GM Nomadical's #2-10: In Burning Dawn (GD-XII) (Inactive)

Game Master Nomadical

In Burning Dawn slides

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Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Welcome aboard! Please visit this link GM Nomadical's GD-XII - In Burning Dawn slides and drop a token on the cover page, post here with the below info, and then jet on over to the Gameplay thread and dot in.

Sign up’s are on the Gameday XII Event Listing sheet, FCFS tab, line 44. As of this posting, all seats are taken, but feel free to check for openings.

Sign in’s are on : RPGChronicles

Please ensure you have an Email or Discord link. I will download the chronicles, add art and/or comments, then send them to you myself.

Have you Played and/or GMed this scenario before?

Anything weird or tricksy about your character that I should know, especially always-on abilities that give you rolls (like Trap Spotter, etc.)

Bonus question: If your character found a classic genie-in-a-bottle, what would they wish for?

Envoy's Alliance

| HP 14/68 | AC 24 | Fort +12E; Ref +12T; Will +12E | Perception: +10T | Focus Points: 0/0 | Hero Points: 0/3 (one is a Campaign Coin) | LN Agender Android (Artisan) Inventor 6

Have you Played and/or GMed this scenario before? Ran it once before....never played.[/b]

Weird or Tricksy Megaton Strike (2 actions, adds 1 more dice), Advanced Targeting System (1/day True strike), Expert Overdrive (Crit S +5 to dam, Success, +3, Failure-nothing-can try again, Crit F Take 6 Fire damage)

Bonus Question To have their ancestor's memories.

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting


I have GMed this scenario (When it was new).

Weird/Tricky: Dr Ripfang has a familiar with Lab Assistant & Manual Dexterity

It can definitely make alchemical items, but can it apply them to allies?

Companion Items wrote:
Normally these are the only items a companion can use. Other items can qualify, at the GM's discretion, but a companion can never Activate an Item.

Bonus: Their Absalom Dental License back.

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Hey folks, I looked at teh characters that I could bring and I have lvl 5 Magus, or lvl 7 Oracle (I need to level him up). If we play high tier, I would bring Oracle, if low then Magus as I think we could use frontliner.

Vigilant Seal

43870-2001 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 8 | mPerc +17 (+19 Init) | tAC 26| | HP 104/104 | eF +15 mR +19 eW +16 | tAcro +15 tAthletics +13 tCraft +10 tScout L/Herbal L +10 eNature +15 tStealth +14 mSurvival + 18* tThievery +15 Human Ranger 8 (Vigilant Seal)

Hello, wanting to get on the wait list i there are any openings. Have two level 7s. Please PM me, thanks.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)
Dr. Ripfang Muk Muk wrote:


I have GMed this scenario (When it was new).

Weird/Tricky: Dr Ripfang has a familiar with Lab Assistant & Manual Dexterity

It can definitely make alchemical items, but can it apply them to allies?

Companion Items wrote:
Normally these are the only items a companion can use. Other items can qualify, at the GM's discretion, but a companion can never Activate an Item.
Bonus: Their Absalom Dental License back.

Dude, you're asking me? On my first attempt to GM in PF2e? What have other GMs ruled? Does allowing it make the build OP and break the action economy, or just help out a little once in a while?

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)
Rawiri wrote:
Hey folks, I looked at teh characters that I could bring and I have lvl 5 Magus, or lvl 7 Oracle (I need to level him up). If we play high tier, I would bring Oracle, if low then Magus as I think we could use frontliner.

It looks like the only frontliners are the Champion and maybe the inventor. I've played with Itka the witch (Cal waves hi with a friendly wink!), and I presume the Sorcerer and alchemist are not frontliners.

Right now, the table is at 20 CP with your Oracle 7. We'd be high tier, and the Champion would be getting a level bump. Switching to a Magus 5 would drop us to 18 CP and the low tier.

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:
GM Nomadical wrote:

Bonus: Their Absalom Dental License back.

Dude, you're asking me? On my first attempt to GM in PF2e? What have other GMs ruled? Does allowing it make the build OP and break the action economy, or just help out a little once in a while?

My 2c's, I did not see anything related to familiars that would make them broken ;) I did not see anything related to alchemy that would make it broken ;)

The most common interpretation (that I saw and I follow) is that familiar with manual dexterity can administer items to others.

Scarab Sages

Male Human, possibly with Ogre blood Chemist 5, Alchemist 2, Pyromaniac 3
Dr. Ripfang Muk Muk wrote:
"It can definitely make alchemical items, but can it apply them to allies?"

I will put in my quarter's worth on this.

