GM Euan's Jade Regent

Game Master Euan

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

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M Dwarf AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10

"Roads are the arteries of civilization," Durgan explains. There is a great deal of content in The Order of Numbers about proper road design.

"And crude trails or paths are still preferable to cutting through the wilderness. I would prefer to take the trails."

Male halfling wolf-rider

Waking early, Rory let Storm out to hunt his own breakfast, and took his bottle of malple syrup with him to the kitchen. During the wonderful breakfast, he listens to the conversation about trails or not trails. As Mukluk explained his preference and why, Rory considered how able he and Storm were to cross the swamp. As he chews the heavenly waffles, he realized that he and his wolf were probably the most suited to actually cross the swamp. Then he started to think about what that entailed and the eventuality of cleaning mud and gunk out of Storms fur, armor and saddle and then cleaning it all out of his own gear as well. As he held up his plate for a second waffle he adds in agreement. "Let's stick to the trails, generally keeps gear much cleaner." He gestures towards where Kisaiya was working the waffle iron, winking at the wonderful cook. "But maybe we should take a few extra waffles for the road."

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

GM Rolls:
1d20 ⇒ 10

A good question answered, the party heads out along the trail back to the Lost Coast Road. The road is less foggy than the marsh, in part as it is elevated 20’-30’ above it in most places. The sun is warm and inviting as you walk.

There’s little traffic along the road at this time of day, but you do catch up and pass a young couple leaving Sandpoint to make their way in the big city of Magnimar. Relatively poor, they have no animal so they are pulling their worldly possessions in a small hand-cart. In no hurry, they’re taking their time.

Before long however, you see the bones of an old fish nailed to a board - the Old Fish Trail. ”No one uses these fishing spots. Not since the goblins moved in.” Walthus explains.

You descend back into the swamp, the cold mist stealing the warmth of the sun and blocking ready visibility (20% miss chances beyond 5’). The trail twists and turns until you reach the first bridge - a rather nice affair made of stone of all things. Very sturdy - and ancient.

Off in the distance you hear the plaintive squeal of a young pig as you reach a fork in the path. Walthus says, ”Down this way,” he points to the west, ”Is the goblin village. Licktoads they call themselves. That way,” he points to the southeast, ”leads to another bridge and another way out of the swamp.”

”We’re about two hundred yards from the fort.” He says. ”But the goblins are usually wandering all over the place, so best ready your weapons now.”

He draws his bow and checks his quiver, nodding to you when he’s ready.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10

Mukluk puts on his shield, but delays in drawing his pick, the Trepanator. He nods at Walthus, thanks for the warning.

"Alright now, we should be careful," Mukluk whispers to himself, wishing Moose was around. Moose was not the best in a fight, but sometimes you just need a stubborn ass when things get tight.

Male halfling wolf-rider

Having finished breakfast and checking on Storm, Rory gave him some water while he saddled and armored the wolf. Once the started down the path, he let the wolf move at his own pace sometimes moving a little ahead or lingering behind smelling something. But he made sure they stayed near enough to hear the conversations.

When Walthus mentioned no one fished anymore he wondered if, once the goblins were gone, if maybe they should take an afternoon and go fishing. Hearing the pig squeal, Storm stopped and sifted his nose sniffing. Seeing his fellow halfling draw his bow, Rory drew his sling staff and placed a 'bullet' in the pouch. Nodding in agreement, with the dwarf, "Your right Mukluk, you want Storm and I to take point?"

Feeling the tension building, Storm stopped running about and slowly began to proceed forwards.

Init: + 4, hero points 1/1?
Rory HP: 10/10; AC: 19, 14, FF 15 CMB 1/CMD15 Perception: + 10
Storm HP: 11/11 AC: 18, T 13, FF 15 CMB 2/ CMD 15 (19 vs trip) Perception + 7
Rory Conditions = Focus:
Storm Conditions = Focus: Tiger + 2 dex
Weapon equiped rope-shot: Att + 5(+ 4 dex, + 1 size) 1d4, x2, B disarm
Storms’s Bite: Att: + 2 (BAB +1, Str +1) Dam: 1d6 Str +1 Crit: 20/x2 + trip (CMD +2)
Spells Known (Caster Level 1, Concentration +, DC 12+lvl)
. . Orisions known@4: know direction, light, mending spark,
. . 1st (2/2) Obscuring Mist, Entangle,

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10
Rory Cornelius wrote:
"Your right Mukluk, you want Storm and I to take point?"

