Chicago by Night (V:tM - 20th Anniversary Edition)

Game Master Talomyr

Locations and NPCs

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Locations and NPCs

Ollie unceremoniously kicks the rat corpses into a nearby sewer grate, the Nossies might not appreciate it, but who are they really going to complain to? They're the one who chose to live in the sewers.

Having fed and disposed of the bodies, Ollie finds himself with the remainder of the evening to deal with in whatever manner he chooses.

Anything in particular in mind?

The male youth staggers back into the crowd on the dance floor, woozy from blood loss, while Calliope leaves to find Savanna.

Buy Subterfuge 2 for 2 Xp, and Politics 1 for 3XP

Having watched Calliope in action, Savanna starts to mimic her, moving eerily like her Demeanor: Chameleon at first, but soon she uses more her womanly assets (and the fact that she can easily pass for human) than her words, forgetting subtelty, sensuality and charm to target a redneck-looking guy gulping beers.

Appearance+Subterfuge: 5d10 ⇒ (6, 5, 9, 7, 6) = 33

For those who can hear the few words exchanged, Savanna's voice seems to have taken an hint of Southern drawl matching her appearance

If successful, will drink 2 Blood

Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen

Ollie wanders the park's edge for now, getting a feel for what might be his new hunting ground. He knows other Gangrel might be about, or worse things if he goes too deep.

To most, it looks like he's walking with his dog.

Locations and NPCs

Ollie - give me a Perception + Alertness

While she's not quite able to find her prey of choice, the Succubus Club has a reputation to uphold and only cater to a certain clientele - one that does not typically include the beer swilling redneck types - Savanna is more than able to find someone to slake her thirst.

A few moments later, Savanna and Calliope see each other exiting the dance floor.

Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen

Had to edit first roll as it didn't format /work right 5d10 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 10, 5) = 26

If buttons gets same: 6d10 ⇒ (9, 8, 8, 9, 6, 10) = 50

Buttons has the best rolls in the game so far!

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