GM Ever_Anon |
Hello everyone! I’ve put up an initial in-character post that you can react to should you desire. Posting in the gameplay thread will add the Midnight Mirror to your active campaigns. (You can also dot and delete if you don’t want to write an in-character post right now.)
I’ve added a bunch of information to the Campaign Info tab about how I intend to run things during this game. Please read it over and let me know if you have any questions/concerns. In particular I would like your opinion on the following:
-Initiative: Would you prefer player actions be resolved in posting order or initiative order?
-Sense Motive: Do you want me to roll this for you anytime it might be appropriate, (to speed things up), or would you prefer rolling it yourselves when you think it’s necessary, (as an in-character decision)?
Marching Order/Watch Order: I have added the link we will be using for maps to the campaign info above. Please discuss amongst yourselves your desired marching order and watch rotation, then go to that link and fill out the information on the first slide. Taking a middle of the night watch will not affect anyone’s ability to regain spells.
Diplomacy: Currently the highest Diplomacy in the party is a +3. Noctifer, you haven’t chosen a second trait. Would you consider taking Clever Wordplay for Diplomacy? That would get you up to a +7 and you could go higher if you moved around a couple skill ranks. The party is also lacking in Bluff but IMO that will be less important for this module.
Go ahead and discuss character backgrounds as well as any final build decisions you need to make. As I stated in the recruitment you all should have worked together on at least one job before. Is that the only job you’ve taken together? Have you known some people longer than others? Now’s the time to decide!
Ussaile Nyoxa |
Let me start by saying thanks for picking me!
I'll get an in-person post up soon(ish), but probably tomorrow. I worked 12 hours today and don't have the mental space right now.
In answer to the above...
Initiative: I don't have an opinion either way, I just like seeing the game flow.
Sense Motive: Roll when appropriate. I'll note that I have Alertness on my sheet.
Marching Order: I'll defer to the team.
Diplomacy: Me covering this wouldn't be very flavourful, so I'll not throw my hat into this.
In terms of mechanical stuff, I haven't selected a Patron or bought any scrolls yet. If there's something you think might be useful, let me know and I'll be happy to help. I'm not super sold on the buckler anyway so utility or filling gaps is cool with me. I also have 5 languages floating around, so if there's something neat you think might be useful I can grab it.
Ussaile is NE and is alright at hiding it. She's extremely subservient to her patron and has no desire to go against them and their wishes (which will align with the party's main goal). She isn't much of a leader at all, and is happy to take advice from people or their opinions when it comes to more delicate situations.
In terms of character backgrounds, I usually just have a theme and kind of build the background on the fly as I play. Kind of old school I guess but I find it works for me, especially in PBP. If you don't want me to "make up" stuff with your character, let me know and I will make a conscious effort not to.
Marcus Nocturnus |
Marcus likes to fight. He is from Pangolais and is the son of a rich merchant. He avoids going back because he is concerned he will be forced to take over the family business. Any opportunity to throw down and spike his adrenaline is what he looks forward to. He would have been more than happy to sign up with some people going out to do something stupid (dangerous).
My thoughts on the questions:
-Initiative: initiative order, we can delay if we want to shift when someone goes
-Sense Motive, typically in character decision, DM rolled as necessary
-Marching order/watch order: for watch I would like to run two at a time but our five people don't support that logistically. We could do a 2 hour watch each with one person getting a full nights sleep every fifth day. Marching order doesn't matter much. I assume the negotiator is capable of finding and removing traps, or at least the best one at it. Therefore, I assume in potentially trapped areas he would lead. Otherwise, I assume the paladin will lead. Marcus in light armor and with a light load has decent mobility and could take rear guard if needed.
-Diplomacy? Marcus prefers to scare people. Intimidate is decent, no diplomacy.
Xanther Coleson |
Thanks for having me!
-Initiative: Would you prefer player actions be resolved in posting order or initiative order?
My personal preference is for posting order, as per the block initiative houserule. Keeps combat rounds fast. In case you have not heard Block Initiative:
Player Characters roll initiative as normal.
Round 1:
*PCs which roll higher than the enemy can act in any order (usually whoever posts first). PCs which roll lower cannot take action this round.
*Then all enemies take their action as normal.
