Kisarta: Adventures Beyond Death (Inactive)

Game Master Seer of Shadows

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Amn does know how to read lips, and knows a few languages to go with it. If people are concerned I can rearrange skills to put more ranks in linguistics to expand her lip reading abilities, but I think Amn will do alright as is. Assuming I'm even one of the players selected for the game. :P

In the fleeting moments of clarity between doses of pain medication I’m chipping away at my male valkyrie. I thought about just having him be from an alternate earth where all the Viking mythology is true, but then I thought I should ask here if anyone has a specific setting like that which they would recommend? Preferably one they could post a link to?

edit: malkyrie, lol

Here's my second character I've been working on. Still have to write the fluff down but I should have that finished in the next couple days.

She's a Sword Dancer of Eilistraee who was born below the Dalelands of the Forgotten Realms.

Heya! It's me again, with more questions:

1. Your stat array methodologies- Does the 26 stat cap include enhancement bonuses?

2. How long do you generally expect for most combats to last for? How much time do you generally have between combats? Will that be under player control or should we expect the combats to flow as they come unless we actively plan to stall them?

3. If a creature does not have a mouth, does not have a face, and cannot speak, than would any of it's other forms of communications be translated? What if it could send it's data in an audible form?

4. Having my illusions Do Things- How close to the binds of reality will my illusions have to behave before they start requiring saves? Will someone who can deduce it's an illusion but has not saved against the illusion react as if it is an illusion, or will they still react as if it was not an illusion?

Mechanically, working on Isabel (As she'll be the simplest one). How much of her backstory do you want written out? In addition, how quickly will she be able to join a Faction in order to requisition magic items?

I’m just jumping back in after a several-month hiatus, and this looks like exactly my sort of campaign. I’m especially intrigued by the concept of gestalt with the In the Company of… books on the table. Do they need to be requested individually, or are they all valid, given that you referenced thin the the first post, GM? Playing a Taninim Exemplar/Paladin of Apsu would be great. Or even just an Exemplar/Draconic Sorcerer, to boost casting (which exemplars don’t do very well). Or a Jotun Paragon/Barbarian. Ideas for days.

Seer of Shadows wrote:
Ikatarii wrote:

For house rule "Stamina and Combat Tricks", which variant are you allowing:

1. Feat Access,
2. Free for Fighters,
3. Fighter Bonus Feats Only,
4. Free for Everyone

Free for Fighters, but others may take it for a feat.

I've never played with Stamina before, so forgive this probably silly question... By 'Free for Fighters' you mean the Fighter class specifically and not the adjacent classes like Cavalier or Samurai, correct?

I'm asking for a friend. XD

Reiko Mura wrote:
Seer of Shadows wrote:
Ikatarii wrote:

For house rule "Stamina and Combat Tricks", which variant are you allowing:

1. Feat Access,
2. Free for Fighters,
3. Fighter Bonus Feats Only,
4. Free for Everyone

Free for Fighters, but others may take it for a feat.

I've never played with Stamina before, so forgive this probably silly question... By 'Free for Fighters' you mean the Fighter class specifically and not the adjacent classes like Cavalier or Samurai, correct?

I'm asking for a friend. XD

How I read the 4 descriptions. 2. and 3. are just for Fighter class. For non-fighters, it would have to be either 1. Feat Access or 4. Free for Everyone.

Free for Everyone, means all the melee classes can get it for free (no feat slot to be used), not just fighters.


I have added appearance and personality. Only the background remains. Making sure I get the timeline correct so background makes sense, thus taking longer, and trying to fit it in between work.

How would flat cost properties (e.g. glamered) for armor/weapons interact with ABP?

Giant Halfling wrote:
I thought about just having him be from an alternate earth where all the Viking mythology is true, but then I thought I should ask here if anyone has a specific setting like that which they would recommend? Preferably one they could post a link to?

Honestly, an alternate Earth is probably your best bet if you want to keep your setting of origin laser-focused on the Norse mythology aspect.

Lawful Lilly wrote:
1. Your stat array methodologies- Does the 26 stat cap include enhancement bonuses?

Yes it does.

Lawful Lilly wrote:
2. How long do you generally expect for most combats to last for? How much time do you generally have between combats? Will that be under player control or should we expect the combats to flow as they come unless we actively plan to stall them?

Those are difficult questions to answer due to the campaign's nature as a sandbox. I don't want combat to drag on long enough that it becomes boring and neither do I want it to be a one-turn slaughter, so there is that. But a lot of that will be determined by the party's choices. If they wish to pick a fight with a major NPC far above their level, the fight is probably going to be a long, grueling affair (assuming it isn't very fast and lethal). Likewise, combat is probably going to be short and sweet if they decide to destroy a small band of Hollowed. Encounters I place in their way, however, will be more tailored to the party than those they choose to engage with all on their own.

Lawful Lilly wrote:
3. If a creature does not have a mouth, does not have a face, and cannot speak, than would any of it's other forms of communications be translated? What if it could send it's data in an audible form?

Could you give a specific example? I feel that is a murky enough topic that a clear answer cannot be given without more information.

Lawful Lilly wrote:
4. Having my illusions Do Things- How close to the binds of reality will my illusions have to behave before they start requiring saves? Will someone who can deduce it's an illusion but has not saved against the illusion react as if it is an illusion, or will they still react as if it was not an illusion?

I don't plan on treating illusions any differently in this campaign than I would in any other. Assume that illusions work as they normally would in other campaigns.

Lawful Lilly wrote:
Mechanically, working on Isabel (As she'll be the simplest one). How much of her backstory do you want written out?

However much you feel comfortable typing for her submission. I do not require a novella, but would like enough background information where I can get a feel for who she is as a character and where she comes from.

Lawful Lilly wrote:
In addition, how quickly will she be able to join a Faction in order to requisition magic items?

That's ultimately up to the players. I fully intend to gently nudge players towards a certain faction early on, but it's up to them whether they choose to engage with it or not. Be warned that currency is different on Kisarta and so you will likely not have enough to commission anything meaningful by the time you reach the city of Limbo.

Oachitonian wrote:
I’m just jumping back in after a several-month hiatus, and this looks like exactly my sort of campaign. I’m especially intrigued by the concept of gestalt with the In the Company of… books on the table. Do they need to be requested individually, or are they all valid, given that you referenced thin the the first post, GM? Playing a Taninim Exemplar/Paladin of Apsu would be great. Or even just an Exemplar/Draconic Sorcerer, to boost casting (which exemplars don’t do very well). Or a Jotun Paragon/Barbarian.

The In the Company of Monsters books do not need to be individually cleared. The only ones officially banned are the undead splatbooks due to the fact that no being awakens as an undead on Kisarta and only those who have begun the process of Hollowing are at any major risk of turning into one.

Reiko Mura wrote:
I've never played with Stamina before, so forgive this probably silly question... By 'Free for Fighters' you mean the Fighter class specifically and not the adjacent classes like Cavalier or Samurai, correct?

The Paizo version of the Fighter class, specifically. That means the Legendary Fighter rework by Legendary Games does not receive it for free, nor do any of the adjacent/hybrid classes.

That said, anyone else may take it for a feat. That's a very small price to pay for a small boost in martial power and a large boost in martial flexibility.

Jereru wrote:
How would flat cost properties (e.g. glamered) for armor/weapons interact with ABP?

