GM Euan - Jade |
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It has been a few years since a dragon was seen flying - and belching fire! - over the skies of Sandpoint. They’ve been quiet years, except that one day when a blind storm giant wandered in from the wilderness to say hello. He left amicably enough having spoken to some noble or other. Nobles and their strange ways!
Though you know each other from being around town and also hanging out together in the Rusty Dragon from time to time, please describe yourself as others might see you - and of course add a little something that a drinking acquaintance might know! At least whether you stick out your pinky when drinking tea. For you may not be close friends, but you do drink together occasionally, especially when the Dragon is busy and tables are shared.
I’m not saying you have to like one another, but you’re at least good acquaintances at this point.
The Rusty Dragon is in good form tonight, Gozran 1, a Starday. Most folks have tomorrow off work to do their own things. You also are looking forward to the day off - as is half of Sandpoint from the looks of things. Your group manages a table, after too few folk in too large a table are convinced to move on.
Ameiko Kaijitsu, seen here ready for a playful duel (image), is the owner and currently best performer on the small stage inside the Dragon. You are all friends of Ameiko’s in various ways, some light, some more in depth. You are all also regulars or employees. At the very least, there’s a mutual respect, and you feel you know one another well.
She greets you at your table, ”Welcome to the Rusty Dragon. You are my… second favorite table!” She laughs lightly, but oddly, clearly faking good humor tonight for some reason.
”Kisaiya, come on out and see who’s here!” she calls back to the kitchen. She turns back to you as Kisaiya joins the group. ”What can I get you tonight, the usuals?” Ameiko asks, shortening what is usually a lengthy chat before getting to orders. Perhaps it’s just that she’s busy.
- - -

Mukluk Muletender |

Hey and welcome all. As we're supposed to know each other and that's sort of hard until people post a bit, I'm doing a pre-Sandpoint post so all y'all can figure out how you might know ol' Mukluk the dwarf and his good buddy, Moose the Mule. You'd know that he's a frequent trader/traveler in the region and he specializes in the Three Sisters supplies. Kick in however you want with Mukluk and I'll play along.
"C'mon Moose," Mukluk mutters to the mule plodding its way toward Sandpoint. "You know, you can get all that weight off your back if you'd just go a bit faster. We're almost there, don't you get that?" he offers encouragement as if the mule could understand him. It could not.
"You've done this before. At least I think you have," Mukluk pauses to ponder how many trips this particular Moose-mule has made. "Oh, you probably have. And now we're almost to the mirror. You remember the mirror, don't you, Moose?"
The mule does not answer as it probably doesn't know what a mirror is.
"It's the dang mirror that reminds you to look nice when you enter the town lest the town watch make you murdert. And we don't want to be murdert, Moose. Nope, not today."
Mukluk moves and checks on the packs of seeds that are loaded atop Moose: corn, beans, and squash. He likes corn, beans, and squash. In fact, the considers corn, beans, and squash to be pretty dang perfect. He likes that them elfs call the Three Sisters 'Sprig & Lads', while the gnomic folk call it 'Pee & the Willies'. He knew a bunch more names for it and he just liked that.
Arriving at the Sandpoint mirror, Mukluk takes a few minutes to wash his face of the dust from the road and combing his very meager hair.
He dusts off his traveling cloak, ensuring that his trusty pick and dagger are nearby. He's not a particularly old dwarf, but certainly not young. Middle aged, you might think if you were a dwarven historian or something fancy like that.
After he gets cleaned up, he moves into town...looking for a fine meal over at the Rusty Dragon. It's a regular stop of his.
More detail on Mukluk on his character sheet.

Kisaiya Shiraishi |

Answering Ameiko’s call to the kitchen, the tall and broad Kisaiya walks out, still wearing an apron. She wears an eyepatch her right eye socket and sheathes a fine cooking knife in her belt with her right hand, missing two fingers. Her hair is tied back, revealing a few dark tattoos of intricate patterning and no obvious symbolism.
”Ah, Mukkie! Always happy to see you. I was just thinking I needed to stock up again, if you still are carrying any supplies.” Kisaiya and Mukluk had traveled before, first meeting with a caravan up north before the troubles started in Sandpoint with that Runelord business. Kisaiya still had two eyes and ten fingers then. She was young then, a bit more brash. She had more boyish look then. Now, she’s grown into herself more, is a touch steadier, but she still somehow always manages to look shorter than she is.
She glances about the table and smiles. ”If any of you are feeling indecisive, I have a recipe for dillegrout that I have been rather proud of.”