Round 2 onwards
*All PCs can act in any order (usually whoever posts first).
*Then all enemies take their action as normal.
In essence, for PCs which roll lower than the enemy, their actions at the end of the round, are instead pushed to the start of the next round. PCs can post in any order without needing to wait on one another. The GM needs to post just once per round for all enemies and to end the round.
-Sense Motive: Do you want me to roll this for you anytime it might be appropriate, (to speed things up), or would you prefer rolling it yourselves when you think it’s necessary, (as an in-character decision)?
In a normal game I'd say players should specify it. But since this is an investigative game, we're bound to suspect everyone anyway. So my preference is the DM auto-make the rolls.
Marching Order/Watch Order: I have added the link we will be using for maps to the campaign info above. Please discuss amongst yourselves your desired marching order and watch rotation, then go to that link and fill out the information on the first slide. Taking a middle of the night watch will not affect anyone’s ability to regain spells.
Xanther seems to be one of the better armored members of the party. But he may still need to throw out spells once combat starts, and especially touch range protection spells on the frontliners. In Single File, I'm thinking 2nd or 3rd. In 2 by 2, then middle row.
For Watch Order, if it doesn't affect spell recovery, I'm fine with whatever.
Go ahead and discuss character backgrounds as well as any final build decisions you need to make.
Since we don't have a Dhampir or anybody else with Negative Energy Affinity, I'm going to guess Selective Channel isn't as necessary for blasting Undead, and will probably go with Craft Wondrous Item. But in case we need in-combat healing, I think I should swap my L3 revelation for Safe Curing (cast HP restoring spells without provoking AoOs).
Having said all that, though a 3.5 veteran, I'm fairly new to Pathfinder, so I'm open to other suggestions.
As I stated in the recruitment you all should have worked together on at least one job before. Is that the only job you’ve taken together? Have you known some people longer than others? Now’s the time to decide!
I'm thinking Xanther met Jassminder in some prior job. And since he could function without a holy symbol, Jassminder realized his value for infiltration, and asked him along for her Nidal mission.
Shadow Dragon |
Thanks for selecting my PC for the game!
It's very early Friday morning where I am and right in front of the holiday weekend (in the U.S.) so some of what you'd like to see will be posted in pieces over the weekend.
One thing I'd like the players to consider is what consumables we want to buy or pool together to buy for the module. For example a Wand of Magic Weapon?
I'll get my PC's page set up soon-ish; I have a bunch of work to catch up on over here.
Initiative: I think Inits order is more 'fair' for anyone who took traits, feats, etc. that boosts their initiative. If we're worried about gameflow I'd recommend going with a 24 hour rule; meaning when it's PC X's init they have 24 hours to post or the GM delays them.
Sense Motive: I'm biased right now because I've had absolutely brutal results with the die roller lately so if you roll it for me, I can blame you for the bad rolls! ;) If it helps speed things up then I'd say you should roll them. It might get a bit tricky with Noctifer's Inspiration; if you want to discuss that in PMs send me one.
Marching Order: I usually base this on what the casters want. If they want to be 'sandwiched' in the middle, I'm fine with Noctifer at the back. He's not the primary muscle (the Paladin and the Brawler) but he can handle himself if we get surprised at the rear.
Watch Order: With 5 PCs we're looking at a 3/2 split taking 4 hours each? If that's the case I'd say the witch and the oracle are on split shifts teaming up with one of the primary martials. Noctifer can take whichever odd shift with the caster that's less able to physically fight.
Diplomacy: I was still considering a couple of traits but if our group Diplomacy is that low I can take the Clever Wordplay trait. It will take me some time to go back through the skill ranks; I'd rather not move any around but I'll see what I can peel away. I might move a couple of the Knowledges. I realize that Climb, Escape Artist, etc. are very niche and might not come up but I don't know that so I try to build PCs for the 'just in case' situations.
Background Information (in case anyone didn't read it):
About Noctifer
Noctifer Umbria was born to the Umbria family in Cheliax. Thanks to his scaly skin, fangs, and black-colored eyes his infernal heritage was apparent. Since tieflings are considered subservient to humans, and as a sign of shame upon a family, his birth family wasted no time in hiding him from the outside world. When he was old enough he was sent to Nidal, as his parents explained to everyone who inquired, as part of the 'exchange program' Cheliax and Nidal have with one another. Nidal sends the Midnight Guard to Cheliax and Cheliax sends diabolists and other 'specialists' to attend to the needs of the Umbral Court.