My method of approaching that topic is to simply use the value of flat cost properties, round it up to the nearest enhancement bonus price, and have it count as a property of that enhancement value. Glamered armor, for example, is 4,000 GP; that perfectly fits the cost of a +2 enhancement bonus and so it would count as such. That system has it's flaws, but I find it works well enough when it comes to approximating most flat-cost enchantments for armor and weapons in Automatic Bonus Progression.

Reiko wrote:
I've never played with Stamina before, so forgive this probably silly question... By 'Free for Fighters' you mean the Fighter class specifically and not the adjacent classes like Cavalier or Samurai, correct?
Seer of Shadows wrote:

The Paizo version of the Fighter class, specifically. That means the Legendary Fighter rework by Legendary Games does not receive it for free, nor do any of the adjacent/hybrid classes.

That said, anyone else may take it for a feat. That's a very small price to pay for a small boost in martial power and a large boost in martial flexibility.

Agreed! In a game with so many feats, Combat Stamina adds a lot of extra value.

Reiko is complete. Thanks again for considering her!

Seer of Shadows wrote:
That system has it's flaws

Yup - 4000 flat is nowhere near the price as a +2. But, I'm here to accept your ruling, like it or not, then so be it.

Seer of Shadows wrote:
My method of approaching that topic is to simply use the value of flat cost properties, round it up to the nearest enhancement bonus price, and have it count as a property of that enhancement value. Glamered armor, for example, is 4,000 GP; that perfectly fits the cost of a +2 enhancement bonus and so it would count as such. That system has it's flaws, but I find it works well enough when it comes to approximating most flat-cost enchantments for armor and weapons in Automatic Bonus Progression.

This was a mistake on my part. Glamered for weapons costs 4,000 GP, while the same enchantment for armor is actually cheaper. I also made a mistake in remembering the market cost of the enchantments rather than their base values, which is what I use for this system. This means that the Glamered property for weapons is the equivalent of a +1 bonus for the purposes of Automatic Bonus Progression the base price of 2,000 GP matches the price of a +1 magic weapon exactly, while Glamered armor is still +2 since the 1,350 GP is barely over the 1,000 GP value for a +1 armor enhancment and so rounds up as a +2.

For reference, I simply use the tables here for magic weapons and here for magic armor to figure out how to rule on flat-cost enchantments.

As I stated in my original post on the matter, I am aware it's a flawed system and that it may seem finicky and unfair at times.

Seer of Shadows wrote:
Giant Halfling wrote:
I thought about just having him be from an alternate earth where all the Viking mythology is true, but then I thought I should ask here if anyone has a specific setting like that which they would recommend? Preferably one they could post a link to?
Honestly, an alternate Earth is probably your best bet if you want to keep your setting of origin laser-focused on the Norse mythology aspect.

Re the request for settings, neither of these is strictly Earth-but-with-magic, but here are a couple setting books that, unlike Golarion Linnorm Kingdoms, include versions of Norse gods:

Kobold Press - Northlands. I read this book a while back. I remember liking the setting gazetteer but thinking the archetypes and feats and general crunch were a bit hit and miss. It has direct copies of the Norse gods; they did make the decision to use continental Germanic names (e.g., Donar, not Thor), which of course is easily ignored.

Frog God Games - The Northlands Saga. I haven't read this one but have read some good reviews. My understanding is that the book is largely an AP but comes with a fairly substantial setting attached. It's still not going to be value for money if you only want the setting.

Speaking of value for money, for my part I generally wouldn't consider springing for a setting book if the actual game wasn't going to be in that setting. Alternate, magic Earth may do the job fine without need for a book as SoS said.

I have added what I have for the background. It is incomplete. I am getting rather busy with urgent work, so having little time to work on the background. Definitely need to do the battle with the Hellknight, still deciding whether it be a solo battle, or a few Hellknights and strix fighting it out.

Sorry, as I said, I'm here to accept your ruling.

However, now that you mention, I'll point out that the flaw of assigning a "plus" equivalent to a flat cost lies in the fact that pluses have a variable cost.

Thus, for example, a +1 equivalent property in a weapon is never going to cost 2000. The weapon, as per the rules, first needs to have a +1 enhancement, so the least an additional property is going to cost is 6000 (because the weapon would need to be a +2 in total, 8000-2000).

But if you want to add a +1 property to a weapon that's already +4 in total... That would make it a +5 weapon, and that would cost you 50000-32000=18000.

Flat cost properties, on the other hand, always cost the same - that's actually their point.

But that's just an exposition of how I view it, as I said. I'm not the GM and thus my word is worth nothing here. I want to make clear I'm not asking for a different ruling. Actually, I could just disregard ABP in this character and there wouldn't be any issue with it.

Submitting for approval the bumbler class and the master familiar archetype, with the ultimate goal of playing a super-smart animal wizard and their bumbling and terribly unlucky human proxy. As a bonus (and perhaps to add context to the wackiness), I think the duo would be from Discworld.

That master familiar archetype sounds like something I would play, I'll have to remember it in the future... :D

I think I am going to go for a Taninim. Building as a Draconic Exemplar/Sorcerer, but basically I'm just trying to make a dragon via PC race and class levels. He'll be confused if you ask him what his class is. I think I'll make him a crossbreed (Gold/Silver? Blue/Green? Copper/Red? Not sure yet), more interesting potential backstory that way. Oddly, the way dragon HD and caster levels work, he'll have better casting than a dragon of his HD should, but that's ok, weird stuff happens in Kisarta. I think I will take Automatic Bonus Progression, since taninim have a hard time with weapons and armor anyway. Dragons get stronger as they age, what need have they of belts and cloaks and such? Who ever heard of a dragon wearing clothes? Poppycock! Maybe he'll just haul a bag of holding full of gold around everywhere. Probably from Triaxus, I feel like that's the most logical place I know of with lots of dragons.

Still looking forward to this. It's gonna be an eclectic party no matter what....

There are around ten days left to finish up submissions. I may be willing to extend it for a few days if necessary, but the fifteenth is when I would ideally like to close recruitment and make my selections.

Simeon wrote:
Submitting for approval the bumbler class and the master familiar archetype, with the ultimate goal of playing a super-smart animal wizard and their bumbling and terribly unlucky human proxy.

Consider those cleared for use.

GM, in regards to Ritual Hex.

Would you permit this to work in addition to a shaman having the Witch Hex as one of their shaman's hex choices?

Some would say it requires the witch hex option not being selected, thus having an open 'witch hex' slot, sort to speak, to fill with the ritual.

The (Witch hex) excludes taking major and grand hexes. While Ritual Hex does allow selecting those options, if against a higher DC on the ritual's check.

Also near completing inventory and making slight tweaks to the character.

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I'm just watching anxiously as good submissions keep coming in, knowing they're competition for mine but they're also cool and fun to read so I'm kind of conflicted. XD

(It's a good problem to have, really :D)

Chyrone wrote:

GM, in regards to Ritual Hex.

Would you permit this to work in addition to a shaman having the Witch Hex as one of their shaman's hex choices?

I would allow that. It would actually work like that as-written anyway, but thank you for asking regardless.

Still about. Just focused on other things atm.

Woo! I’ll have Lord Rhombus von Scalene of Ankh-Morpork and his master trusty sidekick Peanut the Monkey coming along soon!

How does an armorist’s bound weapon/armor interact with automatic bonus progression? Could she select one of her bound weapons with ABP? I assume it would still follow the maximum + value allowed by bound weapons and armor, but still.