"Yeah, sure, if that's what you want. I'll be here right behind you, no matter what. And if Moose was here, he would be supportin' you too, he's good in that way, always willing to take on the burden of travel or of life, you know? You know you're not alone when you have a good Moose friend in your life? That's the truth. A good friend is all you need," Mukluk replies in support. He would never let a friend fall if he could help it. Never. And neither would Moose. That's why Moose is such a good friend. He was always there. Sure, sometimes friends are stubborn asses, but Moose never minded Mukluk anyway. It was just that he was there and supportive, that's what mattered.

Male halfling wolf-rider

Patting Storm on the neck, Rory understood Mukluk's appreciation of his mule. He smiles, "We'll need to make sure we bring Moose with us the next time. I'm sure he'd be an invaluable asset." As he talked, he nudged Storm forwards, letting the Wolf sniff about as the move slowly (for them) forwards towards the goblin fortress.

Init: + 4, hero points 1/1?
Rory HP: 10/10; AC: 19, 14, FF 15 CMB 1/CMD15 Perception: + 10
Storm HP: 11/11 AC: 18, T 13, FF 15 CMB 2/ CMD 15 (19 vs trip) Perception + 7
Rory Conditions = Focus:
Storm Conditions = Focus: Tiger + 2 dex
Weapon equiped rope-shot: Att + 5(+ 4 dex, + 1 size) 1d4, x2, B disarm
Storms’s Bite: Att: + 2 (BAB +1, Str +1) Dam: 1d6 Str +1 Crit: 20/x2 + trip (CMD +2)
Spells Known (Caster Level 1, Concentration +, DC 12+lvl)
. . Orisions known@4: know direction, light, mending spark,
. . 1st (2/2) Obscuring Mist, Entangle,


”A good friend is all you need…I wonder.” She quiets as she deliberates on Mukluk’s pronouncement. ”For me, I would think a love is all that is needed. A good love is a good friend, after all.”

Kisaiya draws a javelin in preparation for combat.

M Dwarf AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10

Durgan makes mental notes about the trail as the party hikes, considering how it might be improved into a road. He looks approvingly at the solidly-built ancient stone bridge.

At Walthus's warning, Durgan draws and loads his crossbow.

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Rory and Storm take the lead, following the old fishing trail to the goblin lair. The fog seems to thicken as you go deeper into the marshlands. Walthus grows a bit jumpy, growing more certain that every wisp of mist is a goblin ready to strike. His unease may be infectious as he calls out warnings from time to time.

But they are warnings that pass without fulfillment. For you encounter no goblins on the few hundred yards you walk to the Licktoad Village. Eventually, unhindered, you arrive.

From out of the mist - a filthy village-fort surrounded by a crude wooden palisade sits atop a low hummock of solid ground here. A wooden gate in the north wall of the palisade lies in shambles on the ground. (Knowledge Engineering for more.)

Nearby, a large, algae-filled pool on the northeastern side breaks the palisade and allows a clearer view into the village’s interior, which consists of a collection of ramshackle huts connected by wooden walkways, all built on thick wooden stilts.

The whole thing looks ready to slide into the swamp at any time, and in fact one structure to the east looks to have been broken free from the others and set aflame - a fire which seems to have scorched and damaged a few of the nearby buildings.

Of course you can’t see much through the thick fog but shadows of the looming structures. Nevertheless, there’s a new map up so you can begin to move about. You can move under buildings though it’s considered difficult terrain due to all the support beams and trash piled up.

Single round actions for now please - though we’re not yet in initiative.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 Know (Engineering, untraint)

Mukluk looks at the damage to the palisade while he waits for others to move up.

M Dwarf AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10

Durgan also takes a look at the palisade with his acute eye for civic infrastructure.