Durgan Far-Walker |
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Meanwhile, another dwarf is inside the Rusty Dragon, telling a story.
Or attempting to, anyway. While he is fairly outgoing and personable, and seems to have a good command of language and timing, his subject matter is rather uninspiring.
"So then... get this... it turns out that the Lebedas had marked their debts from their tenant farmers as 'debts' rather than 'assets' even though they were the creditors! Can you believe it? They were most thankful for my assistance reviewing the ledgers, as it was such a relief to find they were not in arrears. It was a bit of work, straightening their books out, and so they paid me in a whole wagon full of dried lake trout. Which, naturally, I resold at a fair profit."
Seeing the general lack of response to his accounting story, he shrugs and sips his wine.
"Ah, well, I guess you had to be there."
The dwarf applauds politely to the performers on stage.
Durgan is currently employed as a caravan guard for Sandru. He has a set of armor as well as some traditional dwarven weapons, but spent his most recent payday on some fine Abadaran texts, which he can often be seen perusing. His clothing is neat, as are his hair and beard.

Rory Cornelius |
When Shalelu had returned from the northern ranger fort, Rory and his wolf mount had been traveling with her and decided to stay. He supported himself by crafting items out of the leather from animals he'd harvested: Saddles, harnesses, belts and the occasional armor. If he couldn't find a market it Sandpoint he would occasionally travel to Magnimar to sell his wares.
He considers himself 'Rough and Ready' but his appearance would best be described as scruffy. Not quite to the point of filthy or mangy and certainly not slovenly or squalid; but well beyond raggedy and unkept. One could certainly say he looks like he was raised by wolves, and it wouldn't be far from the truth.
His dad's people were wolf riders, and hunters who considered themselves guardians of the halflings who lived in the forest. His mother was an herbalist and mystic who also raised wolves. Her family were leather workers; Rory learned the trade from his mom and grandfather, while leraning wolfmanship from his dads people. What little mysticism he knew he learned from his mom and Shalelu, the rest he picked up on his own. Though Rory had no siblings the 'Wolves Den' was crowded with cousins and other folks who'd moved there.
So wanting to get away he and Storm traveled north, where they'd gotten caught in an early snowstorm. Having spent three days in a hole, they were rescued by a passing Shalelu, who'd heard Storm howling. They followed her to the Rangers fort, where he'd spent the last couple of years learning more from her. When she announced she was returning to Sandpoint, he traveled with her. Instead of living in town He lives up the lost coast road, having found an abandoned goblin island called Thistletop, he was working at making it livable.
Having spent more time with Rory, he's shown himself to be affable, always willing to help anyone, and when not helping someone, he keeps himself busy working on some leather project or another. Happily telling everyone he made his own rabbit fur leggings, and he helped make Storms saddle and that all the items he wore (except for the metal swords and knives which came from a nearby Gnome village) were made by his clan.
Crossing over the threshold of the 'Rusty Dragon' Rory pulls his leather cap off, while he scrapes the mud off of the soles of his feet. Smiling when he see's Mukluk and another dwarf seated at a table, he nods that direction, "Come on Storm, let's go sit with Mukluk." Chuckling to himself, that if Moose was aloud that the mule would be there as well.
As Storm squeezed under the table, spinning around three times before he laid down, Rory set his leather cap on the table and climbed into the empty chair. Having joined the group just as the other dwarf, one 'Far-Walker' was finishing a story. He notices how 'neat' the dwarf is and subconsciously runs his fingers through his scruffy sideburns. Turning to 'Muletender' he adds, "Speaking of 'Being there' When is your next run to Magnimar? I've got several snakeskin belts I'd like to sell to that half elf merchant on....."
Pausing his question as the Ameiko greets them, Rory puts on his best smile. Raising an eyebrow as their host calls out another friend, He smiles as Kisaiya joins them. He quickly glances to Ameiko, "A pint and whatever the special is would be wonderful."
Seeing the 'cook' glance about the table, he reaches out with his bare foot, and pushes the empty chair out, "Why don't you join us instead?"

Mukluk Muletender |

”Ah, Mukkie! Always happy to see you. I was just thinking I needed to stock up again, if you still are carrying any supplies.” Kisaiya and Mukluk had traveled before…
”Ah Kiss-ya, you’re too kind to me,” Mukluk replies leaning back in his chair, mindful not to put his feet up. ”If you have a stew, bring the stew. If you don’t have stew, I’ll take a soup. And if you don’t have soup, maybe a broth…you know how much I like dipping bread in sauces, and that would do me kindly this day.”
”If any of you are feeling indecisive, I have a recipe for dillegrout that I have been rather proud of.”
”A dillegrout? I don’t think I’ve had that before, but if it has a gravy, then I’m happy to give it a try,” Mukluk shrugs and looks at his dinner companions (Rory mostly) to see what they might get. He really wants to start in on the bread, but also wants to wait for something to dip into.
” Speaking of 'Being there' When is your next run to Magnimar? I've got several snakeskin belts I'd like to sell to that half elf merchant on....."
Mukluk looks up from his gravy dreams to look at the halfling. He has mixt feelings that the halfling’s unshod feets aren’t on the table. On one hand, no one wants to see his unshod feets, on the other foot, if the halfling can put his feet up, so could Mukluk. In the end, there are no feets on the table. Wouldn’t be right, and Mukluk doesn’t want to be murdert by the town guards for such an infraction.
Mukluk rubs the back of his neck to give himself time to figure out what he was going to do next.
”Not sure I’m going back to Magnimar yet, Roresy. I need to see what’s here to be bought that I might get some value to the right people, you know? Sometimes it’s walnuts, other times it’s spices. I’ll need to make a run through town to see what people might want, and then see if Moose has any good ideas.”