Having grown up isolated and an object of shame (his name means 'Dark Bringer' in the Chelish tongue – a permanent and constant reminder of the shame he brings his family), Noctifer doesn't make emotional attachments and tends to view all relationships in transactional terms. He swears allegiance to no gods; he feels if there were any gods worth worshipping they would've saved him from the fate he was born into. He realizes he will have to make his own way in the world by his own gifts, determination, and the ability to be useful to those in power. Ambitious yet realizing that those who are too ambitious often 'disappear' Noctifer investigates, acquires information and evidence, and is begrudgingly willing to let someone else take credit for his work. He's also learned to take advantage of his status as an outsider. Need someone to do dirty work? Get the tiefling from Cheliax to do it! There's always someone with more coin than morals who will need an intelligent, dogged investigator to find evidence or a solution to a problem – discretely of course.
Previous contact with other PCs: I hope I'm not besmirching other PCs; this is just my (and Noctifer's) perceptions of them. I can see Noctifer as having worked with/adventured/hung out with Marcus Nocturnus (fellow outcast from family) and Xanther Coleson (outcast due to his physical conditions). He would likely see Ussaile Nyoxa as something very (too?) close to the Diabolists in Cheliax having made a 'contract' with Outsiders in exchange for power and be wary of her. After all who knows who she's going to sell out next? Jassminder Shah, because she's a Paladin, Noctifer is eager to work with (trustworthy and noble) and because she's a convenient patsy if/when something goes wrong (Noctifer is transactional).
It was difficult to determine Noctifer's alignment. I put him as true neutral because he's more expedient than violent. Meaning if he can get the job done (or get away with something like breaking into a place) without resorting to violence, he will. Violence isn't something he necessarily enjoys it's just a means to and end.
Build: I'll add Clever Wordplay, evaluate moving ranks around, and will hopefully hear back from the other players about what to spend the final amounts of money on. We might want to have some consumables like scrolls of lesser restoration, remove paralysis, magic weapon, align weapon, oil/scroll of Bless Weapon, etc.
Jassminder Shah |
Hi all, I'm in UK time zone so checking in late to this. Great to have you all on board, looking forward to gaming with you.
First things first:
Initiative: My preference is to resolve actions in initiative order.
Sense Motive: A bit of both? If someone is lying and there's a DC to detect it, I think it's fair for you to roll that. At the same time, I'm going to roll from time to time to get hunches etc about what's really going on. Part of my character is that she's always trying to pick up cues around her to clue her in to what people are feeling/thinking so that she doesn't get it wrong.
Marching Order/Watch order: as an archer I would prefer to have other people between me and the things I'm shooting. That said, Jassminder is ok at melee so I don't mind. As for watch order, do it alphabetically (first name).
In terms of us knowing each other, I would like us to be a reasonably established adventuring group with some backstory together that comes up from time to time. Given Ussaile is NE, maybe she's joined more recently? Jassminder can't detect evil, so any propensity Ussaile has to do naughty things will go undetected for a bit.
Xanther: I like that, we're probably quite used to working together by now. A thought on selective channel: it prevents you from healing our enemies, which would be appreciated, I put a lot of work into injuring them thanks ;)
Noctifer: works for me! Jassminder's very aware about Mister True Neutral being out for himself, but he's proven reliable so far. You probably had to do something memorable to get her to trust you enough to learn that she's a paladin; any thoughts on what that might have been?
@GM: I'm afraid I still need to sort my gear and spend the last of my cash so I'm not quiiite ready to start the game yet. My bad, I will work on it asap.
Noctifer Umbria |
Marching Order/Watch order: as an archer I would prefer to have other people between me and the things I'm shooting. That said, Jassminder is ok at melee so I don't mind. As for watch order, do it alphabetically (first name).
Hello! :) That's what I get for not reading every line of everyone's build. 8) Noctifer can take the front but he doesn't have Jassminder's AC or HP. Also being in front would give Jassminder a 'clear' shot and a better chance of using Point Blank Shot.
