Chicago by Night (V:tM - 20th Anniversary Edition)

Game Master Talomyr

Locations and NPCs

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All but Savanna:
Edwin grins as well, "Pamphlets not to mention entire books.

I have a previous engagement this evening so I cannot join any tour".

ST Talomyr:
Perception+Empathy 3d10 ⇒ (8, 5, 9) = 22

13/13 BP 7/7 WP

All but Savanna:

"Perhaps we should discuss how to achieve our mutual objective going forward." The doctor suggests, keeping it vague because at least one of them did not seem to be fully aware-- he'd leave it to the others to fill them in if they felt him trustworthy. "I am known at elysium and have some mild influence within the city. Many seem to view me as approachable, especially compared to others of my clan.

"I suppose there's no reason to hide it, I am of the Malkavians. Rest assured however I do not harbor the mental instabilities of much of my clan; the notion that we are all mad is flawed logic commonly held by outsiders. But I think you will find me to be eminently reasonable." He smiles.

I have honestly no idea why the doctor Baker wanted to see Miss Marchette. I just have a few questions to ask them, that's all. And maybe try to mingle among others Fanged ones, as I was quite discreet so far. I thought I would have a better luck to socialise with newcomers than with people way more known in Chicago.

Locations and NPCs

You didn't notice any undercurrent of ill intent from Joey's question about former Prince's...that being said, no one answered him, so that leaves a loose end.

Savanna Douglas:

"Fair enough, that being said, knowledge is power - even if the knowledge itself is of little consequence - and power isn't free. I suppose you are willing to owe me a favor should I provide you the whereabouts of Dr. Baker and by way of doing that, likely the whereabouts of Miss Marchette?" Bronwyn cooling asks.

All but Savanna:
"Have you any further questions for me before I take my leave for the evening Mr. Hart?"

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