The whitefang wyrm bounty round 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Merisal The Risen

Eric Parker 82

Churgri of Vapula
Horizon Hunters Ember Redclaw alias

”Ember” | Male NG Small Kobold Oracle 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 17 | F +4 R +7 W +7 | Perc +5 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25 ft | Hero Points 2/2 | Active Conditions: None
(71 posts)

Frozen Frost

Envoy's Alliance Delta Variant

Male Empty Sky Kitsune Life Oracle of Healing 2 / Medic | Field Medic | HP 30/30, AC 16 w Padded Armor (17 w Shield raised), Fortitude* +5, Reflex* +5, Will** +9, Perception* +7 (Low-light vision), Stealth +1 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Search | Active Conditions | ◆◇↺
(132 posts)


Tulrin Endessell
Verdant Wheel Toavandil Hanustar

LG Male Elf Monk 1 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) | hp 11/17 | Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +5 | Percep +3| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 1 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
(49 posts)


Horizon Hunters Coenocytic Hyphae Rapport

LG Fungus Finadar Leshy Devourer of Decay Witch / Flexible Spellcaster 3 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 17 w/ mystic armor | Fortitude (+4), Reflex (+6), Will (+7) | Perception (+5) w/ Darkvision | Speed 25 or 30 warp
♥️ 32 | ☘️ □□ | ☀️ □ | ✋ empty | ⚕ none | Primal DC 18, Rank One (□□)
(65 posts)

Super Zero

Radiant Oath Shimmer, Sprite Investigator

Female Sprite Investigator 3 | HP 33/33 | AC 20 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Perc +7 | Speed 20ft | Hero Points 1 | Exploration: Investigate| Active Conditions: None | Leads: None
(109 posts)