Quick alchemy only lasts until the beginning of your turn. It takes 1 action. If a familiar (as a minion) gets 2 actions if the alchemist uses 1 action...that means the tiny lab assistant can make 1 alchemical item (say an elixir of life (minor)) in your space (has to be in your space to use the Lab Assistant trait). It can then go (move) its speed to another PC. But it is done (2 actions). That recipient PC could then take the item (as a 1 action) from your familar.

The other option (that I see) is that the lab assistant can make that elixir of life, and then make a 2nd one....then just sit on the alchemists shoulder and another PC come by and take from the assistant.

Now...regular alchemical items. One not made with Quick alchemy. I can see it taking it from your satchel, run to the other PC and then next round (given 2 actions again) give it to the PC--or even administer it to them.

This is of course unless I am missing other things (feats, traits, etc) from your alchemist or familiar....but with the information given...that is what I see as the action economy.

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting
Rawiri wrote:
GM Nomadical wrote:

Bonus: Their Absalom Dental License back.

Dude, you're asking me? On my first attempt to GM in PF2e? What have other GMs ruled? Does allowing it make the build OP and break the action economy, or just help out a little once in a while?

My 2c's, I did not see anything related to familiars that would make them broken ;) I did not see anything related to alchemy that would make it broken ;)

The most common interpretation (that I saw and I follow) is that familiar with manual dexterity can administer items to others.

Sorry, was not trying to ask some sort of trap question.

The answer every time has been yes, your familiar can apply items.

A strict reading of the rules says no and I didn't want to tip the scales with undue influence etc.
Things that happen with the familiar applying items:

People get healed (or otherwise alchemicaled) with a single action from me (familiar draws and applies elixir, instead of 2 actions from me)

I can make rude gestures instead of carrying around a quicksilver elixir in hand.

It still can't make attacks, but will frequently allow me to apply alchemicals with a single action instead of 2.

Ugh, post got slightly mangled, looks like Rawiri had the same issue, that nexted quotes aren't working quite right.

Curse you Paizo.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)
Dr. Ripfang Muk Muk wrote:

Sorry, was not trying to ask some sort of trap question.

The answer every time has been yes, your familiar can apply items.

A strict reading of the rules says no and I didn't want to tip the scales with undue influence etc.
Things that happen with the familiar applying items:

People get healed (or otherwise alchemicaled) with a single action from me (familiar draws and applies elixir, instead of 2 actions from me)

I can make rude gestures instead of carrying around a quicksilver elixir in hand.

It still can't make attacks, but will frequently allow me to apply alchemicals with a single action instead of 2.

Sorry, I was being snarky, not accusatory. Didn’t think you were trying to trap me. No worries.

Actually, it’s always good to get these kind of questions when one is early in the GMing career, as it forces me to look stuff up. It’s why I like running mid-tier rather than the ubiquitous 1-4’s.

The line “a companion can never Activate an Item” is part of the paragraph titled Companion Items. I feel like the intent of that is to prevent someone from giving and/or Investing their Companion with a wand or held or worn item that would require the user to Activate it. So that crocodile animal companion can’t Activate a Hat of Disguise to look like something else even if you stick it on her head and Invest it. I think the reasoning is that your animal wouldn’t know how to imbue the magic or say the magic words or flick the wand “just so.”

Applying an oil or feeding a potion both do have the Activate action. But given that you’ve trained your familiar to work in a lab, and it has manual dexterity, I think it’s reasonable to allow it to do simple physical actions that aren’t inherently magical.

So, Approved to use alchemical consumables with the Activate action but whose activation is a simple physical action.

As to the action economy, I’d defer to Jim’s answer. Using Quick Alchemy is 1 action, drawing the item from your pouch is 1 action, moving themselves to the ally is at least 1 action depending on distance, Interacting to hand it off is 1 action, Interacting to apply it or feed it is 1 action.

The last two (applying or feeding) can be done from the adjacent space without having to enter the target’s square, just as they could be done by a PC. Also, handing off an item can be done from an adjacent space to the target PC. So, if the familiar is riding on your shoulder, and you move to or are adjacent to your ally, your 1 action given to your familiar would allow it to Quick Alchemy or draw the potion (1 action) and then feed it to the ally (second action) without having to spend another action to Step into her space.


And thanks to Jim and Farol for your inputs.

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Ya. That's basically the conclusion that everybody comes to. Companions can't generally use items, but picking the ability that lets them interact with alchemicals should well... let them interact with alchemicals even though it doesn't explicitly say so.

Generally the familiar just lives in the bag and doesn't even get a mini or go anywhere, just helps out in drawing/applying alchemical items. I'd expect the only thing to see from it is draw/apply or quick alchemy/apply and only for alchemicals applied to friendlies.