Engineering, Trained: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

He will move to join Mukluk.

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Mukluk feels there is something he should notice about the scene, but he can't quite put his finger on it.

Durgan can clearly see that the doors were smashed from the inside out - and by something short. Probably goblins. It's very strange since you'd expect a gate to be broken inward if there was an attack from the outside.
- - -

Male halfling wolf-rider

Keeping his pet wolf near the others, Rory flinches every time Walthus jumps. Once they've arrived at the goblin fort, Rory whispers to his mount, "Easy Storm." His eyes trying to pierce the fog, he asks, "Should we move around the fort to see if there are any other exits?"


Kisaiya turns her head as she estimates how long it would take to scout the whole fort, then looks to how heavily equipped she and her allies are. ”I say we just go for it. The more time we spend scouting, the more likely we are to get spotted and alert the whole lot of them. Especially as none of us look particularly good at being unnoticed.”

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10

Mukluk waits for people to move up (on the map too).

M Dwarf AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10

"Look at this gate. The goblins broke it from the inside, fleeing something.
Each other? That's a possibility.
A fire? Another possibility.
Or something else, perhaps.
I don't think we'll find goblins in this village, though."

Male halfling wolf-rider

Nodding his head in agreement with Kisaiya, "sounds like a plan to me."

Hearing Durgan didn't think they would find any Goblins, Rory nods, "Let's find out." Touching his heels to Storm's sides, the halfling guides his wolf through the hole in the palisade, keeping his sling staff at the ready.

Init: + 4, hero points 1/1?
Rory HP: 10/10; AC: 19, 14, FF 15 CMB 1/CMD15 Perception: + 10
Storm HP: 11/11 AC: 18, T 13, FF 15 CMB 2/ CMD 15 (19 vs trip) Perception + 7
Rory Conditions = Focus:
Storm Conditions = Focus: Tiger + 2 dex
Weapon equiped sling staff: Att + 5(+ 4 dex, + 1 size) 1d6, x3, 80 ft. B
Storms’s Bite: Att: + 2 (BAB +1, Str +1) Dam: 1d6 Str +1 Crit: 20/x2 + trip (CMD +2)
Spells Known (Caster Level 1, Concentration +, DC 12+lvl)
. . Orisions known@4: know direction, light, mending, spark,
. . 1st (2/2) Obscuring Mist, Entangle,

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Rory moves past the destroyed doors and into a courtyard dominated by a muddy pit. Looks like the sort of pit and enclosure you might have one or more pigs. Likely the villages pride possessions.

However, now there is a pile of a half dozen or so goblin bodies - all killed and then set aflame though the fire didn't really take. The deaths are fresh, within a couple of days you imagine. (Heal for more.)

He also sees the water source of the goblins, an algae-filled pool about ten feet deep at its deepest point - near as you can figure. A rickety wooden pier projects a few feet into the pool. (Survival, tracking for more.)

Everyone may take another round of actions. Don't forget to move on the map.

Walthus remains in the back, peering through the collapsed doors, bow at the ready.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10

With Rory moving into the compound, Mukluk moves in to support.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 Heal

”Well, maybe this is all self-inflicted fire damage. Maybe,” Mukluk suggests how the goblins might have been murdert.

M Dwarf AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10

Durgan moves into the courtyard and takes a look at the goblin bodies.

Heal, Untrained: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

He will also examine the algae-filled pool.
Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12


Heal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Kisaiya moves to cover her mouth at the sight and stench of the goblin bodies. Years of cooking have taught her to have a sensitive nose, and it is not helping her here.

Instead, she focuses on trying to follow the goblin tracks to determine their movements.

Male halfling wolf-rider

Seeing Durgan moves towards the goblin bodies, Rory steered Storm that way. Looking at the bodies he wondered aloud, "So what do you think happened to them?" As he asked, he poked and prodded the corpses with the end of his staff sling.

aid another: heal Untrained: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 + 4 to heal for Durgan :)

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

While self-inflicted fire damage is not outside the realm of possibility, it looks more like these goblins were clawed to death by something with very sharp nails, but otherwise medium sized more or less. At least that’s Durgan’s theory with support from Rory's observations. They were then piled high postmortem and burned, poorly.