Kisaiya Shiraishi |

”I just so happen to have that venison stew you like keeping warm already, Mukkie. Beans, corn, squash, a little clam juice, and all that.” She bows her head to Ameiko. ”Should Ameiko grant me leave, I would be happy to join you.” She taps at the very fine empty curved scabbard on her hip.
She took ten for 20 on profession (cook) for the stew

Rory Cornelius |
Nodding as Mumluk comments about seeing what folks might have of value. Ignoring the comment about asking Moose for any 'good ideas' he asks, "do you want me to see if I can find any of those Forest Mushrooms?"
Smiling at Kisaiya's revelation of Venison stew, Rory turned towards Ameiko, "Um I'd like the stew as well." At that moment, Storm nudge Rory's foot with his wet nose. Shifting in his seat, Rory adds, "And can I have a soup bone for Storm?"

Durgan Far-Walker |

Durgan nods to Kisaiya. "Civilization thrives when its members show not only exemplary skill but also such dedication to their professions. It is all well and good that Ameiko values your skill as a cook, but then again convivial conversation is also one of the mortars that holds society together. Perhaps she will give you leave to join the table.
While I may not have your artistry in the kitchen, I can chop vegetables and stir pots to give you some time for a break."
Durgan is something of a polymath, and has stepped into the kitchen at the Rusty Dragon before with no disastrous results. He has all Profession skills at +5, which would be +7 with Kisaiya's MW knife. And another +1 if he felt like praying for Guidance before each check, but that would not be his normal course of action.

GM Euan - Jade |

She bows her head to Ameiko. ”Should Ameiko grant me leave, I would be happy to join you.” She taps at the very fine empty curved scabbard on her hip.
Ameiko smiles, ”Most of the food is out, a few stragglers aside, so sure - cleaning can always wait.”
She collects orders and heads back to the other staff to fill ‘em while she dances around the room.
I love that feat Durgan. Very nice.

Kisaiya Shiraishi |

Kisaiya shakes her head at Dorgan’s offer. ”I appreciate it, but I think that will be unnecessary. Besides, I want everyone here so I can hear about your travels.” She then nods to Ameiko. ”By your leave, Ame.” Her eyes sparkle faintly as she steals a glance at Ameiko before leaving to bring the stew. She carries four bowls with ease, as wait staff learn to do quickly.
”So, any adventures you all have to speak on?” Her face always tends towards melancholic expressions, but particularly so when the subject of travel and adventure come up. She scratches at her eyepatch with her three-fingered hand.

Mukluk Muletender |
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”So, any adventures you all have to speak on?” She scratches at her eyepatch with her three-fingered hand.
Mukluk thanks Kisaiya for the stews, grabbing some crusty bread to appropriately dip as such food is made to be eaten. His perceptive eyes go from the stew, to Kisaiya's missing fingers, then back to her new eyepatch, then back to her missing fingers, then to the eyepatch, before returning to his stew.
"Uh, so...Kiss'ya, you seem different. I can't help but think there is something different about you, since we last traveled on that caravan together. Are you shorter? Did you change your hair?" Mukluk asks, dipping his bread and taking a big bite.

Kisaiya Shiraishi |

Kisaiya takes a deep breath, her eyes down on her stew. ”You don’t need to talk around the eyepatch and the fingers. Everyone asks.” She leans back in her seat. ”The Salamanca caravan, the one that got completely destroyed? I was there. I was the only one to make it out. Some flying monster, it doesn’t matter. Came back to a letter from the old man about Runelords and giant invasion and dragons. Decided that meant it was time to come home.” She stares off at nothing in particular. ”Was trying too hard for an adventure and…well, it doesn’t matter now.”