In terms of us knowing each other, I would like us to be a reasonably established adventuring group with some backstory together that comes up from time to time.Noctifer: works for me! Jassminder's very aware about Mister True Neutral being out for himself, but he's proven reliable so far. You probably had to do something memorable to get her to trust you enough to learn that she's a paladin; any thoughts on what that might have been?
"Out for myself? I'm so wounded by that!
Just kidding! :) Being a nosy Questioner I'm sure Noctifer caught Jassminder either praying, laying on hands, channeling, something goody goody to give him a hint what Jassminder is. Perhaps he stepped in to provide cover for Jassminder in a nasty fight?
@GM: I'm afraid I still need to sort my gear and spend the last of my cash so I'm not quiiite ready to start the game yet. My bad, I will work on it asap.
If we buy scrolls of Bless Weapon would Jassminder use them during combat or would you prefer each PC to buy oils of it and apply it themselves?
An item that I'd like everyone to consider purchasing isHoly Weapon Balm
It's very useful.
Noctifer Umbria |
@GM: I'm afraid I still need to sort my gear and spend the last of my cash so I'm not quiiite ready to start the game yet. My bad, I will work on it asap.
Just to let you know your prices on two of Jassminder's items are a bit off. The breastplate and composite longbow would both need to be Masterwork before they can be enchanted with magic. So it increases the cost of the breastplate by 150 GP and the bow by 300 GP.
Noctifer Umbria |
Open appeal to all PCs: Anyone with experience with the Bard spell list, I need help. Here's what I currently have listed:
Scrivener's Chant
Detect Magic
Read Magic
1st Level
Cure Light Wounds
Expeditious Retreat
Remove Fear?
2nd Level
Mirror Image
Cat's Grace or Heroism?
GM Ever_Anon |
Sounds like the overall preference is for actions to be resolved in initiative order and for me to roll Sense Motive.
For Initiative: People can post in whatever order they wish (like they would in block initiative) and at the end of the round I'll summarize what happened in initiative order. We'll see how that flows in the first combat and make changes as necessary.
For Sense Motive: I think Jassminder's suggestion is a good one. I'll roll for you anytime you're being lied to, but if you want to get a general impression of a person you can also roll it yourselves.
Jassminder Shah |
Wow, Holy Weapon balm looks fantastic for that price! I will definitely pick some up.
I'm happy to use scrolls for you, but the action economy means it may be more efficient for you to get the oils - the bad guys might not wait politely while you form an orderly queue in front of the paladin to get your weapon enchanted one at a time.
Just to let you know your prices on two of Jassminder's items are a bit off. The breastplate and composite longbow would both need to be Masterwork before they can be enchanted with magic. So it increases the cost of the breastplate by 150 GP and the bow by 300 GP.
Huh. Are you sure about that? I've always thought the cost of the enchantment included the masterwork quality. It's entirely possible you're right, it just means I've been playing the game wrong since forever :/
FYI, Jassminder can only do LoH on herself and can't channel energy at all (she gets Extra Smiting! instead). But since you have darkvision, it's entirely possible you saw something she didn't think you'd notice.
For Bard spells, Windy Escape can be a lifesaver for a spontaneous caster to have in their back pocket. And for 2nd level, can I recommend Glitterdust? Invisible opponents are a nightmare.
Xanther Coleson |
Huh. Are you sure about that? I've always thought the cost of the enchantment included the masterwork quality.
The Masterwork cost has to be added seperately. Reference thread.
Noctifer can take the front but he doesn't have Jassminder's AC or HP.
Actually, a thought just occurred to me, since Noctifer is the trapfinder, shouldn't he be at the front to spot traps, before someone else stumbles into them?
I'm not saying he must stay at the front when a fight starts, but he should probably function as the scout when walking along in a dungeon.
1st Level
Cure Light Wounds
Expeditious Retreat
Remove Fear?
4?2nd Level
Mirror Image
Cat's Grace or Heroism?
For L1, Grease is great. Other picks I like are Charm Person, Liberating Command and Ear Piercing Scream. IIRC, Windy Escape is a Sylph Racial spell.
I second Glitterdust for L2.