I assure you there are no plans to have it do anything else. I think it's gotten a mini and gone one the loose once in 7 levels and that was only to get it out of danger.

It'd be nice if this was clear and I didn't have to ask every time I play. Maybe the remaster will fix :P

Thanks for taking the time to delve into it.

Other character note that doesn't actually require you to do anything:

Mostly for anybody who notices and wonders.

Dr Ripfang. knows the formula for Dwarven Daisy

The only source for this item is a limited quantity on a chronicle sheet.

The PFS2 FAQ says "Formulas for items which limit how many a character may obtain (e.g. the dwarven daisy fireworks from Quest REDACTED) are not available."

(Amusingly enough even specifically mentions this item)

So that FAQ entry wasn't always there. So before that showed up, I had purchased the item, dissembled and reverse-engineered the formula.

If you scroll down to the bottom of my
, you can see my special permission from Tonya (When she was OPM) to retain it.

I think I'm out of oddities after that.

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 |◆◇↺| Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
GM Nomadical wrote:
I've played with Itka the witch (Cal waves hi with a friendly wink!)

Itka says "Hmp" and waves back dismissively, but with a twinkle in her eye.

Have you Played and/or GMed this scenario before? Neither.

Anything weird or tricksy about your character that I should know, especially always-on abilities that give you rolls (like Trap Spotter, etc.) Not much, just some fun spells. Itka's Patron is now Baba Yaga (just finished retraining after gaining access to that boon), so she's going to be looking for reasons to give things chicken legs and make them walk around.

Bonus question: If your character found a classic genie-in-a-bottle, what would they wish for? She'd wish for Zon Kuthon to be rendered completely helpless, numb, and unable to communicate or sense anything for the remainder of his existence. Hmp! *That'll* torture him!

Envoy's Alliance

| HP 14/68 | AC 24 | Fort +12E; Ref +12T; Will +12E | Perception: +10T | Focus Points: 0/0 | Hero Points: 0/3 (one is a Campaign Coin) | LN Agender Android (Artisan) Inventor 6

Figured I might as well post sounds like we have already been on the road for a it would likely be weird if we did 'Lorespire' like introductions :-)

Envoy's Alliance

| HP 14/68 | AC 24 | Fort +12E; Ref +12T; Will +12E | Perception: +10T | Focus Points: 0/0 | Hero Points: 0/3 (one is a Campaign Coin) | LN Agender Android (Artisan) Inventor 6

FYI....W@NullD3R3R states that is their name, but asks you to just call them 'Wan' people do not care for the long designation...and in combat that can cause issues.

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---

Thanks for the heads-up, GM! Getting set up now.

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---

Have you Played and/or GMed this scenario before?

Anything weird or tricksy about your character that I should know, especially always-on abilities that give you rolls (like Trap Spotter, etc.)
I don’t think so.

Bonus question: If your character found a classic genie-in-a-bottle, what would they wish for?
For my father to say, “I was wrong”

Vigilant Seal

Dr. Ripfang Muk Muk wrote:
Bonus: Their Absalom Dental License back.

Tieri can help with that! As soon as he is done with his...

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 90/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Scout +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Have you Played and/or GMed this scenario before? Nope, but my paladin has played the prequel.

Anything weird or tricksy about your character that I should know, especially always-on abilities that give you rolls (like Trap Spotter, etc.) Ra'uf has Liberating Step, which he will use the first time it comes up each round. It reduces damage and allows a free escape attempt and Step. He can't use it on himself.

Ra'uf will use Deific Weapon to make his axe ghost touch every day unless otherwise specified.

If your character found a classic genie-in-a-bottle, what would they wish for? To sail once with his father at least once.

Defy the Dragon | ◆◇↺
Itka Biklest wrote:
Itka's Patron is now Baba Yaga (just finished retraining after gaining access to that boon), so she's going to be looking for reasons to give things chicken legs and make them walk around.

That was a fun scenario to run. I hope it was to play as well. А в следующий раз присоединитесь к хоккейному матчу?

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Have you Played and/or GMed this scenario before? Nope!

Anything weird or tricksy about your character that I should know, especially always-on abilities that give you rolls (like Trap Spotter, etc.) Rawiri is a flame oracle, so he has some flame spells and effects, but I will declare them as they go. His Curse progression could make him concealed (require DC5 check from enemies for every attack).

If your character found a classic genie-in-a-bottle, what would they wish for? For the flames to consume the world

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Alrighty! Everyone has at least checked in on Discussion, with only Dr. Ripfang yet to make his introduction in Gameplay.