Rory Cornelius |
Rasing an eyebrow as Durgan offers to help in the kitchen, Rory had heard he was a bit of a polymath, but he didn't know if that was true or just 'dwarven bragging'. Pleased to hear Ameiko agreed with him on some principles he chuckles as she says cleaning can 'always' wait. As the 'other staff' brings the Venison stew, he watch Mukluk tear off an end of crusty bread. Doing the same, he broke his in half, slipping one portion under the table to Storm, as he dipped the other into his own stew. Looking over at the 'cook.' "Mmmmm this is really good, remind me the next time I'm off on a hunt to invite you along."
When Kisaiya asks about 'adventures' he considers telling her about the snake pit he'd found on the small island. Apparently, some snakes' partial to water moved into the building the goblins had abandoned. They'd tasted fairly decent with a little salt and we're the perfect size for belts. As Mukluk and Kisaiya spoke of her 'situation' he looked from Mukluk to Durgan, realizing none of the snakes had been long enough to make belts for dwarves. Mentally shrugging, Sandpoint and Magnimar were mostly human, so he believed he'd be able to sell them.
As he considered the belts, he thought about giving one to Kisaiya, then he began to look at her eye patch. It was a fairly plain thing, as he watched her, he determined that he could make her a fancier one. Curious about what Far-Walker knew of use, he asks. "So Durgan, have you ever done any tanning or leather work?"
While Trying to sound nonchalant, he turns to Kisaiya, "I was thinking about your eye patch, if someone was going to make you a fancier one, would there be a symbol or something that you'd have put on it?" He smiles and nods back at Durgan, "We can see if he really can do anything."

Mukluk Muletender |

Now, she’s grown into herself more, is a touch steadier, but she still somehow always manages to look shorter than she is.
Mukluk nods as Kisaiya explains her injuries. While he did want to know, he wasn’t going to ask. No, he wouldn’t do that any more than he would put his feets on the table…he didn’t want to get murdert.
But something about Kisaiya was still bothering him.
”Are you sure you’re not shorter than you were? I mean, sorry about the eye and all, but you seem different,” he notes agreeably.

Durgan Far-Walker |

"Alas, Rory, that is not an area where I have much skill. Tanning, yes, but leatherworking, no. I can prepare hides but I cannot craft beautiful goods. I could do the basics. To really create a quality work one must be a dedicated craftsman. "
Profession (Tanner) would be +5, but Craft (Leatherworking) would be a +1 - although Craft can be used untrained whereas Profession cannot.
He considers Kisaiya before responding. She is alive, and as a sole survivor probably does not want pity for herself or for her injuries. It's a hard thing; he knows quite a few veterans of the Mendevian Crusades who were sole survivors of one squad or another. So he just responds to her inquiry and her story more factually, and with empathy for those who actually lost their lives.
"My own experiences with Sandru's caravan haven't been especially eventful. Some brigands, some goblins, but they most often flee when they encounter any serious resistance. Take down one in ten and the rest will typically rout.
Protection of travelers and caravans is a sacred duty to followers of Abadar. Though I know that you have your own path and your own deity, still I respect and honor your efforts to guard that caravan, and I grieve with you the loss of those lives. May their souls be judged fairly."

Kisaiya Shiraishi |

Kisaiya Shiraishi wrote:Now, she’s grown into herself more, is a touch steadier, but she still somehow always manages to look shorter than she is.Mukluk nods as Kisaiya explains her injuries. While he did want to know, he wasn’t going to ask. No, he wouldn’t do that any more than he would put his feets on the table…he didn’t want to get murdert.
But something about Kisaiya was still bothering him.
”Are you sure you’re not shorter than you were? I mean, sorry about the eye and all, but you seem different,” he notes agreeably.
Oh the “look shorter than she is” is not a change, hence the “still.” It’s more about how unassertive she is. I’m 6’2.5” irl and people always assume I’m shorter for that reason
Kisaiya chuckles. ”Well, you could say I had a late puberty.” She pats her chest.
While Trying to sound nonchalant, he turns to Kisaiya, "I was thinking about your eye patch, if someone was going to make you a fancier one, would there be a symbol or something that you'd have put on it?" He smiles and nods back at Durgan, "We can see if he really can do anything."
Kisaiya pauses in completely surprise. ”I…never really thought on it. Maybe a…no. Or…no.” She gives Rory a weak smile. ”I will get back to you on that.”
He considers Kisaiya before responding. She is alive, and as a sole survivor probably does not want pity for herself or for her injuries. It's a hard thing; he knows quite a few veterans of the Mendevian Crusades who were sole survivors of one squad or another. So he just responds to her inquiry and her story more factually, and with empathy for those who actually lost their lives.
"My own experiences with Sandru's caravan haven't been especially eventful. Some brigands, some goblins, but they most often flee when they encounter any serious resistance. Take down one in ten and the rest will typically rout.
Protection of travelers and caravans is a sacred duty to followers of Abadar. Though I know that you have your own path and your own deity, still I respect and honor your efforts to guard that caravan, and I grieve with you the loss of those lives. May their souls be judged fairly."
Kisaiya listens appreciatively to Durgan’s thoughtful and empathetic reaching out. ”Do you know much about Shizuru, the Empress of Heaven? There is not a great deal of honor in surviving the people one serves, even if it was just a job. Everyone deserved better. Certainly better than me.”