Ok, here is Ouachitonian's submission; Melkyzadyk, the Silver-Blue Dragon, late of Triaxus, now curious, what is this place, exactly?

As I said above, he's basically an attempt to build a dragon with a PC race (Taninim) and class levels (Gestalt Draconic Exemplar/Draconic Sorcerer). I tried to hew closely to the flavor of dragons he's descended from, taking most of my spells from the Blue and Silver dragon Bestiary entries (and most of the rest are a mix of cold and electricity attack spells), similarly choosing Draconic Exemplar Gifts, Weapons, Defenses, and Essence to mirror his ancestry. Should be a hell of a switch hitter, able to close and hammer enemies with six natural attacks, or hover and rain his cold breath weapon, Lightning Bolt, Snowball, etc from on high. He has no items except a Bag of Holding II full of 11,500 GP. Because whoever buried him thought he might need a bed in the afterlife. I did use ABP; it just seemed appropriate.

I see some of the others have offered multiple submissions. I might do that. Not sure yet.

We've already talked about how broken the Sage is when using her full potential. Would it be considered "nice" to use her for the Enhancer esotery only? My plan is to make an archer, so everything Chi Gong related would be wasted (unless it's used for anything other than attacking).

My plan B is a Hedgewitch if the Sage is frowned at our doesn't end up working well.

Melkyzadyk wrote:

Ok, here is Ouachitonian's submission; Melkyzadyk, the Silver-Blue Dragon, late of Triaxus, now curious, what is this place, exactly?

As I said above, he's basically an attempt to build a dragon with a PC race (Taninim) and class levels (Gestalt Draconic Exemplar/Draconic Sorcerer). I tried to hew closely to the flavor of dragons he's descended from, taking most of my spells from the Blue and Silver dragon Bestiary entries (and most of the rest are a mix of cold and electricity attack spells), similarly choosing Draconic Exemplar Gifts, Weapons, Defenses, and Essence to mirror his ancestry. Should be a hell of a switch hitter, able to close and hammer enemies with six natural attacks, or hover and rain his cold breath weapon, Lightning Bolt, Snowball, etc from on high. He has no items except a Bag of Holding II full of 11,500 GP. Because whoever buried him thought he might need a bed in the afterlife. I did use ABP; it just seemed appropriate.

I see some of the others have offered multiple submissions. I might do that. Not sure yet.

hmmmm.... dragon.... you will be studied....

Thought of a slight alternative to Ikatarii, a wyrmtouch - draconic lshifter & polymorph savant - draconic [shaman/ldruid/lsorcerer]. Though don't have luxury of time to build another character.

Got "In the Company of Dragons" in my next shopping wishlist. Definitely like to explore dragon character, but being unfamiliar with this source book, so I decided against making a flop of using a dragon for this adventure.

I see if I get some time today to add more to background.

Okay here is my fourth submission (and sixth character built).

Ixivxi is a pseudodragon illusionist.

Party role:
Ixivixi is an illusionist. She's stealthy and has some other magic as well. She can handle social situations. I can have her deal with traps, but that's easy to retrain if somebody would prefer that role.
But most importantly, she is a cute shoulder dragon. The ultimate fashion accessory.

Description and personality:

Ixi is a tiny dragon, the size to ride on somebody's shoulder, should somebody be deserving of the honor. Her scales change color, both for blending in and sticking out. Various bits of jewelry set off her look, and sometimes she augments this with illusions.
Just because you've died and travelled on to some strange plan doesn't mean that you can't enjoy life. She likes to indulge in the finer things and share that with others. Sure, many of these luxuries aren't real, but then again what is? She is loyal to her friends and understands that dying alone is the worst fate that can be.

Short history:

• She comes from the Feywild, a mortal dragon among fey
• She was a warrior in their reality-show version of war, but also fought off invasions from other planes.
• She died as the plane dissolved into primal chaos

Long history:
Ixivixi comes from the place known as the Timeless Lands, Tylwyth Teg, the Good Place, or the Feywild. Though not technically a fey herself, she very much fits into fey society. In fact, that has been a problem. After a century and a day of peace, the ancient war between the Cabal of Crowns and Keys and the Band of Blade and Bramble reignited. Ixi was friends with members of both groups. Though barred from formal acceptance due to her being born a dragon, it was customary to use auxiliaries during war. What wasn't customary was somebody openly supporting different sides on different days.

Spies, and double-, triple-, and quadruple- agents were all well established strategies, but somebody openly switch sides was a novelty. The debates raged as hot as the war. In general the war lasted from just after afternoon tea and ended in time for cocktail hour. Then the debates began. As well as paying and making wagers, boasting and roasting from the victors to the defeated, romantic entanglements and much more.

As some might have surmised, this was a civilized war. Killing was base and boring. Defeating your opponent without the final death was much more satisfying. Some of the battles tested martial skill, others tested artistics, athletics, and sometimes more exotic skills.

Not that there weren't chances for lethal combat. The creatures of the bristlewood needed culling to avoid random maulings, and of course there were invasions from other planes when they conjoined. Devils and angels, undead and mortals, beasts and constructs. The adventuring parties were the worst. None of them understood civilized warfare, and they needed to be taken out permanently. Ixi did her part in eliminating these threats. With style.

But the debates could only go on for so long. Eventually the Queen had to make her decree. Ixivixi could not serve both courts. Ixivixi would fight for the Cabal of Crowns and Keys three days a week, Ixivixi would fight for the Band of Blade and Bramble three days a week, and Ixivixi would spend the last day providing color commentary in the Royal Box. With that ruling, she became three legal fictions, solving the dilemma and allowing her to join with her various groups of friends.

But even the Timeless Lands are not eternal. Periodically, everything dissolves into primal chaos. All is converted to raw potential. And then from this comes a new land with a new monarch. This is a time of mourning and celebration. A time to express everything for everything expressed becomes part of the new world. A few always left seeking other worlds, but they lost out on the honor of becoming part of the new world.

While everybody would die, everybody would be reborn anew into the new realm. Except for one, who ended up in a different realm...

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I have no idea how you guys are completing multiple characters, I can’t even get myself satisfied with one. I’ll figure it out soon, I hope lol

Updated the last paragraph of background: Ikatarii's death.

To do:

- more of becoming a shaman and shifter.

- how the battle came about resulting in the final scene of death.

bigrig107 wrote:
I have no idea how you guys are completing multiple characters, I can’t even get myself satisfied with one. I’ll figure it out soon, I hope lol

Nothing wrong with sticking with one :)

(I hope, since that's what I'm doing)

bigrig107 wrote:
How does an armorist’s bound weapon/armor interact with automatic bonus progression? Could she select one of her bound weapons with ABP? I assume it would still follow the maximum + value allowed by bound weapons and armor, but still.

The overlap between the two is messy and I have yet to see a good solution for fixing it, so my first thought is that they don't interact. Armorist- and similar classes like Soulknife- are designed to be "ABP-lite" in a sense and that is part of their draw. I am willing to listen to suggestions on how to handle this if you're willing to put forth some ideas, however.

Jereru wrote:
We've already talked about how broken the Sage is when using her full potential. Would it be considered "nice" to use her for the Enhancer esotery only?

