delicate skull.

FULL: Gnoll Attack on PINK


FULL: Greataxe + Secondary Bite

Greataxe (crit: 20/3x | S)
Mods: 2H
HIT: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 | DAM: 1d12 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Secondary Bite (crit: 20/2x | P/B/S)
Mods: none
HIT: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16 | DAM: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Had to look up the rules on this: Natural Attacks
Basically, it is treated differently than a two-weapon attack. The axe hits as normal. The bite takes a -5 penalty to hit and the damage bonus is halved.


HP: 11 / 12 | AC:16 / T:11 / FF:15 | CMD:16/15
Arrows (20):
Arisen (1): x

Arisen - Die at -18 HP
1 Temp HP for 10 mins

"About a minute," Lysil answers Ari.

Female tiefling unchained rogue [knife master] 3 | AL: CN | HP: 21/21 | AC 16, T 14, FF 12 | F +3, R +8, W +2 | Init: +6 | Per: +6 (darkvision 60 ft.) | Resistances: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Detect thoughts 1/1, Disguise self 1/1

"Got it," Ari confirms. Under her breath she mutters, "Might just about hit the damn thing before it wears off then."


Shaggar does actually manage to crush the goblins' skull, and it crumples to the ground after letting out a high pitched scream. That, combined with Lisyil's magic seemingly taking another one out with a wave of her hand, seems to finally break the goblins' spirit.

Not wanting to be slaughtered at the hands (or teeth) of the ferocious gnoll in front of him, the goblin next to him throws his crude sword down to the floor and kneels beside the tiger, his head bowed and touching the floor.

The one next to Ari, however, has no plans of dying whatsoever, and takes his chances fleeing. He will provoke an AoO from Ari on the way, I assume she would take it.

Attack, Ari AoO: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Ari finally manages to snag a goblin with her dagger, and actually finds the finishing blow on one. As it runs past her, she slices her blade across its neck and it falls gurgling to the ground.

Combat over! You can kill the sleeping goblin in time should you wish, and you have another that has surrendered.

LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

Shaggar wipes the blood and brains from his mouth and muzzle, not because they bother him. He doesn’t want any of his companions to see the gore. He says to the goblin, ”You move, you die.” He looks to the tiger to enforce that promise as the gnoll enters the cell, trying to determine who is here and if they are still alive.

Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Female tiefling unchained rogue [knife master] 3 | AL: CN | HP: 21/21 | AC 16, T 14, FF 12 | F +3, R +8, W +2 | Init: +6 | Per: +6 (darkvision 60 ft.) | Resistances: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Detect thoughts 1/1, Disguise self 1/1

"About time," Ari thinks as she manages to sink her blade into the fleeing goblin, its lack of defensive awareness enabling her to choose her spot. "Felt like Beshaba was smiling cruelly down on me for a while there," she says quietly to herself. "Thank you Lady of the Mists for helping me find a hidden path."

Before she wipes her blade clean, Ari then moves over to the unconscious goblin and efficiently slits its throat. A touch distasteful perhaps, but she's not going to lose any sleep over a creature who wouldn't have hesitated to do the same to her had the tables been turned.

Business taken care of, she quickly cleans her dagger, good enough for now at least, before crouching down next to Kiley. "Wake up," she says clearly and firmly, "It's done." She doesn't immediately touch the other woman, wanting to observe some personal space, but she's prepared to offer a hand up should it be required.

Thanks for the AOO, coup de grace on the sleeping goblin, then try and wake Kiley.

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

Kiley groans as she comes to. Ari's firm voice drags her back to the land of the conscious, at least enough for her mind to start working.

What happened? I was-- GOBLINS!

The young woman scrambles to her feet and looks around to see that the fight is over. For a moment, the pupils of her eyes are narrow slits, like those of a cat, before she calms down.

"D-did they-- What happened? I was fighting and then I just couldn't stay awake," she says as she rubs one of her temples.

Female Half-Orc (disguised as human) Stargazer Oracle 3 (Lunar Mystery, Shadowbound Curse)

Sasha nods at Shagger with respect and directs Pheliks to, "Menace!" as she collects her bolts, draws her own morningstar to hold it over the goblin's head threateningly.

Once it is clear that combat is over for both groups she spits, "You, get up and follow the gnoll - keep your hands where I can see them and you might live through the night..." She then kicks at the little goblinoid and gets him moving to the rest of the PCs. Once there she let's them take charge of the captive and says, "I'll take Pheliks and scout ahead a little more. If we run into anything I will call out - kill the goblin and come quick if I do."

Then Sasha and Pheliks move to check out the parts of the catacombs the party hasn't seen yet, first directly north of the party and then back across the way where she and Shagger had fought the other group of goblins...

Sasha has a +3 in Perception and +0 in Stealth. Pheliks has +6 in Perception and +7 in Stealth. To help manage her lower stats, Sasha will stay about four to six squares behind her animal companion.


The captive goblin doesn't seem to be interested in disobeying any orders and stays kneeling on the ground his small hands held above his head. A stretcher in the west hallway (that barely passes for any sort of bed) holds a clearly picked apart corpse, of a similar age to the one you found behind the desk in the greeting room. It clearly suffered before its death, evidenced by the large amount of sharp implements spread around the body.

The person in the cell that Shaggar goes into, however, is Elara. She has taken a severe beating, with numerous smaller bruises and cuts showing. Currently unconscious, she doesn't respond to you entering the cell.