We're at 20 CP, so high tier as expected. Ra'uf will be getting a Level Bump. How is that best done in PBP? Do we all just remember to add +1? Does Ra'uf update his profile and tagline to reflect it?

Ra'uf Steelwheels, Dog of War wrote:
Have you Played and/or GMed this scenario before? Nope, but my paladin has played the prequel.

Uhhh... What's the prequel? I must have missed that there was one.

But speaking of a prequel, there is a tie-in to a 1e scenario, #10-04 Reaver's Roar. Does anyone have any Legacy boons that they think would apply? I don't think anyone has the Season 10 Legacy Background.

Ra'uf Steelwheels, Dog of War wrote:
Anything weird or tricksy about your character that I should know, especially always-on abilities that give you rolls (like Trap Spotter, etc.) Ra'uf has Liberating Step, which he will use the first time it comes up each round. It reduces damage and allows a free escape attempt and Step. He can't use it on himself.

Copy that. I'll account for it's use the First time it comes up each round.

Laatly, do we have any extra glyphs / hero points to hand out? I know Jim's got a Campaign Coin, anyone else?

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

I have 1 glyph, so I will give extra hero point to Ra'uf ;)

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 90/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Scout +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

I have one glyph, which will go to Delorn as he is next lowest level.

I don't think anything from PF1 will affect this game. Just noting that I played the first game with the Burning Sun orcs (which is indeed not a prequel).

Ra'uf will level after this if he earns any XP, so I don't mind updating my profile to reflect it.

On a related note, anyone got mentor boons for me? They're free!

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Breaking News!

There are two class playtests announced today!

War of Immortals playtest 

The animist and Exemplar are new classes being tested. The exemplar will be a rare class upon release, so there's limited opportunity to try out what might otherwise be a slightly OP class.

I'm perfectly okay with someone swapping out their existing sign up character to run a play test class instead. However, since play tests are like pregens, they can only be built and run at levels 1, 3, or 5, and depending on who is swapping out, that could affect our tier. Though like I said, I'm okay with that.

Society play test rules

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Staying as me.

I also have 3 Glyphs to share, so that gets everybody but me up to 2 normal Hero Points to start with.

(I'll be fine with my Campaign Coin)

Also Have Envoy's Alliance Skillful Mentor if you want the extra skill bump.

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 |◆◇↺| Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none
cmlobue wrote:
Itka Biklest wrote:
Itka's Patron is now Baba Yaga (just finished retraining after gaining access to that boon), so she's going to be looking for reasons to give things chicken legs and make them walk around.
That was a fun scenario to run. I hope it was to play as well. А в следующий раз присоединитесь к хоккейному матчу?

That sure was a fun one. Hopefully the dice run in your favor!


Itka can share the Combat Mentor boon (attack rolls get +2).

Envoy's Alliance

| HP 14/68 | AC 24 | Fort +12E; Ref +12T; Will +12E | Perception: +10T | Focus Points: 0/0 | Hero Points: 0/3 (one is a Campaign Coin) | LN Agender Android (Artisan) Inventor 6

Dr. Ripfang Gets 1 extra Hero point, as 1 glyph he has 3 (2 normal, and his campaign coin).

I guess I have 3 I have a campaign coin also.

Ra'uf also gets the Skillful Mentor Level Bump from me if he increases the Skill Check modifier from +1 to +2....unless somebody has something better. He can benefit from only 2....

If somebody has the Mentor Boon: Rugged (Horizon Hunters), Combat (Vigilant Seal), or Protective (Radiant Oath).

And I am good...I want to get Wan into a game.

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

I will also stick to Rawiri, with regards to boons he has Verdant Wheel Mentor boon (+2 to perception and inititive)

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Is Rauf (or others) interested in enlargement/extra attack bonus (at the cost of 2 AC) from Fury Cocktail?

10 minutes, +2 item bonus to melee attack rolls, Large, Reach, -1 AC, -2 Ref, Clumsy 1)

Also if W@NullD3R3R (or others) want Quicksilver Mutagens
10 Minutes, +2 item bonus to acrobatics, stealth, thievery, reflex saves and dex attack rolls. +10ft status bonus to speed. -2 fort and -2xlevel in HP(Current/Max)

I'm happy to make extras of those as well.

Couple other goodies in Ripfang's formula book that he doesn't usually prepare but he can if somebody wants:

Diplomat’s Charcuterie
Phantom Roll

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Sorry for the late start. I actually lost the 4th when I crossed the dateline back into Asia and then didn't realize it until I got up today.

Can I get Rawiri to sign in on RPG Chronicles please so I can validate my Challenge Point math.