Kisaiya is able to determine that maybe as many as a half dozen creatures climbed out of the water and attacked the goblin village - and recently too. The most troublesome part of her discoveries is that the tracks left behind are of creatures devoid of flesh… skeletons from the pond!

She also notes that they left the way they came, but more heavily burdened. Maybe they took some goblins with them? She's not sure.

You may continue another round. Go ahead and make it two unless you start climbing/opening things or swimming. :)

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10

Mukluk declines to go swimming or set himself alight while he moves forward and sees if there ears for bounties were still on the bodies.

”So…something got here first and took our kills? Did they take the ears?”

M Dwarf AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10

"Some sort of beast or monstrosity. Not a dog or horse, which I know are goblin's most feared foes. Something with sharp claws."

Durgan looks around for any tracks that are not goblin, perhaps medium-sized, hoping to find this creature that killed the goblins.

Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21


Kisaiya’s face takes on a grim expression. ”Skeletons. From the pond.”

Male halfling wolf-rider

Turning towards Mukluk, Rory realizes he'd not really checked the charred remains for 'ears.' Dismounting Storm, Rory walked over to the smoldering pile of bodies, checking the nearest for ears.

Hearing something with sharp claws had killed the goblins and that skeletons had risen from the pond, he speculates aloud, "Maybe the skeleton had claws and killed the goblins?" He looked at the ground around the pyre, "But would the skeletons have put them on a pyre?"

Taking 10(20) on perception and or 10(19) on survival (track), looking at the the goblin corpses for ears and the ground around the fire for prints of who may have built the pyre.

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Durgan is able to confirm Kisaiya's claims. Skeletons. Rory is able to determine the goblins piled their dead here. Some of the heads are burned, and you cannot get 'clean' ears.

Still, Mukluk is able to gather 9 ears total.

Walthus whisper-shouts "Looook!" and points to a space between two buildings up on the platform.

By the time you turn your heads, whatever was there is gone, but there's a swirling in the fog that belies the presence of something. You're not alone.

"Goblin." he whispers simply.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10

Mukluk spins to look where Walthus points, but sees nothing. He waits for others to push forward before following.

Waiting to move on the map.

M Dwarf AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10

"I guess that answers your question, Rory. Some goblin survivors came back and then tried to burn the victims' remains.
More concern for the dead than goblins usually show, I think. Maybe scared of the dead ones coming alive again?
Well, they know we are here in any event."

He waits patiently.

"I don't know, Mukluk. Goblins aren't that smart but they do know traps and ambushes. Charging after where one had been seems risky."

Male halfling wolf-rider

The door appears to have a ladder, how high up is the door and it's latch?

Looking towards the gap where Walthus was pointing, Rory moves back towards Storm, remounting. Nodding as Durgan answered his question, Rory turns Storm towards the door on the opposite end. "Your right Durgan, maybe the goblin was bait, we should go in the other side." As they reach the door, Rory tries to study it, looking for any traps.

Will take 10(20) on perception, but waiting on dimensions so I can determine if Rory can open the door, or if Storm can jump in.


Kisaiya tightens her grip on her javelin. ”I’ll take the front while you circle around. So they can’t run out.”

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

The platforms are all 5' up and the doors do not have formal locks - which isn't to say they're not barred or blocked from the inside, but there's nothing on the outside to unlock anyway.

So Rory could stand in the saddle and clamber into a room instead of using the ladder, but the effect is more or less the same (climb DC 5 or a short jump).

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10

Mukluk acts as rear guard as others deal with the first ladder. He’ll keep the back protected, he’s sure…but it would probably feel more protected if Moose was around to help.

Hope you’re doing okay, Moose, and enjoying your time off. I’m here in a goblin camp about to get murdert.

Male halfling wolf-rider

Nodding as Kisaiya offers to take the front, Rory, keeping Storm steady, shifts his weapon to one hand and with the other reaches up and gives the door on the platform a good push. "Let's see if they have the door blocked."

