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"You don't think they're going to take that out of our paychecks do you?" Darakwinn says as one of the thugs keeps smashing up priceless artifacts.
She steps over Omen's prone form and gets closer to the thugs.
Focusing she sends a Litany to Angradd into the mind of the purple one.
Casting Daze. DC14 Will save or he's Dazed for 1 round (can't act but doesn't suffer any AC penalty. It doesn't work if he's CR 4 or higher.

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With the rest of the team moving away from him Trober follows them even if it is against his better judgement.
"Don't leave me behind!!!""
Without him even noticing it a veil of light surrounds him briefly and then shimmers out of existence. Reflecting Armor
Trober runs straight for the next best available cover.

DM Kludde |

Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Followin Darakwinn's incantation, the purple thug grasps his head and seems to be mostly concentrated on getting the ringing sound out of it.
Trober is being Trober.
Omen - Entangled (use rp to stabilize)
Thug - Yellow(6, blinded 2)
Thug - Purple (dazed)

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Blindness did not prevent him from destroying the stands at all? There wasn't even a chance of a miss? (
Shari walks forward with a quick step and shoots at the bandit (yellow).
Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 231d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 - Fire vs EAC

DM Kludde |

Miss chance, and to hit for the record
High is hit: 1d100 ⇒ 76
Assault Hammer vs AC 5: 1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 6 - 4 = 12
Shari takes a step out and guns down the yellow thug.
Omen - Entangled (use rp to stabilize)
Thug - Yellow(dying)
Thug - Purple (dazed)

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"I'm pretty sure it's all insured by AbadarCorp!"
Dominar, despite his quip, immediately runs over to try and stop the nearest vandal.
He goes as fast as he can, but his dwarven stride isn't exactly "bounding."
Double Move, 2 Entropy Points.

DM Kludde |

Dominar moves up as fast as his legs can carry him.
Can somebody post an action for the Apostaean?
Omen - Entangled (use rp to stabilize)
Thug - Yellow(dying)
Thug - Purple (dazed)

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Vs Purple
The spider and the drow advance, Seldszar continues firing as he advances/
Attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 vs EAC
Damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

DM Kludde |

Seldszar takes a shot at the thug behind cover, and manages to score a hit as the latter peeks out.
The two remaining thugs remain adamant they can win this. One grabs a knife and takes a stab at Dominar
Knife, Dominar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 41d4 ⇒ 1
while the other fires at the advancing Darakwinn
Laser pistol: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 161d4 ⇒ 2
Omen - Entangled (use rp to stabilize)
Thug - Yellow(dying)
Thug - Purple (4)

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Seldszar and the spider stop advancing and bring their attention to bear on the same thug...
Vs purple
Magic Missile 3d4 + 3 ⇒ (3, 2, 3) + 3 = 11
Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 vs EAC
Damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

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Trober lays down some harassing fire on the thug next to Dominar.
"Get him Dominar, get him."
Harrying Fire Vs. EAC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 If Trober succeeds the next PC to attack red gets a +3 bonus to the attack roll.
He then moves forward to next available covered position.

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The shot barely catches Darakwinn but it's enough to burn a tiny hole in her armor and the flesh beneath.
It's also enough to set off retribution as her shimmering armor cracks and then travels back down the path the laser took in millions of tiny shards.
Activating my Reflecting armor. He takes 2 damage in return with a DC15 Reflex save for half
Then, she moves to get a better angle on the guy and flings some of the debris he created at him.
Telekinetic Projectile: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Bludgeoning: 1d6 ⇒ 1

DM Kludde |

Seldszar's missiles alone are enough to take out the wounded thug, so Arachne re-targets to the last thug standing, who takes a shot in the shoulder as soon as he peeks his head out..
Trober moves to cover, while the reflecting shot of Darakwinn hits the alredy downed thug.
Omen - Entangled (use rp to stabilize)
Thug - Yellow(dying)
Thug - Purple (dying)
Thug - Red (7)

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"Don't have to tell me twice!" Dominar smiles as he levels his swing at the thug in Red:
ATK: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 1 = 15 for DMG: 1d3 + 4 + 1d3 ⇒ (3) + 4 + (3) = 10 Entropy: 1/4

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Shari walks between the stands and shoots the last remaining bandit.
Stunt and Strike: Slight of Hand: 1d20 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 15 + (1) = 24 - DC = 20 + target’s CR; FF vs attack
Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 231d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 - Fire vs EAC