Rory Cornelius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Raising an eyebrow at Durgan's response, Rory considers what to do with the information. His least favorite part of the whole process is the tanning. He enjoys the challenge of the hunt, riding Storm on the chase or sneaking through the trees with a sling. He hunts mostly for meat, but it's a shame to waste the hide or antlers or teeth and he uses them when he can. He likes making leather items people can use and decorating them to match the person who wears them. But Tanning? Scrapping the flesh off of the hide with a knife? Soaking it in water and vinegar and brains? Or worse yet chemicals? He looks at Durgan for a moment wondering what he'd have to pay the dwarf to do the tanning; maybe some of the meat, maybe part of the sale price, maybe a few items. He makes a mental note to speak with the dwarf later.
Realizing the conversation had moved on and that Kizaiya was speaking to him he smiles, "Great! that means we get to meet again over dinner. Maybe I'll get to cook, I have some of the snake meat left."
Taking another piece of bread he splits it again, some for him, some for Storm. As Kizaiya speaks of Shizuru, Rory turns towards Durgan, if he knew who she was, maybe he knew her holy symbol. As he dipped his bread in the stew he wondered if Shizuru was the deity Kizaiya worshiped.

Durgan Far-Walker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
"I can't say that I am familiar with Shizuru. I would be glad to hear more. But I understand about duty and honor."
The dwarf takes a sip of wine.
"I can't tell you why you are alive and they are not. I can tell by your concern about honor that you did not abandon or betray your charges. But was your survival due to Fate or the Will of Pharasma, that you have been saved for a purpose? Dumb Luck with no reason to it? Or the intervention of spirits or Fey? I will not insult you by pretending that I have the answer.
I can offer only my own belief, which is that there is no inherent fairness to the world. Luck is chaotic, fickle, whimsical, and unfair. It is the duty of mortals, then, to through our decisions and actions bring a degree of fairness where we can. I know that we Abadarans are seen as preoccupied with laws and structure. But I do believe that is why we are here. To make things a little bit more fair."
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

Kisaiya Shiraishi |

Kisaiya nods as Durgan talks, listening thoughtfully. ”I survived because I got lucky and I was too stubborn to die. Not there. Not then. That’s all I need to know. In the code of ichimeiyo, handed down by Shizuru, death is not something to be afraid of. I meditate every morning on the infinite ways that I might die. But one must die only at the will and benefit of their worthy master.” She does not say that that tragedy brought her the clarity to know who that “worthy master” should be. Not here. Not now. ”I do like that about making the world a bit more fair. I can drink to that.”
She taps at her cheek as Rory mentions snake meat. ”White meat, tends to be dry. Could treat it like turkey. Maybe a nice brine?” She seems to be talking to herself more than anyone.

Mukluk Muletender |

Mukluk’s eyes go from his stew to Kisaiya’s offered chest and then back to his stew. He does note again Kisaiya’s missing fingers and eye.
Not gunna say a thing, that’s how you get murdert.
”Well, I’m glad you’re here with us now,” Mukluk offers, grabbing his beverage and offering a quick toast before a quick sip. He has little to say about Ichemeiyo, nor of Shizuru and so will wisely keep this mouth shut. Lest he be murdert for his poorly chose words.

Rory Cornelius |
Listening to Durgan philosophy Rory continues eating his stew and bread, occasionally slipping pieces to Storm. He smiles when Kisaiya comments about eating snake, he's not exactly sure what a brine is. He just wraps the meat around a stick, preferably hickory or cherry if he can find it, to add a little flavor; then makes sure it has plenty of salt and holds it over a fire. Finishing his soup up as Mukluk comments about him being glad the tall human is back; Rory nods his head as well.
Realizing he'd finished the stew; he sets the bowl down in front of his chair for Storm to lick clean. Looking back at the others he drinks down the rest of his ale. Waiving his pint mug in the air at the servers, he asks, "So anyone doing anything interesting tomorrow that you may need help with?"

Mukluk Muletender |

"So anyone doing anything interesting tomorrow that you may need help with?"
Mukluk looks over his shoulder as if expecting Moose, his very good mule, to come striding into the tavern to answer that question. "I promised Moose that we'd go nut huntin'. Ain't nothing that mule likes more than some fresh pecans. Well, that and lazily grazin'. Did you want to go hunt nuts, Roresy?"