Kiley and Ari discover that, unfortunately, the victim in their cell is quite dead. Fresh from the tavern above, it seems they were a more recent addition to this terrible place.

You should be able to move your tokens, Sasha. Can you?

Female tiefling unchained rogue [knife master] 3 | AL: CN | HP: 21/21 | AC 16, T 14, FF 12 | F +3, R +8, W +2 | Init: +6 | Per: +6 (darkvision 60 ft.) | Resistances: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Detect thoughts 1/1, Disguise self 1/1
Kiley Sherrow wrote:

What happened? I was-- GOBLINS!

The young woman scrambles to her feet and looks around to see that the fight is over. For a moment, the pupils of her eyes are narrow slits, like those of a cat, before she calms down.

"D-did they-- What happened? I was fighting and then I just couldn't stay awake," she says as she rubs one of her temples.

"I think they could see where things were heading and tried to flee. I took care of it though," Ari says, patting the sheathed dagger at her hip.

"Er, sorry Kiley," chips in Lisyil. "I think I misjudged slightly and caught you as well as the goblins with my sleep effect." The half-elf's cheeks colour slightly. She looks at Ari and raises an eyebrow slightly at the tiefling's account of things.

Ari grins back, shrugging - technically she had slain both the remaining greenskins, though internally she's well aware that her battle performance left a lot to be desired.

"But yes," Lisyil confirms, "Ari did put them both down."

Turning focus to the cell, Ari takes a look at the body. Although she has no skill in the healing arts, she does know a thing or two about anatomy - where to place a blade, for example - and has been up close and personal with a number of corpses. Looking at the others she shakes her head to indicate that the body's spirit is now with their patron deity, whispering a quick prayer to her own goddess.

She starts carefully but respectfully looking at the body and around the rough cell, explaining "Let's see if there's any indication of who they were. Then let's rejoin the others."

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

The gnoll picks up the woman gently, "Elara is here and unconscious. We should get her back upstairs somehow."

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

"R-right. I'll-- I'll check the other cells," Kiley says, feeling as embarrassed as Lysil as she goes and checks the others cells on their side of the dungeon.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23


There aren't any more people in either of the cells, thankfully. Or maybe unluckily. Kiley finds a smattering of coins and other useless possessions in the cells, amounting to 10 gp and 25 sp.

The body laying on the floor Ari examines seems to be a priest from the temple above, judging from his holy symbol of Chauntea and priestly robes. He has been dead for an hour or two now, and it looks like it was over quickly.

Two other two doors remain, one with the beast behind it and the other in the first room. As you generally look around the room, finally able to stop for a second and get a glance at the place around you, the group notices a giant white skull icon hanging above what looks like a stage against the southern wall.

Knowledge (religion), Ari: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Even in her distracted state, Ari is able to identify it as a sign of Bhaal, the Lord of Murder.

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

Seeing that there's no one left that needs there help on her side of the dungeon, she hurries over to the other side and sees Shaggar carrying Elara.

"Shaggar, is she alright? Shouldn't we make sure that there aren't any more people down here to help," she asks.

LOOT HP:28 | AC:16 ; T:11 ; FF:15 ; CMD:18/17 | Fort:+6 ; Ref:+5 ; Will:+4 | Init:+3 (+5 Underground) ; PER:+8 (Darkvision)

"Yes. We need to finish here but we also need to get Elara out. If no one can carry her then someone should stay with her until we are done, and I will carry her." He puts the woman down gently and scruffs the goblin, picking it up off the ground. (I'm assuming he won't resist)

He carries the captive to the lizard door (on map) and rattles the door by shoving the goblin's head against it. Hopefully, it disturbs the hissing beast. He addresses the goblin with a particular edge to his voice. "Do you have more prisoners? Are there any behind this door?"

Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise) HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:

Kiley looks to the others and her eyes fall on Lysil.

"Lysil, could you watch over Elara while we make sure we have all of the survivors," she asks the elf before joining Shaggar. She watches him interrogate the goblin before adding her own voice to his questioning.

"And how many of you are left," she asks as she draws her short sword. "If we think you are lying, then you get to choose between us or the thing behind the door."

Lysil nods and does what she can to tend to Lysil's wounds.

Female tiefling unchained rogue [knife master] 3 | AL: CN | HP: 21/21 | AC 16, T 14, FF 12 | F +3, R +8, W +2 | Init: +6 | Per: +6 (darkvision 60 ft.) | Resistances: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Detect thoughts 1/1, Disguise self 1/1

While Shaggar and Kiley interrogate the goblin - and Ari doesn't envy the creature as the gnoll introduces its head to the door - the tiefling pauses to stare at the huge bone white religious symbol hanging on the wall. There's no doubt about it, the place has unquestionably been dedicated to he Lord of Murder - and that spells trouble. "When you're finished playing with him," she calls. "There's something I'd like to draw your attention to. No immediate danger but it spells trouble as sure as Selûne rises each night."


The goblin doesn't seem to want to talk verbally at first, but speaks up eventually with the application of force. Its sentences are short and to the point, seemingly lacking a large vocabulary.

"No more long-legs, just the beast. Chief and three friends went in there, didn't come out."

It shudders as Kiley threatens it before speaking again.
"Is only me left in raid. Rest of tribe in forest."

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