DM Kludde |

With a swift blow, Dominar knocks out the red thug just about as Shari is about to pull the trigger on a lethal shot. Either way, the last thug falls down, ending the threat.
Combat over!
With the battle over, Ehu and Radaszam rejoin you. Ehu assures you, "All the guests survived. Emergency services have arrived and are taking care of any injuries, but by all accounts, the quick intervention of our Starfinders prevented any serious damage from occurring to any of the gala attendees and staff."
The museum itself is a different story. The assault and resulting combat caused significant damage to the structure of the museum, meaning it will need to close its doors while they repair the building and assess any damage done to the collections.
"What motive did they have?!" Ehu expresses suspicion of the motive behind the attack, noting that the robbers damaged more than they stole.
"Yes," Radaszam agrees, "the robbers were highly trained and experienced. Any damage done was intended—almost like they were trying to cause as much chaos as possible."
Since the last combat is over, please go ahead and roll day jobs. @Ebonfist: I still need your details on the RPG chronicles, can you add them, please?

DM Kludde |

Just to be clear: we're not done yet!

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So I will have the opportunity to say it several times - what a cool game! ))
It seems the android is alive. I suggest he interrogate her. Shari has already changed her attire from an evening dress to a business suit in a few moments. The wonders of technology (and magic)! And someone check their personal computers. Trober?

DM Kludde |

The android is indeed alive, and she even regain a semblance of consciousness after a short while. When she sees the starfinder group, she just sniggers, and with a broken, weak voice says "Don't you see? We won..."
"She won?" Ehu's face falls at this remark as he mutters, “A distraction?! For what?” With a heavy sigh, he says, "Starfinders. Accompany me, please. We need to do a final sweep of the museum."
The trip through the museum galleries reveals that many of the rooms that contained notably valuable artifacts have been untouched. Ehu is almost ready to call the search off until he comes across Odesse's display of belongings from the Tabori Cluster. “This looks different,” he remarks.
Radaszam replies, “I'll find Odesse.”
I'll need a Perception and/or Culture check

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Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Seldszar ignores the androids remark "Not that I am keeping count, but I dropped two of your thugs without breaking stride, you are just fortunate it wasn't me dropping you too or you'd not have been given the mercy to survive long enough to gloat"
"This isn't Apostae, unfortunately"
No day job

DM Kludde |

Omen just glares at Seldszar with a disdainful snigger. While the two drow inspect the display, they both notice some of the belongings have been removed, while others were shifted over and rearranged to make it appear like the display remains complete.
Shari notices cuts in the display case, which betray the work of an expert, cut and resealed to make them almost unnoticeable. There's also a strand of bright purple hair left on the case—the only remaining piece of physical evidence that the thief left behind.
Inside the case, the items have been neatly re-arranged, but all the belongings associated with the Ulumbian civilization are missing.
Meanwhile, Radaszam and Odesse arrive. Odesse looks frazzled and in shock.
When Valas mentions the missing Ulumbian artefacts, Odesse shrugs in a mix of confusion and defeat. “I don’t understand. Even in the Tabori Cluster, the Ulumbians are overlooked—ignored even! They didn’t leave behind any impressive architecture or sites, and no one’s ever discovered anything of notable financial value. They’re important to a select group of local academics, of course, but to robbers? Worthless. These items were everyday tools made from dull gray-green stone. A thief could fetch a better price foranything else in this museum. Why bother?”
“Why bother, indeed,” Ehu ruminates. “Thank you Odesse. Perhaps we should go look at the Security footage?”
Radaszam pauses, looking at the group. "I noticed you talking to Odesse earlier. Did you notice anything strange about her exhibit?"

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Trober, eager to please Shari, checks any electronic devices the thieves have.
Computers: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Culture: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Profession: Accountant: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Looking at Ehu, Trober timidly says, "First Seeker I believe there was something in Odesse's display that was causing migraine headaches if you were too close to it."