Ussaile Nyoxa |
@Noctifer: Very understandable with how he would view Ussaile. She is a pretty big fan of authority so if we are hired in I don't see a concern. I'm fine with being a little on the outside with him, but she is intrigued at the very least of your concerns. She mostly keeps her pact to herself, but ensures that it is not a devil. Whether that is true or not is up to your K: Planes or K: Religion check; as I see it as something from the Dark Tapestry.
@Jassminder: I see her evil less about MUAHAHA KILL and more just selfish. Her callousness definitely comes out, but she's in this for herself and for her patron. In the end she wants some inscrutable goal That I haven't quite thought up yet, but doesn't want to burn bridges. With that in mind, I think Jassminder is someone that intrigues her. Afterall, if you're willing to work alongside her, isn't that the same as Ussaile working alongside you? A Deity and a Patron are two sides of the same coin in a way, and I think they might have more in common than they think.
Jassminder Shah |
@Jassminder: I see her evil less about MUAHAHA KILL and more just selfish. Her callousness definitely comes out, but she's in this for herself and for her patron. In the end she wants some inscrutable goal That I haven't quite thought up yet, but doesn't want to burn bridges. With that in mind, I think Jassminder is someone that intrigues her. Afterall, if you're willing to work alongside her, isn't that the same as Ussaile working alongside you? A Deity and a Patron are two sides of the same coin in a way, and I think they might have more in common than they think.
Works for me! Looking forward to the game. On which note, it's getting late here so I almost certainly won't get a gameplay post up until tomorrow morning (my time). I will sort equipment by then as well so we can get moving.
Noctifer Umbria |
Actually, a thought just occurred to me, since Noctifer is the trapfinder, shouldn't he be at the front to spot traps, before someone else stumbles into them?
If it's a situation like a hallway, etc. yes he would be in front. If we're out in the open it would be iffy since you don't often have traps outside. Not that I haven't seen a pit trap or two in my day...
I'm not saying he must stay at the front when a fight starts, but he should probably function as the scout when walking along in a dungeon.
That's the plan. :) Sadly, being a non-Wisdom based class, Noctifer's Perception isn't great. He has a + 11 vs. traps so it's not hideous but, at APL 4, a DC 21 (taking 10 most of the time) probably isn't going to cut it.
For L1, Grease is great. Other picks I like are Charm Person, Liberating Command and Ear Piercing Scream. IIRC, Windy Escape is a Sylph Racial spell.I second Glitterdust for L2.
Darn on the Windy Escape! I just read the spell and was excited. :(
Who else other than Noctifer could benefit from Liberating Command? And I'm not even sure it will do him any good; his 1 rank of EA might be moving to Diplomacy.Does everyone else who plans on fighting have a magic weapon? If so then I'll have to change Noctifer's budget to get a +1 rapier.
Noctifer Umbria |
Wow, Holy Weapon balm looks fantastic for that price! I will definitely pick some up.
I'm happy to use scrolls for you, but the action economy means it may be more efficient for you to get the oils - the bad guys might not wait politely while you form an orderly queue in front of the paladin to get your weapon enchanted one at a time.
Understood. It's tough when Jassminder will want to fight rather than cast. I might bug the Oracle to do it. ;)
Huh. Are you sure about that? I've always thought the cost of the enchantment included the masterwork quality. It's entirely possible you're right, it just means I've been playing the game wrong since forever :/
Yep. The only time you don't need to add in the MW cost is if you're using a special material like mithral or adamantine that is already considered MW.
I think Xanther is correct on 'Windy Escape'; spells that have the (R) denotation means there's a race (generally listed at the end of the class levels the spell is in) requirement.
I'm guessing you'll know about them but make sure Jassminder just buys cold iron arrows since the cost is only 2 for 20 and get and apply some weapon blanches to cover silver at least. It wouldn't hurt to have ghost salt and/or adamantine.
Speaking of which...remember the GM wrote back in the recruitment thread that we'd see "Outsiders, Undead, and Constructs" so make sure we have enough stuff to deal with them. As tacky as it makes me feel I'll buy the good ole durable adamantine arrow to bypass DR/adamantine.