Looks like Ra'uf has a choice of 2 of: Verdant Wheel, Combat, or Skillful mentor boons.

And without further ado, I'll get back over to Gameplay to get us rolling....

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---

I’m not great at tracking, but I can assist if someone else wants to take point.

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

I've been meaning to mention this for like a year+ now but I really love Ra'uf Steelwheels, Dog of War.

Such a great concept and name together etc.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 90/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Scout +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Thank you. He is my good boi. Got a bit of backstory and art in his profile as well.

If you can convince him your drinks are legit, he will probably try the embiggener.

I took the bonuses to attack rolls and Perception.

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:
GM Nomadical wrote:

Sorry for the late start. I actually lost the 4th when I crossed the dateline back into Asia and then didn't realize it until I got up today.

Can I get Rawiri to sign in on RPG Chronicles please so I can validate my Challenge Point math.

Looks like Ra'uf has a choice of 2 of: Verdant Wheel, Combat, or Skillful mentor boons.

And without further ado, I'll get back over to Gameplay to get us rolling....

Done, sorry about it.

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---
Delorn Malix, Esq. wrote:
I’m not great at tracking, but I can assist if someone else wants to take point.

Right, never mind :-)

Envoy's Alliance

| HP 14/68 | AC 24 | Fort +12E; Ref +12T; Will +12E | Perception: +10T | Focus Points: 0/0 | Hero Points: 0/3 (one is a Campaign Coin) | LN Agender Android (Artisan) Inventor 6

Since it was not brought up....for Wan's Exploration activity would be to avoid notice....he is a sharpshooter ;-)

Though if nobody is doing Scouting (for that +1 circumstance bonus for Initiative for the party)....he would do that.

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 |◆◇↺| Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none

Itka will use Detect Magic during Exploration.

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Ripfang can scout.

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Rawiri can search with +12 Perception

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---

Delorn will Cast (shield)

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

My apologies. Probably shouldn't have made my first 2e GM combat post when completely exhausted. I should have asked for folks' default exploration activities, and made sure to know what skill you'd be using for Initiative.

If you don't mind, I'll keep Initiative where it is, also for making initiative blocks easier. I promise I'll get it right next combat.

And no one has any initiative tie-breakers like the Pilgrim's Token, right?

(Note to self. Add those to questions to ask in opening Discussion post.)

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:
GM Nomadical wrote:

My apologies. Probably shouldn't have made my first 2e GM combat post when completely exhausted. I should have asked for folks' default exploration activities, and made sure to know what skill you'd be using for Initiative.

If you don't mind, I'll keep Initiative where it is, also for making initiative blocks easier. I promise I'll get it right next combat.

And no one has any initiative tie-breakers like the Pilgrim's Token, right?

(Note to self. Add those to questions to ask in opening Discussion post.)

All good! It is only initiatve :D

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 |◆◇↺| Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none

No worries. :)

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Dr Ripfang's alchemy for for of the day:

Infused Reagents 11
XO 2x Bottled Lightning (Moderate) <Persistent instead of Splash>
OO 2x Skunk Bomb (Moderate)
OO 2x Dwarven Daisy (Moderate) <Persistent instead of Splash>
OO 2x Fury Cocktail
XO 2x Quicksilver Mutagen (Moderate)
OO 2x Mistform Elixir (Moedate)
OOO 3x Lesser elixir of life
OOO 3x Soothing Tonic
XOO 3x Free

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 |◆◇↺| Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | Active Conditions: none

Minor note: Our tokens are circles, the foe's tokens are circles, and our allies' tokens are squares. For Itka's first turn, I confused an ally with a blue circle for a foe with a blue circle. Maybe next time, have the same shape for allies and different ones for foes. Not a big deal, but when the icons are too small to see details, say on a phone screen, it can make a difference. :)

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Whoops! Good point!

Although I actually accounted for that when I posted after Itka's shot, and had her aim vs an enemy AC.

I think I created the tokens when I prepped, and before y'all had put your tokens on the slides. Some folks use round, some use square. Heck, there's one guy that has a hexagonal token in another of my games.

But, yeah, as soon as I had all of yours in the game, I should have swapped them out. Point taken, and thanks for pointing it out.

But I'm callin' shenanigans on Dr. R! ;-) SIX actions in a round! I'm lucky to get a feat that combos 2 so I can get 4, so I'm impressed!

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Definitely all about the shenanigans over here.

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

As a note both my Battle Medicine and the Familiar's draw (and the apply now that I think about it) were also manipulate and provoked.

Most things Ripfang do provoke. (Even the throw after the draw, but we didn't get that far)

Some day I'm going to eat like 6 AoOs from a Maralith.

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