Init: + 4, hero points 1/1?
Rory HP: 10/10; AC: 19, 14, FF 15 CMB 1/CMD15 Perception: + 10
Storm HP: 11/11 AC: 18, T 13, FF 15 CMB 2/ CMD 15 (19 vs trip) Perception + 7
Rory Conditions = Focus:
Storm Conditions = Focus: Tiger + 2 dex
Weapon equiped sling staff: Att + 5(+ 4 dex, + 1 size) 1d6, x3, 80 ft. B
Storms’s Bite: Att: + 2 (BAB +1, Str +1) Dam: 1d6 Str +1 Crit: 20/x2 + trip (CMD +2)
Spells Known (Caster Level 1, Concentration +, DC 12+lvl)
. . Orisions known@4: know direction, light, mending spark,
. . 1st (2/2) Obscuring Mist, Entangle,

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Rory kicks in the door, for it was slightly bolstered - but no match for his boot!

It opens to a grungy goblin shack, filled with a handful of goblins who charge the door as soon as they see daylight in fear and anger! They defend their home vigorously - though perhaps too vigorously as they get in each others way trying to charge the door. They jostle each other causing something like the squeezing condition to start the round.

- Round 1 -
Rory - 23
Goblins - 9
Kisaiya - 8
Durgan - 6-
Mukluk - 5
Walthus - 4

Initiative Rolls:
Durgan: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Kisaiya: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Mukluk: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Rory: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Goblins: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

• First up Rory.

Male halfling wolf-rider

Seeing the goblins rushing the door, Rory shifts back on his saddle swinging his Sling staff he fires the bullet at the nearest purple Goblin. Leaning back, using his legs to guide Storm, he tells the wolf "Back, Back, Back!" The hackles on his neck standing up, Storm growls at the goblins, ready to bite any that come near as he moves away from the door.

Rory, attack: Halfling sling staff, move action, reload. Storm 5 ft step back, readied attack
sling staff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 for damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2
readied attack: bite: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 for damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 trip: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Init: + 4,
hero points 1/1?
Rory HP: 10/10; AC: 19, 14, FF 15 CMB 1/CMD15 Perception: + 10
Storm HP: 11/11 AC: 18, T 13, FF 15 CMB 2/ CMD 15 (19 vs trip) Perception + 7
Rory Conditions = Focus:
Storm Conditions = Focus: Tiger + 2 dex
Weapon equiped sling staff: Att + 5(+ 4 dex, + 1 size) 1d6, x3, 80 ft. B
Storms’s Bite: Att: + 2 (BAB +1, Str +1) Dam: 1d6 Str +1 Crit: 20/x2 + trip (CMD +2)
Spells Known (Caster Level 1, Concentration +, DC 12+lvl)
. . Orisions known@4: know direction, light, mending, spark,
. . 1st (2/2) Obscuring Mist, Entangle,

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Rory looks in at the goblins and backs off, missing with his sling staff.

The goblins shriek with fear and fury and try to stab Rory, who is at least something like their size.

Red squeezed through the pink and purple gap to stand in the door. He cries a great war cry and stabs with his spear.
red spear on Durgan: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

He screeches with delight as his spear finds purchase and the dwarf bleeds.

Blue steps back and opens the rear door, readying a spear assault for any at that entry.
blue spear on whomever comes: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Pink and purple squabble with each other about whether to leave the ‘safety’ of the hut.

- Round 1 -
Kisaiya - 8
Durgan - 6 (-3hp)
Mukluk - 5
- Round 2 -
Rory - 23
Walthus - 22
Goblins - 9

• Next up - everyone!

M Dwarf AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10

"Abadar help us smite them..."

Durgan steps back and casts Bless on the party.


”Stupid. Should have just had Saya out. As she mutters to herself, Kisaiya drops the javelin for now and draws her sharpened scabbard. She enters her battle stance, her free hand open and protecting her one remaining eye. Free action to drop, move to draw, swift to enter style

As she steps forward, she slashes at the frontline goblin.