Rory Cornelius |
Raising an eyebrow at Mukluk's offer, Rory and considered the options. Having finished the belts, he really didn't have anything to do for the day. Shrugging, he replied with a smile, "I don't see why not Muk'sy" His smile widens "Where are you and Moosy planning on hunting? Storm'sy and I can meet you at one of the gates at dawn." Shrugging, getting only a little more serious, "We've become fairly familiar with the woods towards the north up the 'old Coast Road' shouldn't be to hard to find a pecan grove."
Feeling Storm nudge his foot with his cold nose, Rory continues. "You won't mind if we do a little 'real' hunting while were out do you? I mean if we see a deer, or rabbit, or squirrel, or pheasant." He pause for a moment, thinking, "Maybe a coon, I don't love raccoon, but humans love 'coon-skin hats' for some reason, and if I'm going to kill it, I'd still eat it."

Mukluk Muletender |

"You won't mind if we do a little 'real' hunting while we’re out do you?… I don't love raccoon, but humans love 'coon-skin hats' for some reason, and if I'm going to kill it, I'd still eat it."
Mukluk leans forward, thinking that Rory was going to offer to hunt some ‘real’ prey, like orcs, or something that could actually fight back as that was *true* hunting. Although Mukluk had abandoned his racial homelands, he still held most of the racial enmity against orcs, which was the right way to be. Either you kilt them, or they made you murdert.
”Meh, I don’t need to harm no raccoons. They ain’t done anything to me,” he replies staring at his stew. ”I know that I eat deer, but I’d be just as happy with me’ stew of three sisters. It’s just as good and no woody little creature need die for it. But I’ll eat it just the same when I’m here, but only because getting stuff without meat can be a problem, and I don’t mean to be a hassle,” he explains further.
”I’ll come with you to do real hunting, mostly to watch, if you want as that’ll give Moose the time I promised for easy and lazy grazin’,” he offers thinking about what else he might do.

Kisaiya Shiraishi |

Kisaiya leans back in her chair. ”You prefer no meat? I’ll remember that. How do you feel on fish? I know some Minkaian recipes that focus on fish. Or things like eggs?”
She scratches at her eye patch again. ”I really don’t mind. And venison is not just deer. It was in this case.”
Venison only referring to deer is a more recent change. Historically, it could refer to any game meat
She finishes her stew and does a deep sigh. No great adventures to hear of. Just more of the same. Cooking for people is enjoyable, a good distraction, but she finds herself having difficulty sitting still. There’s an itch in her that’s just getting worse. But she also knows in her heart this is where she is supposed to be.

GM Euan - Jade |

Ameiko drifts back over with a fresh round - she knows this table. Her countenance conceals a frown though - you can feel the vibe. That and she hasn’t performed yet. She doesn’t, always, but usually often enough that the off nights are, well, off.
Just getting another round and giving you an opportunity to interact with Ameiko if you wish. Please feel free to talk among yourselves for another round however!

Mukluk Muletender |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

”You prefer no meat? I’ll remember that. How do you feel on fish? I know some Minkaian recipes that focus on fish. Or things like eggs?”
"Nah, I don't need to eat no meat if I have me’ stew of three sisters, that'll do just fine when I cook for myself. But if I'm in a fine establishmentarianism like this one? Well, I'll just take what is offered. And so I don't feel the need to go huntin' for something that isn't hunting me. Moose feels the same way, so don't go asking him about it, you're like to get the silent treatment," Mukluk responds, trying to flesh out how he feels. "Now all you all can eats what you wishes, but me? I'll take me’ stew of three sisters and leave the badgers and deer and Buff'lo to their aloning."
Mukluk sits back and takes another drink.
"I could leave fish, it's fine. But not better than fresh bread. Fresh bread is where the real crunch is. Again, I'll eat fish if it's not my day to cook, you know? But I don't need to waste time draggin' a line in water to stop some fishes from going about their fishy bizness."
He smiles up at Ameiko, but doesn't say anything to her. He senses she's in a mood and he doesn't want to get murdert for asking the wrong questions.

Kisaiya Shiraishi |

Kisaiya nods to herself. ”I can work with that.” She begins flipping through her memories of various recipes for anything that would require few or no substitutions.
She stops as soon as she notices Ameiko’s mood shift. When she comes around to set down a refill for Kisaiya, she places a gentle hand on hers to request she pause. ”What’s wrong? Do you need me to tell someone they’re done?”

Rory Cornelius |
Smiling at Mukluk's response, obviously the dwarf had never set a barrel of trash outside his hobbit halfling hole, or he'd have a different attitude about raccoons. Having heard of the 'three sisters' Rory was a little surprised, he'd assumed all dwarves preferred meat; Rory certainly did. He didn't 'mind' vegetables, but he really considered them a side dish to accompany meat.
He was pleased that Kisaiya was interested in what sorts of foods others preferred. Hopefully she'd get around to asking what he liked. Maybe they could have a meeting of the minds and cook shish kabob; Kisaiya could cook, Mukluk could have the vegetables, and he and Storm could eat the 'venison.' He made a mental note to invite the cook along sometime.
Looking up from his daydreaming, Rory realized Ameiko was approaching, she seemed, well, a little distracted. He watched Kisaiya whisper to her employer, she obviously had picked up on it also. Sipping his ale again, Rory selfishly hoped that Kisaiya could talk Ameiko into playing. He had looked forwards to it, ever since Shalelu had told him that Ameiko was the second-best lutist she knew.

