Worshipper of Torag

Durgan Far-Walker's page

1,509 posts. Alias of Aldizog.

Full Name

Durgan Far-Walker




AC 17, T12, FF16, CMD 17 | HP 38/38 | F +8 R +4 W +9 (+3 vs spells/SLA/poison) | Move 30' | Init +1 | Per +10














Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Giant, Tien



About Durgan Far-Walker


Durgan Far-Walker is relatively tall for a dwarf (4'4"), with long braided brown hair and a beard. He has grey eyes and light tan skin. He is approaching middle-age, at 110 years old. Durgan takes good care of his equipment, and tries to avoid clutter in his belongings.

As a priest of Abadar, Durgan values order in most things, especially accounting ledgers. He also has learned a great many things in his life, and has at least some knowledge of many of the threats that adventurers might face. He tends quietly observe social situations at first; although he is a very insightful, he doesn’t have the greatest persuasive skills (although these are improving). Similarly, Durgan is not a great storyteller, though he does have a great many stories about the exploits of his long life. Many of these stories revolve around resolving accounting discrepancies, which is of great interest to him though boring to everybody else. Durgan is certainly interested in profit and wealth if acquired fairly, but will never cheat anybody. He respects both the letter and the spirit of the rules; none of this Asmodean ‘read the fine print’ garbage for him.

Durgan is patient and understanding of the ways of humans and shorter-lived races. He is very curious about elves and their rumored otherworldly origins, but hasn’t had the opportunity to explore this in depth.


Durgan’s family is from the Five Kings Mountains. Durgan himself has traveled far and wide in his lifetime. Clergy of Abadar are called upon to perform many tasks, including serving as lawyers, judges, bankers, accountants, architects, watchmen, and urban planners. Durgan can do all of these things and more.

Durgan does not yet have a family of his own, nor anyone special, though he would like to have children someday. His parents, devout Torag followers, make indelicate comments about how Torag teaches that it is important to Create New Things, and how there are many enjoyable ways of Creating New Things, and look how successful his younger brother has been at Creating New Things. Durgan isn’t off-putting, and in fact is fairly charming for a dwarf, but just hasn’t found the right woman yet.

As with most Abadarans, Durgan harbors a particular dislike for bandits, due to Abadar's portfolio of Law and Trade. For this reason, he was most recently hired as a caravan guard by Sandru. He has some earnings from his employment to date, which he has used to purchase quality copies of the two holy texts of Abadar, The Manual of City Building and The Order of Numbers.