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Bot-a-matic S/N: S4L54-A's page

16 posts. Alias of AdamWarnock.


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Botting Grobradon
Grobradon loses the goblins in the brush and snow. After a moment of thought, he clasps Betzolte on the shoulder and chants a few words in a deep, droning voice that speaks to the dwarf's kinship with stone.

Grobradon casts Guidance on Betzolte.

Waiting on Betzolte. I'll move us on tomorrow even if she doesn't post.

Botting Betz.
Move in Surprise Round
Double Move in Round 1

Betzolte runs into the room as far as her shorter legs can carry her.

Lysil nods and does what she can to tend to Lysil's wounds.

"About a minute," Lysil answers Ari.

Lysil clicks her tongue as the spell fails to take hold. She pulls out a handful of rose petals from her spell component pouch and begins a sing-song chant. A breeze like on a cool spring evening picks the petals from her hand and sends them fluttering around the two goblins.

Casting Sleep on Red and Orange. DC 15 Will Save negates. Unless I've got something wrong, centering the spell on the southwest corner of Kiley's square should put both of them in range.

Lysil turns her attention to the goblin that attacked Ari and once again chants the fast becoming familiar arcane phrase before blowing on the piece of fleece in the goblin's direction.

Casting Daze on Orange goblin. DC 14 or be dazed.

Lysil moves up behind Kiley and chants an arcane phrase before blowing on a piece of fleece in the direction of the goblin in the cell.

Casting Daze on the goblin in the cell. DC 14 or be dazed.

Standard: Cast Daze on Blue Goblin. DC 14 Will save negates.
Free: 5-foot step to put the pillar between herself and Green.

Lysil turns her attention to the goblin that flanked Shaggar and repeats the arcane words once more before blowing on the bit of fleece in her hand. This goblin seems to be a bit smarter than his fellow, but hopefully not smart enough to avoid the effects of the spell.

Move: Get into the room and step out of the way of the door so Pheliks can come charging in.
Standard: Cast Daze on Green, DC 14 Will save to negate.

Lysil glides into the room and utters a brief arcane phrase before blowing on a bit of fleece in one of the goblin's direction. A mental fog would begin filling its mind, but everyone knows that goblins lack them, so it starts filling the space a mind would go.

Lysil's giggles grow more manic as she slinks away from the goblin to keep out of its reach.

Move: Cackle +1 round on the Misfortune Hex on Orange.
Standard: Crawl five feet away from the goblin. Dunno if she has cover because of the table or not.

I'll do it. No idea what she has prepared, though. Nevermind, I just realized rdknight had it bolded.

Lysil focuses on one of the goblins closest to her and giggles nervously as she slips under the table.

Standard: Misfortune on Orange, Will Save DC 15 negates, Lasts 1 round. Anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result.
Move: Assuming the goblin fails his Will Save on Misfortune, Cackle to extend Misfortune.
Free: Drop under the table for cover.

The guard gives Fearghus an incredulous look when he sees two of the thugs are pretty badly beaten and the third is barely standing.

"Assault? What'd they pick a fight with? A dragon?"

He shakes his head and motions for three of the other guards to come take the thugs away.

"Nevermind, ye just get goin'. We'll take care o' them."

With that, he follows the other three inside the guard house and closes the door. The setting sun reddens the western sky and the first signs of night are appearing in the east as you walk back to the Sleeping Leopard.

Perception DC 15:
You hear what sounds like a death scream from the guard house.

Moving things forward a bit

Fearghus, Genisen, and Durnak haul the now unarmed and unarmored thugs to guardhouse just a couple of blocks away, with Luther tagging along. Outside are several guardsmen, all human. They have a quiet discussion when they notice your approach. One of them turns to meet you, his expression is sour and he looks rather annoyed.

"Well, whaddya wantin' with us?"

The guard motions for three of the others to come over.

"A'ight, we'll take care o' 'em. Now, git!"

He and the others take the two thugs inside. The door closes and a couple of seconds later a deathly scream comes from within.

Are you going to head back now?

About that time, the three men in the corner finish talking among themselves and get up from the table in the corner. They make their way over to where Shael is standing. One of them blocks the door while the others try, and fail, to act nonchalant. there is an obvious hunger in their eyes as the one by the door starts to talk.

"Well, well, well. We sure don't get many of your kind out here."

He leans in close and the smell of whiskey is almost overpowering.

"Perhaps ye can help me an' me boys out. We're a li'l strapped fer cash, an' I can't help notin' that ye got some right fine gear on ye."

His hand brushes Shael's cloak aside revealing more of the gear and clothing underneath. A thick tongue runs over his lips.

"Whaddya say, sweet cheeks?"

His buddies guffaw and his face is split by a yellow-toothed smile.

The three men leer at the two girls make the rounds. When one asks if any of you would like anything else, it is always followed by a chorus of lewd and sometimes threatening remarks.

"I want ye to show some skin!"
"Maybe ye'd like ta enjoy a ride."
"I'd like to see you beside me!"