That is, in fact, one of the class's most broken elements. I am willing to discuss why I believe that is, but there are no less than three game-breaking interactions that come to mind which can all be achieved at this game's current level. Worse, most of the problems exacerbate at higher levels. There is a way, through a small amount of class-dipping, to be able to make a character nearly invincible with the Healing Factor enhancement esotery and any ability that prevents you from falling unconscious.

With all that said, what are your reasons for requesting the Sage and it's Enhancement Esotery specifically when the Enhancement sphere exists? What options were you planning on taking? I would like to get an idea for your future plans with this build in order to head off anything that might cause trouble later on, unintentional as such things may be.

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Ixivixi comes from the place known as the Timeless Lands, Tylwyth Teg, the Good Place, or the Feywild.

Would this be 4e's Feywild or something else? I would assume so since none other come to mine, but I wouldn't want to assume such without confirmation.

My intention was to have as much covered as possible - AC, saves, mobility, etc.

I can do that without the Sage, anyway, so not a problem. I'm not even sure I'll be able to finish this application on time, but that doesn't even bother me - my first choice is already done and approved. This one's only a back up and an experiment.

GM, is Sacred Geometry allowed?

Someone actually has made an online math tool to quick work this with.

Seer of Shadows wrote:
The overlap between the two is messy and I have yet to see a good solution for fixing it, so my first thought is that they don't interact. Armorist- and similar classes like Soulknife- are designed to be "ABP-lite" in a sense and that is part of their draw. I am willing to listen to suggestions on how to handle this if you're willing to put forth some ideas, however.

I’m fine with just letting it be effectively useless, wasn’t sure if there was some official explanation is all.

I did have another question about some interactions, but I’m going to send you a PM to ask about the specifics of it.

Seer of Shadows wrote:
Philo Pharynx wrote:
Ixivixi comes from the place known as the Timeless Lands, Tylwyth Teg, the Good Place, or the Feywild.
Would this be 4e's Feywild or something else? I would assume so since none other come to mine, but I wouldn't want to assume such without confirmation.

Yes, though I've played with the courts a bit. I could details this more if you needed it.

bigrig107 wrote:
I have no idea how you guys are completing multiple characters, I can’t even get myself satisfied with one. I’ll figure it out soon, I hope lol

Some of us don't have much of a choice in the matter. I'm a bit of an insomniac at the best of times, but when I have a character idea I won't even get my normal five hours. I'll lay there with ideas going through my head until I get up to work on it.

Presenting Lord Rhombus von Scalene, hapless Morporkian noble, and Peanut, monkey and wizard extraordinaire!


Class(es):Wizard (Master Familiar)/Bumbler 8

Lord Rhombus Stats
Male Human
*Neutral* Medium Humanoid

AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 21 (+5 armor, +2 Cha, +5 natural, +2 shield, +1 deflection)
hp 40
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +9
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 morningstar +9 (1d8+3/x2)
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +8; CMD 18
Gear headband of inspired wisdom, +1 morningstar, +1 chain shirt, +1 light shield, +1 ring of protection, +1 amulet of natural armor, noble’s outfit, 200 GP
Languages Morporkian (Barely)

Peanut Stats
*Neutral Tiny Animal*
Init +6; Senses darkvision, see in darkness; Perception +11
AC 25, touch 18, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +7 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
hp 80 (8d8+8), fast healing 2
Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +6
Resist immune fire, poison, resist 10 acid,cold

Str 8, Dex 24, Con 10, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +10 ; CMD 20
+12/22 to disarm, reposition, steal, trip, +18/24 to dirty trick
Skills (10 ranks/level)
Bluff + 20 (8 ranks, +6 int, +3 class, +3 enhancement)
Diplomacy (8 ranks, +2 cha, +3 class, +3 enhancement)
Intimidate +20 (8 ranks, +6 int, +3 class, +3 enhancement)
Knowledge (Arcana) +17 (8 ranks, +6 int, +3 class)
Knowledge (Planes) +17 (8 ranks, +6 int, +3 class)
Knowledge (Religion) +17 (8 ranks, +6 int, +3 class)
Perception +11 (8 ranks, +3 class)
Stealth +26 (8 ranks, +7 dex, +3 class, +8)
Spellcraft +17 (8 ranks, +6 int, +3 class)
Background Skills (2 ranks/level)
Knowledge (History) +17 (8 ranks, +6 int, +3 class)
Knowledge (Nobility) +17 (8 ranks, +6 int, +3 class)

Speed 30 ft, climb 30ft
Melee Bite +14 (1d3+6/x2)

Spell-Like Abilities
Constant - detect good, detect magic
At will - Invisibility (self only)
9/day - dazing touch
1/day - augury, suggestion (DC 15)
1/week - commune (6 questions, CL 12)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 8):
Level 0 (at will) (4 total) mage hand,
Level 1 (6/day) +1 enchantment (mage armor always prepared+cast at the start of the day)
Level 2 (4/day) +1 enchantment
Level 3 (4/day) +1 enchantment
Level 4 (3/day) +1 enchantment
Feats (3 feats+2 bonus)
Improved Familiar, Knowledge is Power, Precise Shot, Deft Maneuvers, Magical Trick (mage hand), Improved Dirty Trick, Greater Dirty Trick, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Penetration, Deadly Agility
Traits Bruising Intellect, Cunning Liar
Languages Infernal, Morporkian, Agatean, Dwarfish, Klatchian, Ephebian
Gear gauntlet of skilled maneuver (dirty trick), headband of vast intelligence, belt of incredible dexterity +2, courtier’s outfit, *Totally Normal Ring*
Special Abilities
Arcane School: Enchantment
Enchanting Smile (Su) +3: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skill checks. This bonus increases by +1 for every five wizard levels you possess, up to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. At 20th level, whenever you succeed at a saving throw against a spell of the enchantment school, that spell is reflected back at its caster, as per spell turning.

Dazing Touch (Sp): You can cause a living creature to become dazed for 1 round as a melee touch attack. Creatures with more Hit Dice than your wizard level are unaffected.

Aura of Despair (Su) 8 rounds/day: At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of despair for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. Enemies within this aura take a –2 penalty on ability checks, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Opposition Schools:
Necromancy, Transmutation

Fail Range: 1-3
Catastrophes per Turn: 3
Jinxed Life: Auto-fail on rolls between 1 and 3
Aura of Misfortune (DC 17) - enemies within 30 feet must save or also be affected by jinxed life
-Pinpoint disaster (1d6+8), triggering creature creates a small painful mess that affects them and all adjacent creatures, reflex save halves
-Smokescreen - triggering creature kicks up a cloud of dust, sand, whatnot, that functions as obscuring mist for 1 minute
-Drag down - triggering creature and all adjacent creatures fall prone, reflex save resists the effect
-Explosion (8d6) - triggering creature creates an explosion, dealing damage to all creatures in 15 feet, damage can be cold, acid, fire, or electricity, reflex save for half
-Painful lesson (-2) - triggering creature and all adjacent creatures take a -2 on all d20 rolls for d6 rounds, fort save resists the effect
Lucky Roll: 1/round, the bumbler gets to add a luck bonus to a d20 roll equal to twice the number of crit fails in the last round
Mixed Blessing: (4)
-Playing Dead (4 rounds) - delay use of skin of your teeth up to the listed rounds, count as dead while delaying
-”I’m okay!” - use skin of your teeth an extra time
-Pratfall Defense (+2 AC)- when hit by an attack, can choose to go prone and get a circumstance bonus to AC, if it would cause the attack to miss the bumbler takes no damage
-Runaway! (+10 ft) - Gain listed bonus to move speed and ignore nonmagic difficult terrain when running away from enemies
Snake Eyes: Automatically lose any game of chance
Bad Luck Magnet: Automatically trigger traps within 30 feet, traps attempts to hit bumbler however possible, no need to roll, it always hits
Uncanny dodge: get uncanny dodge
Critical Feat: get critical focus
Skin of Your Teeth (2/day): First time bumbler would be reduced below 1 HP, it resets to 1 HP at the end of the round
Escape Peril: When the bumbler fails a save, can choose to take an immediate action to count as passing the save but with an alternative effect based on type
-Reflex - knocked prone
-Fort - sickened 1d4 rounds
-Will (3/day) - confused for 1 round
Magical trick (mage hand)
-Dirty Magic Trick - dirty trick within mage hand range
-Powerful Hand (+10 lbs) - add 5 lbs carried per 3 ranks in spellcraft
-Ranged Aid - aid another within mage hand range
-Reaching hand (90 feet) - swift action to make mage hand range 50 + 5/caster level ft