Marcus Nocturnus |
Started reading about all of my would be peeps. First, Marcus can take point unless we think we are in a trapped area. Likely we would switch off, 'oh look, a door, Noctifer up, it's safe, Marcus leads the way in'. I'd rather enjoy point. Like many, I just assumed a paladin would be bashing things but I hear the archer variant is pretty effective.
Marcus has a pretty decent Use magic device so I can use a wand or scroll in a pinch. I purchased a wand of clw up front. That holy balm looks awesome, buying some.
Ussaile Nyoxa |
It seems like Ussaile has the highest overall perception score (At +11, with +2 if we are in a situation where my Familiar can aid me through my senses).
I don't think that will change marching orders much, but it should be noted that she has an innate 10 foot reach, so she makes a decent mid or backline (especially with Mage Armour being up). It's going to be fairly difficult to ambush her.
RE Magic Weapons: Unfortunately I need to rely on Magic Fang which I can't innately cast. The upside is if we do fight something ghostly, she has Chill Touch to deal with them and will be preparing that relatively frequently.
I still need to select a Patron that fits the theme (looking at Stars). Considering we have a Bard / Oracle / Witch, I think that covers most of the bases anyway right?
Xanther Coleson |
Xanther Coleson wrote:If it's a situation like a hallway, etc. yes he would be in front. If we're out in the open it would be iffy since you don't often have traps outside. Not that I haven't seen a pit trap or two in my day...
Actually, a thought just occurred to me, since Noctifer is the trapfinder, shouldn't he be at the front to spot traps, before someone else stumbles into them?
Ok, so we have 2 marching orders, one for wilderness, and one for dungeons? In the dungeons, Noctifer will be in front, in the wilderness behind?
Who else other than Noctifer could benefit from Liberating Command? And I'm not even sure it will do him any good; his 1 rank of EA might be moving to Diplomacy.
The spell does grant CLx2 competence bonus, which at this level is +8. If you stack on Grease, it can reach a total of +18, which isn't bad. Otherwise just take something else. I forgot to mention it, but there is also Silent Image at L1.
Understood. It's tough when Jassminder will want to fight rather than cast. I might bug the Oracle to do it. ;)
Sadly, Xanther does not know Magic Weapon. I could sub it into spells known, if any one of his existing spells known doesn't look as useful.
Otherwise, I suppose he could get a couple of scrolls of it.
Speaking of which...remember the GM wrote back in the recruitment thread that we'd see "Outsiders, Undead, and Constructs" so make sure we have enough stuff to deal with them. As tacky as it makes me feel I'll buy the good ole durable adamantine arrow to bypass DR/adamantine.
Would that be allowed? Masterwork Durable Adamantine Arrow for 61gp?
Marcus has a pretty decent Use magic device so I can use a wand or scroll in a pinch. I purchased a wand of clw up front.
We do start with a wand of CLW for the party, so don't feel obliged to keep yours.
I still need to select a Patron that fits the theme (looking at Stars). Considering we have a Bard / Oracle / Witch, I think that covers most of the bases anyway right?
Investigator rather than Bard, but yes, it does fill the traditional party roles.
GM Ever_Anon |
Noctifer Umbria wrote:Speaking of which...remember the GM wrote back in the recruitment thread that we'd see "Outsiders, Undead, and Constructs" so make sure we have enough stuff to deal with them. As tacky as it makes me feel I'll buy the good ole durable adamantine arrow to bypass DR/adamantine.Would that be allowed? Masterwork Durable Adamantine Arrow for 61gp?
I have no issue with it. Your party is level 4 so they’ve probably run into the most common forms of DR and have the money for basic precautions.
Jassminder Shah |
Smite evil bypasses all forms of damage resistance, so the only time Jass is going to have trouble is if we come up against something non-evil with heavy DR. I'll pick up some cold iron arrows for sure, they're cheap and I'll think about silver/adamantine if there's cash to spare.
GM Ever_Anon |
RE Magic Weapons: Unfortunately I need to rely on Magic Fang which I can't innately cast. The upside is if we do fight something ghostly, she has Chill Touch to deal with them and will be preparing that relatively frequently.
Wouldn’t Chill Touch (as a corporeal spell that does not cause damage) have only a 50% chance of affecting incorporeal undead?