DM Kludde |

Trober and Shari search the thugs for personal electronics, but well-armed as they were, they weren't wearing any communication equipment.
As Trober mentions headaches, the group realizes that Odesse's exhibit is not making you sick. Whatever was in there that was sickening Odesse is gone. We've been going over this for a while now Radaszam says, and I don't feel anything. Yes, Ehu, let's have a look at that footage.
Ehu leads the party towards the security room. With the help of Amyikesh, he pulls up the surveillance footage of Odesse’s display, scanning it for any hints as to what happened. The security terminal hums to life as Ehu scans through the footage from the last day. He sifts through footage of Odesse and the conservation staff setting up the display, noting a strange pained expression on their faces as they do so, along with footage of the drunken professor and the Starfinders’ subsequent intervention.
Everything seems to be in order until only a few minutes ago, when everyone was called into the lobby, and the mercenaries burst through the front door. A new figure enters the room, an elven janitor with bright purple hair. She waits in the room for a while and, as the sounds of chaos erupt over the security feed, carves her way into the display case with a laser-edged glass cutter. She rapidly pockets the Ulumbian belongings, shoving them into a seemingly bottomless garbage bag. She looks up to the camera and smirks, teleporting away.
“We were played,” Radaszam grunts. “It was all a distraction.”
Ehu clenches his fists. “It’s the Organization.”
You recognize the janitor as Evethriel—the sister of Iroiveth (an enemy killed by Starfinders years ago), a founder of the Organization (a dangerous criminal syndicate whose true name and purpose the Starfinders have yet to discern), and the same person who instigated a prison break and freed the ysoki mastermind Datch from the Adamantine Bastille last year.

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"I knew it! Freaking subterfuge. Gross. Looks like we've got ourselves some vengeance on the docket."
Day Job (Bodyguard): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

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Shari looks thoughtfully at the other drow. They both understand that in their world, no one can just get away with it. Tell me more about this "Organization".

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I updated the RPG Chronicles.
Darakwinn's joy over their victory turns to bitter irritation when they discover it was no victory at all.
"Indeed. Someone's going to give us those artefacts back and a little flesh in the balance."

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"Is this mission finally over? Can I go back to my normal job now?"

DM Kludde |

"The so-called janitor's name is Evethriel. The Society killed her sister who was allied with Datch," Radaszam sighs. "Since then, she organized a prison break from the Adamantine Bastille, and has been working with a criminal group known to us only as the Organization. They've been a thorn in our side for a while."
Ehu paces. “The Organization must feel proud right now, smirking in whatever den they've hidden themselves. They must think they've won. That they've pulled off another successful mission against the Starfinder Society. They, my fellow Starfinders, have become overconfident.”
“Think of their actions tonight. A full cadre of soldiers and assassins sallied out against a museum. A place that houses knowledge not just for us, but for entire cultures. A place where the children of the future will come to learn about their ancestors and, hopefully, one day learn about us. They found a place with a noble purpose and tried to sully it with their own corruption. And who was it, my friends, that these soldiers marched out against? Academics. And yet they still lost. All the might of their money and their guns couldn't hold out against you, people who came here only to set up a display and bask in history. What hope could they have against a dedicated foe? How would they fare against a Society united against them?"
Ehu frowns. “Under my watch, and those before me, the Organization has festered. They've run rampant across the galaxy, harming civilians, executing unarmed prisoners, destroying priceless cultural heritage. They, my Starfinders, have killed our friends. No more." Ehu clenches his fist again.
“My time as First Seeker will soon come to an end. It would be easy to pass off this duty to my successor. To let them inherit this problem while I wipe my hands of it. But what kind of leader would I be if I did that? What kind of person would I be if I shrugged this burden off my own shoulders and onto someone else's? Certainly not someone who would be worth remembering in a place like this.”
Ehu straightens. “In this place of history, on the memories of those who have been irreparably damaged, I declare our future. No more shall the Organization run free, no more shall they harm our families and our peoples. To you, to our friends, and to our Society I make a vow: my last act as First Seeker will be the dismantling of this festering evil.”
“This year, the Organization—whoever they truly are—falls.”
With his vow made, Ehu steps out of the security room and into the destroyed lobby. Waiting there are Zovi, Odesse, and all the other exhibitors you impressed over the course of the evening. They all carry sorrowful expressions and lament the outcome of the gala but are thankful for your efforts and those of the Starfinder Society as whole.
Zovi shows regret that the gala ended with the temporary closure of the museum and the destruction of so much history. "But I promises that the renovations can only make the museum even better when it reopens, especially with the addition of our new permanent exhibit: 'Belongings of the Scoured Stars,] organized and displayed by the expert hands of the Starfinder Society."
Over the next few days, Ehu and Radaszam help out at the museum and liaison with local authorities, giving you all a few days to unwind in Qabarat, free of charge and in the lap of luxury.
And that's the end of the first episode of Season. Look forward a season full of nefarious organised crime and headache inducing artefacts! Thanks everybody for making this an enjoyable run. I'll generate chronicles and report the game. Onward!

DM Kludde |

Let me know if everything is ok. I'll keep the thread up for one or two more days to let you confirm... see you in the next games!

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Mine looks good, thank you.