All 0 DC 16
1st DC 17
Charm Person, Grease, Heightened Awareness, Lock Gaze, Mage Armor, Magic MIssile, Shocking Grasp, Silent Image,
2nd DC 18
Blur, Daze Monster, Glitterdust, Hideous Laughter, Minor Image,
3rd DC 19
Contagious Zeal, Haste, Heroism, Hold Person, Major Image
4th DC 20
Black Tentacles, Mindwipe, Overwhelming Grief, Shadow Conjuration, Terrible Remorse


Rhombus was born in Ankh-Morpork, the only son of Isosceles von Scalene (a renowned dog phrenologist) and his wife, Carabella. He inherited his title of lord and large fortune when his father died in a riot at the Ankh-Morpork Society of Dog Fanciers.

Lord Rhombus loves to tell the story of how he came to have Peanut, ”Ah, Peanut? What a delectable little fellow! Helpful without end, I must say so myself if I was to say that. You want to know how he came to my service? Well, I talked to my veritable old mother one day, and I said to her, ’Mother, I want a pet!’ She responded something like, ’Well Rhomby, you accidentally drove your pony into a well last month, so I don’t know how well that will go.” Pish posh! As I declined in my bed that night I started asking anyone I could think of for a pet, one unlike any other. All of a sudden, a knock upon my bedroom door, and a tall handsome man I’d never seen stood on the other side of it. He offered me a pet, said if I signed something or other to buy it he’d give it to me. Truth be told, I was so caught up in the grittiness of the moment I didn't especially listen to what he was saying. But of course I said yes! And that then, is how I came to have my dear companion Peanut, the best monkey a man such as myself could ask for. He can talk, and is almost as abrupt a conversationalist as myself. He can perform wonderful little tricks. I suppose he must be a master of sight of hand.”

As far as ending up in Kisarta goes, Lord Rhombus’ memory is a bit more hazy but he does remember a good bit of it, ”Well, I was out for a promenade along my favorite cliff on the seaside. Ankh-Morpork gets so stuffy and wretchedly smelly in the summer, I needed the fresh seaside air to fortify my constipation, you know. Well, as I was walking along, Peanut was regaling me with hilarious and ribald tales as he so loves to do, when something in the distance caught my eye. Not sure what it was really, but it looked ever so shiny and anticipating. Well, one thing led to another and I found myself plummeting off that damnable cliff! Fortunately, a ship carrying feathers and wool was passing underway and I fell into the cargo hold. How delectable that was! Rather unfortunately as we made our way back to Ankh-Morpork, a pair of krakens decided the ship was lunch and…well, Peanut and I ended up their unfortunate supper. I don’t quite know where I am now. I very much would like to go home.”

Appearance and Personality:

Lord Rhombus von Scalene is a human in his late twenties. Though a noble layabout, his utter lack of brains is compensated for by a somewhat decent amount of brawn. He does enjoy playing soldier, and awoke in Kisarta with his favorite soldier’s costume on, that is to say, an actual honest to goodness magical chain shirt with a shield and mace alongside it. His hair is golden blond and he’s got brown eyes. Rhombus could be best described as a good natured idiot. He was provided with the best tutors possible, and they really tried their best. It didn’t come to very much good. He possesses a broad vocabulary, one he can rarely use correctly. He loves the finer things in life, but has always had them handed directly to him and has no idea how to otherwise get them. Most notably about Lord Rhombus though, is the cosmically baffling effect that luck seems to have on him. At once both incredibly unlucky and extremely fortunate, it seems as if the universe is trying it’s very best to kill him and he’s just barely surviving, or perhaps the other way around.

Peanut is a monkey resembling a what would be a capuchin monkey on earth, though his fur is a tawny brown. Unlike many other monkeys, he wears clothing and a bit of jewelry. His favorite (and possibly only) outfit is a red vest, intricate designs woven into it with gold thread. His jewelry is magical, with his prized possession being a gold ring that he insists is a totally normal golden ring, one that he got from his previous owner. While almost always a monkey, his magical abilities allow him the limited ability to shapeshift into other small animals, of which a raven is another common form he takes. To call Peanut sarcastic and sardonic would be a deep disservice to how truly snarky he is. He is seemingly constantly annoyed about something, yet also doing his best to make sure that Lord Rhombus is generally safe. It is strange to see a monkey wearing clothes, talking, and even casting magic, but Peanut’s smart enough to know that the best way to get people to accept something as normal is to treat it as it is normal. As such, he makes no effort to pretend he’s not a monkey. Lord Rhombus’ insane luck vexes him to no end, but he sees it as a useful tool when it’s inconveniencing him.

GM Only:

In truth, Peanut is an imp, one accidentally bound to service by Lord Rhombus. His stats that are altered by being an imp are as follows (and marked with asterisks in the stat block), though he usually takes the form of a monkey. His Totally Normal Ring is a ring of mind shielding.
Tiny Lawful Evil Outsider (devil)
Init +5
AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +5 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +12; CMD 22
Speed 30 ft, climb 30ft
Melee Sting +10 (1d4+5+poison)
Poison - injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save

The true story behind how Peanut came to serve Lord Rhombus and how they both came to end up in Kisarta is below as well.

Peanut has not always been a monkey named peanut. Peanut was an imp with a name he can no longer legally utter and a rising member within the bureaucracy of Hell. If his superiors were to be believed, he was on the fast track to having a legion of devils to serve him, sinners to torture, and a corner office overlooking a sea of magma. That was until a particularly dim noble named Lord Rhombus von Scalene accidentally asked the archdemon Astfgl to “give him a monkey.” Seeing Peanut’s obvious talents, Astgfl assigned him to try and corrupt Lord Rhombus into becoming hell-worthy and generally spread misery in the world. Lord Rhombus, being monumentally stupid, generally good-natured, and a baffling combination of lucky and unlucky, resisted at every turn, most often by complete accident. Peanut once convinced Lord Rhombus to gamble away a large sum of money that was to be donated to an orphanage, only for Rhombus to kick off a chain of events at the blackjack table that resulted in the headmaster of the very same orphanage walking away with twice the promised sum. When he would convince Rhombus to steal candy from a baby, Rhombus might trip and fall in such a hilarious way that the baby ended up laughing for the first time, much to their parent’s delight. Peanut was miserable. He seemingly could not corrupt Rhombus, and it seemed he’d be stuck on Discworld forever.