Attack with Saya (bless): 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 1 = 25
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Nutrition Facts:

HP: 13/13
AC: 18/12/16
Saves: F4/R2/W4
Hero Points: 1
Smite Evil Used: 0/1
Spells/Effects Active: Shield Gauntlet Style

Saya (Cold Iron Sharpened Combat Scabbard):
[ dice]1d20+5[/dice] to hit;
[ dice]1d6+3[/dice] damage.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10

Round 1

Mukluk keeps up his rear guard and readies to strike any foe that comes from any direction.

Trepanator: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18 to hit;
1d6 ⇒ 2 cold iron piercing damage

Muk Around, Find Out:

[ dice=Trepanator]1d20+1[/dice] to hit;
[ dice=]1d6[/dice] cold iron piercing damage

Mule Bite:
[ dice=MuleBite]1d20+2[/dice] touch to hit;
[ dice=Divine]1d4[/dice] damage

Mule Kicks:
[ dice=MuleKicks]1d20+2[/dice] touch to hit;
[ dice=Force]1d4[/dice] damage

AC: 12/12/10 + 1 w/shield
Fort/Ref/Will:  +1/+2/+6
HP: 7/7

Focus: 0/3
Hero Points: 0/3
Speed: 20'
Luck? 0/1 used
Mule bites: 0/7 used

Male halfling wolf-rider

Seeing the goblin rush towards the door, Rory watches as the cook meets them with her scabbard. Not wanting to hit his friend with the sling stone, he touches Storms flanks, "Get him Boy." As the wolf snaps at the red goblin trying to bring him to the ground, Rory draws his gladius and stabs at the red goblin.

Storm 5 ft step, Attack: bite/trip, Rory attack: Slingstaff as club
attack: bite: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 1 = 8 for damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 trip: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
gladius: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 1 = 20 for damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Init: + 4,
hero points 1/1?
Rory HP: 10/10; AC: 19, 14, FF 15 CMB 1/CMD15 Perception: + 10
Storm HP: 11/11 AC: 18, T 13, FF 15 CMB 2/ CMD 15 (19 vs trip) Perception + 7
Rory Conditions = Focus:
Storm Conditions = Focus: Tiger + 2 dex
Weapon equiped gladius: Att + 5(+ 4 dex, + 1 size) 1d4, 19-20x2, P&S
Storms’s Bite: Att: + 2 (BAB +1, Str +1) Dam: 1d6 Str +1 Crit: 20/x2 + trip (CMD +2)
Spells Known (Caster Level 1, Concentration +, DC 12+lvl)
. . Orisions known@4: know direction, light, mending, spark,
. . 1st (2/2) Obscuring Mist, Entangle,

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Kisaiya reaches out to red up on the platform and widens his eyes with the blow though she doesn’t fell him. Durgan steps back and blesses the party! Mukluk readies an action should anyone close. Rory has more luck hitting than storm but just wounds red further. Walthus lets fly with his bow as his eyes dart around in the fog for other threats as well.

Walthus: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 6 - 2 = 16 damage: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 1 = 8 miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 78
Walthus: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 6 - 2 = 21 damage: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 1 = 8 miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 45

Walthus hits red once and drops what was left of him before snaking another arrow through the door and dropping purple behind him. "Damn goblins!" he shakes his bow in the air and spits.

Meanwhile pink steps up into the hole and attacks Rory, connecting for a little slice.
pink dogslicer on Rory: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 2 + 1 = 18 damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Blue darts out, then back in, then out again as it rushes to the next structure. It’s a taller building with numerous windows and other ‘holes’ - it looks like it might be a guard tower! The goblin bangs on the door, yelling, ’It’s not them! It’s not them!”

- Round 2 -
Kisaiya - 8
Durgan - 6 (-3hp)
Mukluk - 5
- Round 3 -
Rory - 23 (-3hp)
Walthus - 22
Goblins - 9
Red - 9 (-5hp)

• Next up - everyone!

M Dwarf AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10

Durgan casts Shield and prepares to re-engage.