I will however house rule that you have access to Magic Fang despite it not normally being a witch spell. I think it only makes sense for you to have some way of getting magic attacks with your hair, and I don’t foresee this one causing any balance issues.
Jassminder Shah |
Quick question on Weapon Blanch: per RAW, you put it on the weapon and then melt it in using a hot flame; it lasts until you make a successful attack with the weapon. It can be used to coat 10 pieces of ammunition.
Would you allow me to have already coated 10 arrows with the weapon blanch? It would save the bother of having to coat the arrows during combat :)
GM Ever_Anon |
Quick question on Weapon Blanch: per RAW, you put it on the weapon and then melt it in using a hot flame; it lasts until you make a successful attack with the weapon. It can be used to coat 10 pieces of ammunition.
Would you allow me to have already coated 10 arrows with the weapon blanch? It would save the bother of having to coat the arrows during combat :)
Sure, no problem.
Marcus Nocturnus |
My apologies, I had made several mistakes on my character build. I believe I had not made changes from the previous character I used as a format. Anyway, I think I have found them all and fixed them. Thanks to the ideas above I have also added some holy weapon balm and a MW cold iron dagger.
Ussaile Nyoxa |
Ussaile Nyoxa wrote:RE Magic Weapons: Unfortunately I need to rely on Magic Fang which I can't innately cast. The upside is if we do fight something ghostly, she has Chill Touch to deal with them and will be preparing that relatively frequently.Wouldn’t Chill Touch (as a corporeal spell that does not cause damage) have only a 50% chance of affecting incorporeal undead?
I will however house rule that you have access to Magic Fang despite it not normally being a witch spell. I think it only makes sense for you to have some way of getting magic attacks with your hair, and I don’t foresee this one causing any balance issues.
No idea. It's weird because even spells designed to fight undead have that 50% clause (like Ghostbane Dirge and Purge Spirit). I really think it's a 25 year oversight for the most part.
I can take Magic Fang through a Patron if you don't want to House Rule it; I'm open to accepting your gift but also taking a step back and reassessing.
Noctifer Umbria |
Xanther Coleson wrote:I have no issue with it. Your party is level 4 so they’ve probably run into the most common forms of DR and have the money for basic precautions.Noctifer Umbria wrote:Speaking of which...remember the GM wrote back in the recruitment thread that we'd see "Outsiders, Undead, and Constructs" so make sure we have enough stuff to deal with them. As tacky as it makes me feel I'll buy the good ole durable adamantine arrow to bypass DR/adamantine.Would that be allowed? Masterwork Durable Adamantine Arrow for 61gp?
It's something that's rubbed me wrong since 3.5. Adamantine should NOT be a flat 3,000; it should scale like Alchemical Silver. Why they didn't go with:
Light Weapon +1,000 GPOne Handed Weapon +2,000 GP
Two Handed Weapon +3,000 GP
I'll never understand.
Ussaile Nyoxa |
There are many baffling decisions in this system. As much as I love it, it is certainly full of weird choices here and there.
@GM: I will take it then and add it to my spell list. I was trying to find ways to get an AOMF but it was outside the price range for this adventure.
Thank you!
Noctifer Umbria |
For anyone who has played in other scenarios in Nidal what's a good extra language to learn? Noctifer has Common, Infernal, Draconic (B), Goblin (B), and Abyssal (B), currently. He took a rank in Linguistics and my first thought was Sylvan since the Uskwood dominates the central part of the country. Or is there some other language that would be a better fit? The 'Inner Sea World Guide' didn't provide much of a hint and I don't think there's a 'language' for natives in the Shadow Plane.
Xanther Coleson |
Smite evil bypasses all forms of damage resistance, so the only time Jass is going to have trouble is if we come up against something non-evil with heavy DR.
Constructs are on the list of common enemies for this module. They are almost always neutral, and commonly have DR/adamantine.
I'd also recommend Jassminder get some Chain Shirt pyjamas. :P
@GM: I will take it then and add it to my spell list. I was trying to find ways to get an AOMF but it was outside the price range for this adventure.
You could do what I did and spend a feat on Craft Wondrous Items for more gold.