One day, he decided to act. While Rhombus was taking a stroll on his favorite cliff, Peanut conjured an image in the sky over the sea. Rhombus, of course, being easily entranced by shiny things, walked directly off the cliff to Peanut’s delight. To his fury though, Rhombus fell into the cargo hold of a ship carrying feathers and wool to Ankh-Morpork. Rhombus’ strange luck manifested again when the ship was devoured by a kraken. Unfortunately, Peanut was devoured too. A final twist of fate came when Death failed to find Rhombus. The lordling, it seemed, was so dim as to not know death existed and so bizarrely lucky or unlucky as to have not been noticed by Death. Slipping out of Discworld’s cycle of the afterlife, the two of them ended up in Kisarta, with Peanut having been dragged along thanks to the contract they had signed.

Silver Crusade

bigrig107 wrote:
I have no idea how you guys are completing multiple characters, I can’t even get myself satisfied with one. I’ll figure it out soon, I hope lol

Some of us suck at making PCs so we just throw something together. :P

Shadow Dragon wrote:
bigrig107 wrote:
I have no idea how you guys are completing multiple characters, I can’t even get myself satisfied with one. I’ll figure it out soon, I hope lol
Some of us suck at making PCs so we just throw something together. :P

Maybe not suck at it. Just want to create full detailed characters, which usually does take plenty time to do. :)

Another day, another character. :)

Took a while to get something I liked for the troll.

Party role:

Drallin is a front-line fighter with area control. He has a reach weapon and is skilled at stopping people from moving. He's also very maneuverable with flight and teleporting. And as a troll, he can take damage because he keeps just getting better.

Description and personality:

From a distance, you might not realize that Drallin is a troll. It's only up close that you notice the nine foot height, warty green skin, and tusks the size of daggers. Still, he doesn't act like a troll. He stands with perfect posture and wears a well-tailored military officer's uniform and keeps it clean, polished and pressed. He speaks with proper diction, though he does have a bit of a dwarven accent. He doesn't usually carry weapons beyond teeth and claws, nor does he carry a rucksack or pack. When battle starts, he materializes a glass-bladed poleaxe out of thin air.

One detail that sharp-eyes people might notice is a ring on his left hand. It seems like it was a bit small, but it's been there long enough that it has cut into the skin and the flesh has partially grown around it.

Drallin is a disciplined military officer. He prefers planning and tactics, though he's quite used to plans not surviving first contact. Leading from the front is his usual plan, trying to occupy as many foes as possible to give his allies room to do their jobs. Being in the middle of the action, he'll let them know to throw the fireball if they can get several foes along with him.

Short history:

• Character is From Golarion, from the nation of Nirmathas.
• He was orphaned as an infant when adventurers killed his family.
• A dwarf psion named Arahk adopted him, unwilling to slay a helpless infant. He gave the child his ring of sustenance, as trolls will eat constantly to feed their fast growth.
• Growing up without the constant hunger allowed him the focus to develop his mind more than most trolls get the chance.
• Arahk realized Drallin had the potential for psionic powers and helped train him.
• When he reached adulthood, he volunteered for the military.
• He started as a soldier and volunteered to help out the quartermaster. His valor and tactics led to continued promotion. Eventually to lieutenant. He didn't expect to go any further, as this is where politics starts coming into place. But he wanted to stay in the field, so this was okay.
• His death can when they faced off against a black dragon. He chose to hold it off while the rest of the troops regrouped.


Drallin Battlehungry
Troll 6/aegis (trailblazer) 4/symbiat (chronomancer) 6/gestalt 8 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 268, Ultimate Psionics 28, 264)
LN Large humanoid (giant)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +18
AC 28, touch 22, flat-footed 23 (+1 deflection, +5 Dex, +1 enhancement, +1 insight, +6 natural, -1 size, +5 untyped bonus)
hp 150 (14 HD; 6d8+8d10+78); regeneration 5 (Acid)
Fort +17 (+4 to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, +4 to resist damage from suffocation, If save allows for a reduced or partial effect, then ignore the effect if you successfully save.), Ref +13, Will +14 (If save allows for a reduced or partial effect, then ignore the effect if you successfully save.); +2 fire; psionics: warp dodge +3
Defensive Abilities danger sense +2, evasion, form astral suit, uncanny dodge; DR 2/—; Resist acid 5
Weaknesses focus casting, painful magic, personal warp
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee +1 liquid glass bardiche +18/+13 (3d8+14/17-20) or
. . bite +18 (2d6+9), 2 claws +17 (1d6+8)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with +1 liquid glass bardiche)
Special Attacks powerful build, rend (2 claws, 1d6+12)
Psi-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +7)
. . At will—astral repair (2 hp)
Aegis (Trailblazer) Powers Known (power points 13, ML 4th; concentration +3)
. . 0 (at will)—
Str 26, Dex 20, Con 26, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 9
Base Atk +10; CMB +20; CMD 41
Feats - Custom Feat -, Cantrips, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deadly Aim, Improved Critical, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Jump Scare, Perfect Style (Untwisting Iron), Power Attack, Stand Still, Stasis Storage, Student Of The Astral Suit
Traits bruising intellect, gift for magic
Skills Acrobatics +11 (+15 to jump), Climb +12, Diplomacy +6, Fly +14, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (psionics) +10, Knowledge (religion) +9, Knowledge (Warfare) +15, Perception +18, Profession (soldier) +11, Profession (quartermaster) +11, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +8, Survival +9 (+11 to track., +11 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +12 (+16 to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion)
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant
SQ active energy type, - custom talent -, astral skin, casting, compression, divine, divine time, divine warp, extradimensional storage, finesse weapon attack attribute, haste (Speed +10, Attack +1, AC/Ref +1), invigorating suit, isoport, psionics, psionics: rapid teleportation, psionics: temporal feedback loop (1 target), psionics: timeline link (one ally), psionics: warp edge (1 target), quick teleport, rapid adjustment, rapid response (Init +2 Evasion), store structure, teleport, track, two minds, undetected tracker, unseeing teleport, viewing
Other Gear liquid glass bardiche[APG], belt of the weasel[UE], campfire bead[APG], dusty rose prism ioun stone, ring of sustenance, wayfinder[ISWG], bedroll, board games[UE], bucket, chalk, chalkboard[APG], coffee (per cup)[UE] (500), coffee pot[UE], crowbar, folding chair[UE] (5), hammer, hemp rope (150 ft.), large chest[APG], piton (50), pocket watch, signal horn[APG], signal whistle, soldier's uniform[UE], trail rations (30), 426 gp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Active Energy Type (Fire) Lets you set your psionic active energy type.
Astral Skin AC +0; Free customizations: speed (2), nimble.
Brawn (+2 Str) +2 enhancement bonus to Strength while wearing astral suit.
Cantrips You can create a variety of small magical effects
Casting (CL 4, MSB +6, MSD 17, Concentration +10, DC 16) You can cast sphere effects.
Combat Expertise +/-3 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Reflexes (6 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Compression (Ex) Move through areas 1/4 normal space without squeezing or 1/8 while squeeze.
Damage Reduction (2/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Danger Sense +2 (Ex) +2 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -3/+6 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Divination: Divine You can divine magical auras
Divination: Divine Time Divine events that happened in range up to 1 hour ago per CL
Divination: Divine Warp Divine for disturbances in space
Divination: Viewing You can divine to view a remote location
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Fly (60 feet, Average) You can fly!
Focus Casting (DC 22) You must make a concentration check to use magic without your focus item
Form Astral Suit (Su) Form an astral suit around your body.
Invigorating Suit (Su) Gain a bonus to Constitution checks and Fortitude saves.
Jump Scare Demoralize a foe as a free action after you teleport.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Nimble (+4 Dex) +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity while wearing astral suit.
Painful Magic (DC 12) When using magic, you must make a Fort save or be sickened/nauseated
Perfect Style (Untwisting Iron, 3/day) You have trained at one of the Houses of Perfection and have an innate connection to the school's associated element.