Durgan Far-Walker |

Durgan thinks of asking Ameiko what might be going on, but holds back as he sees Kisaiya whispering to her.
He just says "Thank you" for the fresh round of drinks and takes another spoon of the stew. He finds Mukluk's views somewhat curious.
I would bet that every farmer he buys from would be more than happy to have rabbit stew every night, given the carnage those beasts can wreak on a garden. But, his way is his way and he is welcome to it. He seems to take no offense at what others do.

GM Euan - Jade |

”What’s wrong? Do you need me to tell someone they’re done?”
"No. It's fine!" she manages through clenched teeth. "I'm just so sick of the blighters taking what doesn't belong to them! And they're using fireworks now! One of the men lost an eye! Of all the bloody deeds."
She collects your empties as she swears, having already delivered fresh drinks - and more fresh crusty bread.

Kisaiya Shiraishi |

“Blighters” that “take what doesn’t belong to them” and use fireworks…that could only be goblins. ”Goblins causing trouble again, then? I could see if anyone wants to do anything about it.” Kisaiya’s itch for a bit of adventure and danger is hitting her hard. And if she can make Ameiko happy by following it, well, what is she waiting for?

Rory Cornelius |
Hearing 'Blighters taking what doesn't belong to them' Rory doesn't quite put the connection together until Kisaiya asks Ameiko about 'anyone wanted to do anything.' Pausing for a moment, he leans in asking her, "If we offer to go after the goblins, do you think she would cheer up enough to play?"
Wondering how dwarf-like the two dwarves sitting at the table are he turns to Mukluk, asking, "Goblins? Would that be the sort of 'huntin' you'd prefer?" He shurgs, "I'd go, but I'm not skinning or eating 'em. That's just gross."

Durgan Far-Walker |

"I'll join that hunt. A plague on civilization, they are. Sadistic things; they committed some heinous atrocities here a few years back. I can't believe they have the gall to show their faces anywhere near Sandpoint."

Mukluk Muletender |

"No. It's fine!" she manages through clenched teeth. "I'm just so sick of the blighters taking what doesn't belong to them! And they're using fireworks now! One of the men lost an eye! Of all the bloody deeds."
Mukluk barely moves for a few seconds after the outburst, not wanting to make things worse. He doesn’t know anything about what Ameiko is angry about and at this point he’s afraid to ask.gif.
”So…the goblins are the blighters?” Mukluk whispers to Rory, hoping the halfaman knows more. ”Is there anything else I’m missing?”

GM Euan - Jade |

Ameiko continues a little tirade against the goblins, ”There’s a pack of ‘em in the Brinestump Marsh been acting up in the last week or two something fierce. I convinced the Sheriff to institute the 10gp per goblin ear bounty, though I don’t as a rule like such sordid behavior. He topped it today with a 300gp bonus for the head of Chief Gutwad - the Licktoads’ leader after Harold lost his eye.”
She does seem to brighten a bit at the thought of someone taking care of business. Still, ”It’ll be a dangerous thing, heading into the marsh. There are no real maps of the place. Are you sure you’re up for such a task?” She adores you all of course, but doesn’t think of you in that way. You come in here to eat and drink and make merry - same as all the other customers through her Dragon.
This is something wholly different. But the Dragon is still busy. ”Hold that thought,” she says as she dances away to other tables leaving you to chat among yourselves.

Mukluk Muletender |

”What happened to the Heroes of Sandpoint?” Mukluk asks, having heard a lot of tales over the years. ”Shouldn’t they be handling this? Where’s that one? The town minstrel? Shameus?” He asks as he’s not too keen on local or current history. ”Where’s that one that loved wine? Surely she’s still around? Or did she go off to find better wines in better climatages?” He takes a drink.

Durgan Far-Walker |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

"I don't remember any Shameus. I remember hearing of a wizard from Sargava and some other fellows. They gave the goblins what for, that's for certain, but I don't know what happened after that."
We all have our own tales of RotR I believe, or at least Book 1... my Heroes of Sandpoint only got as far as Level 3 before the campaign fizzled out.