GM Ever_Anon |
For anyone who has played in other scenarios in Nidal what's a good extra language to learn? Noctifer has Common, Infernal, Draconic (B), Goblin (B), and Abyssal (B), currently. He took a rank in Linguistics and my first thought was Sylvan since the Uskwood dominates the central part of the country. Or is there some other language that would be a better fit? The 'Inner Sea World Guide' didn't provide much of a hint and I don't think there's a 'language' for natives in the Shadow Plane.
Aklo, Shadowtongue, and/or Sylvan would all be appropriate choices.
Noctifer Umbria |
Noctifer Umbria wrote:Aklo, Shadowtongue, and/or Sylvan would all be appropriate choices.For anyone who has played in other scenarios in Nidal what's a good extra language to learn? Noctifer has Common, Infernal, Draconic (B), Goblin (B), and Abyssal (B), currently. He took a rank in Linguistics and my first thought was Sylvan since the Uskwood dominates the central part of the country. Or is there some other language that would be a better fit? The 'Inner Sea World Guide' didn't provide much of a hint and I don't think there's a 'language' for natives in the Shadow Plane.
And that's why I ask these questions! I didn't even know there was such a thing as Shadowtongue.
Jassminder Shah |
Jassminder Shah wrote:Smite evil bypasses all forms of damage resistance, so the only time Jass is going to have trouble is if we come up against something non-evil with heavy DR.Constructs are on the list of common enemies for this module. They are almost always neutral, and commonly have DR/adamantine.
Yup, getting some adamantine weapon blanch for sure!
I'd also recommend Jassminder get some Chain Shirt pyjamas. :P
Xanther Coleson |
Xanther Coleson wrote:I'd also recommend Jassminder get some Chain Shirt pyjamas. :P????
Since sleeping in medium armor causes fatigue, and since we might be ambushed at night, having a spare Chain Shirt to use as pyjamas ensures you at least have some armor if ambushed, even if it is not your best armor.
Jassminder Shah |
I... can't decide whether that's crazy-prepared, crazy-awesome or just crazy. Either way, it's exactly the sort of thing Jassminder would do :)
Jassminder Shah |
Question: does Lady Tiberos outrank the Baron? If we're legit here on behalf of higher authority, that makes a difference
Jassminder Shah |
If I'm permitted to metagame for a moment: I'm not sure what to do here. We've tried diplomacy, and got a decent 'roll' for it... and it hasn't got us past the guards. I'm struggling to believe that we're expected to fight them; do we resort to Intimidate instead and try to bully our way past? That doesn't sit great with me but I can do it if needed.
GM Ever_Anon |
You did get a good roll and the guards are now friendly. So far the only one who’s said anything is Noctifer and he just explained that you have a letter. The guards have offered to deliver it for you, but they won’t suggest disobeying direct orders if no one actually asks :P
(Yes, the letter says you’re supposed to deliver it directly, but that didn’t register high enough on the guards’ importance meter for them to say “Whoops, who cares about orders, come right on in!”)
I’ll note you also haven’t yet asked why Stepan closed off the town. Getting more information might not be a bad idea.
FYI, the non-diplomatic people can also talk if they wish. Not every conversation requires a Diplomacy roll and I’ll warn everyone in advance if it does. In this particular case the guards started out as indifferent but you didn’t necessarily need to improve their attitude in order to pass.
Noctifer Umbria |
For future reference how will you handle aids to checks particularly social ones like Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate? Can the others post their dialogue and their rolls and have it count towards the main check? Different GMs handle this differently so if we need to declare aids or waiting for aids is necessary or not.
Noctifer Umbria |
If I'm permitted to metagame for a moment: I'm not sure what to do here. We've tried diplomacy, and got a decent 'roll' for it... and it hasn't got us past the guards. I'm struggling to believe that we're expected to fight them; do we resort to Intimidate instead and try to bully our way past? That doesn't sit great with me but I can do it if needed.
Since Jassminder has a Charisma it wouldn't be the worst idea to aid a Diplomacy check. I was waiting to see what other PCs wanted to add because I sometimes 'suck the oxygen out of the room' with the amount of posts I make.
Typically I start by Diplomacy to improve their attitude and then start to ask 'favors' of them to see if the situation can be resolved without Marcus knocking heads. :)