Prerequisites: Wis 13, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5th.

Benefit: When you take this feat, choose one of t
Personal Warp You may only teleport yourself
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Powerful Build Can function as one size larger where advantageous.
Psionics (18 rounds/day) (Su) You can create psionic effects
Psionics: Rapid Teleportation (Su) Spend 1 psionics round to teleport as move or swift action (self only)
Psionics: Temporal Feedback Loop (1 target, DC 17) (Su) Target(s) must make rolls twice and take worse result (Will neg)
Psionics: Timeline Link (one ally) (Su) While active, use Aid Another as a free action even when not your turn on ally in range
Psionics: Warp Dodge +3 (Su) While active, immediate action to give self or ally within range a bonus to single saving throw
Psionics: Warp Edge (1 target) (Su) While active, target(s) gain +2 circumstance bonus to attack, +4 damage
Push Successful melee attacks allow a CMB check to push the target.
Rapid Adjustment The trailblazer can, as a swift action, alter his astral suit's customizations to better allow him to follow prey or respond to changing environments, but he is limited to the list of customizations below when doing so. The customization being lost a
Regeneration 5 (Acid) Heal HP quickly and cannot die.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 30 ft. by sense of smell.
Speed (10 feet) Increase land speed by +10 ft while wearing astral suit.
Stalwart Ignore partial effects when making a Fort/Will save.
Stand Still When taking an AoO, you can make a combat maneuver check to end opponent's movement instead of attacking.
Stasis Storage Spend 1 minute to lock or unlock your extradimensional storage in temporal stasis.
Student of the Astral Suit Your studies in other areas has not hindered your skill with astral suits.
Time: Haste (Speed +10, Attack +1, AC/Ref +1) Target can make an extra attack during a full attack
Time: Improved Haste Custom talent
Time: Rapid Response (Init +2, Evasion) Target gains init bonus and may always act in surprise round
Track +2 (Ex) Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Two Minds (Ex) Roll twice on Will saves and take the better result
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed.
Undetected Tracker +2 (Ex) Add the listed bonus to Stealth checks when focused and with an active astral suit.
Warp: Extradimensional Storage (150 lbs.) You gain a permanent extradimensional space that may hold non-living material
Warp: Isoport You may alter your teleport target's velocity & spatial orientation.
Warp: Quick Teleport Teleport as a move action for additional SP
Warp: Store Structure (Large) 1 SP to place an oversized object in extradimensional storage.
Warp: Teleport (40 ft./160 ft.) You can teleport touched creature as a standard action
Warp: Unseeing Teleport Teleport without line of sight (1 SP)

Short Description of Earthdawn Background

Earthdawn takes place in the past of the Shadowrun setting. The premise is that magic power is cyclic, and goes from being completely nonexistent to govern all physical laws. Each cycle lasts for several hundred years, and starts moving onto the next one gradually. During no-magic phases, the world turns completely mundane; during the full-magic ones, the veil between the primal world and the astral world becomes so thin that magic monstrosities, called Horrors, are able to travel between both planes. Vicious and lethal, Horrors force the inhabitants of the primal world (known as Namegivers) to go into seclusion, protected by powerful enchantments, until a time when the lack of magic starts driving the Horrors back to their plane again.

After around 500 years of seclusion, the time to exit their fortresses comes again for the Troll Moots of the Twilight Peaks. Skyraiders ready their flying drakkars, rejoicing in the prospect of sowing terror into their preys' hearts. Equal parts norse vikings, highlander clansmen and warring samurai, these proud folks both honour their ancestors and live to enjoy the present.

I am issuing the friendly reminder that there is less than a week left until the recruitment closes. That deadline may be extended if there are a large number of submissions, or a few particularly promising submissions, that remain incomplete by that time. To be on the safe side, operate under the assumption that May 15th is the deadline unless I formally change it to another date.

Chyrone wrote:

GM, is Sacred Geometry allowed?

Someone actually has made an online math tool to quick work this with.

Since I am unable to ensure that players refrain from using the online math tool, my ruling is that Sacred Geometry is hereby banned.

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Yes, though I've played with the courts a bit. I could details this more if you needed it.

That would be much appreciated.

Simeon wrote:
Presenting Lord Rhombus von Scalene, hapless Morporkian noble, and Peanut, monkey and wizard extraordinaire!

Did Rhombus have any involvement with the Unseen University, considering he is a wizard?

Well, Rhombus himself isn't a wizard. Rhombus barely even understands that magic exists.

Peanut has dealt with them some, but not extensively. He's mostly self-taught but doesn't really talk about how.


Nioku is a mythical figure, a legendary hero from ages past. For most, considered the best Archer to ever have been. Nioku's Bow is an artifact sought by many, still to this day.

She was born in the Thundersky moot, in the heart of the Twilight Peaks. As a gifted adept, she followed her Discipline and became a useful asset during raids - her ranged capabilities kept many enemies' heads low.

When she reached a certain level of power and maturity, she went on to explore the world, expand her knowledge and hone her skills. An Adept's career usually so demands it if one wants to advance. A hard life, since Horrors are always a threat and the way of the Sniper is tempting. She fought many Horrors, helped many people and won many contests.

Specially famous was her rivalry with an elf Archer, Talondel. Legends speak of how Nioku managed to defeat Talondel in an archery contest, only to go back to him and ask that he killed an Horror that was terrorising her clan. "If the mighty Nioku and her famous bow can't defeat the Horror, how could I accomplish that?" the elf replied. Nioku explained that the Horror knew too much about her, but not that much about Talondel. She offered her own bow to him. "If you kill the Horror, you can keep it."

Impressed by this act of altruism (since owning someone's personal items can give you advantages over her), Talondel agreed, went on to meet the Horror in combat and managed to kill it. Soon after, he returned the bow to Nioku, forging a lasting bond of mutual respect between them.

Nioku's end was a sad one. As every one knows, Horrors are a constant threat. One of the most feared and dire is one known by many names and soubriquets, though never its true name for fear of alerting it. We will call it "V" here, just in case. So this Horror called V managed to corrupt Nioku and slowly crept into her, finally controlling her very actions. Her Troll moot was dismayed to have to face their long time hero and put her to death, but Trolls are not easily demoralised. Nioku killed one after another of the waves the Thundersky moot sent to battle, but still they pressed on. Aware of what was happening, Nioku's mind was forced to witness the massacre without being able to stop her body. In the end, though, her sheer willpower allowed her to regain control for one quick second, enough to lower her guard and allowing a young Skyraider to drive an axe through her skull. In her last moment, she was glad to have been defeated by her clan, and thought about how dangerous it is to amass all of that power into a single Namegiver.