Kisaiya Shiraishi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Kisaiya does not respond to her table-mates' opinions on goblins. While she has nothing but contempt for the particular goblins that raided the Sandpoint environs, she learned enough on her travels to know they are not all like that. The matter is academic at the moment though, so she does not make an issue.
She nods in response to Ameiko's question and opens her mouth to speak but instantly stops at "hold that thought." As Ameiko walks away, she turns to her table-mates. "The wine-drinker would be Valena Dalloway Versade. Last I heard, she was in Magnimar with her wife. She hung up her sword, as is a hero's reward. Even so, I would no sooner send the Heroes of Sandpoint to deal with firework-stealing goblins than I would use my best knife to hack at tree trunks. Certainly not when there are a few old battleaxes lying about." She pushes out her chair and stands, stretching her neck and shoulders. "I have not needed to fight for a while, but I am sworn to maintain my skills, and I am more than capable of holding my own against goblins. Especially with the assistance of a few good sturdy fellows such as yourselves."
Val was my RotRL character, a socialite from Magnimar, who worshipped Cayden and always had a glass of wine in hand (thank you neverspill goblet)

Mukluk Muletender |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Val was my RotRL character, a socialite from Magnimar, who worshipped Cayden and always had a glass of wine in hand (thank you neverspill goblet)
This is canon to me in the EGMEPU (Extended GM Euan Pathfinderagraphic Universe). Such things are known.
Mukluk grunts at the information from Kisaiya who would know much better than he about such things. It still doesn’t answer his bigger question about where the Heroes the Sandpoint had gone.
”I thought the wizard came from Magnimar and led a porcine army,” Mukluk tries to remember the lore. ”And the other one. Well, we know what happened to him. It wasn’t a perfect ending for him now, was it?”

Rory Cornelius |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Perking up, Rory had heard about this 'Shameus' fellow one-night Shalelu was in her cups. He waives his hand, standing on the wooden chair. "Shalelu told me about the 'Shameus' fellow, said he was a slack-jawed lay-about, getting by on his friends coat-tails who thought playing a harp for a couple of songs was work. Apparently, he headed south for warmer climates."
Having shared valuable insight into one of the 'Hero's of Sandpoint' Rory calms down a little retaking his seat. Turning towards Kisaiya, "I've got nothing against anything, 'live and let live' is my motto. But it doesn't sound like these goblins are doing that, so Storm and I would ride with you." Hearing his name Storm stands from where he was laying and poked his nose over the table.

GM Euan - Jade |

Ameiko comes around again, ”Last call I’m afraid pups. Anything more you need tonight? Kisaiya, I’ll need your help back in the kitchen soon. But not right away…” She smiles, but it’s still a little lopsided over the loss of Harold’s eye.

Mukluk Muletender |

Mukluk begins to warm up to the idea of helping out here with the goblins. He doesn’t have another set trade route planned.
It's been a long time since I been on a goblin hunt. And this one sounds good, too. Easy money with my Trepanator, here. Mukluk pats his cold iron pick reassuringly.
”Me and Moose will tag along, if y’all don’t mind. We could be useful,” Mukluk offers but is okay with being refused.

Rory Cornelius |
Smiling at Kisaiya's 'fist pump' Rory holds his pint up in salute to her, "Happy to be of service"
Hearing the word 'pup' Storm looks over at Aneiko and gives a light 'woof.' Remembering he'd been slipping scraps to the wolf but not really anything solid Rory asks, "Could I have soup bone for Storm, to take with us?"
As they get ready to leave, Rory nods at Mukluk's offer, "Looking forward to 'hunting' with you and Moose, Mukluk; Pecans or goblins, either one."
Looking towards Kisaiya, "Shall we meet at the town square, say a half hour after sunrise?" He didn't have a clock, but he woke with the sun and knew it wouldn't take half an hour to ride there.
Turning to the second dwarf he asks, "What do you think Durgan?"

Durgan Far-Walker |

"I will be there. I am a skilled tracker and I have trained to fight goblins. Make it an hour after sunrise; I normally spend the first hour after dawn in prayer."

Mukluk Muletender |

"Make it an hour after sunrise; I normally spend the first hour after dawn in prayer."
Mukluk nods, amenable to an hour after sunrise. Being a trader and traveler, he was used to early mornings.
"Yeah, I'll be there, but might leave Moose here. I promised him some time to rest and I ain't about to break no promises unless there is good reason. And stomping through a swamp ain't no place for a sturdy mule, no matter how good of company they are," Mukluk agrees. "Now, how many days out do you all think we'll be? I want to be sure to have enough foodstuffs and me' three sisters stew to carry me through."
How far away is the supposed goblin camp?

GM Euan - Jade |

Ameiko overhears your planning to go. ”Huh. I didn’t think you’d be the table to go.” she gestures to a rowdy group a few tables away. They’re clearly sucking back liquid courage as they talk about what they’ll do with all the money they make collecting goblin ears. Loud they are.
She looks at you, ”Do you know your way around the marshes?”
The marshes actually are very close. Just a few hours march.