Male halfling wolf-rider

"Ow!" cut by the goblin that had rushed to the door, Rory Slashes at the pink goblin in return as Storm tries to bite it and drag it to the floor.

bless + 1, Rory attack: gladius Storm Attack: bite/trip
gladius: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 = 18 for damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
attack: bite: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 1 = 11 for damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 trip: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Init: + 4,
hero points 1/1?
Rory HP: 7/10; AC: 19, 14, FF 15 CMB 1/CMD15 Perception: + 10
Storm HP: 11/11 AC: 18, T 13, FF 15 CMB 2/ CMD 15 (19 vs trip) Perception + 7
Rory Conditions = Focus:
Storm Conditions = Focus: Tiger + 2 dex
Weapon equiped sling staff: Att + 5(+ 4 dex, + 1 size) 1d6, x3, 80 ft. B
Storms’s Bite: Att: + 2 (BAB +1, Str +1) Dam: 1d6 Str +1 Crit: 20/x2 + trip (CMD +2)
Spells Known (Caster Level 1, Concentration +, DC 12+lvl)
. . Orisions known@4: know direction, light, mending, spark,
. . 1st (2/2) Obscuring Mist, Entangle,

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +10, Heal +7, Geog +8, Local+9, Nat +10, Perc +14, Driver 12,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +10

Round 2

Mukluk moves to attack the goblin (or ready from that position if it's down already).

Trepanator: 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 + 1 = 18 to hit;
1d6 ⇒ 3 cold iron piercing damage

Muk Around, Find Out:

[ dice=Trepanator]1d20+1[/dice] to hit;
[ dice=]1d6[/dice] cold iron piercing damage

Mule Bite:
[ dice=MuleBite]1d20+2[/dice] touch to hit;
[ dice=Divine]1d4[/dice] damage

Mule Kicks:
[ dice=MuleKicks]1d20+2[/dice] touch to hit;
[ dice=Force]1d4[/dice] damage

AC: 12/12/10 + 1 w/shield
Fort/Ref/Will: +1/+2/+6
HP: 7/7

Focus: 0/3
Hero Points: 0/3
Speed: 20'
Luck? 0/1 used
Mule bites: 0/7 used


Kisaiya shifts from the reverse grip on her sharpened scabbard to a standard grip, slashing up at the goblin in reach.

Attack with Saya (bless): 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 1 = 23
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Nutrition Facts:

HP: 13/13
AC: 18/12/16
Saves: F4/R2/W4
Hero Points: 1
Smite Evil Used: 0/1
Spells/Effects Active: Shield Gauntlet Style

Saya (Cold Iron Sharpened Combat Scabbard):
[ dice]1d20+5[/dice] to hit;
[ dice]1d6+3[/dice] damage.

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Kisaiya slashes the goblin, harming it badly. Durgan casts shield and prepares to rejoin the fight. Mukluk moves up into the gap and drops pink. Rory can ride to blue and reach up and smack him (partial GMPC). Walthus moves a bit and plucks blue off the wall, felling him.

Walthus: 1d20 + 8 - 3 ⇒ (18) + 8 - 3 = 23 damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 63

Meanwhile the doors to the tower open, ”Not more bones?” comes the tentative war cry as three more goblins spill out.

Green stabs at Rory with his spear.
green spear on Rory: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

...but he misses.

- Round 3 -
Kisaiya - 8
Durgan - 6 (-3hp)
Mukluk - 5
- Round 4 -
Rory - 23 (-3hp)
Walthus - 22
Goblins - 9
Red - 9 (bleeding)
Purple - 9 (bleeding)
Pink - 9 (bleeding)
Blue - 9 (bleeding)

• Next up - everyone!


”I am on my way!” Kisaiya call to Rory as she clambers up the ladder and rushes over to join the new frontline.

Climb: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (13) - 2 = 11

Double move

Nutrition Facts:

HP: 13/13
AC: 18/12/16
Saves: F4/R2/W4
Hero Points: 1
Smite Evil Used: 0/1
Spells/Effects Active: Shield Gauntlet Style

Saya (Cold Iron Sharpened Combat Scabbard):
[ dice]1d20+5[/dice] to hit;
[ dice]1d6+3[/dice] damage.

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