Nioku is small for a Troll, even being almost 7 foot high and weighing about 400 pounds. She's always been famous for being graceful and quick, rather than though and strong as most other Trolls, though her true strong points are her sharp senses and her willpower - features she was already born with and that she developed through her Archer discipline.

Her blue-grayish skin is covered here and there with the archetypical bone plates, and a pair of magnificent ram-like horns sprout from her head. Of these she's very proud, and they certainly are the target of every Troll's looks. A long ponytail keeps her black hair from being in the way of her aim.

Trusting her quick reflexes and tough hide, Nioku prefers to wear comfortable clothes rather than armour. Of course, a longbow is always in her hand or hanging from her back, though her legendary bow hasn't make it to Kisarta.

Seer of Shadows wrote:
Lawful Lilly wrote:
3. If a creature does not have a mouth, does not have a face, and cannot speak, than would any of it's other forms of communications be translated? What if it could send it's data in an audible form?
Could you give a specific example? I feel that is a murky enough topic that a clear answer cannot be given without more information.

In this case, it's specifically for LNC. Primarily, about how "Human" I should make it. I'm debating whether or not it'll speak english, whether or not it should start in a body that is solely "It," or what else I should do for it.

Seer of Shadows wrote:
Lawful Lilly wrote:
4. Having my illusions Do Things- How close to the binds of reality will my illusions have to behave before they start requiring saves? Will someone who can deduce it's an illusion but has not saved against the illusion react as if it is an illusion, or will they still react as if it was not an illusion?
I don't plan on treating illusions any differently in this campaign than I would in any other. Assume that illusions work as they normally would in other campaigns.

The problem in this case is that the rules for Illusions are incredibly soft. Mechanically, there's nothing to say that because they see a Lion they react as if they are seeing a Lion, or they might presume it's just an illusion because they know an Illusionist is about. Nothing to say that, if they see the haunted specter of their dying grandfather clawing at them and saying "Peter, peter, please, please, they're killing me peter, please!!!" the target will respond *at all.* I had a campaign where I worked to establish that a shadow creature was haunting the kingdom, only to have it fail because they were just like "Hey, that's all just an illusion, who gives a s%@* that an ominous ghost is quietly whispering that the kingdom is doomed."

So yeah, I just want to have some examples of where the limits of illusions apply.

Seer of Shadows wrote:
Lawful Lilly wrote:
In addition, how quickly will she be able to join a Faction in order to requisition magic items?
That's ultimately up to the players. I fully intend to gently nudge players towards a certain faction early on, but it's up to them whether they choose to engage with it or not. Be warned that currency is different on Kisarta and so you will likely not have enough to commission anything meaningful by the time you reach the city of Limbo.

Thank you, but in this case, I'm specifically talking about the Faction Sphere's Requisition ability, particularly with the Supply package, in order to requisition Scrolls and Wands from my faction. Will I not have access to these talent effects for an extended period of time?

New questions!
In addition, I do have to ask, but how will we function in terms of economy, wealth, and material goods? Will we be getting goods? How does Aether Shards work?

In addition, what are the rules for the creation of martial traditions? 2 equipment 2 other talents? In addition, are Unified Traditions avaliable, with custom traditions on the field?

What materials currently in playtest can we request? I have two things I want to look at- A Leadership Sphere feat that allows them to select Utility Talents, and a Trap talent that allows them to reveal traps as a [Plan]

Finally, can I request the ability to use Vancian Spells in Trap Sphere Traps through the Spell Trap feat?

More detail on the Feywild for Ixivixi.


The fey lands she comes from are both ancient and eternal. While some people think that they are a place of chaos, others know that every law, promise, binding, pact or agreement still lives in some form and has their own special form of magic. Aeons of such conflicting bargains often leads to unexpected consequences.

It is infused with vitality. Gardens and fields easily produce more than enough food. Game is common and some varieties are tame enough to catch by simply leading them off. It takes little effort just to live. What's more, the fey don't age and the mortals live long lives.

Magic is easy there and most people pick up at least a few tricks. This is the common baseline and to stand out one must be clever in how they use and combine magics. Or paradoxically, become an expert in doing something without magical assistance.

This leads to a long-lived population with lots of time on their hands. Finding ways to keep yourself and others entertained is of paramount importance. Thus there are a variety of guilds troupes, associations, clubs, parties and coteries. Often with complicated politics both within and without. Nothing like a good amount of intrigue to spice up the centuries.

This plane is also a nexus, with portals coming and going on schedules nobody has completely mapped. Many of which lead to places far less civilized than here. There have been invasions of demons, undead, and even the worst of them all, humans.

Where most people would form an army, they have a number of private guilds to deal with this. Competition keeps people sharp and blades sharper. the two largest are the Cabal of Crowns and Keys and the Band of Blade and Bramble. Some mortals who have wandered by call them the seelie and unseelie, but they are far beyond such simple classifications.

The Cabal of Crowns and Keys is for those who favor daring, luck and leaping in before they look. They tend to follow their instincts and hope that they can figure it out before anybody notices. Their banner is red and gold with a manticore.

The Band of Blade and Bramble values cunning and cleverness. If a few rules need to be bent, just make sure that your success is bright enough that nobody cares. They always have a plan, or at least put on a show that this is all part of their strategy. Their banner is green and silver, with an ouroboros.

In ancient times, having multiple groups dedicated to defense led to conflict that spread amongst the people. While they were immortal, having their lives cut short by violence led to negative outcomes. So the council of Queens instituted rules for war.

War became a regular occurrence during the proper seasons, with time fallow to prepare and whet people's appetites. They kept the war to a few hours to avoid interfering with meals and parties and other such business. Just enough to keep people occupied.

Their battlefield is outside of the city of Gildenheart. A few acres surrounded by stands for the commoners and boxes for the elites. An orchestra provides an improvised soundtrack to dramatize this. Groups and warriors have individual motifs to highlight who is doing well that day.

Wards keep all of the effects within the battlefield, and bound rituals gift everybody with enhanced vitality at the start of each war session. Combatants are expected to fight until the vitality is gone and actual blood is drawn. After that, one may withdraw with honor. But the bravest will continue beyond this. But it is considered bad form to actually die on the field.

The battleground gives everybody temporary hit points equal to their hit points at the start of the war. Leaving with THP is cowardly. Continuing with real damage is brave, but actually going down makes you ridiculed.

But while war is often combat, they do mix it up. On some days there are contests of art or athletics or skill. They may be tasked with building a tower, cooking a feast, or writing and performing competing plays. There may be sporting events or political debates. None of this is known beforehand, as the Master of Wheels chooses what challenge will be set before the field.

In some cases, multiple challenges are mixed. One particularly popular event had people fighting each other until the orchestra played, at which point they had to stop fighting and begin dancing with their partner. They were scored on both the violence and passion that they brought to this.

Imagine real war combined with MMA, pro wrestling, team sports, and every variety of reality TV. Then add the Hunger Games, the Olympics, Mardi Gras and the Met Gala. And of course, all of this is done with magic by a variety of species.

After the war, everybody is healed up and the evening festivities begin. Among this is selecting the Victors and the combatants who deserve prizes and even titles. There is often intense debate and politicking as everybody tries to convince each other who to choose.

It ends up with a big awards presentation. Fancy clothing, speeches, the occasional fistfight.

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